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Mrs peel

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Posts posted by Mrs peel

  1. 32 minutes ago, shoegal said:

    That's why I do believe Bethenny's timeline, because I don't for one second believe that Bethenny would open herself up by screaming at LuAnn, "What married man have I ever slept with??" if she were or had been having an affair with some guy.  I just don't see Bethenny being sloppy and opening herself up to someone piping in "Ummmm, Dennis Shields??".  Now, of course, she is open to the criticism (although the whole "they aren't divorced yet" thing seems like a lot of hair splitting, but I get it on a technicality).....but then, I fully believe her dating/romantic relationship with Dennis hadn't started because she screamed that with such conviction and seemingly no fear that anyone would out her.  I just don't see Bethenny taking that chance.

    BUT she is/was sleeping with a married man, because he is STILL married!  Now different people think different things about having affairs while separated, but he is still married.  Do you know what you call a guy who is separated from his wife?  A MARRIED MAN.

    B thinks that if she yells enough and talks over people enough, folks will believe here.

    When did anyone decide that B’s married man was in the middle of a “long drawn out” divorce?  I thought they hadn’t even filed.  I recognize that, if your divorce drags on, it’s unlikely the parties won’t move on to other relationships, and B fits into that mold.  In those instances, it’s understandable and I wouldn’t be upset about it.  But this guy hadn’t even filed, he’s off limits in my opinion.  ESPECIALLY as to introducing your young daughter to him.

    I actually agreed with Luann about the phone call to the “daughter.”  Do we even know it was his daughter?  B had that plan in place before the reunion.  If the daughter, what a horrible thing to do.   [whoops, see others beat me to it]   

    Carol’s dress.  It also looks as if she had material added so that the dress wouldn’t be sheer, and that doesn’t help.  When I saw her I thought “Gunny Sax”(sp?) from the 1970’s, anyone remember those dresses?  Think Little House on the Prairie.  Her hair even looks like that.  It’s a ridiculous look for her.  Heck, I think the dress is horrible even on the model, please Lord tell me Tom and Lorenzo didn’t like it?!?  But then again, I’m sitting at work in a Talbot’s twin set (one of about 5 million that I own) and tan slacks, so what do I know about fashion.

    Dorinda and John.  Never mind that Sonja of all people claimed he would never fit in, jeez Dorinda shit all over him in her comparisons to her second husband.  If John doesn’t leave her after that, he has no self-respect.  Drugs?  Well, Dorinda clearly drinks way too much, maybe she mixes that with drugs.

    Loved, loved that Luann still can’t (won’t?) spell B’s name correctly!  Loved it, a more “I don’t give a s**t about you” couldn’t have happened.  B and what's her name in BH, THAT'S zero f**ks!

    • Love 20
  2. On ‎8‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 10:28 PM, auntjess said:

    Yes, I had one, but that house was built in 1964.  It also had a yellow & brown master bath, and gray and white one.

    You had a "master" bath, fancy <G>.  Our house was built around 1955, basic Cape Cod, one bath, 2 bedrooms.    Of course in the 1960's my mother covered the real wood flooring with wall to wall carpet (hey, at least it wasn't a shag carpet!).

    Like everyone else, I eye-rolled the "pretty" grey, but also that she referred to using that color as an accent wall.  Huh?  Grey as the accent color?!  I hate the flooring they do, especially the grey tones.  Do something basic for once.  The worst is that because it's generally a laminate or at best an engineered hardwood, the buyers won't be able to sand and refinish.  If they want to change the color, they need to reinstall.

    I can't remember the house, but there was one recently where Christina fell in love with a sort of 3D tile (wasn't really 3d exactly but the center was indented kinda?).  She said it was an updated look for subway tile.  All I could think of was that it would be virtually impossible to clean. 

