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Everything posted by LGGirl

  1. I’m just waiting for the Tell Nothing. Thats all I got.
  2. They may not want to hand over their money to Evilyn, but if they have a soft spot for Corey.... Regardless, I don’t see Ecuador as a major vacation hot spot.
  3. I have no problem with it either. As long as the terms are fair to both parties. But, what I see happening with these older woman/younger men relationships is that the women treat their intended like indentured servants, expected to meet every need: emotional, physical or otherwise. They treat their dogs better than these guys. The women’s expectations are unreasonable. Nobody can meet all their needs. Pretty sure this is happening with Laura. She is expecting too much from Aladin. But my guess that this behavior isn’t new for her anyways.
  4. What Americans do? IDK if these Americans are just entitled where they think cultural norms don’t apply to them. Or just stupid..... Ok. Stupid. And desperate. I think Laura felt she could just gaslight and control Aladin, playing victim as she probably has done in past relationships. In this case, she’s playing her game in Tunisia with American rules. She can’t manipulate the situation. I agree with the previous posters. Laura wanted a young stud to fluff her ego. He was bought and paid for. But the same could be said of Angela or Rebecca. They are all pretty much the same.
  5. I’m confused. How can Tiffany give birth to a baby three weeks ago and Paul’s baby be only four months? Something fishy is gong on. Corey, the dim bulb he is, confronting Ronald on marrying Tiffany for a green card. Really? There is no way Ronald will ever be allowed in the states with his felony conviction. My money is Tiffany will file for divorce within a year. Corey is an idiot. Evelyn will look for every reason not to walk down the isle. Laura gets everything she deserves. Aladin still has gotten the bad end of the deal. Jenny will be heartbroken if Sumit doesn’t show up for the show. You would think finding out he is married would have broken her heart enough not to care? She’s pathetic. Jihoon is not going to support Deavon and the baby. Give her a few months till she’s back in the states. Paul is just Paul.
  6. I think Tim is just not that into Jeniffer. She meets his criteria for a wife but she really doesn’t light his fire. Any guy with a brain knows to never give a girl a recycled ring. He could buy a new one. Didn’t want to. He wants a trophy wife. My guess is the last Columbian girlfriend really messed up his head. Tom and Darcy really deserve each other. It’s all optics with them. Ben needs to go back home and marry a Duggar. Angela is a controlling bitch. Hope Michael puts her through hell once he comes to the US. Maybe Rebecca should have taken care of ending her marriage first before trolling for a new victim to put on her coffee mug.
  7. FIFY. I have never gave a boyfriend a dime. These women are just nuts. I have to give Tom some slack. Yeah, he is a passive aggressive snot to Darcy. But who can blame him? He has to be over the drama, pissed off at Darcy for dragging him to see her sister and having to endure childish sibling behavior. I’ll give him credit that he’s sticking it out. I’d be gone after the first day and tell TLC to stick it.
  8. Not really. I think she did her best with the child God gave her. In the end, Paul is in charge of his life and decisions, not his mother. I’d say Paul hasn’t been dealt a full deck of cards. That’s not his mother’s fault.
  9. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but if I were paying the bills, I’d sponsor Katrine coming here. Rather have them here in the US than living in third world conditions in Brazil. Laura is just an idiot. So Liam is worried that Laura won’t pay for his college. Sorry kid but your 22 years old. In my household that train has left the station and you’d be paying your own tuition. Time to grow up. Laura getting pregnant and carrying a baby. 🤣🤣🤣 Aladin thinking she can get pregnant. 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Tiffany is a moron. We couldn’t see this coming. Jenny just needs to go home. Sumit is a liar. Who knows what else he has lied about.
  10. I’ve come to the conclusion, after watching this show, that these Americans are just ignorant idiots. Probably why they look outside of the US for a spouse. Darcy is a mess and she appeared to be intoxicated on the show. Note to Stacey: If there is no ring and a date, then you are not engaged. Sure, you wear a ring. But I’m not talking a fake diamond ring, most likely bought by you. I mean a real diamond ring purchased by your fiancée. So....you are dating, and I use dating loosely, a young guy from Albania for show. He’s not some model as you would like us to believe. Who is paying your airfare to Albania? You? Why isn’t he visiting you? Why? Because he’s using you and prefers you live in the US. Darcy, if Tom was that into you then he would have come to the US to visit you first. Let the guys come to you, not the other way around.
  11. CBS would be foolish to allow Jackson on Survivor. His problems are not easily fixed and I get the feeling CBS is done with Jackson.
