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Everything posted by nilyank

  1. Taxi driver is giving Vinnie and Amber that side eye.
  2. Ha. Dog riding down the escalators. The world is bigger than you think.
  3. Oooh they gave us the clues so we can play along. But I want to see players trying to breakdance.
  4. Looks like so much fun. It is things like this why people want to go on the Amazing Race. Are they using drones to film them up-close?
  5. I wouldn't blame him after the most recent things Thomas has done to Brooke and Hope. Plus his brother was hooking up with his sister. He is probably relieved that he doesn't have to explain that icky fact to anyone outside of the family.
  6. I totally thought that Phoebe climbed into the extractor machine to project herself as a ghost in order to be able to touch/kiss Melody, only to find out that she was betrayed.
  7. I mean it's not like the rest of K family especially Brady would be that upset that Xander got screwed over. Now, they should actually be more upset on Justin's behalf over being told that Alex was not his biological child but he never changed what he felt for him. As for Alex, I don't really care because he actually gets back his dad.
  8. She doesn't want her brother to marry someone who is Hope whether she is ready or not.
  9. I understood perfectly; Carly was screening Anna's call. Carly did not know what Anna wanted but she did not want Anna bothering Jason after he was finally released from police custody. Jason understood what Carly was doing and Carly had put Anna on speakerphone so Jason could hear what Anna had to say. Anna also realized immediately what Carly was doing as she asked Carly to give her thanks to Jason for trying to save Dante's life.
  10. Everytime I look at Holly, I just don't like her eyebrows. Either she needs to go brunette or color her eyebrows.
  11. Which is still better than having Marshall and Curtis hunting down some elderly doctor in a retirement home to confront him about a racist that forced Marshall to abandon his family and not seek them out until Curtis was in his 40s.
  12. I am calling it. Sheila wakes just as she is put to the flame.
  13. PM and EK looked at the storylines that were playing and decided to pull the parts that they could use and tie it up with a bunch of characters and stories. For Pikeman, it had to be someone connected to the show and not a new baddie so the audience would be interested. It is someone that has been trying to kill Sonny three times. Hell if Ava wasn't acting so obviously guilty, I would say it was AJ back from the dead and ready to get his revenge using Jason against Sonny. But Val fits perfectly with his ties to dirty WSB and Pikeman. With Nikolas in prison and Spencer dead (definitely now think Val has him and maybe even Esme), who do you think will make a play again for Cassadine Industries. Since Laura will have no idea what Val has been doing, I can see him trying to convince her to allow him to run the company in Ace's best interests. And not for nothing, if the show would ever be able to get Geary back for a very short stint, Val would have gotten him out away before Victor killed Luke.
  14. I am not worried about Angie. She could do 2 trips to weighing and still be ahead of the other two teams.
  15. Once again the Girlfriends barely get any screentime.
  16. "We know that we are not dead last." Yes, you are.
  17. I think for presentation the grandparents/retired cops had the best looking plate.
  18. I want some chicharron Yup, READ THE CLUE.
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