    I had read about the TX flippers/designers being annoyed that people were renting out their houses, but hey, once you get paid, the homeowners can do what they want.  It's like the Minnesota (or is it Detroit?) restoration woman who inserts clauses in the sales contracts about the buyers keeping the exact look of the home, always having an American flag out, etc.  And supposedly she drives around to see the houses and complain if things aren't as she left them.  Hey, they bought they house, it's their business what they do with it!


    Of course, the painting industry is helping none of us, the official "color of the year" for 2017 is, wait for it, Poised Taupe.  Lord knows why it's "poised."

    2017 Color of the Year

    Sherwin-Williams doesn’t usually like to play color favorites, but in this case we can’t resist. The color we anticipate defining 2017 is Poised Taupe. Here’s why: This timeless neutral is modern, classic and a beautiful balance of warm and cool.

    The 2016 industry shows revealed a surprising transition from grey to taupe. Both contract and consumer color / products have been focused on grey as THE key neutral – although grey is still important, we have seen a significant shift in materials and finish color to warmer, taupe-ier expressions of neutral.


    • Love 2
  3. On ‎7‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 6:22 PM, jcbrown said:

    I hated the exterior of the house, too. I had been doing something on the computer and listening to the show. Looked up when my husband said "ugh" at the exterior and asked, "wait, that was the before though, right?" I thought it looked dreadful.

    We have double sinks in our master but that is because our overlords like to drink from the faucet and play in the water while we are in there. Double sinks mean we can use one and the cats can have the other.

    Hold on, your cats are willing to not take over the sink you are using?  How did you train them to do that?  Mine ignore the second sink unless I am thinking of using it!

    I'm getting sick of this show, as others have said, it's the same rinse and repeat.  My pet peeve is whenever they buy a house in an HOA, and then are shocked, shocked I tell you, that are HOA rules on things like paint color and fencing.  Who would have thought ?!?!  Oh, other than 2 experienced real estate agents/house flippers.

    And of course I get blinded by Christina's bad veneers whenever she speaks.


    How did I miss this look when I was living in the middle of the century?

    I agree.  I think of limed oak furniture and lots of turquoise.  The kitchens were white, until the 60s

    On the east coast, it was pink and grey bathrooms and knotty pine kitchen cabinets (think Mad Men).

    • Love 2
  4. Quote

    Man, these guys are bottom-feeders. I used to work on Wall Street, and these vultures are disdained by even the worst.  The big companies that started this stuff are J.G. Wentworth and Peach Tree funding. Many of those awarded settlements are victims of auto injuries that are horrific...and many were reasonably poor to begin with. Lawyers for the insurance companies love these "structured settlements" as they are called, because the insurance companies are liable for relatively small payments yearly, while the payments go on for 30 years. Say you are awarded 250k...but over thirty years...the insurance companies are counting on holding onto the bulk of that 250k and deriving income/interest from it. They rarely award the total upfront...and most lawyers won't fight for their clients because it's an easy win with the insurance companies if they take the settlement deal...and they announce "hey, I got you a quarter mil" not mentioning that it rarely makes up for the lost job income and ongoing physical or mental therapy that a victim might need. Even worse, these companies go after the victims after their lawyers have gone...calling them directly at home, with a sweet sales pitch. Many victims are not financially savvy and many are not well enough to handle the pressure after finding that their big settlement in monthly dribs does not cover the month...they are easily baited and taken advantage of by these bastards.

    Never let anyone you know accept a structured settlement...fire any lawyer who would agree to it, since it is the easy way out (the lawyer will get his full pay from the insurance folks, for playing along, and it will also come out of the total settlement).  

    Structured settlements do have a place in personal injury world.  There are lots of stories (I know some from my legal aid experience) where plaintiffs got all their money up-front and blew it in less than 2 years. /1   Especially if the plaintiff has ongoing medical/home care needs, a structured settlement, that provides a set amount of money each year, can be very beneficial - because you can't blow it all in one year.  Is the total likely less than what you would receive as a one-time payment?  Maybe. Is the insurance company paying out less because they purchase an annuity in cash that pays out over time?  Sure, but that's no different than any other annuity (social security, any retirement annuity).

