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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. I know how you feel. As if it wasn't bad enough we've actually been waiting over 25 years for this to return but then the teenage Scream killer stars and he's a middle aged principal!
  2. I do too. Story is a huge part of what was missing in these opening episodes and a big contrast from the original pilot. The whole reason people got pulled into TP in the first place was the storytelling of Laura's murder/body being found, the town's reaction, and the arrival of this quirky detective. It was the whole basis of the shown and it was severely missing in the redo premier. I'm still scratching my heading, wondering who gave the greenlight for this script and how far up Lynch's ass they were when they did. Couldn't agree with you more on the first two item. I think they should have made Hawk the current sheriff. Why bother w/a Sheriff Truman redo and adding another new cast member (to which there's already too many) when Hawk could have been promoted to the job upon Harry's retirement. I always liked Bobby back in the day too. Curious to see what they are going to do with him, if anything useful. The tree/arm was just gawd awful. I can't believe they'd let such cheesy special effects be used in this day and age. The original did a better job with sending Josie into the drawer knob and that was over 25 years ago with a much smaller budget I'm sure. Agree, Hawk and the Log Lady and Lucy's "it's the blinking button" were the only semblance of the classic this is based on. (And that says a lot because I was never found of Lucy and Andy's subplots). I think I could get a lot more invested in the SD murder mystery if it was happening in Twin Peaks with the original cast surrounding it. Instead I felt like I was watching Law & Order meets the X-files.
  3. I know exactly what to think--it sucked! If that was the best Lynch could do after 25 years, it's time for him to retire. The original cast only had cameos, most of the show wasn't even set in Twin Peaks, and I'm not even going there with that ridiculous tree replacing the midget. #epicfail
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't CeCe die at Pastor Ted's church? What irony.
  5. Maybe that's MK's end game--make Aria and Ezra relationship seem tame in comparison. The way she caters to those shippers it wouldn't surprise me.
  6. It appears that Peter likes to go the direct donation route when helping to populate Rosewood so he's not on my short list of baby daddy suspects this time around. I'm almost expecting some reveal where Caleb needed money (ya know to finance that trip he took with Spencer or something) and visited a sperm bank. I mean, hey, he's sampled Hannah and Spencer's spicy tuna, why not Emily's eggs? Pretty soon he'll have the full course meal. (Feel free to throw up in your mouth a little.) ;-)
  7. Kudos to Spencer for getting a piece of Fury before MK ships her back to Toby. Too bad it’s obvious he’ll turn on her once she looks suspicious. Since there aren't that many episodes left I supposes they'll just jump over Yvonne's funeral and any more grieving from Toby. It will be his turn to be there for Spencer when Marco turns on her, and then they'll live happily ever after in that house he was building for her all along. This is the question I really want the answer to! Since I saw the writing on the wall that Allie was carrying Emily's egg for a while now too, that reveal wasn't surprising at all. It's who fertilized the egg that could put a further spin on things. Somehow I'm doubtful it will be Elliot's. Wonder which Rosewood male made a donation to a sperm bank at some point. And since I already saw the "donation" thing coming, I was more appalled this episode over the Ezra/Nicole/Aria mess. I just don't know where to begin with all the things wrong w/that scenario. Certainly Ezra needs to stop writing books about people without their permission. I hope Nicole sues his ass for invasion of privacy, halts the book’s publications, and ruins Aria and Ezra’s reputation. How can he possibly move forward now with Aria as his co-writer? It's one thing for the publisher's PR department to spin it as a story of losing love and then finding love again. It's a whole other story when Nicole survives, Ezra doesn't choose her, and then publishes NICOLE'S story with his new girlfriend who is actually a former lover and student of his.
  8. Wren has been gone so long I wasn't even sure it was the same actor playing him. And while I always enjoyed his sexy accent, at this stage of the game I'm more interested in answers than arm candy. Specifically I'm curious to see if Mona can succeed where Caleb failed (i.e. crack that board game) ;-) Edited to add: Why is there no show next week? A boycott of Mother's Day week in protest of Mary Drake???
  9. LOL I'm guessing the Liars assume AD would really lose his/her shit if they set fire to the game in the middle of the woods, right over Rollins grave. Surely AD wouldn't miss the fireworks, no doubt quite a display given all the gases loaded up in that thing, since he/she has surveillance everywhere. Even blind Jenna surely has minions to narrate the pyrotechnic beauty it would set off, complete with those little figures flying through the night sky. *cue the What a Wonderful World song* And then the final PLL credits roll!
  10. Pennsylvania's age of consent is 16 so a statutory rape charge is probably off the table, but he could be charged with corruption of minors. Then again, this is Rosewood, Pa where they plant flowers in the wrong season and walk around w/out heavy coats all winter so who knows what legal universe this is set in.
