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Mrs peel

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Posts posted by Mrs peel

  1. 20 hours ago, izabella said:

    Tom's meetings likely aren't at hearings or in court.  He's meeting with clients, judges, police chief "friends", finance and corporate types...mostly schmoozing.  Those kinds of meetings often happen at lunch, dinner, cocktails, or some event like golfing.  I've no doubt he has brought Erika as arm candy to those kinds of meetings.

    Not clients, he's not spending his own money to schmooze the average personal injury client.  Even police chiefs aren't really in his wheel-house, since his caseload is civil, not criminal.  Judges, sure, but more likely it's local counsel who has that locked down. And he doesn't seem to have the type of practice (repeated cases involving multiple plaintiffs/defendants nationwide, as in asbestos exposure - if it's not a one time accident/exposure, he seems to be dealing with long term exposure to larger groups of people situated in one area) where he'd be in the same courtrooms (outside of CA) repeatedly, to justify repeated trips to hotbed counties.   Corporate types?  He's not representing them, heck, they don't really like him or his business model. 

    I have no doubt he travels, but not so much for work.

    • Love 2
  2. 3 hours ago, Satchels of gold said:

    I think it was pretty brilliant how Erika steered the conversation away from "how hot our husbands are" to how smart my husband is. I get the feeling she has had to explain her marriage quite a bit throughout the years. 

    Well, she might try to explain it, but I suspect most people get it.  And she wasn't attracted to him because he was smart.  and he has spent a similar amount of time explaining the marriage, and no, everyone knows he wasn't attracted to her because she had a nice personality.

    • Love 5
  3. 6 hours ago, LizDC said:

    From Kyle...

    Well, since it was apparently her former bud's app, of course they were.  Now if you didn't have money and access and your kid charged $100, it would have been more difficult to get Apple to refund you.

    in addition to co-signing everyone's comments on bad parenting for not having parental controls, I was appalled that this clip was shown.  I would like to think we never saw his response because he said "are you crazy!?  I am not going to embarrass my young child by putting this on TV." Jeez Kyle, not everything is fodder for tv watching!!!!

    had to laugh at Yolanda holding stuff to her chest and being "diagnosed."  At least she is a rich fool being parted with her money, she can afford it.

    Eileen, don't go shopping with Erika, the hooker look isn't good.

    erika claims to net cash out of her alter-ego?  Seems hard to believe considering the size of the posse.  I am also surprised (and don't believe) that hubby needs to constantly travel for work.  If he's that high up on the food chain, he is not attending routine hearings.  And most cases settle, and those conversations are often by phone.  I also cry bullshit on Erika sitting in on his meetings with counsel, clients, the Court, unless he was claiming she was his secretary or a paralegal - she is/was not an employee of the firm.

    5 hours ago, Satchels of gold said:

    Correct. We are just as bad as the housewives. Someone came up with 37,000 and now we are repeating it like its gospel. 

    Possibly, but Kyle was saying each line item was $100, even if only 10 lines per page, it was a decent guess.

    • Love 8
  4. 16 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    Here is further information on Sonja's Tipsy Girl vs. Bethenny's Tipsygirl trademark case.  http://www.realitytvscandals.com/2016/01/07/tipsygirl-vs-skinnygirl-bethenny-frankel-professional-victim/

    Not to be a jackass but Bethenny "protecting her brand" by registering ( I am thinking it did not  through) Tipsygirl, seems kind of lame.  So the claim is anyword combined with girl is infringing on her brand? 

    I think Bethenny was smart when she essentially questioned any success promised by Sonja.   Say nothing that promotes Sonja brand-not even for a storyline. 

    Bethenny has been franl about the fact she did RHNYC to build a platform promote her brand.  She has never been shy about claiming this and denying friendships from the show.  It was about her brand and getting out there and she was a giant success.  So any conversation about friends betraying friends is a misdirection, it is purely business.  The downside is Bethenny is her brand and too many missteps over impotent competitors and she has shot herself in the foot. 