    Rarely does a personal injury settlement pay for everything - but it's a settlement before trial.  You could go to trial, but that takes more time, and has more risk.....the defense does win some. Then the plaintiff gets nothing.  The stories of people getting $10MM for a car accident are few and far between.

    Now the problem of course is these bottom feeders, who then take on the structured settlement in exchange for a cash payment that is (way) less than the total the plaintiff would receive over time.  And then the plaintiff, who likely agreed to it because they are in financial trouble, so they spend it all in one piece and there's nothing left for the ongoing medical/home care costs.  We see those ads on TV late at night.

    The plaintiff's lawyers, by the way, don't get more because of a structured settlement.  They generally get a percentage of the settlement (1/3 is typical, but they are usually structured so that if the settlement/judgment is large, the lawyer gets a smaller share of the highest amounts - so say 1/3 of the first $1m, but 30% for $1m to $1.5m, 25% for over $1.5m.  These specific numbers are made up though).

    /1 - Seriously, people who don't have money and come into large sums end up having many, many relatives and close friends who ask for/demand stuff.  Buy Mom (and Dad) a house, buy auntie a car, give best friend money to open up a business, etc. etc. etc.  It goes quickly, and if you don't have experience with money or budgeting, sadly people don't think of the long term.  The worst is folks who go through their children's settlements.  Seriously - when I was working in legal aid my agency used to be appointed guardian ad litem in children's estate matters.  Usually Mom was in court to get money out of the estate for whatever (the kids needs bike - 5th one in a year, or clothing, or to pay the rent, etc).  One woman got a settlement of $250k after her child died at birth, the siblings each received $25k (don't ask me why, but where I practiced $25k seemed to be the standard for siblings to get in a death at birth case).  Mom had been on public aid at the time of the birth, within 18 months she was back on public aid and trying to cash out the children's money.  She had NOTHING to show for the $250k, she couldn't even remember exactly how she spent it.  Another woman had at least bought a house, but she too was trying to get at her children's money to pay the mortgage - although her own mother lived upstairs for free.  Our suggestion that have grandma (who did have social security) pay some rent was rejected out hand!

    • Love 3
  5. 5 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

    My father in law used to take extra packets of Equal when he got his daily coffee at Dunkin Doughnts.  He did not use any sweetener, but he took two packet with each cup.  Two cups a day, 7 days a week  those packets added up.  He would present at least 2 Cool Whip containters full of sweetner  every time we went out west to visit him.  He was so proud when he gave them to us, not only was he "helping us out" he was getting one over on Dunkin Doughnuts because they charged "so damn much for a simple cup of coffee."  I really miss him.

    My father used to take tons of chocolate mints from a restaurant he liked in Orange County.  Like so many he put them into my purse!  They were really good, but he never wanted to try to buy them himself.  Must have been something about getting them free.  I miss him too (It will be 11 years this 8/8).

    Back to the show:

    Agree with everyone about Sonja's jealousy.  She's just mad that she doesn't have a ring, wonder what happened to her ring from JPM?  Sold for some ready cash?  I'm not fond of colored diamonds either, but go with the mantra "never criticize someone's engagement ring."

    Did I hear Jules say it took 3 days to potty train her son and that's why she hired the $2k trainer - who would be saving her One ENTIRE day?!?  Totally rich peoples' problems.  I've never even considered whether there was a "right" or "wrong" way to wipe, go figure.

    B totally won't go to east coast ski areas because SHE wouldn't have the paps taking photos of her at Hunter MT or Stowe.  But, as someone who has skied both, learning on East Coast snow (and ice!) teaches (forces) you to hold a good edge, something an average west coast skier doesn't seem to understand.  A child can learn to ski anywhere, they don't need Aspen.

    And I find it disconcerting that we constantly see B in her daughter's bedroom.  She is totally trying to remind us that she has a daughter, even though she can't show her.  And I hate that bedroom, poor kid, forced into PINK, PINK, PINK.

