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Everything posted by Snaporaz

  1. Did Phyllis actually come up with name of the hotel? I thought that there was already a property named The Grand Phoenix that Phyllis siphoned off from the Dark Horse portfolio (Adam had taken over Dark Horse from Nick at the time, and keep in mind that all of the Dark Horse properties were stolen from NE by Nick). But there were two Grand Phoenixeses, and the GP that Phyllis had taken was some dilapidated dump in a different city. Adam threw her a bone and gave her the GP in Genital City. So basically, Phyllis is full of crap. On top of that, does she have any financial stake in the hotel? She needed Abby and Chelsea to invest in the beginning, Victoria bought up their interests when they bailed, and Nick bought Victoria's share when she wanted to sell the whole thing. Did Phyllis ever pay him back?
  2. So Phyllis, Nikki, and Ashley, each of them at the top of their respective games, think that Diane, who is universally reviled and was just given an entry level job as an act of mercy by her son, has ruined their lives. Ok, then. The look on Ashley's face was pretty priceless when Nick brought up the hiding of a body. Although, I'm surprised he brought that up at all considering his own activities while wearing a Scooby-Doo style J.T. mask.
  3. Yes, B&B trashed her to prop some character they haven't even shown in about a year. For a minute, I thought Adam would abandon this dumb charade when Sally appeared to see right through it. But no...I get that they have to put couples through some drama to keep them interesting, but this is the worst kind. Hopefully, this won't go on too long.
  4. I can't believe Phyllis was crowing to Allie about her stint as CEO at Jabot when she came close to bankrupting the company during her brief tenure. I wish Diane would stop gloating, especially with Phyllis. It's so easy to take the high road with someone who could give guided tours of sewer tunnels, so why can't she just play it cool? Also, Diane might not want to accuse Phyllis of using Allie to get to Jack when Diane does the same thing. Even Allie knows that about both of them. Having said that, I'm not looking forward to Nikki, Phyllis, and Ashley engaging in what looks a lot like schoolyard bullying. I'm guessing Diane will end up being a murder victim, with Nikki being prime suspect once again. Victor only orchestrated the restraining order by convincing Summer to convince Kyle to agree to it. I don't remember any legal proceedings, either, but I think Ashland signed over custody as a part of his cancer scam. Whatever was supposed to have taken place, Kyle has been calling all the shots regarding Harrison since before they went to Milan. Unpopular opinions, but I think Allie and Noah are cute together. And even though Ashley was giving Jack the worst advice ever, I think PB and ED are so good together. They really sell the sibling relationship like no other.
  5. Call me crazy, but instead of confronting Mike, maybe a better strategy would have been putting a tail on him?
  6. I think Li said something like the ER docs didn't believe there was any hope in even trying to revive Finn, so she took matters into her own hands, filled out the fake death certificate, and moved him to where he is now. Maybe she wasn't allowed to intervene at all since she's family, and since the on-duty docs gave up on him she panicked and had to act fast? It was kind of glossed over, so I think we're just supposed to roll with it.
  7. Hey, Adam really is from Kansas. He has a farmer's tan! (No shade, I have the same tan.🌞👕😎) Adam is breaking up with Sally to protect her from whatever he's cooking up with Ashland. But however noble his intentions are, it could backfire. When Wyatt dumped Sally on B&B, she was so distraught that she couldn't function at work, which compounded her stress and made her physically ill, leading her to come up with her fake terminal illness scheme. Why can't Adam just start his own thing and bring Sally with him? Maybe a fashion house to rival Marchetti? Living well (and Newman-free) could be the best revenge. Add me to the small table of people who like Allie and Noah (Allah?). Victor's jab at Jack seemed unnecessary considering Jack wasn't present to lob a return. It just made Victor look like the mean asshole he is.
