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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. Strongly agree. To me, this episode was a pre-emptive "shot across the bow" by the TLC crew, and the Duggars themselves ultimately. In a lot of THs, the crew who spoke seemed to be addressing various issues or concerns that have been raised about the Duggars, and the comments were running just barely below the "blatantly-defensive" line.
  2. I'm Jinger too, although I'll be spelling it the intelligent way - Ginger. No curls and no photos for me as well. And no raccoon eye makeup either. But I can do calligraphy. Also, I am monumentally teed off at my parents for the beyond-lame job of half-baked homeschooling that went on here! Only have 5 words left for them now. I'll see you in court.
  3. LOL. Well, in my experience, physically I think girls do look their best - and need the least amount of "enhancement" - in her late teens, early 20s. Fortunately though. there are lots of smart women out there who figure out how to maintain what they have as they grow older.
  4. What I wonder about the Ben and Jessa deal is this? Would it have happened - now - if TLC had not come along and Boob was not a millionaire? I'm thinking Boob would have told Ben to come back and try again later, once he had a job. I don't think Jessa would be married to Ben at this point otherwise. Someone else maybe, but not 19-year old no-job Ben.
  5. My guess is that since both of them "work" for Boob, he's letting them run a tab, so to speak.
  6. Wow, I thought Sierra was, seriously, about 35. Apparently, all those pregnancy hormones don't have the same effect on her that they had on Me-chelle.
  7. Spot-on re Boob. He is - without a doubt - his own worst enemy.
  8. Of course, that was Boob's era. Princess Diana's dress, with those huge puffed sleeves just 3 years earlier, set the standard for the 80s, or at least the early and mid 80s. What I thought was odd was that he had any opinion whatsoever. Most men do not care what the wedding dress looks like - at all. Another indication of Boob's massive need to control.
  9. Thinking of you as well, jc. Grief is the price we pay for the love our pets give us so unselfishly and unconditionally. Sending some virtual ear skritches to your kitty lovee, and a big virtual squeeze for you. God bless...
  10. Didn't she get her start, decades ago, singing Christian music? Now she's another name we can add to the People Who Shouldn't Be on Television Any Longer list.
  11. This was my understanding too, that Josh was managing the car lot for Boob. Since he's such a knob, I can't believe that Boob would actually sign over the business to Josh, to do with as he pleased. But who knows? Maybe he did - maybe it was a wedding gift.
  12. GEML, ON 13 MAY 2015 - 6:18 PM, SAID: I'm not sure. I think JB is a control freak who doesn't play well with others, and that's a major issues. A board is a board, even for a cult, and I doubt JB likes submitting to authority. I think the show IS held against him, as its brought too much scrutiny on the organization, and then there is just JB's whole personality. His family seems very not so special outside of sheer numbers, and not even very happy. They don't seem to represent the cult very well. Yes, I'll bet control probably is a big part of it. I've often felt Boob was far more controlling than just what was needed to be a Gothard man. I think he was probably the kind of kid that would pick up his ball with a huff and go home a lot, refusing to play with the others if they didn't want to do things his way all the time. Most fathers and sons enjoy playful rivalry but he seems to be excessively competitive with his boys [sons-in-law too]. He's told stories several times about being shorter than the average boy until late in high school, so he may well have been picked on quite a lot. Maybe the overwhelmingly need to control is his attempt to assert himself any way he can. In my school district, one of the questions teachers have to assess at the end of each year, for each child's K-12 file, is the following. Circle one: this child is accepted - tolerated - disliked by the group. I'm wondering how many teachers might have marked "tolerated" in Boob's case?
  13. OMG - I think I'd actually PAY to see Stacey & Clinton get a whack at the Duggars. The verbal comments alone would be worth it!
  14. GEML - any idea why? Do you think it's the show that's keeping him on the fringes?
  15. And not for nothing, but what kind of legitimate, trained, professional event planner would have the clients making and installing decorations etc etc? That's what they're supposed to be paying YOU for, dipthong! I am so tired of the Duggars plunking a title on someone who hasn't committed an ounce of his own work, time and money to actually earn it. It's not as if we don't know the truth of the situation either. I guess that's what some people do when they're uncomfortable about not having authentic credentials. Sierra is to event planners as Boob is to Donald Trump. Completely out of their leagues.
  16. There's still a chance, IMO. Maybe it's just me, but I think men mature significantly later than females, particularly in physical attractiveness. Most women look their physical best in their teens and early 20s. Most males, OTOH, look the best they're ever going to look between 35-50. It figures that men get a longer peak - LOL. I noticed this first when I attended my 25th high school reunion and was BLOWN AWAY by the number of men who I'd last seen as short, geeky, weaselly-looking guys that I wouldn't have given the time of day - and who were now very attractive grown men. Many of the nice-but-basically-just-average guys were much better-looking too. Some of them were even significantly taller, which made me wonder if maybe some males have a final growth spurt in their late teens? Just my experience, but I think most of the boys will start to look better in their 30s. That means there's hope for you too, Josh...
  17. But only because $$ is involved - for both sides. Now that I think about it, the TLC crew may be the only people the kids actually interact with who are not fundie, maybe even Gothard-fundie.
  18. She should start by looking for a clue first...
  19. Hello Jellybeans. I don't have kids myself, but your line - once you have a child, your heart is forever outside your body... Well, I just think that's one of the most accurate descriptions of being a parent I've ever heard. You sound exactly like my mother too. She had six of us and always commented about never truly being able to relax, except when we were all under one roof at the same time, such as Thanksgiving or Christmas. She always said, "From the moment they're born, you never once stop worrying about your children. Not for one minute - no matter how old they get to be." She died before texting, but she would have LOVED it because she was a complete phone-a-holic. My Mom would have had the fastest thumbs in the country! LOL. Take care and God bless...
  20. We put it in our clambake steamer every year to additionally-flavor the broth, and in homemade clam chowder and lobster bisque. Yum and yum.
  21. I am honestly wondering if Sierra confused storks and flamingoes? It would actually make sense for there to be storks at a baby party. And if yes, OMG, she is indeed clueless!
  22. 100% agree about gender reveals. Another Hallmark 'holiday' in a sense. In fact, Hallmark probably has "congrats-we-heard-what-you're-having" cards too. Oy. I hate to be Cranky Old Lady here, especially since I'm just 58, but whatever happened to waiting? Whatever happened to patience, and anticipation? Call me when science can tell you the IQ of your future offspring before its birth. PS - bet we won't have 1000s of parties then - LOL! Anyway, until then, I can wait til the lil pudder is born to find out if it's a B or a G. Josh should really get over it about his old house. If Boob hadn't been forced to renovate and de-mold it, Jessa and Ben would no doubt be living in the same crappy little starter home he and Anna had and which, BTW, was a lot more than many 20-something newlyweds have with one income and their level of education & training.
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