    That's actually a pretty good article, in terms of the law.  I don't know much about trademarks, but potential for confusion and whether the 2 companies/products are in the same line of business are 2 of the things the court looks at to decide trademark infringement.   If B were really interested in protecting her brand, she would object to The TipsyGirl trademark application.  But again, if she is no longer the owner of the S********l trademark for purposes of alcohol, she may not have a basis to object (not sure if her having a continuing interest in the marketing for $$ would be enough, but in a court fight TipsyGirl could ask for proof that she is harmed, which opens up the specifics on the deal with Jim Beam).  Filing for a trademark she doesn't intend to use is bad form, people often file for every possible use of a name (she did that herself), but that is protecting the brand.

    if there were a court fight, it would be interesting to know about actual sales volume of the various products, that is something B probably doesn't want out there.

    i'd forgotten about her firing the team before the Jim Beam deal, although that looks a bit more convoluted.  I can't believe Raw Talent never got a written contract, pretty stupid.  Or bright of B, looked at a different way.  It looks like they put her in touch with a talent agency, but then they continued to work - with the talent agency - on various things, including marketing of the original drink.  Which seems odd to me, my impression is they are "the guy" who puts you in touch with the people you need to take the product forward, not that they help you with the product itself.  It may be that they kept butting in on things that they weren't supposed to be involved in, and formally firing them was the only option.  She fired Raw Talent before she created the alcohol company, long before the Jim Beam deal.  But if they were right about the terms (and I couldn't find a complete copy of her answer), it was a pretty great deal for them.  No wonder she settled.

    • Love 1
  5. On ‎5‎/‎9‎/‎2016 at 4:18 PM, WireWrap said:

    Ramona didn't get in Bethenny's face when Bethenny decided to add wine to her list of alcohol products last season, so maybe Ramona needs to rip Bethenny a big one for encroaching on her line. LOL

    Since B doesn't own the alcohol line, she didn't make the decision to add wine to the line-up. 

    • Love 1
  6. On ‎5‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 11:20 PM, WireWrap said:

    Bethenny knows full well that Sonja is just the face of "Tipsy Girl", her "partners" did all the work including naming it. The woman thinks she now owns anything with "Y and girl" in the name. LOL

    Well, B can get a life with trying to trademark a name she hasn't been using AFTER someone else has already filed.  Interestingly, she probably sold the rights to SK*******l as a name for alcohol to Jim Beam, if so she herself can't even object to Sonja's trademark. That may explain the filing of a new trademark v. an objection to Sonja's trademark.   And considering the names highlight different things -- "thin" v. "drunk", even though they have "girl" on them, who's to say they are close enough for there to be confusion?

    Oh Lord, Peter Guimaraes is listed as the applicant/owner of the Tipsy Girl trademark.  His linked in page says he was planning to open a restaurant Tipsy Girl, in 2015.   Hmmm.....here we'll remember him as Ramona's partner in the restaurant (though his Linked In page says he was involved in that for only 6 months, ending in 2015), her former boyfriend, and former boyfriend of Mario's girlfriend.

    And we thought LuAnn's new guy had been passed around.

    • Love 9
  7. On May 5, 2016 at 0:14 PM, zoeysmom said:

    From Rinna's blog:

    I hold myself accountable for not enabling Kim Richards. Yes it was tough--love. Yes, love.  I have learned this much about addiction: Enabling is not loving.

    What the hell is she talking about?  Much like "own it" Rinna has no concept of what enabling means.  

    Nor does she know what accountable means.  She acts like it's a good thing, but "enabling" an addict or alcoholic is not a good thing.  

    • Love 4
  8. 2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    I believe it is over on the Erika thread, Tom and his firm was sued for charging off private flights to plaintiffs and in the pleadings it is alleged he owns the company that owns the planes.  Apparently through a lot "costs" he ran the settlement up from the agreed upon 33 1/3% to 40%, in a hundred million dollar plus settlement. I guess that comes out to almost a million dollars extra in expenses.  When asked by reporters Tom blamed the lawsuit on the RHOBH and his wife's exposure of their private life.