    Carole's gift to Lu was nice, but if you have to comment that you're taking the high road, the road ain't that high honey!

    I get that Lu is excited about the wedding since she eloped the first time, but 3 dresses is ridiculous!

    • Love 19
  6. 26 minutes ago, izabella said:

    Doesn't a judge eventually rule on a divorce settlement?  I mean, they filed for divorce, so aren't there laws regarding division of assets and if they can't come to an agreement on their own, the judge makes it for them based on the legal provisions of the state for division of assets?  So they must have come to an agreement rather than accepting the rule of law, or they were deadlocked and chose to roll the dice with the judge because they ran out of legal standing to keep maneuvering. 

    I guess I'm saying somebody's back must have been against the wall with no way out.

    If you can't settle, you go to trial.  But because the courts are backlogged, that can take years.  I don't know NYC courts, so can't say how long there (where I practiced divorce in the 1990's, it was 2 years before getting the first trial date).  But since this divorce dragged on so long, it's very likely that a trial date was looming.  Cases often settle on the eve of trial - why spend even more money on a trial (think of multiple lawyers billing 12 hours per day, 5 days per week), and leave the final decisions up to a third party?

    [edited to add].  Courts do review settlements, but generally only on the basis that they aren't unconscionable to one party.  If the parties agree to something, it'll generally be accepted.

    • Love 2
  7. On June 24, 2016 at 9:43 AM, beaker73 said:

    Good.  I'm thrilled that the fake site is down.   

    So many things wrong with what she tried.  I'll start with the new "coming" website page )a stock photo of hands) doesn't have people wearing the magical bracelets.

    the original site?  All we needed to know to confirm this was/is a scam is that is a ".com" website.  Real not for profits use ".org".  Then of course the incredible idea that real charities would go under her umbrella, yeah, the American Cencer Society and the like will rush to the umbrella of a reality tv star with no medical experience and a history of bullshitting about fake cancer.

    although now that I think about it, the insurance tab makes me think that when Icki used the term "umbrella", maybe she meant she wants to sell insurance to all the charities?  Yeah, that's the ticket.  This is really all about selling more insurance.....

    i am also assuming a new boyfriend has an interest in a business that sells these cheap-ass bracelets, because she won't do something without getting some profit out of it.  Or maybe that is Brooks' new business.

    did her son move to Scottsdale? The start of the article said she met with him there.

    [edited to add] I decided to check if she has a Scottsdale office.   Not per her business web page.  Though hysterical in other ways.  The "blog" section just has 3 placeholder spots, specifically for where she could (but hasn's) put content.   Seriously - they are called "this is the title of your first entry," etc.. The text is 'here is where you can put in sip On my way! Inspirational text'.  She isn't even trying anymore.

    • Love 1
  8. On ‎6‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 9:04 AM, Almost 3000 said:

    I never quite understood Lu's move to NY because the Count didn't seem to have it as his primary home. Now knowing she wanted to come back to the states it makes sense. She does seem to fall into opportunities. I missed the part about Jill but I assume it was meeting Jill that got her on the show. Does anyone know the time she was in NY before she got this gig?

    I don't know that she was living in NYC before the show; she mentioned they had the Hamptons home and spent summers there.  I noted that she mentioned both children were born in the Hamptons, and wondered if that were a deliberate decision to avoid any question about them being American citizens (yeah, they would have it through her even if born in Europe, but an American birth certificate is simpler).

    I loved the tape showing her just after her marriage.  Like others, I have questions about how quickly she moved on from the live-in boyfriend (and didn't wait to tell him in person, not "cool"), but it did seem like she was swept off her feet by the Count and sincerely in love with him.

