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Everything posted by Snow8585

  1. The first hour was informative and I am glad that nothing happened to their homes. Second hour not so great. Kids are older, speech improvement is very good. However, still not listening to parents or authority figures. Kids still sucking fingers and thumbs. Not good. Sad moment when Will said someone in his class called him a baby. Wait til Will takes a swing at one of those kids or uses his karate training. I wanted to hear more about how Bill and Jen handle those teachable moments.
  2. It is the most expensive house on their street but not in the neighborhood.
  3. The good news is that they can keep all of their fans up to date on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
  4. Excellent research. I was sure it was not their house as we never see Will and Zoey actually playing in their own yard.
  5. I do not need to take karate lessons to expess an opinion.
  6. Jen and Bill ignore many things. If and when is not even an issue. So i wonder about the wisdom of karate classes for a child who has no sense of boundaries and has verbally and physically picked on his "tiny" sister. Poor Zoey when Will karate chops the crap out of her. I think I read that they had her try karate. I hope some of those lessons come in handy. He will probably karate chop Jen too at some point.
  7. Duly noted. Orthodontists can start seeing kids at 7. I read little people can really have problems with overcrowding of teeth etc.
  8. His teeth are a mess. They really need to get him to an orthodontist.
  9. It's the same thing over and over with the questions. At least we got a chance to see Zoey and Will try to have TH moments. I thought it showed how far behind they are compared to other kids their age although they are making progress. I would be willing to bet that the questions are screened well beforehand and Jen and Bill have had time to rehearse answers. The show has changed over the years going from truly educating the viewers on how little people live day to day to this never ending roll out of random businesses, organizations, restaurants, and trips all over the place. Plus we get to see how TLC has put a lot of money in their pockets. I am sure we will see the beach house season--not episode--season.
  10. The kids should be telling their PARENTS they do not want to be filmed.
  11. I thought it was unusual, odd that they seemed to be showing a lot of clips from older shows. The clip of Bill on stage at comedy night was like from 2009 when i looked it up. And other clips not from this season. Not that they had to be, but one would think that a season finale would highlight stuff from the current season. I hope this is the last. The kids are on the right path and it is time to get rid of the cameras. Bill is full of crap. That whole little performance about denying they staged things was just nonsense. No one is going to convince me that he was driving around with the kids and decided to drop by a tattoo parlor. That is just laughable. Except he is not really funny, he tries too hard. His twitter account says he is an entrepreneur and inventor. Of what? I agree with other posters that the Mr Mom thing is not working for him like it used to.
  12. Jen's answers were far better than Bill's usual bs. I did not like Bill's dismissive attitude about her future health related goals.Of course she is concerned about her mobility and fingers crossed her cancer does not return. He better pray they both have good health because they have very young children.
  13. I do not think Zoey is all that shy. She seemed excited about dancing. Bill and Jen and TLC stage it to make her look shy in my opinion. She communicates far better than Will and she even beat him in a race in the pool.
  14. Will is just spoiled and wants to be number 1. Especially if there are cameras around. And I do not think he likes sharing the spotlight with Zoey. Jen and Bill do very little to give Zoey her own time to shine on the show. It was telling when they got to the studio Zoey asked if it was a lion dance. Did Jen and Bill find a way for her to try lion dancing ...nope. It was all about Will. I was glad to see Zoey pretty much ignored him while she was dancing.
  15. Most boring things to do around Houston episode yet. I turned it off during the escape room to watch Super Tuesday results.
  16. I thought it was interesting that when Jen told Zoey that she was going on a business trip, Zoey asked if Jen was going to bring back presents. And of course Jen said yes. I thought it odd that Zoey did not say Mommy come back soon, I love you, I will miss you etc. And maybe she did but what TLC showed us was her asking for presents. These kids expect presents and gifts for everything and they think it is ok to ASK for gifts. That is not polite behavior for a child.
  17. For all we know, Bill in one of his side businesses could have an outreach project on behalf of TLC. And he is a consulting producer so that ties together well. I liked the community garden but i thought Bill could have done a better job of promoting it instead of laughing when he asked Zoey who was going to eat the vegetables and she said "Will." Will and Zoey may not have completely understood the concept of the garden but the viewers would have. Seemed like he phoned it in. And the more I think about it, how bizarre that he went to a tattoo parlor knowing that he couldn't really get one anyway. And would not fool Jen. Too scripted and I am sure that we are not always shown Zoey and Will's initial reaction to things as well. There are multiple takes for certain things I am sure. Finally, without Will and Zoey, it would have been a really boring episode. I don't care about Bill making pizza or driving around to random places while Jen gets paid to make a speech.
  18. Good point and i think Bill said on twitter that due to his hip replacement surgery he could not get a real tattoo. So Jen knew. So the tattoo parlor got their Andy Warhol 15 min although i cannot remember the name of the place. ALL ABOARD.
  19. She travels frequently giving speeches so I agree they are making a big deal out of Bill watching the kids.
  20. I would much prefer seeing moments like the kids looking at the globe and pointing out where they came from than all the infomercial crap. I feel like TLC and Jen and Bill (as consulting producers ) have a list of every product, business, organization or service that asks to be featured. Oh and Bill HAPPENED to be driving around and spotted a tattoo parlor to drop in on ?????? ALL ABOARD. I did like the garden for homeless people until i saw them wash the carrots in the rain water. How many other people washed veggies in there making it really muddy. Ugh. What happened to Jen's parents?? I was pleasantly surprised that they did not make an appearance! Maybe they moved already since this is all out of chronological order. :)
  21. I enjoyed seeing that the kids could point out where they came from on the globe.
  22. Nice episode but another infomerical. And Bill was not really alone, they do have a nanny so it is not like he was helpless.
  23. The good news is that I feel confident that Will's teacher or teachers at school monitor what he eats to some degree.
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