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Steve and DJ getting married seemed like the least interesting part, LOL. JS & AB were really the runaway stars of this show... I know women in their age bracket are not in great demand in Hollywood & they are probably typecast forever in these roles, but they were great and such a great comedy pair. ❤️ ITA regarding the fertility storyline being unrealistic and probably cringey for those of us who really struggle with these issues... Scandal or no, I would have liked to see Aunt Becky and some reference to Michelle (maybe attending virtually at least?), but it is what it is. I'm still shipping Vicki and Danny.
This episode had the waterworks going for me. I thought it touching how it engaged with the girls' mom. I thought it was going to end with the little girl and her mother actually being a memory of little Stephanie and her Mom, but maybe they decided that would be too too much for us to handle!
I'm not sure why it took me so long to get around to watching this, because I like Lindy's writing, but I binged the whole thing this week and really enjoyed it. Aidy Bryant is great, and I actually liked season 2 better because Annie seems a little more stable--i.e., asserting herself sometimes without being rude and obnoxious. I was so afraid that Season 2 was leading to some big cliffhanger with Annie and her mom fighting over the abortion because Annie wrote about it in the paper. It was so nice instead to see her have that moment with her mom where she was just really supportive. That said, it did create a little bit of a double standard-- She breaks up with Ryan because he talked about their sex life, but she also wrote about the abortion in the newspaper. It would have been worth showing her having the "should I write about this" conversation with him, to underscore that she was more considerate to him than he was to her. The other thing that gives me pause about the show is this idea that Annie is some poor, overweight, loser outcast even though she has constant access to nice things, hip people, and sex. But this is basically a truism in every show about "struggling" young adults. Waiting for Amadi to get divorced in S3, since the character and his relationship w/Annie seems to be based on Lindy and her real-life husband...
S01.E02: ... had sex with Paxton Hall-Yoshida
LaChavalina replied to paulvdb's topic in Never Have I Ever
Yeah, maybe I'm an "old" now but I was very glad to see the show back off the aggressive quest by Devi to lose her virginity. Having that played for laughs (?) was very cringey to me. -
As someone else pointed out, this is Mindy's MO. I enjoyed this series overall, and I actually thought some of her staple tropes worked better here because, yes, they're mostly teens and it's believable they would be so horny/dumb/immature and allergic to feelings. That said, as someone who has watched much of MK's other works, I want to see some new material for Season 2. Between Mindy Project, Four Weddings, and even The Office, she's used some of the same story lines (and same actors in similar roles, even) in at least 2 or 3 different shows. It reminds me a bit of watching the old TGIF where you'd see the same plot lines recycled from one show to the next to the next.
After seeing discussion about this show elsewhere online, it's so refreshing to see the commentary here. So many people have panned the show for giving Deborah a win for political reasons (though both artists did work that was explicitly political). Janusz was one of my favorites all the way through and I agree that he was probably the best competitor technically, but his final project was a let down. He made a piece about protecting the earth by putting a glass earth under a cloche and making smokestacks in the background. Of course judges who were art experts would nail him for being too literal. My husband made fun of me for suggesting they both should have won, but the Corning Museum's website lists Janusz under its Artists and Instructors, so I suspect the museum directors knew a good thing when they saw it and snapped him up for a residency or some similar opportunity, too. Deborah's appearances at the museum are happening this month. https://www.cmog.org/bio/janusz-po-niak
S12.E23: The Change Constant; S12.E24: The Stockholm Syndrome
LaChavalina replied to Bort's topic in The Big Bang Theory [V]
IMO this is exactly why it was annoying. Why even bother to write that plot line? It reminds me of the last season of The Office, where they cooked up manufactured drama between Jim and Pam basically just to burn screen time. And it bothered me that they handled it on screen with Leonard's line about how "she didn't want kids, but now she does." Magical handwaving... -
Jonathan & Fernanda: Buying Boobies & Thangs
LaChavalina replied to Drogo's topic in The Couples (Spoilers)
I'm just quoting a couple of the more objectionable statements that have been made on this thread. There's a very clear and ugly suggestion in these posts, and it doesn't have anything to do with how hard it is to learn another language. I won't belabor the point (sorry, mods), but I hope others might consider why statements like this--especially when made without any supporting evidence--are potentially hurtful to people. -
Came here to see others' opinions on this year's final and am pleased to see we're mostly in agreement about the silliness of the challenges! I liked Rahul all along, but I'm honestly stunned it wasn't Kim-Joy. Her showstopper was the most creative and appetizing, in my opinion, and I'm surprised she didn't get more recognition for the sugar work. I think Ruby could have more easily made her isomalt bowl if she'd turned a regular bowl upside-down and then poured/formed the isomalt around the sides. I respectfully disagree that they picked Rahul because they want a new Nadiya... if they were purely going for photogenic and diverse contestants, they would have picked Ruby. She is a total knockout, great attitude, and I can totally see her going into a presenting gig. Rahul and his little Eeyore personality were adorable at times to me, but he did struggle these last couple of weeks. This show manages to pull a lovely group of humans every year, but this group felt so special. I was all waterworks at the end esp. when they showed Terry hanging out with one of the other contestants and her daughter, recalling how lonely he'd seemed. In conclusion: Can't wait for 2019.