    From my research a medium size jet for charter would be around $65,000.00 round trip between LA and NYC.  So chances are Tom charged back to the clients that amount.  So if you deduct the profit, keeping in mind Erika still has to pay a crew, fuel and terminal fees, these freebie flights are expensive and I don't see Bravo picking up the tab.

    Ah, haven't been in her thread recently, so I missed that.  Yeah, people don't generally know that the classic plaintiff personal injury lawyer contingency fee is "plus costs" and those can get high (and are owed even in a losing case).  But charging for a private plane ride when you could fly on a regular airline is ridiculous. 

    private planes for an individual are rarely cost effective

    • Love 3
  9. On April 28, 2016 at 9:12 AM, ElDosEquis said:

    the yo/Erica Joon dynamic is only one of convenience, free airplane trips. I can bet you dollars to doughnuts that yo won't be as 'mobile' now that she is divorced? No one to finance her 'journeys' and hold her hand while she gets her injection of monkeyballs and porcupine penis?

    Again, NO ONE challenged her about her wacko freezing/lemon/home IV regimes and for that? I am truly disappointed.

    NeIther of them will be as mobile when the cameras are off since that plane belongs to Eriks's husband, likely to his law practice.  His partners won't allow him to use the plane for private purposes without reimbursement, and since we know these 2 aren't really friends, there is no reason to spend the cash if the cameras aren't rolling.


    i did think it was interesting that Erika finally admitted the plane isn't hers and she rarely was able to use it.  Even for his firm to own it is just showing off, it is highly unlikely it gets used enough to be cost effective.

    • Love 4
  10. 7 hours ago, wings707 said:

    Kudos.   There is no wrong way to be, react or feel.   They all think that others should respond as they desire.  Having been a couples/relationship counselor for 30 years I have NEVER experienced this level of unawareness. I taught a high school course.  My students knew more coming in than these women know now. It stuns me, really it does.  Is it the wealth and privilege?  I don't know.  I am baffled. 

    But we would not have a show if they knew this.  So there is that and why we watch. 

    I sometimes think rich people and celebrities live in a world where everyone so caters to them that they lose perspective.  Everything is made so easy for them.

    Someone on this board (not sure if it was this forum) once recommended a series of articles in the New York Observer by Richard Kirshenbaum (now a book).  He has a great one on "paid friends" - the stylist, yoga teacher, etc., who all agree with everything the rich person says.

    • Love 6
  11. 6 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

    I think it's her way of reminding people of what a smart, successful businesswoman she is so it must mean she always knows what she's talking about. I think in her mind she feels that she's helping people by throwing questions at them and sharing unsolicited opinions but it's easy to see why others will take it the wrong way when her attempt at helping others is done in a manner that somehow makes it all about her.

    She has no awareness that the world doesn't revolve around her kinds of problems and circumstances. What influences her decisions may not be the same factors that influence someone else's. She was living in a hotel prior to her home renovation. Of course you'd want to have your home done as soon as possible so that you can give yourself and your daughter a home to make roots in. Why is that the same as Jules and her family deciding to do a 7 year renovation project on a home that isn't even their primary home? They are not temporarily homeless because of it. Maybe they want things to be just right and are willing to take the time to make the decisions they know they won't regret. Maybe they want to spread out the expenses involved. You're not going to know all of that about someone you just met. So when you go into her home, take a quick tour, get a feel for what their vision is and say 'wow, 7 years is a really long time but I'm sure you guys will love it when it's finished'. There are people millions time over more rich than she is and they managed even before there was the "Bethenny's Guide to Success and Riches".