    • Love 3
  9. On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2016 at 1:25 PM, zoeysmom said:

    Apparently, Ramona doesn't watch the show.  If Ramona knew about a gold bracelet Tom gave his ex for Christmas, would not the logical source of the information been from Dorinda?  I find it hard to believe Ramona would actually know Tom's girlfriend and gone out with him.  http://www.allabouttrh.com/2016/06/24/ramona-singer-bashes-luann-delesseps-fiance-tom-agostino-says-relationship-built-lies/

    Ramona Singer has not taken kindly to Tom denying their “7 or 8 dates” and she recently spoke to Radaronline about LuAnn and Tom’s relationship. “I don’t think relationships should be built on lies,” Ramona accused. “He said him and I went out once or twice. Why? We went out a dozen times! Why be deceitful?”

    Grammar, grammar!  It's not "him and I".  And Ramona, you don't get to just about double the number every time you repeat the lie.

    Another good point dating back to pre-season 11, “I find it very strange that he would ask me on dates knowing I’m so close to Sonja and that they were lovers,” Ramona wrapped.

    Ramona, I find it very strange that you are "so close" with Sonja but didn't know Tom and she were "lovers."

    Jeez, do these women never listen to themselves?  If she's not close with LuAnn, why does she care about her relationship?

    • Love 11
  10. On ‎6‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 5:30 PM, ryebread said:

    Women are beautiful and special, too.  Like boobs, some are more imperfect than others but still beautiful in their own way.  I'm more offended when women are called bitches.  Or whores.  Or Ho bags.  Or sluts.  Or c*nts.  

    She said in this People magazine interview, re:  her behavior to Luann

    Sounds to me like she's saying that her health issue made her do it.  If she wasn't so damn unpleasant most of the time, I could buy that.  We're often not on our best behavior when we don't feel good.  But calling another woman a fuck doll?  I'd have to be delirious with fever and possibly requiring an exorcism. 


    Wow....she also says:

    "I have a soft spot for LuAnn and most of the Housewives. We have been through work, love and war together, and honestly, none of it matters," she wrote. "We're healthy, fortunate, beautiful women. I say it in the moment and not behind people's backs. I left it all on the court, as always."

    Jeez, if this is how you talk about people for whom you have a "soft spot." - well, why even finish the sentence, we all know she's a bitch to everyone.  And apparently no one ever told her she doesn't have to verbalize each and every thought she has, that she says it "in the moment and not behind people's backs" isn't always a good thing!

    • Love 12
  11. 13 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

     Dont like Vicki's new kitchen.  I don't think the gray polished concrete countertops go with the cabinets.  Vicki is so disgusting in her continued Brooks bullshit.  She supposedly has a new man already, but no idea if he will be on the show. 

    Give me a freaking break, Meghan.  If she freaks out over blood what the hell is she going to do during childbirth?   Babies should never have babies, especially if the baby is Meghan.  And if her husband is now a coach, she won't see him until October.  What kind of marriage is that, and why the hell doesn't she move to St Louis?   

    OK, I just checked, and Jim is NOT a coach for the Cardinals.  Mike Matheny, the manager, brought back all his coaches from last season, and Jim is not part of that group.   Why would she lie about that?   Plus, you cannot be a coach and a broadcaster, so there's a lot of bullshit going on. 

    Kelly is just plain awful, her mother is scary looking, trying to look a lot younger than she really is.  She has a bar on every floor?   Oy, that's telling.  If she decorated her house, I wonder if she worked in a whore house before she got married because the decor looks cheap and tacky.  I don't know if she's trying to be a new Sarah Silverman, with her crude mouth, but the bitch ain't funny.  And unlike Jeana, Kelly's face work looks really bad.  Too much lip and cheek fillers.  

    I didn't like the kitchen either, the layout seemed odd, and for all the money she probably spent, the marble/solid surfaces weren't even beveled - personal thing, I find the solid corners a royal pain.  They are a magnet for me to crash into.

    Meghan wanting a baby when her husband seems totally uninterested in her is a major problem.  The editors must have loved the scene where he's interested in the bar code on the soap and she was talking babies. 

    When she said Jim was both a coach and broadcaster for the Cardinals, I immediately thought he was a "coach" during spring training only.  My beloved Yankees often bring back former players to coach/help out during spring training only (read the fabulous book "Driving Mr. Yogi" by Ron Guidry for discussion of how the Yanks have former players come back to help the young players.  And it's about Yogi Berra too!).

