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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. You really shouldn't feel too badly (though maybe disappointed, yes; especially if you're a DC area local) about missing the Twain Prize presentation, except maybe if you wanted to go regardless of who was being honored &/or paying tribute to them, since they didn't announce the lineup of those honoring Bill Murray until Tuesday, & it doesn't appear there were any leaks ahead of the official announcement; an advance leak on Dave & Paul's involvement might've been the only thing that could've helped you. By yesterday (Wednesday), a good chunk of the tix were probably already taken in presales to KenCen members, & perhaps non-member donors, &/or DC/national political bigwigs interested in attending. Besides, as I said earlier, it'll eventually air, I think usually early the year after it's taped (so sometime in 2017), on PBS. So people here--like you (& me)--who are interested in seeing the show for Dave, Paul, Bill, or anyone else will eventually see it. But I know, at least when someone you like is involved, it's much better seeing it live than taped & on TV.
  2. As many/most are (everyone is?) aware, Bill Murray was the first & last guest on Dave's show. According to (I think) an Associated Press mini-article in a collection of entertainment news mini-articles published today in my local morning paper, Bill is being presented with the Kennedy Center's Mark Twain Prize for American Humor in a tribute program scheduled for taping on October 23rd (which will eventually air on PBS; usually early the next year, as I remember) & Dave & Paul Shaffer will be among those paying tribute to Bill during the program. Here's the link to the article; it's the top item in it. http://www.journalgazette.net/entertainment/celebrities/Murray-toget-Twainhumor-prize-15228668
  3. And the WE yo-yo scheduling on Wednesday continues. Today they're airing the Mothership from 2PM Eastern through 8PM Eastern (so I hope this helps somebody catch it, if they want to), when they start running some movie I forget the title of, & I think they run it twice in a row, to boot.
  4. The S6 DVDs came out yesterday. The McDanno (or maybe O'Caan, or both) fans might find a scene in the Gag Reel interesting; I don't wanna spoil it for anyone still waiting for their set by saying more. Other than I kinda got a kick outta it, as a McDanno fan from Ep 1. The McGarrett/OMC fans in the fanfiction realm might find another blooper scene equally interesting. Again, I don't wanna spoil it by saying more.
  5. I'm sorry if I offended you. I wasn't really sure how much you knew about Rob's life & I guess I overcompensated in my answer, or something. My apologies.
  6. He & his wife, Sheryl Berkoff Lowe, have been, from everything he says, happily married since July, 1991(so they just celebrated their 25th anniversary this summer). They were originally set up on a blind date which didn't take, as far as a relationship goes; then, a few years later (after the sex scandal) she was his makeup artist on the film Bad Influence (Rob's role/performance put him back on Hollywood's radar & he was highly, but unsuccessfully, touted for an Oscar nomination for the role--And the role put him & Sheryl back on each other's radar: They began the relationship which lasted beyond Rob's stint in rehab--she stood by him instead of bailing, like many partners would in a situation like that--& resulted in their now 25-year marriage & their 2 sons. She was a Hollywood makeup artist when they met, until either the marriage or their sons started arriving. She's also been an interior decorator & has a degree in art, according to the bio on her jewelry collection's website. Now she's a jewelry designer, with her Sheryl Lowe Designs jewelry sold in Neiman Marcus & other stores--it's also sold online, through the sheryllowejewelry.com website; the jewelry designing as a career apparently started around 2006, when she began giving jewelry she made as gifts to friends & family). Sheryl was actually accused of some things during the nanny scandal. The nannies complained about what are alleged stereotypes about bad personal hygiene habits of persons of her religion & she supposedly described her & Rob's sex life in graphic detail to at least 1 of the nannies. As for their sons, I think they haven't turned up in the tabloids because, as I at least tried to say earlier, they were apparently raised to not do things like Rob did that made him tabloid fodder, &/or things he didn't do that would also turn them into tabloid fodder (which could be so easy for children of "Hollywood types" to do) They had certain things they were expected to/not to do, behaviorally, growing up from what I understand. I