    AND, she has no idea what Jules and her husband paid for the house, nor what they are actually spending on renovations, nor what the housing prices are in that area.  So to say they won't get their money out of house is just making shit up.  Also, that house did not look like a "McMansion" at all, it seemed very nice (and low-key) from the front.  Very different from Bethenny's bright red gates screaming "look at me, buy SK********L" products!  [I've decided I don't want to give her any more publicity by spelling out the company name).

    Considering Bethenny is about "quality" not "quantity", apparently at 3300sft her house/grounds aren't big enough for what she wants to do.  Because it was all kinds of odd that the drinks were in the front of the house, but the seating area was in the back, and it looked like the food was on the side.  Heck, isn't her "bar" in the back?  Why have drinks up front?  Made no sense to me.

    I'll go with both Lu and Carole are in the wrong in the ongoing feud.  I do think Lu had a reason to be upset about Carole dating her niece's ex-boyfriend, and an over 20 year age gap is pretty large (and way more than between Lu and Jacques).  But at some point she needed to let it go.  Twentysomethings have relationships that end, if her niece was blindsided (which she may not have been depending on whose story you believe), she still needed to at some point pick herself back up and get over it. Carole on the other hand, has no business bringing up things that have nothing to do with the situation.  La wasn't claiming Carole shouldn't be having sex outside marriage, never seems to have mentioned pedophiles, etc.  For Carole to now claim that Lu cheated on her husband, dated younger guys, had one night stands, whatever, isn't legitimately in response to what Lu claimed about her.  And for once can someone decide whether Lu had an "open" marriage or not?  Because If YES, then she didn't cheat on the Count.

    Lu "moving on" may be a sign that she has shallow relationships, and if true then her friends just need to take that level of friendship into account.  Carole can decide to not be friends in the future, but running away from Lu at parties is childish and painful for everyone around her.  And I just went to her twitter account -- to claim that re-tweeting negative things isn't being negative but the classy thing to do to support fans is just stupid. 

    • Love 6
  12. 1 hour ago, Lady Grump said:

    Any Veep watchers out there? LVP 100% "Danny Chung / Torture'd" Eileen. LVP kept mentioning the word "affair" like it was no big deal and connecting Eileen to it (Like Selena did to Danny Chung at Clovis!). That's the kind of crap LVP pulls -- it's sneaky, but effective. Lisa's manipulations aren't blatant, and it's a shame more people can't see how shady she is. Oh man, when her comeuppance arrives, its going to be bye-bye Joffery Baratheon-level satisfying. (Not that I want LVP to die; but I do hope that one day people wake up and realize how awful she is! And yes, it will happen one day. Maybe not for another 2 years or so -- but it will happen.)

    Except LVP isn't "connecting" Eileen to the word affair - Eileen has acknowledged that she and Vinnie had an affair that ultimately ended both their marriages (IIRC, she has claimed that her marriage was already all but over at that time).  I may be forgetting, but it seems to me at least that it was Eileen's multiple demands for new/better apologies for LVP asking about the affair that caused the word to be brought up repeatedly.  YMMV.

    It almost seems as it what Eileen wants is for LVP to somehow take back the question, as if it never happened.  Can't happen.  Heck, LVP could have asked "what made you think it was ok to f**k someone else's husband?"  But she used Eileen's word.

    • Love 10
  13. 2 hours ago, KFC said:

    While I do think Eileen should have dropped it, I saw what she did in those "apologies." LVP never really apologized.

    She'd always twist the apology back around to make it Eileen's fault. "I'm sorry YOU are the problem" was basically what it always boiled down to, and I think that's what she was referencing in feeling vindicated. 

    I don't think saying "I'm sorry YOU were upset" is blaming Eileen.  It's the type of apology you give when you don't think you are wrong, but feel the need to apologize to calm things down.  And as LVP doesn't think what she asked was "wrong," that was the best apology Eileen was ever going to get (which LVP confirmed when she later said she didn't mean it but felt she needed to say it).    Now Eileen can always decide not to accept the apology, except that she did accept it, at least at first.

    this isn't the first time someone has given the "I'm sorry you were hurt\took my statement wrong/etc. apology.  Sometimes it has to be done to get the issue resolved.