    The new girl's house seemed odd, why do you need a bar on every floor?  And why all bright white?  I didn't understand the preview, where Shannon is trying to warn her about Vicki and she wasn't having it.  Lord knows, if you spend over 1 hour with Vicki, you'll know she's horrible.

    • Love 2
  12. On June 17, 2016 at 7:51 PM, ichbin said:

    Although it might not be your personal experience, it is in fact a recognized thing in some dialects.  I grew surrounded by people who pronounce things like that and still do it myself.  

    From an article about New England English:  "This form of t-glottalization (especially the /tən/ form) is found commonly in other parts of the country as well (including General American), like in the word "Britain" (sometimes represented along the lines of Brih'in); however, the characteristic is most prevalent in New England."   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_England_English (sorry it' isn't a more authoritative link, but I don't have the time or interest in looking up better sources at the moment).  If you note the map in that page, you'll see upstate NY, in the area where Carole's grandparents lived, is included with southwestern New England, which is where I grew up.  

    So, as much as I would love to think she's just being Carole Cutesy, I think she just has a regional dialect, just like most of us do no matter where we live in the world or whatever language we may speak.

    I don't want to continue an argument, but two things....Carole is not from "upstate" NY, and the NYC tri-state area is not considered to be part of New England.  Rockland County, where she and I grew up, is just north of NYC, on the western side of the Hudson River.  Six hours south of the NY border with Quebec.

    • Love 2
  13. 19 hours ago, ichbin said:

    I'm not a Carole fan, but in this case I'm going to defend her.  I'm pretty sure her pronunciation is a regional thing..  It's like the "t" in that position gets substituted with a softer sound formed further back instead of the tip of the tongue.

    Sorry, but no.  I grew up not 15 minutes from Carole (Rockland County NY), around the same time too (I'm a bit older).  I have 2 cats, I managed to include the 't" sound each and every time I say "kitten.".  And I'm also part-Italian American, so it's not that either.

    • Love 5
  14. Quote

    But then I came to this part in regards to Luann:


    I’m no shrink, but she appears to be suffering from severe cognitive dissonance disorder.

    And I stopped reading dead in my tracks.  Carole can suck it. I know Yolanda has the dibs on Munchausen, but Carole actually 'diagnosed' Aviva with The Munch in her blog, long before Yo was diagnosed by that sorry copycat cow, Lisa Rinna. 

    Wow!  It would have been nice if she bothered to read the definition.  I thought the beef was that LuAnn was faking the happily married, etiquette-loving, classy Countess, but was an open marriage sex fiend in secret.  They never said LuAnn actually believed the former.  And that's what cognitive dissonance is all about (at least that's what Wikipedia says!).

    "In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas, or values, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values."

    And, of course she has to say it's "severe."  It ain't dissonance if you're just lying about one of the sets of beliefs, ideas or values..... 

    • Love 6
  15. 16 hours ago, Umbelina said:

    Sonja's on WWHL and saying she's dated Tom forever and it wasn't a (as Luann said) Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am with them.  She's surprised about Jules' divorce and she's being kind.

    There is more talk about Tom and Sonja.  She says she was with him just before Thanksgiving. 

    Sonja dated Tom "forever" just like she "partied(s?)" with JohnJohn (sic) and Madonna.  Her version of the truth is highly suspect.  And if she had been dating him for that long, shouldn't she also be mad at Ramona? 

    I think LuAnn is taking things too fast, but then again she did this with her first marriage, which lasted more than 10 years and 2 children.  Some people just make that decision really, really fast!  [my Dad proposed to my Mother on their first date, and although she told him he was nuts, they were married within 7 months of meeting.  He met and married the second wife within ~8 months of meeting, having gotten engaged after less than 2 months dating].


    Carole - I hope Mr. Hipster dumps her after the cookbook.  They seem ridiculous.