think it also helped that Rob & Sheryl decided not to raise their family in the Hollywood "environment". They moved to the Santa Barbara area (I think Montecito) I think when they were expecting their eldest, Matthew (if not before, or when he was born), & have been living there ever since, because it offered somewhat more "normalcy" for families than Hollywood (once his parents divorced & he moved to California with his mom & brother Chad, I think when she remarried, he actually grew up as a neighbor to the family of Martin Sheen, with whom he later co-starred in The West Wing, & a friend to his sons, Charlie Sheen & Emilio Estevez--living near a legendary actor & his family isn't something most California kids get to do, you to admit). He wanted his family to grow up similarly to how he grew up in Dayton, Ohio before his parents' divorce--just a "normal" kid, though he apparently already liked acting. I'd say Rob matured well. He's been working pretty steadily in "reasonably good/good" projects (as opposed to in the B- through D-List projects in years immediately after the sex tape scandal) in Hollywood, mostly in TV, since his performance in Bad Influence was noticed so positively. Besides his acting, Rob's also become a best-selling author in recent years: He's written 2 memoirs, Stories I Only Tell My Friends: An Autobiography & Love Life, in recent years, where you know he had to--& I'm pretty sure did--discuss at least his sex scandal in the first book. I'm not sure what the second book covered--if it picked up where the first ended, &/or if it went as far as the nanny scandal, or not. It might have skipped it/had to skip it; I think there was a confidential settlement to it. And in May he marked 26 years sober, following his post-sex scandal rehab stint. And in July, as I said, he & Sheryl celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary.
  7. As you already said, Rob's sons probably already know about his sex tape, either through their dad/parents or others. And his "kids", as you referred to them, aren't really "kids" anymore anyway; they're both over 18 & they were apparently raised "right" (with a certain sense of manners & behavior which was[n't] expected of them at certain ages, etc.). Given their ages, & how they were raised, & whatever knowledge they had (or didn't have) of their father's "youthful transgressions", I'm assuming Rob & his wife, Sheryl, felt they were old enough to attend the roast. Their eldest son, Matthew, graduated from Duke University in the Class of 2016 & either is currently, or will soon be, in Law School at an as yet unnamed school (I follow Rob & his brother, actor/director & Emmy winner, Chad Lowe on Twitter & got this information from Rob's Twitter); their youngest son JohnOwen, aka Johnny, had a recurring role in Rob's series The Grinder which ran last season on Fox &, based on Rob's recent TV interviews & some Tweets, he's apparently interested in following in Rob's acting footsteps. He attends Stanford University & was a Freshman in the Fall of 2015. Someone joked/said upthread Peyton Manning probably wanted to smack Rob (or something similar) for stealing Peyton's DirecTV commercial spokesman gig. Rob & his sons are actually big NFL fans & he's/they're good friends with Peyton, & I think other NFL players (if not also coaches/owners). Rob's Tweeted pics of him & his sons, with field/sideline access-type passes, in previous years at Indianapolis Colts (particularly home) games when Peyton played QB for them, as well as pics of him/his sons at this year's Super Bowl in which Peyton played QB for his current team, the Denver Broncos (who eventually won the game & are the current NFL champions). Rob even Tweeted over the weekend to the NFL that the owners should keep any players who refused to show proper respect for the pregame ceremonies &/or The Star-Spangled Banner at this past Sunday's season opening games (& who are "boycotting" the National Anthem playing, similar to Colin Kaepernick & other athletes taking a stand against police mistreatment against persons of minorities) in the locker room, given that Sunday's/the NFL's opening day games fell on the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York City/the World Trade Center, Washington, DC/the Pentagon, & the related plane crash in Shanksville, PA. I'm not certain your assertion/statement Rob has leaned more politically Republican as he's become older is accurate. I thought he had said on his Twitter that he was a registered Independent these days (shrugs). He was supporting then-Democratic Presidential candidate Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis at the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta when he became embroiled in the sex tape scandal; I know that.
