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Everything posted by Snaporaz

  1. I wasn't even aware they knew each other. When has Kyle had anything to do with Chelsea, other than "oh right, my wife caused your miscarriage when she crashed her car into yours during one of her temper tantrums and she was punished with a brand new car"? I guess Chelsea is going to be Marchetti's new lead designer, pushing this show even further into science-fiction territory. Is that word you all use..."shmotta" an actual word or a Preverted invention? Either way, it cracks me up every time I see it and Mrs. Roper pops in my mind. I can't believe that I'm actually feeling a little bad for Summer. All of these people worried that Diane is manipulating Kyle are pressuring Summer to intervene by...manipulating Kyle. I'm glad that she sees through it and is deciding just to support her husband. For now, anyway. This Summer is pretty tolerable. Shocking, but true!
  2. BEFORE you completely lose your mind? Phyllis, that ship sailed for the Bermuda Triangle in 1994. I love how all of these people who are letting Kyle make his own decision keep telling him what his decision should be. Victor calling Diane a narcissist was priceless. I wonder if Victor knows how truly fortunate he is that all of the heinous things he's done have been forgiven and forgotten by all the good citizens of GC, even his victims, with none of them demanding every day that he leave the city limits immediately. Judging from all of the positive reviews, I think I'll spend the long holiday weekend binging every episode of Billy's poo-cast. If you don't hear from me on Monday, please call the paramedics.
  3. New Summer looks more like Sharon's daughter than Phyllis'. I thought the same about the other Summer, but it's even more striking with this one. At any rate, so far this seems like an improvement. I took Mariah's jabs to be in jest, sort of like that's their bit. Neither Summer nor Kyle seemed offended, so they're in on the joke. Oh Chloe, you may want to stop dozing off during the evening news. Unfortunately, there are people who will question the validity of this wedding, and five of them have the power to turn back the clock.
  4. ^Thomas and Hope were talking near the railing. Thomas was either apologizing to her for something (probably the Beth secret), and it was a civil conversation, and I think he touched her in some way that looked threatening (but wasn't) just as Brooke was rounding the corner, and she rushed over and accidentally (on purpose) pushed Thomas away from Hope and he went over the cliff.
  5. Sally played those two egomaniacs like a Stradivarius. The goal was to plant seeds, and she planted a whole garden. Brava! Adam really has met his match. I think I remember the first Crystal being a blonde. This one looks more like she could be Tessa's sister. In the previews, Phyllis is one of the wedding guests. ??? Who invited her? She despises Sharon, she's no longer with Nick, and she has zero to do with either of the brides. And the party is not being held at the Gag Reflex, so why is she there?
  6. Sally's not about to betray Adam and tell Victoria his plan, is she? Imma be mad... Ughh, Summer's coming back. I don't know how I feel about a recast. The devil you know, and all. I think it's the terrible character rather than the actress. If Victor does fire Victoria, he'll probably appoint Summer as CEO. By the way, where's Nikki's portrait? As much as I love Tessa and Mariah, I'm not sure their wedding will be able to match my absolute favorite soap wedding ever, Neil's and Hilary's "A (bus)Fare in the Park". A hot dog, a passerby jogger, and thou. 💞
  7. Michael represented Diane when Victor divorced her to marry Nikki when Nikki was supposed to be dying. Victor and Michael were not fans of each other back then, so Michael convinced Diane to go scorched-earth on Victor. He arranged for Diane to do a tell-all on Leanna Love's tv show (Leanna Love wrote Victor's biography "Ruthless", and was also one of Victor's many ex-wives). Michael and Phyllis were an item back then, and Phyllis became so insanely jealous of how close Michael and Diane were becoming that she held Michael prisoner! Michael also represented Diane during her custody case for Kyle. I really enjoyed the scene with Michael and Diane! Michael looking at her in disbelief while trying not to look like he was looking was subtly wonderful. I've done that look myself many times!
  8. Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms, and to everyone honoring a mom who has passed. 💕💓💞
  9. But it wasn't JT's head playing Noah's speed bump. That was Dirty Tan Sofa Billy! Then he woke from his coma as this ghoul with railway tunnel-sized nostrils who we know as Le Buttbiscuit.
  10. I wonder if JT was nominated for one of his Soulless Groin poo-casts. Those sillyloquies are so rivetinzzzzzzzzzz
  11. There hasn't even been a funeral for Finn yet, and Taylor is already pushing Liam as a replacement husband for Steffy. She's really fucked up, in a world-renowned kind of way. I don't actively seek out spoilers, so maybe this was already out there, but I found the Donna-Eric hook-up to be a genuine surprise. It was refreshing not being able to see what's coming down the pike from a few miles away. And I like Donna, so yay!
