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Mrs peel

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Posts posted by Mrs peel

  1. On ‎4‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 2:40 PM, howiveaddict said:

    Except, Jason wasn't in the picture yet.   The talk was just rude to B.  Also, Lu was always rude to B before she had money.  When B was on the Hamptons Magazine cover, Lu asked her if it was touched up.  Lu has always acted like the high and mighty countess when evidence showed she could be a fall down drunk.  Remember one article about her sloppy drunk, all over a guy, at a party, before the count left her.

    B dated another Jason prior to meeting her (second?) husband Jason.  That's who Ramona was talking about.  He was a hedge fund guy, divorced with, I believe, custody of his children.  There was a fake B and Jill moment that season where B was supposedly looking for an apt for her, Jason 1 and the children to live in.....Season 2 maybe??

    I never saw the question about touching up the photo as a horrible thing, it's pretty standard for magazine covers these days.

    • Love 2
  2. 1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

    Is it me or does Beth seem to not respect Carole anymore?

    In the first couple of seasons together, I think Beth dug Carole.  She seemed to be her partner in crime and she seemed to treat her with more reverence.  I get the feeling that Beth initially thought Carole was Ms. Serious Journalist who is brilliant and cavorted with the Kennedys to now seeing her as a bit of a fun sucker at times, who doesn't know as much as she thinks she does, and whom has a May/December romance that she pokes fun of.  It just seems like Beth is treating Carole like she does most of the RHONY cast now.

    Was it B who was so excited that Carole was a "princess" and could stick it to "countess" LuAnn?  Now that LuAnn isn't a countess any longer (heck, it was always an honorary title and really lost the sheen after the divorce), maybe she just doesn't need Carole any longer.

    Or maybe that Ramona.....or both of them.

    • Love 2
  3. On ‎4‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 10:51 PM, MissBluxom said:

    In hindsight, wouldn't it have been better for P & E to have told Paige something close to what they did but agreed to have "distorted" the main facts? For example, they could have told her they worked in espionage but for some other country - maybe some Eastern European country. In that way, if the unthinkable were ever to happen, Paige could never tell anyone anything that would check out. She could blab everything she knew and none of it would ever check out.

    Instead of "wheat", they could have told her they were investigating a plot to damage computerized automobile ignition systems. Then, if she ever decides that she just has to come clean with her pastor, they both would just be left holding a big bag of air.

    I know this probably sounds like a "childish" kind of approach to prevention. But, given they were determined to tell Paige something that was essentially the truth, couldn't they have made a few "adjustments" to the truth that would have given them a chance to get out of the country before they got life in prison?

    I wonder this too, as I wondered why Philip went from he was in internal affairs to a Russian spy with Martha.  Say he was working for a friendly government (Mossad anyone?).  The USSR was a huge enemy at the time.

    I'm also wondering how both parents seem to be missing that Paige is on the edge, mentally.  Heck, Pastor Tim learned more about her in a brief conversation, though I don't know why they didn't have him suggest more prayer (when Paige said she wasn't praying much).  She is losing track of the things that matter to her.

    • Love 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

    What do scholarly accolades have to do with the fact that Carole gets called out more than the rest of them for not doing much of anything? There are several posts this week already where she is called lazy. More last week and many more last season. It is an honest question - why is that? You could compare her to any number of these chicks, but the easiest and most obvious comparison would be Dorinda. Maybe I've missed them all, but I don't recall anyone calling Dorinda lazy or driftless. They are roughly the same age, both had very successful careers, both are widowed, and both don't seem to have anything that we can see that would take up a lot of their time. This is Dorinda's 3rd season. By her 3rd season, Carole had released a book since being on the show. I will grant you not a very good book, or a successful one, but she did accomplish something. Can someone please point me in the direction of what Dorinda has done in 3 seasons? Hey, I don't mean to hammer Dorinda. I like her fine, although she is looney as hell and IMO the most judgmental about others and what she believes to be right and wrong (don't walk into a restaurant without me, and don't say "fuck" in Europe). Dorinda is very smart, extremely accomplished in her prior career, yet she does absolutely nothing and as far as I have been able to ascertain from her time on the show, and unless I've missed it, hasn't talked about wanting or needing to do anything except travel up to the Berkshires. Which is just fine by me. I just don't understand why the same folks who think Carole is lazy don't feel that way about Dorinda. 

    I don't know if it's the "scholarly accolades".....but the others don't make a pretense of working (well, except Sonja but that's a whole other subject!). 