    Now, don't be mean to Adam, if he can't dump her until AFTER the cookbook is published, they will be together until he dies!  Because that cookbook will likely never be published (ignoring self-publishing here).

    • Love 5
  16. 37 minutes ago, Gella said:

    P&E would get a nice apartment somewhere in Moscow (if that's what they choose), possibly a dacha, their kids would be enrolled into one of the specialised English language schools for easier transition, they would be given a car, and teaching jobs. Or desk jobs in Lubyanka. I am sure they were paid salaries all this time so there might be a hefty balance in Sberbank too. They would certainly have a comfortable life style. It would require some adjustment for them, but they've lived in the Soviet Union in a much worse time, so I can't imagine they wouldn't adjust. Life was harder in some aspects, but not impossible, and for some people in privileged positions it was even very very comfortable. 

    As far as Paige and especially Henry, that would be complicated but people emigrate with teenage kids all the time, so that would not give any of their handlers a second thought. 

    I think the real problem is that Philip has become somewhat more ambivalent and cynical about the whole thing than anyone expected him to be. He is also more invested in the comfort and happiness of his kids than his handlers counted on. He may still be a "patriot" but he is no longer a true believer. 

    Philip has always seen the "good" in the USA.  I actually think it's Elizabeth who now has become ambivalent.  In the first or second season, she would have jumped at the change to return to the USSR.  This is the woman who previously reported on Philip as being squishy on their work.  I think her being conflicted about the Young Hee situation and agreeing to ask if there was an alternative that didn't hurt her friend is an outward sign of that.

    • Love 2
  17. 52 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

    Next week's preview:


    I felt like I was watching lunch at a middle school.

    Wow, if that isn't an indication of B's power on the show, nothing is.  Complete with her sitting at the head of the table and dictating when people can talk.   Obviously this is a producer paid trip, since there is no way B is really friends with Jules (never mind Dorinda or Ramona), so cutting out Luann (and presumably Sonja) is bullshit.

    i do love the garbage that she wants to see high end tequilas, since her "brand" so clearly doesn't include one!

    When Dorinda and Ramona are the rational ones, something is seriously wrong.  Or does Ramona just realize she could just as easily be iced out?

    • Love 8
  18. On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 0:03 AM, izabella said:

    I fully expect something to come of Pastor Tim and his wife meeting the FBI agent who lives across the street from the Russian spies they've been dealing with. 

    Didn't Patty tell Young-Hee that she didn't have a mother?  That it was just her brother and dad?  Some horrible sob story that made Young-Hee remark how Patty brings a party down.  I guess they counted on Young-Hee never mentioning that to her husband.  Their plan had a lot of holes.

    Phillip introduced the woman as Patty's step-mother, so they covered that.  I suspect if Don hadn't allowed the "parents" to stay in the office, there would have been a second conversation with Don later....as in, the money isn't enough....

    Killing the mugger/potential rapist made me wonder why Elizabeth doesn't just have a back-story of being interested in self-defense and martial arts.  That would certainly explain her skills. 

    For the last several seasons they have made Stan such a doofus I forget he managed to live undercover for 3 years prior to coming to DC.  I originally thought his "I don't want you Oleg to be on my conscience" was a sign he was losing his interest in the FBI, but after reading here am wondering if this is the result of reviewing intelligence about how the Afghan War (and other stuff) was tearing the USSR apart.  Oleg's personal involvement through his brother's death could lead Stan and the FBI to think he might provide information.  And if not, well, it ends a useless attempt to obtain intelligence (and stops Stan from continually being reminded of Nina). 

    I think Elizabeth is concerned Don and Young He's  (sp?)marriage will fall apart.  But I think Phillip or someone else will call Mary Kay to report Patty's death, so she won't continue to wonder why Patty isn't calling her back.


    As Madame Magpie said, first training is to run, escape, never be taken to a second location, but if you have to fight, fight for real.