    Ultimately, Eileen was the first person to talk about how the and Vinnie broke up 2 marriages to be together.  It's not something to be proud of, or to expect people to understand.

    • Love 9
  14. But speaking of, notice in the opening scene how good Bethenny's bra fit--nothing slopping over anywhere, and nice and even all the way around. There was also a little glimpse of some of the "hands-on" work the bra fitters do, which can be a little weird, but you can't argue with the results.

    Sadly, I have a friend who died of cervical cancer, which is caused by HPV (the thing teens get a shot for now). She was one of the ones having sex with her boyfriend in high school in the 1970s; I don't know when HPV became deadly.

    And she called him her "high school lover." I've never heard that before--it was always "high school boyfriend." It kind of gave me the creeps.

    I grew up in a fairly small town in Texas, and having sex in high school was most decidedly not the norm. Certainly no free clinics or anything of the sort. The conservative slant of this town hasn't changed (and I think it's actually gotten more church-y since the 1970s), but I'd bet a ton of money there's a lot more sex in my high school now than back then.

    At the University of Texas in swinging Austin, in 1975, my dorm was all girls and we voted on what hours men would be allowed to visit, and even then, they had to call from the lobby and be escorted by a resident. Of course, I'm elderly, so that explains a lot.

    I thought the good fit was due to the implants, though thinking now she didn't seem as big on top as usual.

    Sorry to hear about your friend, I hadn't heard of HPV being around in the 70's.

    My college had one all girls dorm, but also had one floor that had restricted hours for male visitation. Apperently not that many middle class parents on Long Island were that concerned (I always swear that at every SUNY - State University of NY for those who don't know the reference - one third of students were from Long Island!).

    • Love 2
  15. Martha knew Clark was fake, but she didn't know it was a foreign entity he worked for did she? I was thinking that she was probably figuring it was some sort of corporate espionage situation, or even a different agency (CIA?) checking up on the FBI.

    Martha was originally told Clark worked for internal affairs, investigating a leak from her department.  I doubt she'd now believe he was CIA.  But I wondered why Clark didn't say he worked for a sympathetic government, say the Israelis.  Sure, we don't like Israel spying on us, but it's not like the USSR.  And Philip had that asset, the Swedish-American wife of the DOD official, and he claimed to be working for Swedish intelligence.  I always thought Martha stayed with Clark after learning of the first lie because she really loved him, and couldn't/wouldn't believe he was working for the "bad guys."


    Now?  All bets are off for her.  As others have said, once she realizes there's no future with Clark, she won't go quietly anywhere.  I can't imagine her in Moscow.  By the end of the episode, I started to think that, unless Martha does get back to the FBI, her end is Phillip quietly killing her.  I can even imagine her asking Phillip to kill her, because her life is over.


    I do love that everyone here talks about the big picture of how the writers are sculpting the season (something I don't tend to do).  If we're talking about things coming out into the open, I think of Oleg's father, doing the military firing salute at his son's graveside - something that he already said was not allowed.  We're only a few years away from Gorbachev, perestroika, and glasnost.

    • Love 3
  16. Sonja was on WWHL on Tuesday night.  Anyone else see it?  I think she said that both she and Ramona had previously dated Luanne's new guy. 

    I cringe at Sonja's version of 'dating.'  Moaner?  It must have been a blip on the horizon, or is another of her "I dated him years ago" stories.


    On Jules and Shabbat dinner - I grew up with Reform Jews, so no one did Shabbat dinners.  But I always thought this was a serious thing, not a "let's get a breadstick and speed talk through the prayers while standing in the kitchen" and then not even eating dinner?!  Did she even light a candle, or was she just holding a lit match?  Also, if they are Orthodox, wouldn't they not drive after sundown on Friday?  I can't recall right now when they arrived at the Hamptons house. 


