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Everything posted by Snow8585

  1. Jenny told her WEDDING GUESTS at the WEDDING RECEPTION that her uterus was closed so hopefully they wont have a child. She is just a mess. Was anyone silly like me to watch Donnie loves Jenny?
  2. I think Jen is always going to be a little out of step with the kids as she works full time and Bill is the primary parent the kids interact with. She had to ask Bill if it mattered which sippy cup was given to which child. Turns out it was water and did not matter. If I have the wrong episode in this thread, i am sorry. If roles were reversed, Bill would probably be asking her the same thing.
  3. I agree but here's the flip side: Bill is the one telling viewers that Will is on par with kids his age. And many folks here concur that Will understands a great deal but cannot express it back. I just hope he gave them a hug when Bill's mom and popeye left.
  4. It isnt just one or two things, I see a pattern where Will can be disrespectful to his family, especially his mother. Truth be told, Will has no concept of family. He was in an orphanage and had no family, just really good caregivers. He is attached to Bill which is terrific. But I think Bill and Jen could do a better job of educating him about the importance of family. Including Bill's mom and "popeye". These are some of the people who will be there for him unconditionally for the rest of their lives and may have a greater role in his life should any misfortune befall Jen or Bill. So yes, it would be a good thing if Will could say yes to questions about missing his grandparents, even ones he doesnt see often, but that is up to Jen and Bill to get him to understand sooner rather than later.
  5. I do not think it is a phase when Will says no. Ask him if he wants food.... And sadly, i fear Zoey is picking up his bad habits.
  6. I felt badly for Bill's mom when she asked Will if he was going to miss her/them and he shook his head and said NO. And Jen and Bill said NOTHING. Couldnt Bill and the Good Doctor have said something like "Will, dont talk to Grandma like that, she came all the way here to spend time with you and loves you". But NOPE. Unless i really missed something. The look on Bill's mom face was priceless, She just stared at Will and I could tell she was probably biting her tongue. It took Popeye or whatever they call him to step in and say to Will, well we are going to miss you. Very disrespectful behavior by Will and again, no one corrects him. And this is how he treats his FAMILY. And yes i think they are definitely in it for the TLC paycheck ride. However, maybe things are not quite what they seem since Jen is back to work full time and the plans to move the pet shop to a bigger location seems to have fizzled. I may be wrong, but i think TLC is looking for replacement dwarves and that is why we are seeing an 18 yr old dwarf named Hannah looking for love and the family last night...
  7. True, its not a race but comments like Bill makes equating Will's skills and abilities to other kids his age is just not accurate. Maybe one day but not right now.
  8. I am doubting that Jen spends much time at all with the kids since she is working full time again. I was a bit surprised she went back to work full time as she was concerned about "bonding issues" right after they brought Will home.
  9. Jen was holding the letter and Zoey hit Jen's arm. The second time she slapped at Jen and there was no letter involved. Still not ok. Oh and i forgot to mention that Jen asked Zoey "Please" when Jen wanted to go to the pumpkin patch. Jen has got to stop asking these kids if its ok to to do this and that. She has got to be the authority figure, especially while Bill is recuperating from surgery.
  10. It was a nice episode but there were a few things that really concerned me. Zoey hit Jen TWICE during the photoshoot and Jen said and did nothing except get bubbles. She should not let either of those kids get away with hitting her or even slapping at her. Even the photographer said the kids were in charge. That shouldnt be. I am not a fan of Judy but i have to give Judy credit because when BOTH of the kids kept saying NO to whatever she or her husband asked during the course of the episode, she immediately corrected them saying YES. I really am starting to wonder if Jen can handle those kids...
  11. im guessing she had botox on the forehead and maybe a chemical peel on her face to tighten skin and reduce wrinkles. maybe more but im not a doctor.
  12. I hope I am wrong, but i think Will is going to really struggle in school. Will was very clear when he said NO SCHOOL when Jen asked him about school and she looked surprised when he said NO when she asked if had made any friends. He said I Want DADDY. Maybe this is ,at some level, a reality check for Jen and Bill. Bill said he thought his son would essentially take the classroom by storm and just the opposite is going on. I recently read a medical journal article which unfortunately made me think of Will. Studies have shown that untreated sleep apnea can cause brain damage in kids and result in a lower IQ. I am not saying that this is the case with Will BUT the Kleins were very open in sharing with viewers the extent of Will's severe sleep apnea which had gone untreated until they entered the picture. So sadly, there could be a lot more contributing to his troubles in addtion to dwarfism.
  13. I hope they have multiple locks and even a security camera on the pool area. If Will decides he wants to go to HIS pool ("MINE"), they may have difficulty stopping him at some point. We have seen in previous episodes, he can pull furniture over to where he can push the elevator buttons and get into places in the house( like the pantry) when they are not looking. If Will manages to get into the pool area and into the water, I worry that Jen and Bill may not be able to get him out of the water. Is the Nanny around all the time?? Worse, suppose he attempts to dive into the pool in an area that is not deep and he hits his head or hurts his back? I have certainly read a lot of tragic stories about little kids in pools. Bill mentioned that Will could be a bit of a daredevil in the pool. Despite what Jen and Bill say to the camera, they are having a great deal of trouble getting him to understand boundaries including pool rules.
  14. I am not referring to a lot of people. My focus is addressing what was shown in the specific episode.
  15. Actually I am a vegetarian, but being a vegetarian has nothing to do with how Bill Klein AND the TLC crew let the fish die, filmed it, and then made a joke out of it. I was appalled that Bill Klein found it amusing to say the fish "sleeps with the fishes". Here is a guy who owns a pet/grooming store, personally owns dogs, adopted kids and certainly puts forth an image of a caring individual. And then he treats a fish so dismissively? I think that actually says a lot about a person. His behavior is hypocritical. There was one episode when he and his mother in law were at the Pet Expo and he was musing aloud about selling fish in their store. I am very glad she talked him out of that!
  16. I used to enjoy this show but my enthusiasm is waning. I was so sad to see how Bill Klein treated the fish he caught. He caught it , could not get the hook out, struggled with it for "10 minutes" and then it died and he just threw it back in the water making light of it. How cruel. Why couldn't he ask for help from the other fishermen on the pier? He admitted he had no gear with him. He should have known better since he claims to have gone fishing as a child. And for someone who owns a pet store, you would think he had some sense of empathy for animals, fish included. I guess not. And the TLC crew let him go on like that? They should ALL be ashamed of themselves.
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