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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I knew there had to be something going on with this guy to put up with Shannon Storms Beador! Now we know, they're both drunks! After watching this episode, it looks to me like he lives on a house boat and he's in a marina of some sort. They were sitting out on a deck, no grassy backyard there.
  2. I saw both of her shows and really liked them. I made the chicken casserole tonight except I used store bought bread stuffing (not Stove Top) and it was delish. Aside from Joanna having style and class it was cute the way she kept saying she wasn't a professional cook, just a home cook and laughing at her own mistakes. She's always been adorable. I guess the difference between her and Amy (aside from Joanna being naturally likeable) is that Amy video's her segments on her own and Joanna has a film crew and people behind the scenes cutting and re-doing segments. Don't know but I noticed it, too and it was disgusting. Why does she do such selfie closeups? Does she edit them AT ALL? How can she not look at this stuff before posting? She gets so close to her face you can practically see the plaque build up on her teeth. She needs a good dental cleaning. Move the phone away from your face, Amy!
  3. It would be nice if Olivia was the one to do that. But this is self centered ice queen Olivia I'm talking about so never mind.
  4. I still don't understand why Chris is attracted to her. On another note, I can't stand it when these cooks take you all the way through making their dish then they don't cut into it or spoon out a portion or what ever to show you the finished product. This happens a lot on YouTube cooking video's, too. This is where you can tell the amateurs from the pro's. Amy has much to learn.
  5. I'm surprised at Moriah wanting to make peace with that monster Kim. Didn't Kim kick her out of the house when she was only 16 for being so rebellious? She doesn't deserve Moriah's forgiveness. How did that skinny faced, thin lipped ugly Barry produce such good looking boys? It's a miracle. Anybody else notice Barry calmly sitting at the table continuing to eat while everybody else was running around having fun throwing pies? What a douche.
  6. Then earlier in the episode he said his lease was coming up, he wanted to renew the lease because he liked living in his own space in Greensboro. Make up your mind, freeloader!
  7. Oy, that off one shoulder skin tight green spandex top of Moriah's making it's appearance again. Burn that thing!
  8. Don't forget "And everybody knows it, too" I think I'm all of a sudden a lil' in love with Ethan. When he ran after Barry and pulled him back from going to Olivia and got in his face I though for some reason that was sexy as heyall!!
  9. I was really feeling Buddy Boo Bear this episode but then of course he blew it. First he said he didn't want to move in with Whitney because he has a life in Greensboro. His own place, he's all settled in, he likes and needs his own space. Yay! He's going to stand up to Twitney! Then by the end of the show he said he doesn't like Charlotte but would move in with Whitney if she came back to Greensboro. Huh? What about your own space, being all settled, etc, etc....? Double talking moron. Again, we endure Tal the negative asshole but no sign of Todd at all. Who did Todd piss off? This show needs Todd. Badly.
  10. Natalie. I will just sit in the corner by myself and eat my carrot. I'm here for all of this! Looks like from the previews Mike is going to send her packing soon, though. Guys, I think we have all forgotten (at least I did) how Mike and Natalie met. Mike's best friend married a girl from Ukraine. Natalie was friends with her. This is how Mike and Natalie met. Natalie knew damn well all about where Mike lived and what his country lifestyle was about so she can stop pretending to be horrified at not knowing what she was getting in to. By the way, where are those best friends? I wonder how they are doing and if they are still married and why hasn't Natalie been in touch with her Ukranian bestie to hang out with and complain about Mike?
  11. Lisa is not hearing what her husband is saying. I see divorce in their future.
  12. Shannon leaves 3 teenagers home alone with no housekeeper because I'm sure Covid put a stop to that. She expects these girls who most likely never even made their own bed in their entire lives to keep the house clean and pick up Archie's doodoo. She really is delusional. How convenient for Eliz to bring attention to her horrific, abusive, mind fucking childhood in front of the camera! This chick is nuts. Isn't she supposed to be close to her mother? We have seen her mom in episodes. Wasn't mom in the cult while Eliz was going through this abuse? Something smells. I was kind of interested to hear what Kelly's dad was saying about their Mexican heritage but of course Kelly became bored quickly and couldn't wait to get off the phone because it wasn't all about her. How can you be in your 40's and not about your background? What a narcissist.
  13. This episode was soooo boring can you imagine if Ryan didn't show up? As it was all they did was all jump in the lake and proceed to try (unsuccessfully) to tear Ryan to shreds with their juvenile insults. Oh, boy, geez, that sure was fun to watch. Then everybody hauls ass home and Whit is left with her sammich maker and his new gf of all of one week. Did you already tell her you love her ? Omg, Did You?? I can not believe these people are in their late 30's. Let's not forget they tape hours and hours of footage then edit it down to fit in to one episode. This was the best they had to go with?