    When Carole came on the show she called herself a "writer", talked about the new book she was writing (which did get published), the essays she was writing (never appeared), the pilot she was writing for the second book (disappeared into nothingness).  I seem to recall she also claimed to be doing other work, though it's a vague memory.  More recently it was the vegan cookbook, for which we saw very little work on the show and nothing happened.  And on the show we saw her miss multiple deadlines for her publisher, enough that she pulled the next book/essays contract.

    Carole also made a big deal about the lunch interviews she did for some magazine, which in reality weren't that many or that long, and which were mostly with her own personal (though well known) friends.   I'll agree she needed to do some initial research and needed to write down and condense the interviews, but still.....

    • Love 2
  5. 43 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    OMG.!  I didn't see it.  I wonder why I never heard of this before.  I've only visited NY a handful of times, but, I have quite a few friends in NC, who grew up in the Northeast and I've never heard it from them either.  Anyway, I'm so sorry if my comment was offensive.  I certainly had no idea it was a regional accent thing.  Please accept my apology. 

    Carole grew up less than 10 miles from my house, in a similar time frame (Suffern to Monsey).  That's not where she's getting the dropped double t's.  


    Also want to say that I work with many highly intelligent people.  People who have multiple degrees, people who are frighteningly book smart.  And yet some of them don't have a lick of common sense in their bodies.  So again, who's to say who is "smart" and who is not?

    Ain't that the truth!  There's a reason people talk about "book smart" and "street smart."

    • Love 2
  6. On ‎4‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 1:40 PM, zoeysmom said:

    Yes I thought how effing stupid are you Ramona?  Then she answered my questions when she started advertising herself in the market for a man in his fifties who has been married, doesn't work a lot, has grown kids and lots of time for her.  Gee, I wonder how hard it is to find marginally employed men in the fifties?  I half expect Mario, the contractor, to come back with a moustache and introduce himself as Mario's older brother Luigi.  Ramona should also make it clear that he be widowed or divorced, not just been married.

    It might not be that hard, if Ramona was willing to be the breadwinner.  But I'm guessing she's not.  In addition to everything else, he needs to be wealthy.  That guy - he's dating a 30 year old.

    • Love 3
  7. 4 hours ago, waving feather said:

    Does anyone else find Emily kind of snotty? She turned her nose down at Aaron when he told her about his new job. Her reaction as a friend is bad. If I were Aaron, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with her anymore. I think it's the actress; she's not good at exuding warmth. So different from the actor playing Seth, because he is good at it.

    Well, they aren't long term friends.  And Emily is the one who is loyal to the President, from back when he was a Cabinet Secretary.  Aaron Is a late-comer, having worked for the former president.  Considering the Majority Leader is from the other party and has acted against the President before, I wasn't surprised at her reaction.

    I'm getting sick of the FBI response to the conspiracy.  This is a conspiracy large enough to kill most of the government, have the VP's wife kill him and herself, kill a terrorist when he's in a super-max prison under the tightest security we can imagine, abduct and kill a small child - so Hannah:

         (1) calls her old boss - who's son was killed by the conspiracy - to go after the woman who took his son;

         (2) shows up alone at night to what she thinks is the house the woman/others are in, then when no one is home takes no action to see if there are bugs/cameras/etc.  but instead, in full view of the camera focused on the front door, calls her pal to update him (those cameras were probably high resolution enough to pull the number from her phone!);

         (3) then she again, without any backup (except for Atwood who is trailing her), goes into another supposedly inhabited house.  And when they subdue dark-haired terrorist, leave her on the ground for a couple of minutes while they talk, instead of immediately checking her for more weapons.  She also, while in the basement of a suspect's house, turns her back to the door to look at the items on the desk instead of calling for backup.

    • Love 3
  8. 17 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

    It's going to be hard this season - the separating of politics from the RH's. Have we ever had a situation like this before? I don't watch all the HW shows so I am not sure. My guess would be that Carole is the only one among the lot of them who is even registered to vote, so my guess is no. I know others hate it, but I am in major rejoice mode. Others talk about watching the shows for escapism, but that is hardly what I have seen the last few years.  Eating disorders, infidelity, alcoholism, etc.  That is some dark shit that just keeps getting revisited over and over again. Talk about depressing.  I'd rather hear Carole's opinion on the election than Ramona's on Lu's lying cheating dog of a man. 

    I'd be surprised if the others didn't register and vote (well, Sonja may have forgotten in a drunken stupor).  And while you're right that much of what's been on the RW shows can be dark, it's not "us." or "real life."  For me at least, I don't know Ramona or Luann in real life, so while I have opinions on who's right and who's wrong, it doesn't impact me.  Not so much the election, and I therefore hope they don't make it a major storyline (especially having now been reminded of Carole's stupid "am I part of the 1%" giggling).

