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Everything posted by Chalby

  1. What Below Deck has taught me about Chefs... They are highly sensitive, alcoholic divas.
  2. Great observations. I found Adrian to be talented, yet socially "off". He is a cuisine genius, but when a young man refers to sex as enjoying "pleasures of the flesh", he sounds like a virgin to me, lol. I don't care if he referenced his girlfriend's and his relationship as 'open'. She supposedly dumped him once he returned home, but I figure they were never really a couple.
  3. HOW on earth did I miss this? When did he call Captain Lee that? That's is one word that I will not tolerate during discussions, nevermind as a directed response! I LOVE when a crew member gets fired, especially if the person being fired deserves it! Bye Abbi; Bye Kevin!
  4. LOL, funny! Your post reminded me of what my hubby observed: "Not only are there bugs in that messy nest of hair, but the bugs have built condos and are implementing strata." He had me laughing for 5 mins straight with that observation,
  5. I'd love to see an image of this roller. Sounds like something I could use.
  6. I think she definitely drinks too much, but I wish she wouldn't get defensive about her behaviour, and state she doesn't take drugs etc. If she has severe anxiety attacks, I would bet her doctor has prescribed meds for it. There's nothing wrong with taking your meds only to find alcohol had a negative interaction with the meds. Nobody would judge her as s**t happens. But, by claiming all of her behaviour was anxiety induced immediately has me calling BS.
  7. 65Mickey - Did you catch the season where Hannah was having her panic attack? Initially, it definitely resembled a full-blown panic attack, making her 'run away'. (Caroline experienced anxiety attacks too, and she would rush out and beeline towards fresh air/deck). However, Hannah's attack didn't let up and she spent 24 hours throwing up, and tossing in her bunk. Was that still the remnants of her attack?
  8. Exactly, I never made a sound during mine. But if there are sounds to be made - they definitely sound panicked/frightened. etc. I have never encountered someone having an attack while yelling that they have paid for everything on the charter, heh.
  9. That's not fair to the Captain. Everyone assumed Brandi was drunk upon arrival (which is not something to immediately panic about). I think Lee handled the situation well, and he got a doctor involved (despite the guests stating she's always like that). I didn't know Lee lost his son to an overdose, but I am pretty sure it had been a different scenario. I have known parents who discovered their children dead from an overdose, but only after realizing the child was sleeping too long. Yes, ODs and Brandi's behaviour were an Over-Amount of "something", but losing a child to drugs doesn't make one an OD expert. I remember the charter where the Canadian chef (Matt?) forgot to order lobster and he immediately radioed in a request and arranged to their tender to meet up with the seafood supplier. It arrived in the nick of time.
  10. I do not recall Ashton ever being an asshole. He always appeared to be the voice of reason, as well as being empathetic to his workmates. Are you thinking of Joao?
  11. Nah, if it was an opiate, she would have been sleeping more soundly. Don't the rich have a yen for xanax and booze or valium type stuff? (Or is that an opiate too?)
  12. Lol - cooking and ordering groceries. He stated during the preference sheet discussion he was going to cook what they catch while also providing the seafood extravaganza. Surely he's not that inept that he forgot to order seafood? I hope it was simply a fabricated storyline. Regardless, he looked like a fool. I was so glad to see that Helen and Richard got rid of their vampire attire and infused some colour into their wardrobe.
  13. Does anyone remember that couple that was groping and sexually harassing that single mom stew (can't remember her name). Kate gave her a rape whistle but also ensured that she didn't deal with the couple while alone. The stews handled it tactfully without making a huge scene, and those guests were definitely groping her. Captain Lee said that had he have seen what was going on during the charter (instead of while watching the show) he would have stepped in and even gone as far as escort them off the boat. However, I think Kate and ?? dealt with it well. Just as Kate will be upset when she watches the show and sees what Lee dealt with.
  14. I doubt that you were AS incoherent as Brandi. She was outright hallucinating and talking to invisible beings about ...? Panic attacks sound just like their title - panicked.
  15. I feel the same about Kate. I appreciate that she works her butt off as opposed to some others (ahem, Hannah). Kate is always go go go. As for Kevin, he is behaving like a diva. The chef needs to work WITH the interior crew and he needs to remember he is NOT their employer. If he wants breakfast platter taken to a table when there are no guests up, then he should go ahead and do it. Do not wake up Kate (who was on lates) because the stews aren't jumping at your radio commands. I would hide his radio until 10:00 a.m. lol This post reminded me of Canada's British roots because we write and pronounce the words the same as the Brits.