  12. I was thinking exactly the same thing. Diane is a piker next to Phyllis. Considering Phyllis' countless betrayals, many of them very recent, you'd think Jack would be keeping a healthy distance from her. Yet he's forgiven her everything, even her sordid affair with his brother (years after her sordid affair with his former stepson) and her careless reign of terror at the helm of Jabot, when she nearly bankrupted his sainted father's company. That alone should have earned her even a fraction of the scorn he's reserved for Diane. Faking her death and abandoning her young son were definitely shitty moves, but Diane has implied that she'd had some kind of emotional breakdown and has since had therapy to get her life back on track. Maybe she's lying, maybe she isn't. Why doesn't she get the benefit of the doubt that Phyllis or Billy or Dina got? Was that FrankenKyle or Tinny-voiced Kyle? I remember Phyllis actively trying to seduce FrankenKyle on a ladder to try to divert his eyes from Summer when she thought he might be Summer's brother. Crikey, when you stop and think about it all, Phyllis is such a spaz.
  13. Sally didn't knock out Flo. Penny (her doctor friend who gave Sally the fake diagnosis) knocked out Flo while Sally was pleading with her not to tell Wyatt. In a fit of desperation, Sally tied Flo to the radiator and made a bee-line to Wyatt in an effort to get pregnant that night. None of that was planned, it was more of a twisted Carpe Diem situation to salvage the wreckage of her relationship. So yeah, not exactly in the league of someone willing to inject his own eyeballs to fake blindness, or starve himself to lose enough weight to slip out of his ankle monitor, but still enough to be a kindred spirit for Adam.
  14. What was the point of the Phyllis-Amanda conversation? Phyllis told a vague story to someone who has zero connection to Diane. I thought she would reveal some tidbit that we weren't aware of yet, but nope...no exposition whatsoever. These writers are really good at wasting time. Yesterday, when Nikki told Diane she hasn't thought about Deacon in years, methinks she dosted protestethed way too much. Deacon may be a dirtbag, but he's a hot dirtbag!
  15. Awww, I love Steve's orange cheek! It reminds me of those old ladies who go a little heavy with the rouge!
  16. Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. Although a nice twist would be if the heart attack/stroke/aneurysm/seizure was some delayed complication of the poison Chelsea fed him.
  17. I'd forgotten about the wedding. What a crappy thing for the writers to do to Mariah and Tessa. Couldn't they have waited until after May 13th to do this? They've dragged this Ashland story out this long, what's a few more weeks? I think Victoria was so concerned about Rey because she thinks she may be responsible. To continue the Genoa City Car Accident Tally, wasn't Sabrina also killed in one?
  18. And "Little" Phillip (Chance's father) not-died in a drunk-driving accident.
  19. Abby hit Tucker with her car, but that was no accident! It's all kinds of wrong that they're killing off Rey and blaming him for the accident.
  20. It was refreshing to hear Ridge point out the obvious to his half-wit ex, that her life would not have needed saving in the first place if it weren't for Sheila. I guess he's not as dumb as we thought! Now if only he'd thank Deacon for, you know, actually saving Steffy's life.
  21. So instead of merging the two companies, Newman acquired Locke for $500 million, right? They paid Ashland to walk away, but they're keeping his assets. Or am I totally misunderstanding this, because it's being played like he took a bribe, which is partially true, but I don't remember anyone offering to undo the merger. Victor never liked the name change, so I'm going to guess it will be just plain old Newman Enterprises again very soon. Well, in all fairness, Phyllis has her own history with Diane. Plus, their children are married. While I still think Diane is the lesser evil here, Phyllis does have some skin in this game.
  22. Adam picked the $500 million figure to make the point that Victoria could use the $500 million she won from her lawsuit against Victor to pay her way out of the mess she created. You have to love Adam for that! As for sweatpants/loung wear, I learned on Project Runway that it's now called "athleisure". Danke schön, Heidi Klum. You're lucky you're so pretty! Whether it's Easter or Passover for you, or both, or neither, I hope you all had a happy one! I'm currently in a Peeps coma, which is way more enjoyable than the coma induced by Billy's podcast.
  23. The Dark Knight, Billy? More like Dork Night. It's hard to believe that a bunch of highly-paid professional television writers sat around a table and agreed that this stupid podcast thing would make for good, interesting, entertaining tv. What's the point of it? It does nothing to drive any story. And as other have said, even shut-ins wouldn't listen to it. I have to disagree with you, boes. Nobody *asked* Adam for his help. They demanded it from him. If all they needed was proof of Ashland's criminal behavior to enact the morals clause in his contract, why can't they use all of that irrefutable evidence Michael found in Peru? Or what about the letter Gaines has? Ughh, this show must be sponsored by Extra-Strength Tylenol.
  24. Agree completely. And Ashley #3 was one of the worst recasts ever. Not as bad as NeverBilly, but still pretty bad.
  25. ^Diane had a video of Abby admitting that she had hit Tucker with her car. She was using it to blackmail Victor and Ashley. I'm so confused by this Ashland story. Victoria's plan made no sense to me. At least Adam's plan was straightforward. But are the Newman's forgetting that Ashland owns half of Newman Locke? Is he supposed to walk away empty handed? Does $500 million even cover the value of Locke Conglomerations? Is this a bribe or a buyout? It seems like this is yet another instance of the writers having no plan.
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