    My condo had a security training with a local cop a couple of years.  His mantra was the same, " never agree to go with the robber/mugger/etc,, because it never gets better."  Make the bad guy do whatever he is planning to do at that first site, which is likely less secluded than where he wants to take you.  My father, former NYPD, always said "kick and run, but run fast!"

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  19. On ‎6‎/‎2‎/‎2016 at 0:27 PM, izabella said:

    It's Jason.  Bethy's OTT reaction to her belief that Luann was trying to steal credit for skinny girl was related to her bitter battle with Jason claiming he was part of her rise to the top and deserves credit and money....she pretty much said that she was super-sensitive about that.  But that self awareness came later and didn't stop her from unhinging her jaw and trying to breathe fire at Luann, nor did it cause her to apologize for turning into a raging lunatic.

    I thought that too.  Not that it excuses her dumping on Luann, because she's an adult and should know better.

    Plus it was the holidays, and she's sharing Brinn (sp?).  Isn't B Jewish?  Anyone know if Jason gets Christmas each year?  Lord, it would be nice for that child to have a normal family holiday.

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  20. 14 hours ago, gatopretoNYC said:

    I don't drive, so could someone tell me how long a trip time-wise it is from NYC to the Berkshires? On the map, it looks like quite a shlep, compared to the Hamptons, the other popular RHONY vacay spot.

    The Hamptons is more of a shlep than it appears, as the Long Island Expressway (LIE) is the longest parking lot in the world.  It can easily take three or more hours.

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  21. 36 minutes ago, 100PercentPain said:

    Maybe a better way to put it is this: 

    When you pull something that blatantly hypocritical, on film, someone is going to call you out on it. It's inevitable. Luanne is no rookie; she should know this. If she were smart, she would head it off at the pass by saying, "Yes, I did get upset about this same thing. I was hurt by it at the time but now that I'm in a similar position, I get why Carole did what she did. Sorry for losing my mind over it, Carole." 

    If she did that, she would come out smelling like roses. Carole would look petty if she refused to accept that apology and the other women would look ridiculous if they kept harping on Luanne's hypocrisy after she acknowledged it was the same thing and apologized. It would shut the whole thing down pretty effectively. 

    But Luanne doesn't feel that way and won't acknowledge the double standard. If it drags out all season, it's as much her fault as it is anyone else's (if not moreso, since she's the one who chose to act that way and gave them something to talk about to begin with).

    I guess I just don't see the 2 as identical.  Luann was concerned about her niece, who while an adult is way younger than Ramona or Sonja.ss  Plus for whatever reason, Adam was "working" for Luann at the time he and Carole started their relationship.  I get it, both Luann and Carole have talked this minor "thing" to death, and should move on.  Luann overdid the agony on behalf of her niece, or whatever other reasons she had.  But I don't think Luann keeping a new guy quiet for a while from someone who briefly dated him months before (and who says she realized he was not for her) or from whatever the heck Sonja may or may not have had with the guy in the months (or years) prior is horrible.

    i don't for a moment believe Sonja was in a 10 year relationship with the guy, Ramona is making shit up as usual. This would have the relationship starting exactly when she was served with divorce papers, and then why was she claiming to have been alone, etc.?

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  22. 21 hours ago, Tara Ariano said:

    Dorinda's Berkshires holiday bash takes an ugly turn due to sparking tensions between LuAnn and Bethenny, with Ramona getting wrapped up in the chaos. Also, Dorinda has a meltdown, and Jules faces a family emergency.

    I am shocked, shocked to learn that Ramona gets caught up in other people's business!

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  23. 23 hours ago, DeepRed said:

    I think so.  I hate on Yo a lot, but speaking objectively I think she's pretty stupid; canny enough to score rich husbands, but stupid.

    I can't believe I'm defending her here, but (if she really is/was that sick), lots of people with chronic illnesses and pain try out alternative remedies in desperation.  Many fall for con men who take their cash and keep pushing new "treatments" that never work, always for reasons that don't relate to the "treatment."  She's not alone.

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