  8. Jewel, as I said in a previous response, actually guest starred in 1 of Rob's TV shows, an NBC series that aired briefly after he left The West Wing titled The Lyon's Den. She played his character's love interest. He wasn't in a movie with her.
  9. Jewel's more like a "4 big hit wonder"(I checked her Singles Discography in Wikipedia & only recognized the titles of 4 songs), though she has released a Greatest Hits album. And she actually wasn't really joking--very much--in the Rob-related parody she based on 1of her 4 big hits & sang during her set at the roast. I know this because I became something of a Rob Lowe (& Bradley Whitford) fan through his (their) work in The West Wing--his (their) character(s) was (were) my favorite(s). Anyway... Rob did a Washington, DC-set (as I remember), legal-type series titled The Lyon's Den (Lyon being the last name of his character in the show) on NBC the season after he left The West Wing; it only lasted that 1 season. Towards the end of the series, Jewel was signed to play Rob's character's love interest in at least 1 ep. Supposedly before that series, as I remember, he had made some sort of pact with his wife about not kissing anymore onscreen love interests in his work projects. Which was apparently moot in this case because he & Jewel apparently didn't really like each other much to start with.
  10. I read it. I watched most of last season (then something I liked a bit more was put opposite it). It seems like click bait to me. They mostly talk about how Tricia Helfer (Mom) is only 4 years older than Tom Ellis in real life, & maybe is the new "Stacey's Mom" & Luci's attracted to the body ("vessel") his Mom inhabits, & how Luci & Amenadiel "find themselves in the world of Stifler" (from American Pie) next season, & that Luci wouldn't be happy if 1 of his single friends--& they mention his friend Dan being single--hooked up with his Mom.
  11. Yes, then-prominent Conservative William F. Buckley hosted a (I think weekly) PBS show called Firing Line. I think he also had a brother who was famous for another line of work (I think he was a US Senator, perhaps, or Buckley himself eventually became 1). But I don't remember how much Buckley, or his show, helped Ms. Bryant promote her own Conservative/anti-gay views.
  12. Anita Bryant was also the commercial spokeswoman, occasionally along with her then-husband & their children, for Florida Orange Juice, I think back in the 1970's. She lost the job when she publicly came out--as it were--as being very much anti-gay/anti-gay rights. She subsequently divorced the husband in the commercials, then remarried & moved to Selma, Alabama as I remember (which, because of her anti-gay stance & Selma's place in history as the center of the civil rights movement in the 1960's, is rather ironic if you ask me). I think she's still living there, but I'm not certain.
  13. The Creative Arts Emmy Awards (as in most of the "behind the scenes" type stuff, the children's/animated stuff, the guest actor/actress performance awards, & other stuff that would make the other Emmy Awards WAY too long) were presented over the weekend (on Saturday & Sunday nights, in a "split" ceremony for the first time). American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson took home 12 awards (I believe they have/had 22 or 23 total nominations, between this weekend's Creative Arts Emmys ceremony & next weekend's Primetime Emmy Awards ceremony, in which the actors--like Cuba, John, Sarah [who's bringing the real Marcia Clark as her "date" to the Emmys, by the way]--& all the other "major" nominees for the show hopefully win their categories). They won, this past weekend, mostly in categories having to do with hairstyling (a victory for the real Marcia's bad 'dos during the trial, I suppose), sound mixing, & picture editing, along with 9 other categories. The complete winners' list, from both Creative Arts Emmys ceremonies this weekend, can be found here among other places: http://m.eonline.com/news/793746/creative-arts-emmys-2016-complete-list-of-winners# An edited version (usually mostly the acceptance speeches) of the Creative Arts Emmys ceremonies will air Saturday night at 8PM Eastern (& presumably 8PM Pacific) on FXX network (with 2 X's, not FX where the show airs) in case anyone's interested in watching.
