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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. I don't think anyone's saying it's complicated. What it is - to me at least - is crappy.
  2. Agree - I'm guessing Jessa was handed X number of $$ from Boob to cover wedding and honeymoon. The more-expensive honeymoon is a direct result of Jessa's "budget" wedding. Right from the Duggar textbook - thinking of themselves rather than others [the wedding guests].
  3. Agree - I also think it's quite a stretch to think the Dillards aren't just that close a family. From the episode where Derick was on his way to propose to Jill, mother and son seemed to be very comfortable together, know each other etc. Definitely more than Jill and Me-chelle click...
  4. It was exactly the opposite for me. We were involved much more regularly with my Dad's family. They celebrated birthdays and holidays whereas my Mom told me she never had a birthday party or present until she got married, and then it was from her new in-laws. My paternal grandfather visited at least once a week, usually Sat or Sun morning, and spent the whole day. He was always interested in whatever projects my very-handy Dad was up to around the house. And Grandpa was a master amateur gardener who helped my parents a great deal with the lawn, shrubs, flower & vegetable gardens, even tree-pruning etc. We saw my Mom's family quite a bit less - Summer picnics at our house [we lived on the southern shore of Lake Ontario], weddings, christenings, clambakes, later on graduations etc. But never birthdays, and rarely holidays. Dad's family were big "present-givers" and Mom's family hadn't had the $$ for much of that when she was growing up in the 30s and 40s. What's a little funny is that my sibs and I see my mother's family more now - cousins etc. Our grandparents, parents and almost all aunts and uncles have passed away on both sides.
  5. Agree completely. Derick didn't go along with his brother to Omaha, or wherever Cathy is being treated, because Jilly Muffin couldn't or didn't want to travel, and more importantly didn't want him to go without her. There were tons of Duggars that could stayed with her while he was away. Or here's an idea - she could just grow the hell up and learn to be alone for a while. She might actually find herself liking it. I don't care if she's not accustomed to being by herself - she can GET used to it. Doing things you know are right even though you don't want to do them - well, that's part of being a mature, rational adult. She's just too needy and clingy - and I'm not sure whether this is deliberate on her part or just her nature. But she knows it gets her what she wants, which is Derick by her side at all times. It's SO clear who wears the [proverbial] pants in this family.
  6. The one that makes me squeege is "Oh, he's doing real good..." Nails on a chalkboard - awful.
  7. In my family we all resemble cousins, aunts and uncles more - since I was about five I've been hearing how much I look like my oldest girl cousin - so I'm hoping little Israel will look like uncles Josiah or Jeremiah, or even uncle Dan Dillard - or be a male version of his aunts Jana or Joyanna.
  8. Agree, and I would add that I think the operative word here is "rational." Rational women do not choose to go along with this kind of treatment - these are damaged individuals. As are, I suspect, the men who try to use these teachings for their own selfish purposes. I don't excuse them, but strongly suspect Gothard et al had childhoods that no child should have had to endure.
  9. Of course she has more energy than Derick. If he had to go through what she just did, he'd either be in intensive care or the morgue right now...
  10. Agree - I was thinking Jill will try her darnedest to be pregnant again before her first anniversary. Worst case scenario [for her] by the end of the year.
  11. Apparently Boob doesn't care - he approved Ben as a suitor, and for courting and marriage. For many couples at this age, a 3-year difference could be significant. But the fact that the Duggars have socially and emotionally-stunted their children works in Jessa's favor here. She's much closer maturity-wise to Ben's 19 than she would be had she grown up "heathen."
  12. Agree, I think this really is deliberate on Me-chelle's part, although she might not even be aware of it herself. Staying in touch and "close" with Jessa means she gets to see Ben as well.
  13. I lose more respect for Derick every day, not that he was ever on my Most Admired list, but holy moly. He's virtually handed a woman, and more than likely nailed the WalMart gig through his mom's connections. What a jellyfish, geez... PS - move to Jill & Derick thread if more appropriate - thanks.
  14. Agree. The lack of "coneheadedness" is making me think c-section too.
  15. Good grief! This baby DOES look like Boob! Got a very definite "Boob" flash the second I saw this. Bummer to be Israel...
  16. Oh, IMO this is a done deal. I buy the house a round if there is no mention of the little pickle on tonight's episode...
  17. Agree - this is just plain juvenile. Apparently the bump up to motherhood hasn't come with a corresponding boost in maturity.
  18. So now we know, I DO have an overactive imagination - LOL! Next time I'll read all the comments before posting my own, instead of reading them in chronological order, oldest first.
  19. Yeah, "Izzy Dillard." The kids at school are going to have a field day with this name. Wait - what am I saying - kids at school??? Duh.
  20. Good news - congratulations Dillards! Relieved to see them in a hospital too. Now we get to snark on Israel... OMG.
  21. Have to agree. After reading so many OB horror stories here and on various links about what can go wrong, especially with post-term babies, I got a very ominous feeling about the Duggars' recent "radio silence." Seems beyond belief to me that the Duggars could actually keep the birth news secret, if all was well. But I am hoping that's the case - and that I just have an overactive imagination.
  22. I'm amazed at the lag time on this program too. Gives me even more respect for the news divisions at the major networks, who can get stories and footage on within minutes.
  23. TLC pays the Duggars $100K per episode? Good grief - things must really be looking up at TLC. I remember seeing $18K per episode for the Gosselins. Although who knows what can be believed in print or on the Internet these days.
  24. BIG sniff. Wow, you certainly did luck out in the nurse department, wanderwoman. Your stories about them remind me of something a college friend of mine told me 30 years ago when doing her residency [family medicine] in Boston. "You know what I'm learning, Wellfleet? That doctors don't save lives - nurses do..." Blew me away back then, but how right she was. I was thinking about Maisie yesterday & hoping the Easter Bunny had stopped by her crib, and after what you've told us, it sounds like maybe the EB is on permanent staff there. Sending a big virtual squeeze, hope you're all healthy and home very soon.
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