  8. Lauren forgave Chelsea for bailing on her commitment pretty dang quickly, and this is after she'd forgiven Chelsea for stealing from Fenmore's. Yet Sally is still dead to her for basically nothing. I just can't with this podcast crap anymore. What's Chancellor Winters next brainstorm? ASMR videos by Phyllis?
  9. Hey, Finn is smarter than he looks! I was sure he was going to have amnesia or believe Sheila's savior bs. At least he finally sees her for the batcrap psycho she is. Maybe if he had listened to Steffy and the rest of Los Angeles the first few gazillion times they tried to tell him that, none of this would have happened. Now we just need his real mom to burst through the door and kill her for real. Brooke's boot looks like it weighs about forty pounds. It's huge!
  10. Yeah, the Newman circle jerk was hard to watch. Nikki and Victoria come across as especially hateful, and by all means, let's raise a glass to Victor once again. He came from nothing, you know, selling Amway crap out of the trunk of his Oldsmobuick, and turned it into this empire! While I do love their Caesar salad dressing, I can't bring myself to root for them. Sally and Adam For The Win. Are these Groaning Assoul podcasts actually meant for a massive audience? Was Ashland's cancer diagnosis even public knowledge? Who has that kind of free time to listen to to someone airing personal grievances? Ashland's sins are pretty weak sauce compared to those of other robber barons, notably Victor's. How many doppelgängers has Ashland unleashed on an unsuspecting public? If Victoria fires Sally, and Chelsea turns down the Marchetti job for the much more lucrative opportunity of Buttbiscuit criticism, I wonder if Summer and Kyle will put their pettiness aside to offer the position to Sally?
  11. I cracked up when Taylor referred to herself as a "world-renowned psychiatrist". Who talks like that? Maybe the writers read this forum and did that for us!
  12. Chloe faked her death and never got the kind of crap Diane is taking on a daily basis.
  13. He's also playing Daren's boyfriend in the new season of Animal Kingdom on TNT. Although, after last week's episode he may be thinking about breaking up...
  14. When Nikki suggested that Adam fly commercial in her classic snooty Nikki fashion, all I could think was that Victoria could have flown commercial, too. The Pirates and the Brewers really are playing this afternoon (it's the bottom of the 7th as I'm writing this), and Victoria screwed poor Conor even more than she could have planned. There was a give-away today, with the first 20,000 fans receiving a Pirates Hawaiian shirt. Maybe it's better they didn't go...you just know Chelsea would have taken the shirt and cut it up and sewed it together with plaids and polka dots for one of her shmatta creations.
  15. I hope none of you took a drink every time someone said the word "podcast". "Podcast" seems to be the new "influencer". Can this writer hold more than one thought in his mind at any given time? I'm pretty sure Italian luxury brands cease to be Italian luxury brands when they're designed and produced in Wisconsin. Chelsea, one of the thousands of reasons I can't stand you is that you just made me take Chloe's side. How will you find the time to design two lines while you're trying to decide whether to imprint on Billy or Nick? You aren't that good at multitasking. How did I never notice that The Ghislaine Potbelly has a pool table in the lobby? I really do need to get myself to the opthmalotologist eye doctor.
  16. Good for her! That was a nice speech. But who is "Patty Denny"? Has a Black actor ever won for a leading role?
  17. KB is such a giant ham sandwich, only the bread is moldy and the ham expired in 1996. I would like to see Li survive, too, and then kick Sheila's ass into the next time zone. I guess we'll be seeing Brooke relaxing on the couch for about the next six weeks until her cast comes off.
  18. ^The Hamilton-Winters offices were in the GCAC. What fires has Diane been lighting? Aside from daring to go to the only three public places in town, she seems to be minding her own business for the most part. Nikki and Phyllis, on the other hand... When Lauren was married to Paul and Diane was married to Andy, weren't they all friends? I don't remember Lauren and Phyllis being friends at all during the original Diane-Phyllis grudge match, and I've blacked out a good portion of MW's stint as Diane, so I can't think of why Lauren has such strong opinions about her. Chancellor Park's duck pond is in exactly the same location as Chancellor Pak's soccer pitch. David Copperfield must be the Chancellor Park Ranger. Okay, *this* made me snort laugh!