    • Love 5
  9. 17 hours ago, shura said:

    This makes sense. The only thing that doesn't quite fit is that Oleg seems to be earnestly looking for corruption and bribery, while what you are describing is good old-fashioned theft and trafficking in stolen property. Someone steals the goods from the supply chain, and the store manager simply buys and resells them. There is no bribery involved, and the KGB/OBKhSS would know that.

    There is also the question of why the store manager cares so much to be so well-stocked with higher quality produce. She'd turn a profit even with the crappy, half-rotten stuff if she held it back. People would buy it anyway since there is nothing else there, and her store wouldn't stick out as much. I suppose she might be shooting for attracting and keeping her customers with the higher quality goods. If so, that's very entrepreneurial and capitalist of her, isn't it?

    But remember the store manager didn't have the good produce available for sale up front.  It was locked up in back.  She was making a personal profit (cash/barter/whatever) off the stuff, by selling/bartering it to special customers.  There was corruption.  Though I appreciate everyone's information on the messed up distribution system and failure of the Soviets to fix it.  Did they even try?

    • Love 3
  10. On ‎3‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 9:58 AM, ChromaKelly said:

    Oleg/Russia - Poor Mama Oleg in the gulag. I'm also not quite following the Russian grocer storyline. The store manager doesn't get more profit because she has better products and more customers, it all goes to the government, right? Another week of "nothing better happen to my Oleg!" I felt a little sad that he thought Stan had betrayed him.
    Stan - Kind of proud of him but I guess he's also trying to save his own ass. I could see P&E's spy-dar go off during that dinner with the new girlfriend.
    Henry - Also curious if the phone call is about being gifted in math. Maybe next season Henry's going to be involved in War Games-ish hacking? Shall we play a game...
    P&E - Philip was not on his game with Ms. Logistics. It did make me wonder what happens if a mark is unreachable? Like your personalities don't mix, they get the sexual preference wrong, mark is an introvert, etc. I thought the bedtime scene was the best of the episode. It really showcased both their personalities. I do think P likes the making friends aspect of the job but hates that he's using people. He was a little jealous of E that her mark is a nice, likeable guy and he's stuck with no-personality Logistics. E is all business and doesn't give a shit that he's fun.

    The store manager had the "good stuff" locked up in her cage (there's a metaphor!)  - I assumed she sold/bartered those goods for special treatment/goods for herself and her family.  I thought Oleg and his pal are working their way up to go after the person(s) who keep the "good stuff" to themselves (also probably selling/bartering it for special services/goods for themselves). at the central warehouse.  She's one store manager; the guy she buys from has many store managers giving him special treatment.

    I thought P&E didn't want to do the seduction because of their growing love for each other, but also because they are realizing what Paige's future might be like.    I'm not really following the thought process of the Center, if both of the targets are single, they can't threaten to blackmail them to avoid having a spouse learn of the cheating.  Developing a relationship like P's with Martha takes time, and P&E aren't well situated for a long-term relationship in KS.  

    I wish they hadn't dragged out the math teacher storyline.  Have the darned meeting already!

    Good catch to whoever mentioned Henry tossing the perfectly good food away was a sly reference to the food shortages.  All I thought was "Jeez, but some more jam on the darned thing!"

    • Love 7
  11. On ‎3‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 7:50 AM, Almost 3000 said:

    Andy Cohen Names the 5 Housewives He’d Invite to His Dream Dinner Party

    Shay Spence

    People March 10, 2017


    If you were to curate an all-star dinner party of Housewives, and you can only pick five—past or present—who do you choose?
    AC: Dorinda, Erika Jayne, Shereé, Gizelle from Potomac and Tamra.

    What a horrible list.  And I see we're now using "curate" for EVERYTHING.  You don't "curate" a dinner party (all-star or not).  Annoys the heck out of me.

    • Love 4
  12. 38 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

    Yeah, take a look at the pics in the DM piece.  Any of Carole with Carolyn?  Nope.  But there's one of her & John-John.  Uh, where do ya think DM got that?  My guess is Carole gave it to Bethenny, who gave it to her PR girls.  

    Oh, I bet Bethenny barked out orders to those PR girls -- Keep Carole's 20 year old Kennedy connection alive!  That's the only reason fame-ho Bethenny would keep Carole near her.  She can always find a suck-up follower.  But a suck-up follower with a Kennedy connection?  Hmmmm.

    That photo appears to have been taken by the paps, so if B's minions obtained it, it was probably from the agency (and Carole looks so cute in that photo, that hair length is great on her!).  I have no idea whether Carole and Carolyn were friends, but I find the participation in this documentary (which likely isn't something JFK Jr.'s sister is cooperating with) disturbing. 

