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Everything posted by Snow8585

  1. I wouldnt be surprised if theyve kicked it up a notch in terms of security...bodyguard and who knows what else.
  2. I still think it is a little scary that fans would actually go and knock on their door. And that is just one example that Bill told viewers about.
  3. Maybe its kids and fame in general..I even feel sorry for some of these young figure skaters. Look at the Olympic gold medalist Oksana Baiul(spelling?). She won the medal and her life seemed to get out of control aftetward..drug and alcohol abuse. Very sad.
  4. I don't even know why they bother. I guess they can say that the audience participates by submitting questions(assuming the questions are in the correct format).
  5. Wrong format i think was the reason given. I do not think that Jen would necessarily dodge a question but maybe their handlers and publicists would. I can think of several reasons their handlers would not want folks to know of her or Bill's limitations, including safety concerns for the kids. I doubt they would want to broadcast the fact that they would be unable to prevent someone from approaching Will and Zoey. I think someone mentioned they have a body guard. I am sure they would prefer to keep that quiet Dont ask, dont tell. As said, we will know soon enough what the questions are.
  6. I find it hard to believe that TLC can not reformat a video.
  7. I did see that one, he is really smiling. I was thinking there was another one like Bill showed of the party at the restaurant.
  8. We do not know what they think about this board but I would not be surprised if one of their publicists read it. They seem to care a great deal about public perception which is why they continue to put themselves in the public domain and have folks like publicists in their employ.
  9. Even when a group of kids were feeding the giraffes, he did not interact or share lettuce leaves or anything. Except for his family and nanny and camera crew, I think he must feel very confused about all the new relationships in his life. I think Will and Zoey are still having huge attachment issues which is why I think its time to get rid of the lights and cameras and crew.
  10. Yes they do like take out and eating out according to Jen, I moved my comment to the general Klein discussion including the link where she lists their favorite restaurants.
  11. I am sure that Will and Zoey are beginning to experience and feel the differences with other kids. It may have been on the LIttle People of America website or some other article on dwarfism giving advice to parents of kids with dwarfism. Basically, it said that when all the kids are small, no one really notices a little person but as time goes on and the other kids grow taller, that is when the kids with dwarfism really begin to stand out. Taking another thread over here, yes they eat out alot according to Jen. At least a dozen restaurants they like in Houston. Including Cheesecake Factory. http://www.chron.com/discoverhouston/health-care/article/Dr-Jen-Arnold-Things-I-like-to-do-in-Houston-5754264.php
  12. TLC also has a lot of freedom in what they show. I was happy to read on Jen's twitter feed that Bill and Jen are planning to take the kids to the movies. I hope TLC shows that if they are still filming.
  13. Yes that is very possible but on the flip side, many of the videos of Will in New Day showed him playing and interacting with other kids there. And he seemed very happy. Very cute videos of him pushing a little one in a stroller and participating in Christmas celebrations. Of course, one could say well of course they would show that to get him adopted. But by the same token, TLC could do more if they chose to, in showing his playful side with other kids. That would certainly be a milestone for me to see him assimilate as best he can and that other kids would accept him. Same goes for Zoey too. When the one little girl went to hand her flowers at Zoey's party, Zoey looked like she had no clue what to do with them. She had to be encouraged to accept flowers from a "friend." Not only that, but not one photo of Will on Bill or Jen's twitter page show them with other kids. Could be a privacy thing but when there is a WIll (no pun intended) there is way.
  14. Jen's mom owns an expensive horse or two and enters them into competitions.
  15. I do not understand your comment, could you explain especally the part about being a dick?
  16. Wrestlesflamingos on Feb 14 suggested we discuss things that are on the show and not general feelings. Now we can talk about anything related to the Klein family. Excellent!
  17. Gosh, talk about going off topic...I thought we were supposed to talk about what we see in the episodes.
  18. That is possible but when they went on the pirate ship, all TLC did was put up a sign warning folks they could possibly be filmed. TLC could have asked that everyone on the boat sign a release but TLC did not.
  19. To say that someone is beating a dead horse is not conducive to discussion or sharing views. I am sharing what i see and I think that TLC could do a better job of showing the different sides of these kids who are never shown interacting with anyone other than adults. Its sad.
  20. It doesnt matter if they are strangers, plenty of kids are happy to find other kids on a playground to interact with. Not Will apparently. Bill even yelled BE NICE, Bill could have gotten involved, gone over and introduced Will to those kids and who knows, maybe Will would have made friends. He seemed to have more positive interaction with other kids in New Day than over here.
  21. Being a normal kid also means you have friends and get invited to their parties and share toys. The only interaction of note was Will running over to the boys on the playground, not interacting, taking his scooter or whatever it was and going to Bill. Bill thought it was really funny. TLC has the authority to edit footage to display the kids however they want. They are choosing to show these kids as spoiled brats, Especially Will. I really hope there is another side to these kids beside not listening to their parents and stuffing their faces.
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