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Everything posted by Snow8585

  1. So is that what happened, Will called Jen stupid? I looked away for a second and I heard her confront him about a word he used. Why did he call her stupid?
  2. Yes i recall that Matt made the little step stools. I wonder how the play activities are managed. For example, can they play all the same games as the other kids? Is there a concern due to their size and balance issues that the cannot play tag or kick ball or little kid soccer or climb on playground jungle gyms. I just wonder about these things and who is there monitoring so that other kids dont get overly rough with Will or Zoey. Thats a lot to ask of a teacher and I wonder if there is a helper or someone in the class to assist them.
  3. Bill and Jen have changed the purpose of the show this season. They were not going to continue but reportedly changed their minds so as to not disappoint their fans. So the purpose of the show, esp this season, is not about how they manage in the world as little people but it is about entertaining their fans. And that is true as I rarely see examples of how they make adjustments or their kids for that matter anymore. Case in point was the bike. Bill did not say much about it but these bikes are used extensively for children with disabilities. I was curious and went and looked it up online and there are many videos of kids with disabilites and balance issues using them. Which is a good thing. Of course they will never show these things for security purposes but I wonder how Will and Zoey are accomodated at school. How do they get to school? Does Bill or the nanny drive them? They at least mentioned that Will can go for a full day but Zoey is only half days. So what does Zoey do the rest of the day?
  4. I was intrigued by the balance bikes. Looking around online, I found at least one model that resembled the one that Will was using. These bikes are advertised for kids with and without disabilites to help them learn to balance themselves. No pedals, no chains or protrusions that could hurt the child. So it begged the question, how the heck does a kid stop?? It appears that there are hand brakes on at least some of the models. The only down side is that they can only really be used on hills which Bill made mention of. Not sure thats a great idea and it certainly would not permit a child to go on a regular bike ride but the idea of teaching a child like Will to learn how to balance is a good one. They sell for anywhere from $120 to $170 dollars.
  5. Initial impression this season says that Princess Zoey has changed for the worse. I want this, I want that and Jen and her Mom and Bill just say OK. Only Jen's dad seemed concerned. Zoey was a damaged child from childbirth. Even the orphanage warned them DAY ONE. After they came back to the US, Bill indicated they had some sort of professional therapy and I hope it is ongoing because this little girl is struggling. Throwing parties that cost $58 per person at the St Regis is not the answer. Maybe for Jen..but not for Zoey. Will seems to have improved so much with his family relationships and that is a good thing.
  6. Well I was really shaking my head at this episode. I would have said that I thought just Jen is nuts until i saw them load the balloons into the car on top of the kids and proceed to drive to the hotel with the balloons all over the car! That was so stupid and dangerous, I couldnt believe that Bill actually agreed to that. They should have had her parents drive the balloons or the kids in a separate car. And Zoey is turning into a spoiled brat. I thought it was disgraceful how she threw the Teddy Bear from Will on the floor and Bill and Jen just made excuses and accepted that terrible behavior. They really need to work with her and stop the excuses. They were told the day they met her in India that she was "moody". They are not doing that little girl any favors by indulging her every whim. Instead of saying to the princess something like you are pretty, all she said was she wants her dress, her shoes, etc. At least she said thank you at the end unless it was voiced over. I had higher hopes for this episode.
  7. I wouldn't say they are living the basic American childhood being on TV like they are, but if Jen and Bill want to do these things, well ok. I will reserve comments til I see the episode if I feel like watching. Im happy to see the kids seem to be able to communicate better.
  8. Didn't they have one of those Disney princesses there too? I think i saw a selfie on twitter of Jen and Zoey and one of the princesses from Frozen. Zoey sure looked happy.
  9. Well Im sure the TLC paycheck really augments his Lowe's salary. Lots of financial concerns: kids, the stay at home mom, a rental unit in Annapolis is not cheap. If this show--and their marriage--lasts, it will be a miracle.
  10. They are the goofiest hypocrites I have ever seen. The mom running over to people in Washington D.C. yelling at them to not take photos while they are being trailed by a FILM CREW. I mean really?????
  11. I apologize im not focusing specifically on this episode but there was one Bill Talking Head moment early in another season with Bill saying that the reason Bill and Jen did not want camera crews around for several weeks after the adoptions because Bill did not want the kids thinking that the crew were members of the family and did not want them to develop close attachments to them. I hope the crew will keep in touch when the show ends but to them it is a job albeit a fun one.
  12. The kids appear to be improving for sure but I still worry that the kids have grown very attached to the film crew and one day the crew will leave and the kids will feel loss / abandonment and confusion as to why they are not there anymore. They have already been through enough loss and thank goodness they were adopted.
  13. The questions were predictable as were the answers. Although I was glad to see some additional footage of Jen and Bill disciplining both of the kids. Counting to 3 seemed to work with Will and I hope it continues.
  14. I don't watch the Duggars thank goodness. My point is that they tried to tell him not to go there and they were being respectful of places that were off limits.
  15. Bill and Jen yelled to Will to not go over to the rover but he kept going.
  16. They probably took a ride on the carriages since Zoey likes horses.
  17. What is boring to some is interesting to others. I hope next year Zoey get s a cool looking cake instead of a tower of cupcakes.
  18. He is speaking in short sentences but I think it is still difficult to understand him without the subtitles. He is trying to communicate the best he can. He is learning to spell his name which is really great. I do not think Will was really impressed with the library but TLC does a good job of showcasing interesting highlights in the cities they visit.
  19. I am just sharing my views on what i saw on the episode and expressing my concern as we know that Zoey has already fallen once that we know of where she hit her head hard enough to make it bleed all over the place and we saw her balance was not quite there yet in ballet class. Jen herself upon entering the kitchen reprimanded them the best she could , with Bill laughing , that the counter was not a balance beam and they were to get down immediately. And they really should put the mixer away. But anyway, i enjoy this site because I learn new things and new ways of looking at things from everyone here.
  20. I just watched this episode again and after Zoey climbed on the counter, she walked backwards away from Bill. And out of his arm reach. She was smiling and thought she was being very clever. And then Will climbed on the counter and then Bill focused on Will and not Zoey and then Jen came upon the scene. I do not see anything safe about that. At least Jen was successful in getting them down but why on earth didnt neat freak Jen at least wipe the counter off after the kids walked all over it in bare feet? I agree with another member on here that Zoey could end up being the handful and not Will.
  21. As XLDB said, people can see things totally differently and express their views differently too.
  22. Kids with achondroplasia could have more serious complications if they break a leg or an arm or hit their head.
  23. Although making progess, Will is definitely developmentally delayed. I hope they hold him back from first grade unless they place him in special education classes where he can progress at his own rate and not be compared to other kids his age without the difficulties he has.
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