    I thought Luann's "house hunting" was just to give the realtor some tv time.  That first place looked so much worse than the apt. she had with the former boyfriend.  The second was nice, but no way, as others have said, she could afford that.


    And I must have gone to a slow/boring high school, because in 1974 girls having sex in high school was not the norm.  College, yeah, lots more happening.  But part of my point about Ramona was how she always acts so holier than thou.


    [edited to add]  I grew up in the suburbs of NYC, actually not far from where Carole grew up.  Thinking more of Moaner in high school (I'm taking one for the team here, you can all thank me later!), I think she grew up in a more rural area, around Albany?.  I went to one of the many SUNY colleges, one of the many rural ones.  I can remember learning that in those small towns, there wasn't much else to do in high school!  Maybe that's Moaner.

    • Love 4
  17. I was, well, disappointed isn't the right word because it's Bethenny and Ramona and expectations are low...but their conversation about men with small penises bugged me.  Ramona is admitting that she's cheating on someone, but the man she's cheating with is the bad guy because his penis is too small for her liking?  What's a man with a small penis supposed to do?  Never have a relationship?  Well, obviously never with either of these two, which might very well be a real selling point for having a small penis.


    And hey, Ramona--would you rather have a small penis that's all yours, or one you consider adequate but you have to share? 

    Did I mis-hear, or did Ramona really say this was a high school boyfriend?  Because she makes out like she's always been this religious Catholic, and now here we are hearing about high school sex.  [and I totally agree with the Previously.TV recap -- how have we never heard this story before?!?]. 


    I knew Luann smoked, but shouldn't have been surprised to see Dorinda smoking.  I wonder if they all smoke, it's certainly a way of not eating and keeping your hands busy.  It's surprising to me because I know virtually no one over 35 who smokes - if they ever smoked they quit long ago.  .

    • Love 6
  18. omg, I never knew that a C cup changed sizes depending on the band size! How did I miss this all these years - send me back to a training bra!!

    I'm right there with you back in training. I've been reading posts thinking "what the heck is a band size"?

    Back to RH, I agree that one of the problems for Dorinda - and maybe why she lashes out so much (in addition to the alcohol) a is that she is herself uncomfortable with John. She defends him to others, but she isn't very nice to him. Heck, part of me wonders what he sees in her - others have said his business is very successful, Dorinda is not all that IMO.

    • Love 11
  19. Jules, you may keep kosher but as a nice Jewish girl you should know that we do not believe in Hell so touch the shrimp, eat the shrimp, you will not be going to hell.

    That's the first thing I thought! Second was, if you are kosher (or have food allergies, etc.) ASK what the food is before touching!! It's not hard.

    Speaking of too thin, I had to keep turning away during the Carol and B lunch.....Lord those women have skinny faces with way too prominent cheekbones. I can't decide if it was artful makeup, implants/fillers or just too damned thin! And looking at Jules, from the back in jeans, showed narrow stick thin legs.

    Dorinda didn't need to go to 11 to combat B and Ramona, but B was all sorts of wrong about being offended John talked to her about business without Dorinda around. It is, as others have said, exactly what she would have done, and nothing wrong with it. Ramona should have kept her mouth shut, and B's attempt (later on, of course) to act like she knew it was CYA.

    I thought Carol's comment about "5 good summers left" was another bad attempt to be funny.

    Ramona's place looks better without the grandma curtains, but everything is going to fade, fade, fade if she doesn't get some kind of shades.

    [edited because aces and faces are not the same]

    • Love 2
  20. It must be a prestige thing, but I just can't see the appeal. My kids love to run around naked, but you don't want to give the guys on the course an eyefull!