  16. I suffered panic attacks during my pregnancies (oddly enough). Aside from feeling as though I was going to die, along with the fight or flight sensation, I never moaned or writhed about. I am not a doctor, but that poor gal seemed to have mixed meds with alcohol. I remember speaking gibberish after I learned that gravol and alcohol don't mix. Lee has sayings and behaviours that annoy me just as Sandy's micro managing annoys me. That being said, I think they are both wonderful captains in that you can see they do care about their crews.
  17. Sorry if I am late to your son's dating story, but how did he come across a gal from Zimbabwe? Was he over there, or was this an online romance? If it was an online meeting, weren't you terrified 90 day fiancee was going to play out in your home? lol
  18. LOL - I could see Rebecca publishing former naked pictures of herself as a last effort at proving she was once "hot". It must be hard on those people who were extremely attractive at 20, but are finding that age is not a good friend and they can't afford to maintain a youthful look. It's better to be average looking at 20, yet getting better with age, like a fine wine. That is better than starting as an expensive champagne that goes flat soon after opening.
  19. True, BUT I do respect Rebecca's ability to calmly stand her ground. I have a terrible temper, but I do not like confrontations. However, if I had been in Rebecca's shoes, I would have chest bumped Angela onto her ass. The way Angela rushed Rebecca, getting into her face...? I would have quickly stood so that I popped Angela with that massive bosom. Yes, You are right - there's no excuse for getting physical, but I do long to offer Angela a reminder as to why she shouldn't blindly bully others without a logical consequence.
  20. Not a chance. All she would find online/at home are men her age refusing to consider a match with a woman over the age of 40. I believe she started off the friendship with Samit innocently, and he groomed her for years.
  21. The saying, "Hindsight is 20/20" is so appropriate. During the conversation about Samit possibly being thrown in jail because of his in-laws filing false abuse claims, I was feeling sorry for the guy. LOL, Say what? If anything, I've only read news articles outlining that abusing one's wife is the norm in India, and generally accepted. So how was it that I was watching that conversation, and thinking, poor Samit? Heck, I was getting suckered!
  22. I have to say, I think Samit is the best of the best when it comes to lying and manipulating. I believe Jenny has gone through life being introverted and invisible until she met Samit. I believe he groomed her by starting as online 'pen pals', to video chatting, to declaring love and her sending him money. He makes her feel so special, so loved, that she can't see beyond the BS. He follows up his statements of love with grand gestures like the scenario where he publicly protested his arranged marriage and announced to family and world that he loved and wanted to be with Jenny. I can see her mental hamster-wheel spinning while she thinks, "It must be true or he wouldn't say it". Even if the whole family confrontation was arranged by Samit, the fact that he said all of that in front of the so-called relatives, while being dragged out simply proved to her he loved her. She wants to romanticize their union, like she's a 60 year old Juliet. I get why she got duped, and I see no chance of her moving on from him. No matter how badly he scammed her, he's able to justify the continuation of their relationship. He's very good at double talk (and it helps that he is not fugly - he is actually decent looking with those big, innocent-looking eyes.) But come on Jenny, what are the odds of a past-her-prime 60 year-old with a 30 year-old? I usually shake my head with disgust after the initial episodes of 90 Day... because the relationship cracks are obvious. (Paul and Karine's/ Mohammed and Danielle's cracks were showing before they stepped on a plane). However, I love Lauren and Alexi so I watch because I hope to see another happy union like theirs, but the BS unions outnumber them. With Samit though, whenever I would think, hmm smells like a scam, he would behave or react in such a way that he had me second-guessing my own BS detector. Poor Jenny comes to life when he focuses on her, and I feel so sad because as long as he publicly announces his love for her, and convinces her the two of them will prevail over the naysayers, she'll never turn her back on him.
  23. This is very disappointing especially after the talking head where she was sobbing and stating over and over, "My story is real. I swear I didn't know he was married."
  24. Talk about a common thread with all these couples - poor impulse control. Look how many fly to a foreign land to meet someone they've never met yet believe they are in love with, while going broke in doing so. They also (ahem, Ben) fail to prioritize other areas in their lives like children, rent, employment while jetting off. WTH? How do any of them believe themselves to be desirable? Rebecca's acting had me laughing because she does the light, breathy cry (sans tears) after confessing yet another religious no-no to Zied. Then we hear her sniffling, "Do you still love me?" Zied is just as desperate as Michael to get to N. America, he'll put up with anything (although I don't get what she sees in him either).
  25. I don't think Caesar's that stupid either. He never had $40,000 to give to some Ukraine beauty, but I do think he supports her responses as per the supply and demand model. He wants people to think some blonde European wants him and he's willing to pay for it. In this day of online romance there are far too many people who believe their personal stock is worth far more than it is in real life. Those people HAVE to pay for love because they are too out of touch. Even his purchase of chocolate panties is beyond stupid - I actually found out that fruit roll-up panties are preferred.
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