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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. Of course Jill thought her way was the only way. Duggars can't handle options - there's too much thinking and consideration involved when you need to make difficult choices. I truly don't think they can handle it. If Boob and Me-chelle had taught their kids as most parents do, maybe things would be different. How to face and solve problems, how to figure out what the best choice is in a given situation, how to think critically about anything. And a little humility would help tremendously as well. To recognize that some people know things that they don't know. How to trust, value and use the skills of others to their own benefit. But when things are difficult or go awry in Duggarland there is only one thing to do. Pray for guidance. It's incredible that it doesn't ever seem to dawn on Boob, Me-chelle or any of the adult kids that maybe God is saying "I have already provided you an answer for this problem. I have given you doctors and nurses. Why aren't you listening to them?"
  2. If He was, Jill will never pick up on it. It would threaten the most central theme of her life. That prayer is all that needed, in any situation. Jill & Derick are interpreting the safe arrival of a healthy baby as proof that God's will was done, that they are blessed. They'll never see that maybe it was also God's will that medical science and trained professionals were also there - and figure prominently in the happy result.
  3. Absolutely. Just more evidence that the Duggars cannot handle options, multiple choice or gray areas. Things have to be Yes or No, Up or Down, Black or White for them. They do fine, when everything goes well, and according to plan. The minute a wrench is thrown into the works, they're lost. And in Jill's case, there seemed to be a lot of denial that anything was amiss.
  4. Hope Jill's crankiness is just normal and justified post-surgical discomfort, post-partum depression etc. If not, welcome to the rest of your life, Derick. Meet Bitchy Jill.
  5. Well, girls are supposed to marry their fathers. Theoretically at least... I thought Marjorie was very cute and extraordinarily-poised for her age. She could do the news on TV. Keeping all good thoughts for this twosome.
  6. The moron Governor - Rick Perry is it? they have now would be enough to make me want to move. I'm fine with some liberal views, I'm fine with some conservative views. God knows all viewpoints are needed to study situations and make measured, intelligent decisions. No one has all the answers for everything. But that guy is just plain beyond belief. He was actually talking - in a threatening way - about Texas seceding from the Union a few years ago. OK Governor Perry, you all secede from the US. We in the other 49 states can definitely find a way to use the $18 billion in Federal money Texas gets now. End of rant. And apologies to all the wonderful, and sane, citizens of Texas.
  7. I wonder if this was deliberate on the part of the People people? If so, it's hilarious - and if not, it's hilarious! :>)
  8. Yep, this is it in a nutshell. The more the mother suffers - and apparently in Jill's case, the more she risks - the more they think they're pleasing God. Total nutbars.
  9. After viewing the People video, that was what I thought too. She seemed to be simmering a 'defiant' attitude just below the surface. Bet the hospital staff were glad to see them go.
  10. I've never been pregnant but I'm trusting the word of all the mothers here, and these comments are making me think that Jill & Derick should feel very very grateful they have a healthy little boy right now. It sounds like they took not just one, but several chances maybe they shouldn't have. For certain people, having a little knowledge can be a very dangerous thing. After reading the People story, I'm beginning to think Jill might be one of these. She came off as a little smug to me in the video especially. I could see her getting to think that she knows more than licensed medical personnel with years of study and experience. She has a lot of that unearned Duggar confidence...
  11. I thought I noticed a comment from wanderwoman - over the weekend perhaps? In a content thread - not the Prayer Closet. I assumed that things with lil Maisie must be holding steady for now.
  12. Lots of luck remembering all the names! If he actually gets 200 grandkids - and can actually name them all correctly at any point without aids - like personalized tee shirts or headbands - I'll make a donation to the FRC!
  13. Oh, wow. I'm no expert at spotting newbie-preggos, but that sure doesn't look like a food baby to me. It appears the deed is done.
  14. At the rate he's going, I think Boob will acquire real estate for each kid as the weddings come along. Not necessarily McMansions like the Dullards have now, of course - and which I doubt they will ever leave BTW. The houses will all be in the general vicinity, and will all need work - but that will keep the boys busy at least. And there will come a time when Boob & Me-chelle will definitely not need or be able to keep up with the TTH, especially if everyone gets married/leaves. They may seek something smaller for themselves and use the big barn as "corporate offices" for Boob Inc. It would be fairly easy and inexpensive to convert that space for offices and storage.
  15. Wow, that's truly awesome. I never heard that story. Blessings on the Muslim ladies of Bosnia...
  16. I think you're right about Mary. I do remember specifically that Boob's father said - on camera - that he was not supportive of Boob & Me-chelle's "let's have as many kids as we can" program. He didn't think it was a good idea, but you could tell he loved his grandkids and they loved him.
  17. True enough. Totally forgot about the "relationship advice" book from 4 girls who'd never been in a relationship. Hopefully they each got a nice chunk from that, and free from Boob's control. Of course if the girls did make money, Boob will have the rest of the kids writing books in the future too.
  18. Thanks for the clips, JoanArc. I'm surprised Boob popped for a ghostwriter. I wonder if the publisher insisted, or maybe even paid for it. I don't know details on how those things work, but would imagine the initial expense of getting the book written would have to be on Boob's dime. Hoping their "ghostwriter" was another Gothard fundie - it would explain why he/she can't write either. I firmly believe that in order to be a good writer, you HAVE to be a voracious reader - and ole Bill isn't too keen on inquiring young minds.
  19. I haven't even looked at any of the Duggar books online. Now I'm curious. Are they that poorly-done? Mostly photos like one of Kate G's books? Poor content, poor language? We don't see a lot of "this is Michelle and I's first house..." do we? LOL.
  20. Now I'm jealous - Ireland! That's where I'd love to live - for a while at least...
  21. Something tells me hospital bacteria - any bacteria really - are viewed by the Duggars/Dillards much the same way they view global warming - just theories created by the elite educated class, and spread by the liberal media. Certainly not as scientific truths.
  22. Well, as Me-chelle said, they are "barefoot and backyard people" Maybe they're doing some branding here...
  23. Wow, that is an evil theory. On one hand, I truly don't think Boob & Me-chelle would be bright enough to come up with that idea. On the other hand, the one thing they might actually be good at is being mean - and self-serving. Doing this would be both.
  24. Well, as I said, it's completely within the realm of possibility that Derick has been able to do flex time or work from home. He could have a boss that's very agreeable to it. Or a crappy boss who doesn't care about too much, as long as the work gets done. It may be a policy WalMart is really emphasizing right now. It just wouldn't be do-able if I was his boss - not this soon. There are people who can successfully work unsupervised, and people who can't. For people whose work would reflect on me, I'd need to know how well they work in the office setting first. What kind of problems do they tend to run into? What are their weaknesses? What kind of help do they routinely need? For someone at Derick's level, maybe there are a zillion Mickey Mouse projects that can easily be accomplished "off-campus." I'm not anti flex-time. I just wouldn't OK it for a new employee. From a supervisory standpoint, I believe it would be a very poor move. PS - personally I find the idea that Derick would get big stretches of uninterrupted-by-Jill time at home unlikely, but that's another issue entirely.
  25. I'm so hoping this is the case. That Josiah is head-over-heels in love with - to Boob's way of thinking - the wrong kind of girl. And not even ALERT could change his mind. God speed, Josiah and Marjorie! PS - take all the time you need. There's no law anywhere that says you have only 6 months to court and 3 months for an engagement, despite what your parents and married sibs tell you...
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