  14. Since she was in, like, 1 scene for less than 5 minutes in the whole season (as I remember--I mostly remember it was a scene between Margo's & Frank Langella's characters, I think about Philip & Elizabeth's characters, with a line reading I just loved from Margo--and she's a repeat winner for the role, I get your "sheesh". I mean, they chose a repeater when they could (& perhaps should) have chosen someone who was in their submitted ep(s) for longer & did more with their role/scene(s) than Margo. But as I said, I think earlier in the thread when I was venturing a guess why Alison Wright wasn't (deservedly, for at least this season) nominated for Supporting Actress in a Drama for her role as Martha, the Emmy voters like repeaters, the familiar, as both nominees & winners. Which is probably why Alison wasn't nominated in her category & why Margo won again in hers, not that--at least in some ways--she didn't deserve the award again. Margo was a familiar name in her category, having won in it last year (& having won, as pointed out upthread, her first Emmy as Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama for her role in another FX show, Justified, a few years ago) so--it turned out--most voters chose her... again, perhaps over a less familiar name who did more work in their scene/ep(s) & was, perhaps, more deserving of this year's Emmy than Margo. Just because that's how the Emmy voters tend to do things.
  15. Small thing... Lisa Edelstein's character's name was actually spelled LAURIE (I'm almost positive). But you can be forgiven for the misspelling, I guess, since the storyline's started to grate on you the more you rewatch the show.
  16. Apologies for all the strikeouts in my previous post. They've happened in other posts in other threads & forums & I'm not sure why. I'm not using any manual coding or other coding, via buttons, from the posting choices which would cause them to appear in my posts & when I try to remove them they don't remove. Anyway... For those who may be interested & have forgotten, the 6th season DVD set will be released in Region 1 (US & Canada) on Tuesday of this week, the 13th... A mere 10 days ahead of the S7 Season Premiere (& the S7 Sunset on the Beach Waikīkī Beach Premiere Party, or "Family Reunion" as Peter Lenkov called it recently on his Social Media accounts, including expected appearances by the entire lead [main titles] cast plus Teilor Grubbs & other recurring cast members, a big screen showing of Ep 701, the season premiere, & a special performance by country singer/frontman for the rock group Hootie and the Blowfish, Darius Rucker--Could he have a connection to the ep filming that week? The previous SOTB musical guests all have had connections to the ep filming the same week that they've appeared at SOTB. Just saying.). The US/Region 1 is just getting DVDs on Tuesday, by the way. If you want Blu-Ray discs, you'll have to wait until a "region-free" set is released somewhere else in the world or get a player for another region's discs which is compatible with the US' electrical voltage.
  17. If she is, they're keeping it even quieter than they did when she was pregnant between the end of S3 & midseason of S4. None of my Hawaii-based sources on Twitter &/or Facebook have posted anything about local Honolulu media saying she's pregnant (which they did last time), nor has Grace P officially announced a pregnancy (but she never did last time, & still hasn't mentioned her child in any interviews--though a fan of the show posted on social media, I think towards the beginning of S6 filming, that he saw Grace P & her baby [which was said to be a boy] waiting for a flight [presumably the same flight] at the same gate as the poster at the Atlanta airport [they apparently didn't bother her for a photo &/or autograph, just noticed she & her baby were apparently on the same flight; I think it was going somewhere besides Honolulu--as I remember, it was over a weekend & Grace P was supposed to be appearing at a Sci-Fi/Fantasy type fan convention somewhere with other Battlestar Galactica reboot stars that weekend]). At Grace P's real-life age (though I know Kono's supposed to be somewhat younger), I would assume any pregnancy for Kono & Adam would be just a storyline creation of Peter Lenkov &/or another H50 writer, as Danny's ex Rachel's pregnancy with Charlie was--though Claire van der Boom, & presumably her character Rachel Edwards, is a bit younger, in real-life, than Grace P. And if Grace P were expecting again at her age, which is considered "advanced maternal age" for a pregnancy (as actress Katherine Heigl's said her age [slightly younger than Grace P] is--she & her husband are currently expecting a son via her/their first pregnancy, after adopting 2 daughters together) I would wonder if it weren't through surrogacy or adoption... Although Grace P would still be entitled to, & presumably take, maternity leave in some form even if another woman physically gave birth to her child. By the way, I try to refer to Grace Park as "Grace P", & Teilor Grubbs' character as "Grace W" or "Gracie/Gracie W" in posts so it's clear who I'm talking about since they have a common name, either in real life or in the show & that can possibly lead to confusion.
