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  1. Please, PLEASE let this result in there being a new clip circulating around the Internet showing Nick Bosa sobbing on the sideline as he did during the Super Bowl when his team blew another second half double-digit lead.
  2. Yahoo article on that debacle. Pretty good comparison, but the author's suggestion that Gronk should be brought back again is a big hell to the no. It may be entertaining for some viewers, but when I watch this show and they bring on incompetent celebrities, all I can think of is how frustrating it must be for the civilians to have a once-in-a-lifetime shot at a huge sum of money and get kneecapped by being paired with a chucklehead, which is QUITE often on this version.
  3. Sigh. Been there, done that with RuPaul before, and Noxeema's reaction is my own: https://youtu.be/GaNUDvdpM34?t=211
  4. I just had a wonderful dinner last night at Carrie Baird's (season 15, placed 4th) Bar Dough restaurant in Denver. I went with the Happy Hour menu, so I wound up starting with the special Bar Dough “punch” (strawberry basil lemonade, vodka, and cocchi americano), then some giant meatballs made with pork belly and pancetta, a wood-fired Margherita pizza, some arancini balls (risotto and mozzarella cheese breaded and fried), and a wood-fired spicy pepperoni roll. The dough/crust on the pizza and roll was AMAZING, thin and crisp with a faint smoky char on the outside, light and soft and melt-in-the-mouth on the inside. Somehow I managed to waddle back to my hotel afterwards but it was delicious, and since it was the happy hour menu it came in under $30 (not counting the tip).
  5. Anyone else yelling "Say 'I'M A STATE' you idiot!" at the contestant who had the "What California would say" category in the Winner's Circle while she was giving clues that sounded like she was describing a person: "I enjoy surfing and walking on Venice Beach". *Slaps forehead*
  6. Yeah, during a tournament, no less - and you know it's hard when they use it as the last category there. You can see it here (also kudos to them for getting "Things with Compartments"): https://youtu.be/EiXJ1h73tv4?t=350 Other doozies that the players actually got were "Things that Penetrate" and "Things that are Continued". I swear that one time on an older version there was a "Things you Perceive" - THAT one they did not get.
  7. ABC studios, I order you to take whatever film of the Terrell Owens/Gayle King match you have, place it atop a giant pyre, soak with kerosene, burn the whole thing to the ground, and then salt the earth where the ashes lay. Excruciatingly bad play with idiot contestants and idiot celebrities. I sentence all four of them to six head-knocks and a boot in the ass. And does anyone want to place an over-under on whether or not that Woolly Willie lookalike contestant showed up drunk? Shave and a haircut (two bits), you doof.
  8. I'm officially hate-watching this show now. I don't like the tie-breaker rule at all, but that kind of pales in comparison to what happened with the Mystery 7 in the second round of the second game. The game was over at that point, and with two categories still on the board the show just decided to reveal it and give it to the contestant who had already won. That was SERIOUS bullshit - the contestant who had lost should have gotten a chance at it as a consolation prize. And I don't think it is just the caliber of contestants and celebrities that are hurting this show (if Leslie Jones or Taye Diggs had throat-punched that shrieking Maggie Q/Olivia Munn-looking contestant in the first game, ain't a jury in the world would convict). It's also the fact that the categories in the front game are fucking stupid and are usually so vague it's too hard for the contestant or celebrity to get "on track" with the answers. "Things that don't make great anniversary gifts"? I think the high point of the show tonight was watching that nerded-out contestant in the first game talk about how good he was at thinking fast, and then promptly going 2 for 7 in his first round. Schadenfreude-licious!
  9. I really wanted to like the contestant who won the $150K in the first episode tonight, but holy hell dude, dial it down a few notches. I'm sure Bobby Moynihan's chiropractor appreciates the extra work you just sent his way, though.
  10. Ugh - when I watched this show as a kid back in the 80s, a team eking out a win with 14 points was a rarity, not the norm. And the Mystery 7 was usually won, not rarely. This was the first time this season it was won, I believe.
  11. Well, Anthony Anderson is just as obnoxious and tiresome as he was in the very first episode. Memo to Anthony Anderson this week and Mario Cantone last week - we aren't here to watch you mug for the cameras.
  12. If you need any further proof that Bebe was coasting through this entire season, take a look at what she wore on tonight's runway, and compare it to her finale runway look from season 1: https://giphy.com/gifs/rupaulsdragrace-season-1-rupauls-drag-race-l1KVaNfCNTycUcwww Beyond that, I'm fine with the outcome of this season, just not the route it took to get there in the last 5 minutes. Kennedy's a trooper, but she just never was on the same level as most of the other queens and to have her place higher than Shangela is a damn travesty. I really hope the haters can keep their claws sheathed, but this is the internet.
  13. Oh, my goodness - Wendy Pepper has passed away Right after Mychael Knight, too. I really hope the old saying about things happening in threes doesn't hold here.
  14. Wow, this is the first time in I don't know how many seasons that I'm legitimately surprised by the winner. Congratulations to Kentaro! Sad for Ayana, my pick, but she took it terrifically and I'm certain she'll do well in the industry - I just have that vibe from her.
  15. Wow, I was expecting Brandon to at least be runner-up. Biggest shock of the night - clearly just as much for him as well.
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