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  1. Since HBO seems to have no plans to continue airing seasons, is there any way for those of us in the US to catch up/watch elsewhere? We've been in Pottery withdrawal.
  2. Mike Rinder has passed away at age 69.
  3. If I live the rest of my life never hearing Gene Simmons utter the word “gyrations” again, I’ll be happy. *shudder*
  4. His reaction when he saw her during the initial “reveal” was also the most muted I’ve seen from someone since I started watching this show. I feel bad for him being stuck having to make the most out of this.
  5. Treat was included in the In Memoriam at the Emmys 2023 ceremony in January.
  6. Yeah, there was a massive eyeroll in my house when that was read off. Hud and Mackenzie basically handed him the win. No one to blame but themselves for forgoing their initial plan to get him out and instead freaking out on each other.
  7. Terry Pratchett is my favorite author, and I highly recommend the Discworld series. Do you know what book you plan to start with? (Forgive me if this has been discussed before). Terry’s books don’t necessarily need to be read in chronological order, but rather you also have the ability to read them by character track (witches, wizards, Death, Night Watch, etc). His website has a good primer either way you choose: https://www.terrypratchettbooks.com/discworld-reading-order/ I’m very excited for your ability to experience him for the first time. He was a funny and brilliant author and we lost him far too soon.
  8. The Silent Patient raves utterly enrage me because the entire book had plot holes, but the ending in particular made *zero* sense. The praise of that book for me is the definition of "the Emperor has no clothes".
  9. I hope that Bob the Drag Queen lasts longer than Peppermint did. I loved their season of Drag Race.
  10. Renewed - for TWO seasons!
  11. My father also died suddenly of a heart attack, and I made the mistake of watching this episode before bed last night. Oof. The actors absolutely nailed it.
  12. Am I missing something here? At no point did I feel they accused Dan of being a child predator. They absolutely said there were jokes done on the show that were clearly sexual in nature and were inappropriate (which...yes), but no one I can recall said anything about Dan facilitiating sexual abuse by Brian Peck or the other guy - at least any more than any other exec who let them get work afterwards. I mean they even left in Drake's lines (which he repeated in the fifth bonus episode) on how Dan was the only one to reach out to him from the network after his abuse to see how he was or if he could help in any way. He's a creep, but not *that* particular brand of creep. Just seems like he's trying to lash out now...I don't see how this suit holds up though.
  13. I wonder if there will be any reference to the previous voodoo related case Danny worked in one of the earlier seasons.
  14. Yeah, this is not how I want to spend the final season. Tayo is a terrible human being and as someone said above, I hate that it's played for laughs at all. Especially after such a big deal was made about every cast member except Bob and Abhisola's portrayers was going to be downgraded, etc. - why bring Tayo back? Why not focus on the people we actually care about/like? It seems especially petty and weird for him to relocate to Detroit considering Dele is going away to school soon - it really does make it seem solely like he's here to mess with Abishola, and that's a storyline I don't need cluttering up this final batch of episodes. Especially if they are going to undercut nice moments like her aunt and uncle telling Tayo they are Team Bob, and then accepting his lease because he buys them off with a year's prepaid rent.
  15. Sad news 😔 Chris Gauthier, Smee in OUaT, Passes Away
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