  18. I thought they already had Terrell Owens, Mike Tyson, Gilbert Gottfried, Tyson Beckford & Danica Patrick in previous seasons; I could be wrong/thinking of different celeb reality shows. I'd love to see Foxworthy! I think Tim Tebow just signed, the end of this past week, with the minor league system of the NY Mets baseball team, which could put a crimp in his participation. As for Andy Roddick, his wife is Sports Illustrated swimsuit model/actress Brooklyn Decker--they may be another "package deal" for DWTS; they did Hollywood Game Night on the same show, but different teams, in the last year or so. As for Roseanne Barr she announced last year, or maybe in 2014, she's going blind due to macular degeneration; that could put a crimp in her participation, although it hasn't stopped others with physical disabilities in the past (deafness, dwarfism, amputees).
  19. You're right. Thanks for the correction--much appreciated!
  20. Small corrections, if I may... It's Kelsea Ballerini, with an I at the end; not Ballerina, like the dancer--she co-hosted the recently aired ABC summer music retrospective show Greatest Hits with Arsenio Hall, by the way--& Kacey Musgraves, with an S at the end. I think both ladies have at least been nominated for Grammys &/or pretty major Country Music genre-specific awards (Academy of Country Music Awards, if not Country Music Association Awards), if not actually won them, in recent years, as well.
  21. She's a standup comedienne/actress & an Emmy-nominated co-host of The Talk, CBS' daytime talk show clone of ABC's The View. As for her level of annoyance, I think mileage honestly varies on that, depending on the person. I don't usually find her that annoying, for the most part.
  22. I was just coming over here to post that. Here's a link to a Tweet with some of her comments upon winning: https://mobile.twitter.com/LauInLA/status/774791780336152577?p=v I think that makes her 2nd Emmy (& 2nd in a row) for this show, & 3rd Emmy overall. Her 1st was for Supporting Actress in a Drama Series, for a 1-season show she did on CBS before this show, which I've already forgotten the name of unfortunately, where--as I remember--she played the office manager of a neurosurgeon, who was played by a pretty big deal actor as I remember. Highlights of the Creative Arts Emmys (the ceremony for the guest acting performance awards & most of the "behind the scenes" award categories) will be on FXX network (not FX, where the show airs) next Saturday night--I would assume something of Margo's category presentation/her acceptance speech should be included in the Creative Arts Emmy show. The major Emmys (as in the other categories Keri, Matthew, the writers, & the show are up for) will be given out next Sunday night; I forget on which network, but Jimmy Kimmel is hosting (so they might be on ABC, as a result). I read a couple of days ago (like Wednesday, Thursday, or yesterday, aka Friday) that Keri will be a presenter--& Margo will/should be presenting (or at least acknowledged during the major show as the Guest Actress in a Drama winner this year) as well, now that she's won this year's Dramatic Guest Actress Emmy.
  23. Vanilla Ice is apparently 1 of the 1990's music stars in a multi-act ("package") touring show, I Love the '90's! They announced earlier this week the show will be playing my hometown on November 3rd. Here's the link to the announcement Tweet from the venue, which includes the other acts on the bill. https://mobile.twitter.com/acwmc/status/773145135458742272?p=v
  24. The Twitter for the show says there'll be a new episode of the show after Dancing with the Stars on September 12th.
  25. Phyllis Schlafly, Conservative Leader & ERA Foe, Dead at 92. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/09/06/obituaries/phyllis-schlafly-conservative-leader-and-foe-of-era-dies-at-92.html?referer=
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