  12. I agree. But what if Jackson did not have an eating disorder and psychological problems? What if that was the lie? Jackson is a liar. I don’t believe anything he says. He could have made all that up to manipulate production. If it wasn’t a lie and Jackson falsified his application, then CBS has every right to terminate their professional relationship. It would have been a liability to keep him in the show. Why they didn’t, is beyond me. The Jackson pile on during the last 30 minutes of the finale was a first. Although throughly enjoyable to watch Jackson get raked over the coals, it really wasn’t necessary. It obviously was orchestrated to humiliate Jackson and Julie Chen was totally on board. I think Jackson is a manipulative POS and spent his summer manipulating and threatening the houseguests, as well as production. We have no idea what really went on behind the scenes but production had to be pretty fed up with Jackson to throw their golden boy under the bus at the end I have a child currently in a lesser known state college and good friends with quite a few male and female athletes. Athlete arrest records just magically disappear and charges dropped. Athletes with interpersonal issues with woman are just shuffled to another school instead of losing their scholarship. Teachers giving passes to athletes and padding their grades, especially if they are Hispanic. Many athletes have bragged that they don’t attend classes or turn in any work but will still get as A. Analyse lack of knowledge doesn’t surprise me. Preferential treatment for athletes is alive and well. Yeah, but Hayden and Caleb were pretty well liked. Jackson is not.
  13. Loved the finale except Jackson winning. Pretty sure if Nichole was in the final two, she would have won. The jury never took Holly seriously. After the Jackson lambasting, I think some of the jurors wanted to take their votes back. They looked very uneasy. Jackson may have won the game but he’s still a loser in life. He’s an embarrassment to his family. His family probably have been making so many excuses for his behavior and bailing him out, that they’ve made him out to be the victim. In the end, I think Nichole ended up leaving the game a better and more confident woman. She’s the real winner. Holly needs to go back to Wyoming and find herself. And hope none of her sexcapades with Jackson doesn’t surface on the Internet. Lastly, thank you to all the live feeders and prime timers for making my summer guilty pleasure a pleasure.
  14. Breaking your word only matters when the other party breaks their word to you and you get screwed. Pretty much most of the houseguests made a deal and were on the losing end of the deal, hence they are in the jury house or evicted. In other words, loyalty only matters to the jurors. It wouldn’t matter to them if they were in the final three.
  15. I agree that Holly had her marching orders and did what Jackson wanted. But let’s just pretend Holly didn’t throw that comp? Could you imagine the abuse she would have to endure from Jackson if she won? I could see Jackson trying pull her down during the comp. She can give whatever delusional excuse as to why she threw the comp. Cliff and Nichole, the wheeler dealers, should have kept their trap shut. Holly would be seething at Jackson right now.
  16. These these guys are idiots. The older women are the scammers. I’m well over 50 and there is no way I would want have another baby let alone raise one. These woman want young studs so desperately and will say anything to nab them. What they seem to forget that these guys, in their culture, can divorce or seek another wife in order to have kids. At some point, this will all fall apart.
  17. Agree. And you’d think they would have a large pool if sudo celebrities dying for exposure to choose from. Plus, the houseguests on the celebrity edition was of every age group, most of them 35 or older. That was nice. No hookups but good friendships were formed. Very disappointing.
  18. If Holly was outside the house, we’d might see a different Holly but I will give her a pass. She’s confined inside and cannot leave. That right there has to be tough. Technically she stuck in there with Jackson’s gaslighting. Then she’s positioned herself that her game is dependent on Jackson. Then add the fact that production has blatantly favored Jackson and is pushing this showmance storyline, I’d say she feels stuck and helpless. As much as I’d love to see her win the final HOH and take Nichole, she’s going to stick with the script and take Jackson. She isn’t going to lose her opportunity to be on the Amazing Race with Jackson and any other future jobs. She knows that in Hollywood, one must play nice and eat shit.
  19. I agree. I truly believe everyone’s best move was to evict Jackson at double eviction. For Nichole and Cliff to move on, they would have to make a deal with Christie and Tommy. Christie is too nuts to trust. But having Jackson gone would even out the playing field regarding comps, and reset the game. Still, keeping Holly over Tommy was fatal. Cliff was too worried about being in final two, he couldn’t see the next logical step. Unfortunately, that clueless ass was more concerned is saving his own game that he didn’t realize it was already over.
  20. Jackson cheated while he was a have not. Product, of course, did nothing. Will go as far to say production helped him along on the game. Jackson is an entitled twit. I know for a fact, he is not well liked in real life. Hoping the jury feels the same way.
  21. Well, Holly is a good little brainwashed soldier. How great it would be if she did win the final HOH and took a Nichole? That would ensure her the win.
  22. I think that’s just plain common sense. But ... but ... there was a hand shake. As much as I’m sure Nichole would want to walk away as the winner, I think her winning AFP will make a bigger impact on her since she is such a fan on the show.
  23. Yeah. But the last few juries did not vote for good game play. They voted with their emotions. Paul <ugh> and Tyler really played the best game overall. Yet, the more social and liked player won. Jury management matters. I don’t think Jackson has really done a good job at that while steam rolling through the game. It’s been obvious he’s been production’s pet. That may not sit well with the existing jurors.
  24. Holly is in the perfect position. She’s going to the final two, no matter who wins. She isn’t going to try to win anything.
  25. Let’s just hope the jury feels the same way.
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