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Everything posted by Momof2boyz

  1. Elena is beautiful! I think that a friend of my son may actually have the disorder that causes her type of dwarfism but his parents intervened medically. The kid was very small for his age and didn't seem to be growing. They had all kinds of tests done and found out he had absolutely no human growth hormone. He is getting it now and has grown quite a bit, although he is still a bit smaller than other boys his age. I suspect if he had not been diagnosed he might have ended up like her.
  2. They showed her kids in the first episode I think. A boy and a girl. She was bringing them into school and she lost them because she wasn't paying attention and the security guard tracked them down. I'll bet you the character was written to be in her forties but once again they were so wowed by the audition (or so pressured by her agent) that they cast someone in the wrong age range.
  3. So if he got one without the others around, did Woody get one too? If not, does this mean the makeover was AFTER the Comeback Canyon competition week and Woody didn't make it? If it was in the middle of the week, how did they compete? Hmmm...
  4. But Scott is in Comeback Canyon! How did he get a makeover?
  5. I am rooting for Scott to go all the way! He has won Comeback Canyon 3 weeks in a row. There are only 2 weeks left of Comeback Canyon and up until Damien and now Scott, it was kind of a dud with contestants only staying 2 weeks and then losing to the next arrival each time. How awesome would it be for a contestant to actually come back after all those weeks and win the whole thing? If he ends up losing next week or even the week after, the whole Comeback Canyon premise will be kind of a joke and the person that wins it (whether it's Woody or the person that loses next week) will have only just left the ranch- no drama there! And yes, I think Rob is Kermit because of his voice. I actually burst out laughing at his latest tantrum! I felt bad for him but it was almost comical.
  6. By the way, weren't the Poly-Euro couple fellow parents at the school? Where were their kids when all this hot poly sex was going on at their house with Phoebe?
  7. I have been lurking here for a while and have enjoyed reading the posts. I couldn't believe that nobody had posted about the last episode as of this morning, so I registered for an account! I started out hating this show, but it has actually grown on me. I do feel it is missing something, though and it is not nearly as funny or engaging as it should be and as the previews built it up to be. It is trying too hard to be Sex In the City. Abby is supposed to be Carrie and Phoebe is Samantha. I guess Janine's character is Miranda?' No Charlotte. Maybe the new character will be Charlotte. I like Abby and Lyla (sorry to see her go), but can't stand Phoebe. Hate her character and hate the actress. Find her very annoying and her smug sexuality is just way over the top. The actor that plays Jake is very good but the whole situation with his young girlfriend bugs me. He is just so average looking. There is no way a successful young TV actress would go for him! Average looking and wildly successful, maybe, or really good looking but a loser perhaps, but not an average looking loser! Maybe the character was supposed to be really good-looking but the producers were wowed by his audition and cast him despite his looks. In any event, it is bad casting. The younger boyfriend is also terrible casting since he and Abby look about the same age. I found it a little hard to suspend my disbelief when Jake was making fun of how young he was! The part should have been cast with a CW type young hot actor! Speaking of (formerly) hot young actors! I totally cringed at the whole C Thomas Howell storyline, right down to the green polka dot socks during sex! I can't believe that this was the same hot young actor from "The Outsiders" Wow, has he aged. Sorry to get off track, I realize that episode was last week. Anyway, in response to the last poster, they didn't say what the caseworker decided, but the implication was that it was not good. I read that Janine Garofolo had stayed on after deciding to quit so that they could wrap up her character. I have a feeling that with the forced leave of absence from her job and potentially losing her kids, she will end up either leaving town or going off the deep end.
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