  11. I couldn't agree with you more! That certainly would be the professional way to handle it and you'd think after 4 years of college and working for Claudia she'd have learned some of this, but no, Hannah is stupider and more immature than ever these days. Same goes for Emily in the prior episode at her place of employment. It was one thing when these girls did inexperienced eye roll worthy things when they were teens, it's another when they do it in their twenties. ICK is right! As if I didn't already think of Caleb as sleazy these days, that sealed the deal on his new characterization. It's a god thing this show is ending because there's just no way I'm going to get past the fact that he's familiar with 2 out of the 4 Liars tuna rolls. If the show did keep going, I'm sure Spencer,Toby, Hannah, and Caleb would end up as some redo of the Hastings-Dilarentis adulterous, who's your daddy-who's your mamma mess. Glad Caleb got sprayed too. Though I knew he probably wouldn't, from the previews I was hoping he got electrocuted and was a gonner. I pondered that too and finally settled on the fact that the show wanted to insert more angst by having her and Toby get married, share this touching but over the top foreshadowing scene discussing all the trips they'd never realistically take on Toby's cop salary even if she didn't die young all to produce a little more sympathy from viewers (like myself) who were ready for her funeral at the end of last season. Apparently even her family isn't going to miss her since they seemed to be MIA at her bedside since coming out of the coma.
  12. Last night AD stood for anonymous donor. I'm sure at some point over the next few episodes Toby and Spencer will bond again and Toby will realize Spenc was his true love after all. Remember he really built the house for her. The writing is on the wall.
  13. Oh joy, it’s the Rosemary’s Baby episode. Until it wasn’t and that whole plot point was dropped. Hannah is an idiot! First, the appendix was so obvious and then the dress—hello, she’s a freaking designer! Or she’s supposed to be. Obviously not a very ingenious one. She could have just altered the damn dress for the meeting. It just said ‘wear me.’ Didn’t say she couldn’t make alterations. Oh and what a bitch too! It’s not Spencer’s fault she didn’t take her turn. Speaking of Spencer, it would be really refreshing if she'd just fall in love with the cop who is smitten with her (and he'd turn out to truly be a good guy) instead of being Toby’s consolation prize? Really wish MK would quite shoving this high school soul mate crap down our throats. I wonder if someone will clue Aria in on how to interview a baker... Duh, taste some of their samples and check resume/references like you would for any other job. You'd think after spending hours with Holden the chef she'd know the answer to that.
  14. I'm sorta torn on Spencer's situation. On one hand, the teenage angst towards Veronica is kinda cold, but on the other hand I remember the earlier seasons of life in the Hastings family where the pressure to excel academically and live up to her"perfect" (*sticks finger in mouth & gags over equating that word w/Melissa*) big sister led Spenc to steal term papers and take speed all while practically raising herself because Peter and Veronica were either workaholics or jet setters not even in the country. So I dunno know, crazy momma Drake might be looking more appealing than we all think. At this point and after all she's been through, I get that Spencer feels more at home with twisted and disturbed than playing the put together senator's daughter. What I"m not torn on is how badly Hannah needs therapy more than she needs a fashion business or a icky love story with a guy who double dips between friends, or how immature Emily and Allison behave. I'd suggest that perhaps Em and Allie are not ready to be teen mentors/educators but then I remember this is Rosewood and this school used to employ Ezra Fitz so there's that.
  15. Frankly, I thought this finale was rather boring, lacking, and the pacing was off. Granted, I'm glad Norman's dead. I'd lost sympathy for him a long time ago. I am glad Dylan is alive and got his HEA even though he bugged the shit out of me most of the episode moping around and then foolishly accepting a dinner request at Chez Bates after the last one ended so stunning. My hubs called Dylan killing Norman very early on. I saw it coming too as the writing was on the wall at various points in the episode once Romero was out of the picture. The show has been flipping things on it's head and you had to expect the least expected. Everyone thought Dylan was a goner from day one so it's was a twist on the viewer's expectations (just like Norman's attempted suicide/murder with Norma and Marion living and Sam dying). But there were just too many continuity errors and dropped plot points in an otherwise tight series for me to feel satisfied. The Dr. Edwards character seriously needed some explanation/closure somewhere in this last season. You don't just bring up that the guy is missing, suggesting that Norman's whole coffee date with the man was a figment of his imagination, and not go somewhere with it. When did Norman kill him? Where? How did he dispose of the body? And how was there not an investigation into the disappearance of a prominent psychiatrist that ultimately didn't lead to Norman's door? That was just a huge plot hole of their own making that I could not get past. Same thing w/Caleb. He was Dylan's dad, brought back to town only to die and Dylan never knows. Again it's poor plotting. And the suspension of disbelief that two criminals were on the loose and their homes were even points of surveillance as instructed by the sheriff had me rolling my eyes and shaking my head when hours drug on without one cop at the Bates Motel. Hell, Norman even had the sign turned on, unknowingly broadcasting his location. It's not that big of a town and they were calling in for backup, which no doubt they were have a lot of with TWO freaking criminals on the loose, one a suspected serial killer and the other armed! Regina making it back was inconsequential. And on that final note, I gotta say I really felt for her when she was begging Alex to spare her life in the car. But the moment he tells her she can go and she bitches about walking in the cold, well he could have offed her then and I wouldn't have minded. What kind of idiot get a pass like that and then whines because the weather! It sure as hell couldn't have been that cold because lots of people on the show have been walking around outside and they weren't wearing parkas or snowsuits. Geez! It's Oregon, not Alaska.