Jonathan & Fernanda: Buying Boobies & Thangs
LaChavalina replied to Drogo's topic in The Couples (Spoilers)
Another American (non-Hispanic) here. Foreign language training was required in public schools in the state where I grew up. I'm bilingual today because I stuck with it from middle school through high school through college and beyond. I worked hard, studied abroad to develop my skills, and I still find ways to use my language skills in everyday life. There are definitely a lot of people who struggle and/or don't stick with it, but I think being bilingual is becoming progressively more common--particularly among college-educated young people, many of whom are now required to take language classes or study abroad in degree programs. It's opened a lot of doors for me. Not really crazy about the implications in this post (i.e. immigrants aren't making an effort to learn English and Fernanda must have learned by hooking up with other American guys or hanging out at bars). I can't speak for Mexico, but there are many schools around the world that start English language instruction for children in kindergarten. In terms of pedagogy, that is better than the approach used by many American schools (who introduce a second language in middle schools, after the ideal window for acquiring language skills has started to close). Is it so hard to believe that Fernanda (and/or her parents) also prioritized her ability to learn English? -
The first clue that you're visiting a crap furniture store is that they can't even manage to display their furniture effectively. What was that place? It looked like a cut-rate Rent-a-Center. I kind of feel bad for Fernanda more than anything. She just isn't mature enough to be getting married, and I don't think she realizes that if she marries this guy this will be the rest of her life: Hanging out with his boring white bread friends, no more regular clubbing, two years of being his designated driver before they can even drink together, being away from her family months or years at a time, and probably getting pregnant in a few years and kissing her great body goodbye. A guy with more sense than Jonathan would see this and be willing to make real changes or let her go. He's a real estate agent and has family in Chicago, why wouldn't he consider moving there to be with her? She seems like she'd be a lot happier in a bigger area with a larger Latino population. Agrees with the posters above on Steven and Olga. He won crazy points in my book for trying to be there and support her. Can't we make some special visa category for Asuelu so he doesn't have to be here on a K-1? Maybe an Einstein visa for sexy moves and excellence in Polynesian dance? Leida's money-grubbing is disgusting. And for the 8 millionth time, none of this is how actual rich people would behave. That said, nice to see Eric following in the proud tradition of 90 Day Fiance partners who didn't bother to buy an appropriate bed before their SO showed up.
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Colt & Larissa & Debbie: Me, You, and Bith Phtew
LaChavalina replied to Drogo's topic in The Couples (Spoilers)
There's a difference between egging someone on or starting verbal arguments and gaslighting. From what I see, she's been very blunt about telling him what she doesn't like about him, his life, and his family. That's not so much "gaslighting" as regular old acting like a high maintenance b*tch. That said, I have no doubt she nags him incessantly. She doesn't love him, she doesn't respect him, she resents that she's not getting the life that was represented to her by movies/TV/whatever. These are things that (unfortunately) happen commonly in a dysfunctional relationship, but that still doesn't make it right to respond with physical abuse. These are adults. In any normal relationship, if things had spiraled to this point the sensible thing to do would be to call it quits and walk away. But these two are so entangled in scamming each other and trying to get a fast buck and a little fame that they won't take an easy way out of the mess they made. -
The food court cheese steak was by far my favorite moment. Leida, I'm sorry your ex is such a deadbeat that he doesn't want to support your kid and evidently doesn't care that you're carting him halfway across the world to live with a stranger, but that doesn't give you the right to begrudge someone else's child support. Leida wants her new husband to pay only to raise her kid and not his own. Right. Leida's father seeming so unaccustomed to international travel adds to my suspicion that they're not as rich as they've been made out to be. IIRC, she is still a college student. Asuelu is by far my favorite this season and possibly ever. Seeing him judged for being a parent that dares to want to be in his child's life is maddening. I'm scared Larissa might end up an ingredient in the next batch of "beef" stew if she keeps insulting the cats.
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Colt & Larissa & Debbie: Me, You, and Bith Phtew
LaChavalina replied to Drogo's topic in The Couples (Spoilers)
I have zero sympathy for these guys that claim American women are too "feminist," because then they go overseas and find a foreign woman who turns out to be super high-maintenance. Every. Single. Time. IIRC, Colt's complaint about the American feminazi squad was that those women had the gall to suggest he shouldn't be living with his mother at 33. I guess being asked 30,000 times for flowers is somehow less demanding? It somehow pleases me that he will end up with this awful woman who will bust his balls every day of their lives together. Larissa is like some sort of fembot surgically enhanced to seek and destroy. -
Paul & Karine: These Condoms Ain't For Sexin'
LaChavalina replied to Drogo's topic in The Couples (Spoilers)
I wonder if they haven't realized that some of these idiots are a real disaster waiting to happen. The last couple of seasons have turned up the ick factor on abusive behavior and kids in uncomfortable/unsafe situations. And these guys like Paul and Josh, who have an actual history of domestic abuse... not good.