    But the documentary also looks like a whitewash - note the article says the crash was caused "by the conditions that evening" where one automatic system gave a wrong weather forecast, showing 9 mile visibility.  But I recall (and it's sad I recall) that the official cause of the crash was pilot error - JFK Jr was NOT instrument-rated, and he should not have been flying at night without another pilot.  There's no 9 mile visibility over the ocean at night, so regardless of the forecast, he shouldn't have been flying. 

    I'm also a bit surprised that Carole is saying she kept telling someone else to contact JFK Jr.'s family - didn't she have a contact?  She's also very quick to say she notified the authorities, yet the FAA was already aware the plane hadn't landed (of course, they likely didn't know who the pilot was).

    • Love 2
  13. On ‎2‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 11:05 PM, chick binewski said:

    “The truth is, the world made it into something more than either of us have.”

    Yes, the world told Carole how invested both were in the relationship. After the world called the boyfriend's daughter on national television.

    “I don’t know what the future holds. It’s not a heartbreak story, it’s a heart healing story.”

    Translation: Did I mention I was tormented by my ex? 

    So convenient she's not ready to get married again when her boyfriend is still married.  Seriously, she thinks people buy this garbage?

    • Love 13
  14. On ‎2‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 9:36 PM, LizDC said:

    Lisa Rinna's blog...


    So, pretty much everyone is responsible for what's happened. 

    I did not say “Kim was on the path to destruction” or “near death” the way Eden relayed it to her eager listener. What I said was, “They’re this close to Kim dying.”

    The above is quoted from Rinna's blog.  Rinna, these are the same thing!  "near death" and "close to dying" are identical.  Stop lying!  Eden may have changed the words, but not the meaning of what you said.

    Eden, #stopwiththehashtags #theyareannoying #reallyannoying #iamnotkidding #stop

    • Love 12
  15. 19 hours ago, shoegal said:

    I don't believe the police, the DA or the judge that issued the restraining order have to do anything that Bethenny says....Jason was arrested and charged and a restraining order issued, that's a pretty strong indication that something is wrong with his behavior, but he'll get his chance to defend himself in court.  So far we have seen no evidence that Bethenny is guilty of stalking or harassing Jason.  I have a feeling, though, that no matter what Jason does, somehow Bethenny will still be at fault.  

    With the caveat that I don't know how this works in NY, in Chicago I will tell you that Judges routinely sign emergency restraining orders on an ex parte basis (we call them protective orders), after a series of incidents where the refusal to sign an order prior to the defendant/estranged husband-boyfriend being notified in advance resulted in him then attacking the woman before the order could be issued.  So if this was ex parte, I'm not necessarily impressed.  In Chicago you can get a protective order pretty easily with a police report (or even without), and the police routinely fill out the reports, even if neither the police or prosecutors file charges or have the defendant arrested.

    That said, Jeez these 2 need to move on in their lives and come to some closure and learn how to deal with each other for the sake of their daughter.

    • Love 4
  16. On ‎1‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 2:58 PM, Writing Wrongs said:

    When they showed that flashback of Marissa talking about the UK Citizenship test, it made me go looking and I found this fun one:


    I only got 11 out of 24.

    14, and I've never been to Britain.  How would I know about the education act of 1944???  Shocked at the number of people on a jury in Scotland.

  17. On ‎1‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 10:40 PM, NYCFree said:

    It's not a tax write off if it never show a profit, otherwise it's just an expensive hobby and hobbies are not tax deductible.

    I'll bet they do write off the expenses, at least to the degree of the (presumably small) amount of money she makes from any gigs, iTunes sales (yeah, her songs are on iTunes), or whatever.  If she has contracts to perform, it's a business.  Not a lucrative business I would guess, but she can deduct the business expenses to the extent of her income.  That said, I assume her costs exceed the income - though based on those "sets," she's not spending that much money.

    I'm not sure if she can deduct the clothing and jewelry.  You can deduct uniforms, because they are required and you only wear them at work.  All this assumes the IRS even audits the tax return of course.

    Did I hear in the previews that she's claiming to have performed in front of a 30,000 crowd?

    • Love 3
  18. 20 hours ago, Mannahatta said:

    I do believe that I'm officially sick of this program. I'm tired of watching how hard they have to work at the gym. I'm tired of hearing all of their giggly anatomically incorrect references to their "vaginas" and the "vaginas" of others. I'm tired of their shopping trips to buy more of the same stuff they already own. I'm tired of their mincing little steps as they scurry to greet each other with phony enthusiasm in too high heels. I'm even tired of their house porn. And don't even get me started on their meaningless verbal exchanges. (I hesitate to qualify them as actual conversations.) But yet, like an addict chasing that first high, I will probably continue to watch. Is there a 12-step program to stop watching this crap?