    And I think it was Stephanie's controlling husband who insisted that she complete this task. I'm not trying to be sexist, I'm sure there are plenty of women who could complete such a task. But after "x" amount of years with this woman, wouldn't he know this was not in her wheelhouse and just do it himself? Or hire someone? No, I get a controlling/gamey vibe from this guy. She made a mention of him giving her chores like this often. Is he trying to keep her busy? Or setting her up for failure so he can ridicule her? Seriously, something is off about that marriage.

    On the garage remote....if they bought the garage opener, why didn't the company program the remotes. If they bought the house newly constructed, why didn't the builder program the remote? If they bought from a previous owner, wouldn't they have gotten the prior owner's remotes, already programmed? Heck, even if they had the garage opener coding changed, again, wouldn't the company have re-programmed the remotes? I am smelling producer interference.

    The only reason they would have needed to program the remote is if they bought an additional one....and heck, many new cars include an option to operate the garage opener without the remote (from the rear view mirror in my old Prius).

    • Love 1
  21. Probably not fucked. I think she managed to get a settlement in her divorce from Mohamed because she had basically no assets of her own, or much of an earning capacity, and he was so rich it would be unconscionable for her to get $0. She won't get anything like that from David.

    Plus, she had 3 children with Mohammad, and was married for a number of years. Yeah, she got mega-child support for the kids (which is mostly gone now), but some courts would look at the young children and decide the wife shouldn't have to work, regardless.

    She and the King have no children and a short term marriage. Factor in she had money (Mohammad's $15MM) when they got together, she is not the very young, poor inexperienced wife. Heck, she negotiated a prior pre-nup! If the King was intelligent he would have made the language super tight.

    • Love 5
  22. This show is a classic "it's so bad it's good."

    The "powerhouse" fundraiser lives in a very small house with her middle class boyfriend (nothing against cops, my father was NYPD, but it is a middle class lifestyle), and it is unclear she has any job ( I like the idea that the party organizing may be her job, but then wouldn't she be more in the background during the events?).

    The 2 Bambi's live in basic McMansions with no acreage, no taste and no class. Did we ever learn what actual "careers" their husbands have? The real idiot said he hoped to be a millionaire and traveled a lot, but no statement about "what" he did.

    The person who seems to have the most money is a nurse married to a plastic surgeon. Can't argue with that -it is at least a real career.

    I can't remember what the wife of the low-rent Keith Urban poser claimed to do for a living. Having been a catalog model with drinking/drug problems doesn't scream cash in the bank to me.

    Lord, was there another one?

    But hey, Jesus juice! Very bad Botox! Blue eyeshadow put on with a trowel! Baby voices!

    Please God tell me the People's Couch will be watching this train wreck.

    • Love 9
  23. I have to laugh at Thomas whining about how South Carolina laws give the unwed mother total control over her children. Boo-frickin'-hoo, T-Rav! You screwed her, she got pregnant, then you didn't want to marry her because both of you are 1) bat-shit crazy, and 2) morons. You knew the law or learned about it soon enough after Kensie's birth.


    He could probably have gotten good legal advice to marry Kathryn with a solid pre-nup and trust-fund for Kensie, then divorce her after about 2 years, providing her with a nice home, car, few years of alimony, and specific child support, plus a court-mandated visitation schedule. But he couldn't even bother to do that, too worried about running for a political office he had no chance of winning. 


    Either way, those poor kids (seriously, now there are two!) are going to be pawns between their parents for decades, just because T-Rav can't keep his hands of their mama due to her red hair and "physicality". 

    Thomas is lying when he says he has no rights...or at least that he can't have rights.  Have these 2 idiots established paternity?  Because under SC law, once paternity is established, the father CAN sue for visitation/custody.  But let's see, he's 50+, a drunk, etc.etc.etc.  Kathryn is not much in the brains dept, but she at least lives with her family.  Yeah, she's getting custody.


    I do feel for the children.  There's some hope that Kathryn will wake up and become an adult, she's only in her early 20's.  But Thomas seems beyond the point of acting like an adult.  Those kids are going to be picking him up off the bar-room floor in 20 years.

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