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Everything posted by Higgins

  1. I have had several homes with septic and dishwashers. Never been an issue.
  2. Not when you buy and use Cuntkins. Try some today!
  3. I always thought there was some truth to Kim's claim however convoluted.
  4. This TV show did that much more than that HR. Thank you. That's exactly it. I actually love LVP and all she does for dogs. I love dogs more than anything. I applaud her Yulin work.
  5. No. It wasn't a LVP publicity stunt. She believes in it. It's just not useful
  6. I won't be able to convince you. This will never be acted upon. This is not law.
  7. There was no bill brought to the floor. This didn't occur. There was no legislation voted upon.
  8. That's so funny!!!! Oh dear, now that is some dumb shit right there. Janelle, take a human A&P class.
  9. Not in my opinion. There is no risk involved here only the opportunity for reward.
  10. It also got the Congressman on TV "fighting" against what almost all Americans would disapprove of. Not that impressive.
  11. I agree. The problem to me is she didn't stand up and hold Dorit responsible. That would have been the ethical action. So this is my problem with LVP is If she "protected" Dorit That's worse.
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