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Everything posted by tarotx

  1. Maybe the CW wants to reassure viewers?
  2. Because Maseo would want Oliver to see Starling city and all he holds dear destroyed? He could just kill Oliver if it was about Oliver's death. I doubt Tatsu would be in on it. She might suspect Maseo and Ra's has the virus though. And it wouldn't just be Oliver he wanted to suffer but The US and Maybe ARGUS. Plus Perhaop he works for HIVE now. With Malcolm :p Lol I'm just once again trying to find a belivable reason (as well as a flasback connectivity) to all that is happening in s3. It's not working though...
  3. I wonder if there is a chance that Maseo is the big bad this season? Meaning he has been plotting to destroy all Oliver loves and holds dear ever since whatever happens in the up coming Flashbacks happened?
  4. One option is to die. Another is Marry Oliver, have him ascen to Ra's and him poison Starling city. Nyssa's 3Rd options must be something as evil. Something that would put Ra's trust back into Nyssa? I mean she said she rather die then marry the pretender to the throne. Maybe something like her fighting and killing Ra's, poisonimg some city/starling to prove she will obey the LOA traditions? Is Nyssa ready to take to heart the evil traditions of Ra's? That was one of Ra's plans all along in the comics. Push his daughters to believe as him.
  5. She's passionate and it's nice to be in her energy.
  6. And for our Laurel to get back together with Oliver after the way he treats her before the island and even now, it's not a pretty Thought. Even if you love both characters how can it not be an ew For her? Laurel needed/needs her own hero name and story imo. Though for me Sara was the comic Black Canary. I loved her Dynamic with Oliver (though he did cheat on her sister with her so still iffy) but I loved her energy with Nyssa too. I'm a huge Sara fan. I think it's best to go off and say Laurel has a child who becomes the future Black Canary who hooks up with Oliver Queen jr.
  7. Nothing so far makes complete sense...but not teling Diggle put Diggle's family at risk. Plus it's not the first time Oliver keeps things to himself. I think Thea being killed raised up the timeline. Oliver knew he would have to fight Ra's again But he wasn't ready. He knew he would have to fight off drug affects and there was aways a huge risk to hinself. I think we might learn that Maseo and Tatsu knew Oliver was going to have accept the Prophecy and become Ra's. I think they will havw known about Ra's having the Alpha and Omega virus. To defeat Ra's he was going to have to be trained by him.
  8. Go read up on Batman. Make him a bit like Aquaman and then you will have our Ollie ;)
  9. Oliver and the Black Canary got divorced. It seems the show is going to give that history to Nyssa ;)
  10. I would get the Frustration of Comic fans if this pairing had a good comic history. They are on and off and he is never that into her except sexually and as a crime fighting partner. He cares about her but I feel that their relationship was more like the one Oliver had with Sara. Sex and friendship. Not true love.
  11. Oliver is a surrogate brother to Diggle. Than for Oliver not to trust him with something as big as taking Ra's offer to take him down from the inside? And a Right minded Oliver to kidnap Layla and leave baby Sara alone? I can see how trust can be affected. We don't really know how deep just that their relationship will change. Oliver doesn't share and that would cause conflict and doubt in your leader. Oliver maybe knew he had to take Ra's offer but was holding out trying to train. But tan Ra's "killed" Thea and he had to go in now. Maybe Maseo and Tatsu knew Ra's had the Alpha and Omega virus but no real way to get to it? When Oliver came they saved him because they knew about the prophecy? I wonder if Felicity and Laurel could be finding out about the wedding in that little we trusted you denouncement?
  12. I'm trying to find some kind of plot reason for a potential Nyssa/Oliver marriage. I wonder if there is a chance Nyssa will be connected to the big bads next season. If she has issues with her dad what are the chances she would be in contact with his arch nemesis Damien Darhk? Plus isn't she half Russian? Perhaps she will have some kind of Bratva connection as well.
  13. I think EBR handles the nonverbal emotion Well. It's just when she has to talk and get emotional. But she's learning. She's great with the funny, sweet and power anger or motivational. She's very good with the non verbal. It's just her enunciation and voice gets all ugly. Which is actually realistic but not very audience friendly. She'll learn and has gotten better with all the practice she has had this season.
  14. This episode fell because a lot of people aren't here for EvilOllie. Others are weary and wanted to see what bad he did Before watching. This wedding next episode is not going to be popular either. Shows don't often make the main star a vilian because that is not what we signed up for. This should have been done earlier in the season so there could be some hope for the final episodes.
  15. What were the courthouse spoilers? Fingerscrossed for Thea and Roy. Though Thea had her fling with the cray LOA dj and she and Roy just got back together. No one should be getting married but better them since they love each other.
  16. Riker at least has his& Allison's teen beach movie DWTS package with Ross playing on the Disney Channel. Willow didn't have that. I think she might have even stayed as long as she did based on Marks fans.
  17. The outrage will come after next week. People are still hoping for a no wedding and definitely no forced marriage bed consummation.
  18. If it's EBR it's probably Not!Felicity like it was Not!Diggle being skewered...
  19. Killing people with a Virus is what Ra's did in the Contagion/Legacy Comics
  20. Is Oliver is going to play a role in makimg the Flashbacks and present day connect? The virus is going to get set on Starling and people will die? Perhaps Quinton with his bad heart? That on top of injuring Diggle?
  21. Roy is a part of team Arrow but If Thea was going to leave after season 3 why not just have the wedding 3.23 for true couple closure? I just don't see a purpose for a Thea and Roy wedding? Though they are the closest to a happy couple...
  22. Now all I see is the tic tac toe and the raccoon lol...
  23. Felicity and Ras? I just can't see a reasoning For that. Maybe Rape her with her permission cause he's a vilian But Marriage? He's barely had any contact with her. I can't even see a comic reason for it? Un heard prophecy? She who is in love with the next Ra's al Ghul must marry the current one? All of this marriage stuff is just nasty nasty nasty. With some romance novel and/or comic contrived Vilian bullcrap...
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