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Everything posted by Momof2boyz

  1. I am watching! Went to the TLC Facebook page and some people were sympathizing with Janice and then Leslie actually came on and without going into detail defended herself. Clicked on her profile and she actually had ALOT to say on her own page. Won't go into it because I am not sure what the rules are about spoilers but all I can say is WOW. Janice has some serious issues.
  2. The show actually pays for the surgery. I heard this from someone who knows a person that was featured. I am sure this is why most of the subjects are pretty low income. it's a chance at free surgery.
  3. Thank you. I think I may have missed Christina's episode then.
  4. I wonder if they filmed two endings - one that wrapped things up in case they didn't get renewed.
  5. YES! I watched this last week and was really confused because I couldn't find the thread. I thought maybe it was an older episode. I was also trying to find Christina's original thread. Was she the girl that lived at home with her parents and had a boyfriend with kind of longish hair and a beard. She was very pretty and wore her hair in bows. I recall there was a humiliating scene in the airport where she had to ride the luggage cart. And in the end she and the boyfriend took a trip to the zoo. Or was that someone else? The boyfriend seemed like kind of a loser but loving. Christina said she had been in an abusive relationship so I was curious what happened there or what was happening that we didn't see. Or maybe I am confusing her with someone else entirely.
  6. I felt so bad for Michelle. I loved the confrontation with Brett. I think he realized how much he f*d up. What he did was so much worse, even if she cheated first.
  7. I think the David Haters were really Ashley and her friends. Not real viewers at all. They probably created profiles here just to post.
  8. Not just inappropriate but gross. Was there anything appealing at all in that? Was the headmaster turned on? Ew.
  9. Yes I remember this show! Forgot the name though. Thank you. I remember on the above mentioned show, The Locater, there was an episode where the birth mom refused to meet the child. It was very devastating. I can't remember how it ended though. But the adult child was very upset. I think the mom had not told her new family about the child. She also said that her son had seen a photo of Jenny and remarked on how much she looked like him. I assume this must be another son and not the one she gave up and must also be biracial. I thought Jenny was very beautiful. Mom's teeth really bugged me. Not to be shallow, but she really needs to get to a good dentist.
  10. I absolutely loved Looking and that got cancelled too! I was super bummed that it was not in the Sunday night lineup this year with Girls and Togetherness. At least Looking got a special movie to wrap it up, but honestly I am so angry at HBO still about the cancellation I am not sure if I will even watch. It feels like a bad break up. Now, with Girls wrapping up there will be nothing on Sunday nights at all! So angry at HBO. You would think they would pay attention to reviews and not just ratings. Hated Entourage!
  11. I didn't like this episode. The whole thing seemed like a terrible dream. I kept waiting for her to wake up. As laughably awful as Desi is, I still felt kind of sorry for him. I thought that was a pretty shitty thing of her to do, to just walk off and spend the whole night out. She should have been honest about her feeling earlier, before cheating. Whether she rushed into the marriage or not, she still said those vows.
  12. He actually said that he usually WASN'T attracted to big women but that he had fallen in love with her. This had given me hope in the beginning that he was a genuine person. I didn't get him at all.
  13. It's been cancelled? I hadn't heard! That sucks. Last year Looking, now this. I hate HBO.
  14. I was curious, so I Googled and apparently the Sponge is back: http://www.todaysponge.com/
  15. Yes! I thought they were taken off the market many years ago! I wondered about that too, ut thought maybe I missed their return.
  16. I think Adam and Jessa are falling in love. And that is going to KILL Hannah. The lesbian sex scene was revolting. I am not into women but sometimes lesbian scenes can be kind of hot. This one was definitely not. Could Lena make herself look any more unattractive? That bathing suit was ridiculous. I get it. She is doing it for the shock value. And yes, the no underpants and bra combo to bed bugged me too.
  17. I I built a wall in my rent stabilized apartment. Of course it was illegal but everyone did it at the time. When I moved out, I told them about it and they said I had to take the wall down, but I just left it. I knew they were going to renovate the hell out of the apartment anyway to get it back to market rates so tearing a wall down was nothing. For all I knew they would keep the wall up and rent the apartment as a Junior 4 , so I felt I was doing them a favor by leaving it. In NYC real estate terms that is a one bedroom with an additional tiny bedroom. I was paying way below market (still kicking myself for giving that up) and I knew they were so happy to have me finally out of there they would never come after me.
  18. I think so. A friend of mine has some kind of connection to her, I forget. Her parents are friends with hers or her aunt is friends with her parents - someone like that, and she is from a very wealthy NYC family herself so I assume so.
  19. I can't stand Alex's girlfriend. She makes me want to barf. That thing she said about having an orgasm in the next 10 minutes and did he want to be a part of it? Who says something like that? Particularly with your boyfriend's friend in the room. Please. Also I really like the actor that plays Alex. I think he is doing a great job at the character and his acting is great, and maybe I am being a little shallow, but I can't help but feel that someone a little more attractive should be in the role. Like a Chris Pratt type. Kind of chubby but cute but then he loses weight and is super hot. Is it just me? I don't get all these hot women falling all over him or see him as a lead in a TV show.
  20. It is based on St. Ann's in Brooklyn Heights where Lena Dunham went to school. It is super progressive and artsy. I am not sure if it is really a Catholic School or just a private school with a Catholic name. It is definitely one of those schools on the NYC private school circuit (I went to a NYC private school) and several kids in my class at my artsy East Coast liberal arts college had gone there.
  21. Actually, my take on it was the opposite. She wants Adam but her friendship with Hannah was holding her back. So she "broke up" with Hanhah.
  22. I actually missed this show. I have been watching all season and somehow spaced out and thought it was on at 10 and not 9. I caught the last few minutes and saw Vanessa and Tres smiling at dinner together and I though "Oh, good - they are together!" Guess I was wrong. I was rooting for them. I had read some kind of spoiler somewhere before the season started alluding to Tres not having honorable intentions, but I chose to ignore it. Oh well, I feel very sad for Vanessa. Ordinarily I would catch the show On Demand but I think I will skip. Regarding Sam and Neil, I think Sam really does seem to regret her actions and maybe she has changed. Didn't love her, but I don't think she is as bad as everyone says. I also think she is pretty, I don't get the ragging on her looks. Ashley, on the other hand - what a b****! And the makeup was horrible from the clips I saw! She probably read all the online comments making fun of her appearance and tried to overcompensate and look "Hot!" I feel bad for David. Overly desperate to be married or not, he did not deserve to be matched with someone like Ashley. Her attitude sucked.
  23. And all the adopted kids were from drug addicted families I recall. I was really impressed and touched by that. Yes I agree. I wish that in these cases, they would make it a double episode and follow them over two years. Of course, I understand that some of these shows would not air until the following season then. Or at least, maybe they could do a followup the next season. One thing that bugged me. Did anyone notice that when they were in the car and she was lying on the mattress and they almost got in an accident and she rolled over and nearly crushed her little boy, that nobody was wearing a seat belt? I can understand she cannot fit in a seatbelt, but the little boy was not wearing one and I don't think the driver (I forget who was driving) was either!
  24. YES! That really bothered me too! And his cell phone. He had run out in the middle of the night in his pajamas. Did he have his wallet and cell phone in the pocket? Cause he could not have gotten on a plane without ID. That really really bugged me. And it showed him with his cell phone later.
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