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Everything posted by raven

  1. Did Abe make the box in the books? I don't remember that part, but it was a while ago that I read them. I think they are doing a good job with the adaptation so far, the vamps are appropriately disgusting and they are hitting the key points. I liked in the books how fast the takeover happened, how quick it all went bad. Unfortunately the slim characterization for Nora is still there, which bugged me and it was the overall weak characterizations that caused me to give up on the series. With the introduction of vamp on vamp killing this week, will they get into the whole Master as rogue with his plan to take over? I don't think that was in the first book.
  2. *fans self* I didn't notice in this ep that Nolan had put on a few pounds? I can help him work it off :)
  3. I don't know about Christie trying to gain a mom in Stahma. I think going to the club was because she wanted to do something outside of the marriage, to be more Casti and because she was pissed at Alak for being a mini crime lord. She accepted the golf ball from Mercado which meant he could court her, unless I am misremembering. Could be that after the excitement of secret love & then being married, she was getting a little bored. She didn't have a mother but seemed close to the rest of her family. She didn't want to wear the whatever it was on her head at the wedding (that Stahma wanted her to wear). She must have an idea that Stahma is pulling the strings. I wonder what she would think about Stahma guilting Alak into killing? I like Stahma, she is a great character, but she is pretty much as much of a thug as Datak, just more subtle. I think maybe Christie is being influenced by the baby; not just the heightened sense of smell. Last season she took on the hellbug and defended Alak, so she can be tough. Killing Deidre was accidental (she yells "stay away from my family" when she tosses her, so I don't think she was aiming to toss her out the window) and self defense. Could be that the baby is influencing her to be more secretive as well as more Casti, to me the evidence would be clear that she was defending herself. She took the poison home rather than wait around to show the EReps? Lawkeeper? whoever investigates. Christie's embracing the Casti culture just seems so abrupt to me I wonder if there is another influence. She didn't seem interested in that when she and Alak were just young lovers. Alak's arc has been interesting too - he allows himself to be manipulated away from the record business, kills someone and seems to shrug off his hand being burned by his father. He finds out his wife is sneaking around, has an affair and then ends it out of guilt and because he loves Christie, as long as she is NOT like his mother. He has been jerked around this season, wonder if/when he will stand up for himself. Yeah, I'm a Nolan fan. He's like a twisted atypical bad guy with tarnished heart of gold. He loves Irisa and will do anything for her and that's it. She really hurt him with her accusations. I loved the way he packed up Tommy and started dragging him for help. I hope Tommy makes it, I like him too. Really enjoying this season, last season was OK but this one has been a pleasant surprise.
  4. This is my favorite season, with S2 a close second. You've all pretty much said it but: "Don't defend the shoe to me". Drawing on Wendy's kid's picture. Austin rocking the runway. The whole postal challenge. "I didn't take the bitch's dye". Jay's Chrysler building dress. Austin's corn husk dress. Crazy Morgan ripping the dress. Crazy Morgan all around. Designers hanging around, gossping and smoking outside (or maybe that was just Jay). Designers out at meet and greets. Tim visiting Jay's home with all the industrial stuff around it (something like that.) I didn't have the hate that most did for Wendy and thought her finale collection was OK, but she should NOT have made it to fashion week over Austin. I never could stand Kara Saun though. I enjoyed picking the models (kinda miss that) & I really liked Tim mentoring (sigh) the finalists on how to present their finale collections, model choosing, down to picking the music. Jay still has the best finale music as well as the best collection on any season IMO. Season over drama of Jay turning down the prize.
  5. I love this season. I always liked Santino, he was a looney but fun looney. Chloe seemed like a nice person, but I hated her final collection, it looked like curtains. Come on people! This is the season of this! Zulema with her big glasses, Heidi's expression, Andrae's expression and of course Daniel V. I laugh every time I see this.
  6. I liked his outfit in the 20 year challenge and he should have won this past week, or at the very least been in the top with Kini and anyone-other-than-Amanda. Hopefully he is safe in the middle as a prologue to shining later on, I am interested in seeing more from him.
  7. This point really hits home. I worked with someone for over a decade, most genial man you could ever want to meet, always genuinely smiling, married to his college sweetheart. We worked at (honestly) the most relaxed place you can imagine. I went on vacation and came back and was told he had killed himself. This was six years ago and I think about him occasionally, more often now with the news about Robin Williams. My co-worker had been on medication, which I didn't know. I would not have thought he had *something* that would drive him to do what he did. I think that the issue is complicated, medically as well as psychologically and that we are quite a way from understanding it. It's not a one size fits all; people are "imbalanced", for want of a better term, in different ways and it takes time and committment from the doctors and individuals to find what works to restore that balance or at least to bring the scales somewhat on the same level and even then it probably needs to always be tweaked. The sweaty toothed madman :)
  8. Aladdin. Good Will Hunting (my favorite). Insomnia and One Hour Photo - both so unexpected, well done. Excuse the cut and paste, I don't usually get troubled about a celebrity passing, but this one has gotten to me. Penned by Walt Whitman, homaged in Dead Poets Society: O CAPTAIN! my Captain! our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won; The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring: But O heart! heart! heart! O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells; Rise up--for you the flag is flung--for you the bugle trills; For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths--for you the shores a-crowding; For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning; Here Captain! dear father! This arm beneath your head; It is some dream that on the deck, You've fallen cold and dead. My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still; My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will; The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done; From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won; Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells! But I, with mournful tread, Walk the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.
  9. Me too - I really liked the show and am shocked to hear about Robin Williams' passing. It's just so sad.
  10. Wow just saw this online. What a shame. I just watched Good Will Hunting the other day and was as impressed with his performance then as the first time I saw it. Saw him in live standup years ago - well worth it. So sad, he was so talented. Condolences to the family :((
  11. Thanks for the trailer. Had no idea we were so close to S2. I really enjoyed S1 and found things to like/dislike about all the characters, looking forward to it.
  12. Hmm well I FLOVED Pan's Labyrinth and The Devil's Backbone. I thought the former was pretty original and the latter fantastically well done and creepy. Both were very atmospheric. I also really enjoyed Pacific Rim, which was just a ton of fun. Don't be Afraid of the Dark was weaker than Pan's and TDB, but not a bad flick, with the usual very nice atmospheric touches. The Strain - I'll check it out the TV show. I read both that one and The Fall and read a synopsis of The Night Eternal because though I was curious to see how the series ended, I was so disappointed in the Fall that I didn't want to read the last one. Anyway I don't want to spoil, I will say that I thought the opening scene in The Strain was very well done, very creepy. I liked the fact that the vampires were nasty. I thought the books failed on characterization though so I'm interested in seeing how the TV show handles that. I don't know if GDT or Chuck Hogan is to blame for my disappointment in the second novel so - brilliant filmmaker and not so brilliant author??
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