  19. This! Wasn't Zende's itch to get married the reason Paris started to lose interest in him? She said repeatedly she was not ready for marriage, that she just wanted to be young and enjoy and explore life before she settled down. And she was right about all of that. I can't believe they dumbed-down Li like this just to prop Sheila.
  20. Victoria also plans to revise the custody agreement so she can move the kids out of state. Billy has every right to object to that. (Although the kids will probably be 16 when they come back from boarding school for summer vacation...) What huge secret did Nate reveal? The formula for New Coke? And how are 50 true crime podcasts going to reshape the business landscape forever? Tomorrow's hearing starts at 1pm, so we'll probably get another rerun. While I think they're a tad more important than whatever the frack Chancellor Winters is doing, all of these hearings should be on in prime time.
  21. Wait, that wasn't a black dress Diane was wearing? Is this another of those "Is it a gold dress or a blue dress?" eye teasers? Or do I need to schedule that eye exam I've been putting off for so long? What color was she wearing? This change of heart Victoria is having seems hinky to me. Adam would end up winning, and we know that's never allowed to happen. But what does she have to gain if she's scamming Ashland? Is it to prove she can out-Victor Victor? Does she want the $250 million back? Or is it pure revenge? I'm so relieved that the scales have fallen from Jack's eyes regarding Phyllis. Instead of buying Marchetti, maybe the Abbotts should invest in improving conditions in their baby formula factory.
  22. I can't believe how annoyed I get that fictional characters listen to a fictional podcast by a fictional douchebag. What's wrong with me? ((Don't answer that.)) As terrible as a ret-con that it was to un-kill Diane, I'm enjoying her return. In a town full of judgmental hypocrites, I like that she and the other outcasts like Ashland and Sally gravitate to each other. It would also be funny if Cricket, Diane, and Sharon formed a trifecta to drive Phyllis into a total bat-crap fit of jealous rage.
  23. I wasn't even aware they knew each other. When has Kyle had anything to do with Chelsea, other than "oh right, my wife caused your miscarriage when she crashed her car into yours during one of her temper tantrums and she was punished with a brand new car"? I guess Chelsea is going to be Marchetti's new lead designer, pushing this show even further into science-fiction territory. Is that word you all use..."shmotta" an actual word or a Preverted invention? Either way, it cracks me up every time I see it and Mrs. Roper pops in my mind. I can't believe that I'm actually feeling a little bad for Summer. All of these people worried that Diane is manipulating Kyle are pressuring Summer to intervene by...manipulating Kyle. I'm glad that she sees through it and is deciding just to support her husband. For now, anyway. This Summer is pretty tolerable. Shocking, but true!
  24. BEFORE you completely lose your mind? Phyllis, that ship sailed for the Bermuda Triangle in 1994. I love how all of these people who are letting Kyle make his own decision keep telling him what his decision should be. Victor calling Diane a narcissist was priceless. I wonder if Victor knows how truly fortunate he is that all of the heinous things he's done have been forgiven and forgotten by all the good citizens of GC, even his victims, with none of them demanding every day that he leave the city limits immediately. Judging from all of the positive reviews, I think I'll spend the long holiday weekend binging every episode of Billy's poo-cast. If you don't hear from me on Monday, please call the paramedics.
  25. New Summer looks more like Sharon's daughter than Phyllis'. I thought the same about the other Summer, but it's even more striking with this one. At any rate, so far this seems like an improvement. I took Mariah's jabs to be in jest, sort of like that's their bit. Neither Summer nor Kyle seemed offended, so they're in on the joke. Oh Chloe, you may want to stop dozing off during the evening news. Unfortunately, there are people who will question the validity of this wedding, and five of them have the power to turn back the clock.
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