    THIS is our 12 step process, you have just acknowledged step 1 - you are powerless over your addiction./1




    /1  Apologies to all those who have/are affected by addiction issues.  No harm meant, just trying some humor.

    • Love 6
  19. 3 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    No,  Erika made it crystal clear that she had no desire to watch/support Kyle on CA.

    I didn't watch, but I wonder if Erika thought she should have been on the show. 

    34 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

    Regarding the bolded part, Dorit started to say how women in their forties were blah, blah and Erika interrupted and said, "you turned 40 last week," making Dorit look like a fool, for which Erika threw out a rare apology.  It did take Dorit off guard who was trying to flatter Erika.

     I heard it that way too, but maybe I mis-read the episode recap.  Thanks for confirming my initial impression.

    • Love 6
  20. On ‎1‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 9:35 PM, HunterHunted said:

    That conversation with Eileen and Dorit was AMAZING! You could tell that Eileen was all prepared to be angry and outraged and Dorit wasn't letting her. Cracked me up. There was a conversation? Between who? What was said? Where did it happen? At a party? At my party? I don't recall any conversations at my birthday party? My dinner party? There was a conversation? 

    I cannot stand Erika. I like that the camera caught the price. Leaving the price tag on is so Erika. Obvious and tacky.

    I loved that conversation too, although I thought Dorit was lying about not remembering.  It's a great way to avoid the conversation though, but I thought she then started to get into it, which kills the no memory claim (maybe that was at the lunch and not the fake walk?).  Because if you're going to deny a conversation, deny, deny, deny and refuse to talk at all.  Give the fake apology "I'm so sorry if you were offended" and move on.  Funny though to see Eileen stymied.

    LisaR shouldn't have brought up her own father's death if indeed it had nothing to do with any fight with LVP (never mind bringing up how many deaths Eileen has dealt with).  I assumed Dorit and PK knew about the whole thing from watching the show - isn't that what we viewers always say newbies should do, and that we LOL when a newbie (cough Erika) claims to have never seen the show?  They didn't need to drag it out though, and PK saying her father's death was an "excuse" for LisaR's behavior surely hit her the wrong way.  It may be an "explanation" for her behavior (but not according to her because it was no where near in time to the events?!?  I got lost in the convoluted discussion) but it's not an excuse.

    Erika and her sidekick can get over themselves NOW.  He acted like the silky underwear was granny panties, and did he say something like 'why is there any material in the crotch?"  I didn't rewind to listed again.  Ewwww.....if that's the way she normally rolls, I don't want to sit anywhere she's been sitting.

    Just read the episode recap, and realize I heard wrong at Camille's house about the "in your 40's" discussion.  I thought Erika was saying Dorit had just turned 40, not that Erika had just turned 40.  Last night I thought it was a stupid attempt to shut up Dorit, now I'm thinking "Erika, I thought you were in your late 40's, so don't be getting nasty about your birthday!"

    • Love 2
  21. On ‎12‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 8:11 PM, Kokapetl said:

    A rich person gingerbread house competition:


    Not opposed to this if a real family tradition.....but Jeez, could there be ANY color anywhere?  White and tan home, black clothes on everyone.  Only the gingerbread houses indicated it's a holiday!

    And they are sufficiently badly done to be real and not just fake it from a bakery (which I appreciate!).

    • Love 1
  22. On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 10:43 AM, wings707 said:

    I hope the high five at the dinner table between Dorit and Erika was truly the end of this nonsense.  Probably good for Erika that it did come up, though. The look on her face, when she learned, was genuine horror.  She won't do that again. 

    While I also hope the high five was the end of the nonsense, Erika can lose me with the "genuine horror" look.  She knew what she was doing; this is a woman who has "pat the puss" as one of her canned things to do during her performances.  If she didn't realize the possibility that going commando with such a short skirt could easily result in people getting a "show," then she's dumber than I think.  I do think both she and Dorit dragged it out without any good reason.

    Which reminds me, since Kyle had that bedroom switched out to a dressing room, how come she didn't realize her underwear was showing?  Wasn't one of the purposes so that she could get dressed in more comfort?  Doesn't that include one (or more) full size mirrors??

    On LVP and more pets - at some point they lack the time to devote real attention to the pets if they keep adding to the menagerie. And it's not fair to ask the staff to take on the emotional well being of their animals.  So I can see why they don't add even more dogs to the group.

    Dorit can lose the fake accent anytime now; it's just affected, not even really British.

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