  14. Tal: We want Whitney to move back to Greensboro. Ryan: You hardly ever saw her in Greensboro! I will never stop loving truth teller Ryan. Was Whit taking her top off in that muddy looking lake supposed to be for shock value? Ohhhhhh TLC you are so daring! It didn't work. They could not possibly milk another season out of this boring trainwreck, could they?
  15. Candiass with those mother effing tissue squares dabbing at her eyes the entire part 3. Phony ass. She commanded the reunion and loved every minute of it. I'm sure she thinks this puts her in the Queen of Potomac stratosphere next season. I won't be watching for that.
  16. She has mentioned a sister in the past and I believe we saw her on the show very briefly a long time ago. I don't know if she has any other siblings. Maybe Brawny should do some research on John for us. He has to have a screw loose somewhere in order to be attracted to and continue with having a relationship with Shannon.
  17. Holy cow! She's got quite an ass on her. That thing has a life of it's own. She cries alot. Shannon cries alot. Gina cries alot. Emily cries alot. Brawnie cries alot, (although not this episode thank god). The only one that doesn't cry is Krazy Kelly. These women need to get a hold of themselves, they are totally unhinged.
  18. A whole lotta crying. Not fun to watch. Worst season of any of the HW franchises ever.
  19. Moriah looked so pretty with her hair straight and much lighter lipstick. Then we see the off the shoulder lime green skin tight satin half top again and it's all ruined. Micha showing Lydia his modeling photo's. She was sooooo embarrassed. Micah really has no shyness at all, does he? He enjoys showing that body. And a fine body it is. It seems to me that Olivia doesn't just want Ethan to try new things. She wants a bad boy. Ethan will never be that. He's a good guy with the wrong girl.
  20. Really, when the eff are these people going to grow up? I died when they were going on and on about Buddy disappearing from the house and finally telling Twit he had a girlfriend, then watching Twit and her nasty jealousy only to find out all this was over one week of dating! Poor Ryan. You know TLC told him to call and act like he wanted to go to the lake house to hang with all his haters. You know in reality he would never want to do that. Ever. He must have been contractually obligated to show up or risk not getting paid. Since when did Tal become an asshole? Heather didn't show up at the lake. Smart girl!! She has kids to take care of and home school. I don't like Twit's TH wig this season and her face looks very full. How may covid pounds has she gained? Better lay off those sammies!
  21. She does live in California, Pringle said that she comes to Charleston half way through the visit so she and the kids can see each other and spend some time, then she goes back home. I think Pringle said he has them for 6 weeks in the summer, so I guess she visits at the 3 week mark.
  22. Having potential and actually doing something with that potential are two different things. Shep has a degree, too, and hasn't worked a real job a day in his life. Except walking to the mailbox to pick up his trust fund check. Obviously Pringle's Wall St. gig didn't last because he moved to California. I don't know what he did there but what ever it was it didn't stop him from moving across the country to Charleston. Craig and Austen have degree's also. Enough said, lol.
  23. It's not just about the sleeping arrangements in their house, though. My point was that it's about the involvement in birth control, having to go with Brandon to pick up his girlfriend at the airport, having to book a hotel and have dinners and sightseeing together. Like I said, mom and dad should let them kick it by themselves and mind their business. Plenty of time for family get togethers. There was no reason for them to go to the airport and sit in the backseat calling the Dr. to set up birth control appointments. That was sick and not normal by any stretch. Of course it will never change until Brandon moves out on his own.
  24. For a woman that married a man that has been married twice before and has 4 other kids, Brandon's mommy sure acts like a prude. Loosen up, lady! You married a very experienced man yourself and it hasn't seemed to hurt you any. Let Brandon and his girl kick it without you interfering. The girlfriend said she didn't want kids any time soon so mind your business and go milk some cows.
  25. Totally! Same with Yara and Natalie. All of these morons should know exactly where they are moving to and what they are getting in to. I don't even get why we are being subjected to Natalie and Mike again. They had nothing in common. She wanted kids right away, he didn't. She is extremely religious, he is not which was a deal breaker for her. She accused him of cheating. She threw the engagement ring at him. What happened to all of that strife? They are playing such a phony game. Oh, and Natalie, nice that you could scrounge up enough money to get yourself those big blow up lips. Red lipstick is not your friend, honey. She looks awful. As for Mike, why doesn't he turn the heat up? Simple solution. Isn't Ukraine freezing cold in the winter? She acts like she's from the tropics. What happened to shy, poor little Hazel? She wouldn't let Tarik touch her and had to have a pillow between them on the bed so he couldn't rub against her. She wouldn't even kiss him for longest time. When she arrived at the airport, she still barely could kiss him. Now we find out she's bisexual. I think she's a lesbian and is using Tarik for a green card. I don't care what she is just be honest about it.
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