  16. I'm almost certain Ali's baby is real but is also going to turn out to be Emily's baby as well via those eggs she had stolen. Granted, PLL is notorious for unresolved plots but in this case I think Emily's egg were stolen for a reason and that reason is going to be Ali's bundle of joy in a few weeks. Now who fathered the eggs that were implanted in Ali....well, let's hope that's not it's own spin-off! Edited to Add: Maybe Noel Kahn donated his sperm. At least the kid would have really good genes when it came to the looks department. Emily and Noel would make a pretty cute kid.
  17. I'm right there w/ya! Pretty sure I gag now every time he's shirtless or in bed w/Hannah. He's just bed hopped between her and Spencer enough to be a real creep. That flashback was so bizarre! Are we to infer that Peter was in the delivery room waiting to take the baby out of the hospital 5 minutes after her birth and into the parking garage where his wife was waiting in the back seat of a car because there are no waiting rooms? Or is that just how messed up Spencer's head is that she envisions it that way? The writers really need to leave their obsession with film noir alone.
  18. lol That was a good scene. I'd love to get one of the new sheriff trying to make sense of why Norman had his own personal biographer in the basement writing his memoirs.
  19. That seriously bugged me too. Made me feel like the last finale was one big waste if it could be "cleaned/cleared up" or brushed aside so easily. Shock value seemed to be the name of the real game here. Or at least the one the showrunners are playing w/the viewers.
  20. No. I would never put anyone above my spouse and children. And after the way Norma and Norman often treated Dylan, it shouldn't even be a hard decision who should receive his utter support and devotion. I think Dylan needs to get his shit together so he doesn't lose the only real family he has. While it's understandable that he play a bit of a "what if" game, he wouldn't have to run down that line of thinking too long to realize that his power and influence over the Norman situation was limited. Even if Dylan would have bypassed Norma like the new highway did their motel, and tried to work with Romero, even via long distance, Romero's days as sheriff were numbered. But even if Romero would have remained sheriff and tried to work w/in the law to bring Norman to justice and/or get him help, there was no proof (ie no body) for Emma's mother. Given her history, she would have just gone down as a possible missing person. Ironically, it took Romero going to jail and sending his guy (Blackwell?) after Norman for Blackwell's disappearance, given that he was a parolee and in the system, to show up on the new sheriff's radar and ultimately for the lake to be searched.
  21. Agree, Madeline did not come off well in this scene. And yet it's believable that her character would be the type of person to become nostalgic about someone once they are dead, forgetting the person's true character when they were alive. She was pretty blind about her marriage and Norman too. After last night's episode I was feeling a bit underwhelmed by the way the show handled the Marion/Loomis plot angle. It just seemed like there's nothing left to it and yet it was so intricate to the movie. While I don't expect it will happen, I'd love to see Marion and Madeline cross paths in the last episode and embrace some girl power together. Maybe they could met at Sam's grave and form a friendship. Dylan really needs to pull his head out of his ass in this last episode. I'm tried of seeing him wondering around like he's in a trance. I've never really felt the chemistry between him and Emma to begin with so it would be nice to see him make a sweeping gesture signifying that he's moving forward with his life, embracing his future w/Emma and Katie and walking away from his past w/the Bates. Maybe he could inherit everything and have the whole place bulldozed down. LOL I wouldn't worry. I'm pretty sure that's where Romero is headed w/Norman. I don't think they'll skip over the iconic body in the finale. The better question is...will Dylan ever learn Caleb's fate???
  22. lol Pig Pen--I love it! I really disliked Chick's character but I think the actor did a fabulous job with the role. I'm rather relieved that Chick went down. This is one instance where knowing that ahead of time might have allowed me to enjoy his character more. But when they introduced the book writing bit I feared he'd come out on top as some great literary ace. I wonder if his novel starts out "It was a dark and stormy night...."
  23. Agree competently! You might be on to something. I think too now that Romero might kill himself as part of the tragic ending. One thing's for sure though, if Alex and Norman all end up dead and "reunited" with Norma, that's not going to be a happy family reunion in the afterlife. ;-) I've come to the conclusion Chick might be wearing every piece of clothing (including head-wear) he owns at the same time. I wonder how long he'll be down there till someone finds him. I want Dylan to survive too. I also want him to pull his head out of his ass, get a mental grasp on who his brother really is, and put his family w/Emma & Katie first. Last night while watching my hubs said, "Where is Dylan from season 1?" This watered down version of Dylan is not nearly as satisfying or engaging to watch.
  24. tck, tck, tck of the typewriter keys and then a shot rings out! I applauded. That scene with Romero offing Chick made up for all the melodrama of this episode.
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