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Everything posted by LGGirl

  1. My family is TV watchers. Hate Jackson and Holly. Love Nichole and want her to win. Because of all of Jackson’s accommodations, I don’t think he’s played the best game. I think the other players knew he was production’s pet and were afraid of backlash from production if they went against him. His game would have been compromised if he was forced to follow have not rules and have nots actually lasted three or four weeks as usual. Life without watermelon. No therapist. Sorry, he played an entitled game. Not impressed. I hope those jurors are stewing in the jury house. Hope they are stewing on how they may have ruined their game to acquiesce to production’s whims and fear of backlash to allow the pampered prince an easy road to the finale. I hope they vote for anyone but Jackson.
  2. I was going to post that I thought the VETO was fixed for Jackson to win. No way did I think that Jackson won the comp fair and square after watching it last night. It just did not pass the smell test. All the theatrics, praying, tears regarding Jackson’s veto performance was just too over the top. I just got the feeling of who were they trying to convince: me or themselves? Maybe it’s just my conspiracy theory mind, but I figured that production chose that comp because it’s pretty easy to fudge the results. How do we know what the final times really were? The houseguests don’t know their times? Couldn’t Nichole have really come in first? It’s obvious that production wanted to control the outcome or they would have chosen a comp they all played together. After reading the article above, I’m now convinced Nichole did win. There is no way Jackson won the VETO. It was rigged. I’m hoping that this jury overlooks gameplay like the few others before and votes for whoever isn’t Jackson. Or better yet Nichole wins it all. I really want to see someone else’s confetti falling on Jackson’s shoulders.
  3. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was all a lie. Cliff made good money at his job. There is now way he didn’t have savings to cover his expenses while he was gone. It’s just a way to gain sympathy with the other houseguests and viewers. His fireside chats and conversations with his wife were all orchestrated so he could win AFP. Cliff knew he was never going win, so his strategy was to win AFP and be the player the final HOH drags to the end. He almost had it. Unfortunately, for him, he’s a misogynist and didn’t count Holly as a threat because she’s a woman. He was so fixated on being Jackson’s bro that forgot that insignificant Holly was in the way. I think Cliff is no more genuine that Jackson. While Nichole was laying on the hammock, she missed a huge opportunity to put Jackson in his place while he was chastising her. All she had to say to Jackson is that one of us had to go this week. Then say, “Are you telling me that if Cliff and I stayed totally loyal to you and Holly that you would have voted Holly out and kept Cliff?” I would love to see Jackson answer that one in front of Holly. I believe that Jackson was always going to take Nichole over Cliff, which is why he orchestrated Nichole to win this HOH. Cliff screwed himself by not voting Holly out. If Cliff wasn’t so dense, he’d ask himself why Jackson was so desperate to throw Tommy under the bus to save Holly? Especially if he was going to boot her next week? Wouldn’t it be better for Jackson’s jury management to have Nichole and Cliff to vote her out? There is no way Jackson would take Tommy to the final three. There was 100% chance Tommy would take Cliff over Jackson. If Cliff wanted to be dragged to the final three, then getting rid of Holly was his only move. Everyone knows that final 2 deals a meaningless. Cliff was too busy making a final two deal that he forgot to figure out how he was going to get to the final three. The odds were in his favor if Tommy stayed. I still think Jackson and Holly are going to get on each other nerves and have a falling out. Hopefully, Nichole can use that to her advantage.
  4. We are sharing the same thoughts. Holly will be in the final two, no matter who wins the HOH. She’s pretty much ensured at least $50k. Not sure she deserves it. Hope she invests it in a good therapist. This is Big Brother. Deals are made to be broken. Everyone’s game has ebbs and flows. Players need to be flexible and change their gameplay when needed. I had no problem with Nichole and Cliff voting out Holly. It was the best decision for THEIR game going forward. Keeping Holly was best for Jackson’s game, not theirs. They should have broken the deal. At this point, Cliff, was looking out for HIS game only, and was stupid not to see Jackson’s endgame and how it didn’t include him. So what if Jackson goes on a rampage about it. This is Big Brother. Deal. Jackson, on the other hand, was always going to boot Cliff over Holly. He’s just using their wavering as an excuse. All Jackson care about is how he is perceived by the jury and viewers. And winning at all cost. Holly is just whipped. Jackson told her to throw that HOH before the deal with Cliff and Nichole. Once she was saved from eviction, she could have gone after the HOH. If she felt it was best for her game to win HOH, then she should have gone for the win. Throwing the HOH is on her. Not one person in the jury would have penalized her for breaking that deal. Now Jackson is worried about Cliff going and is looking for any technicality to keep him. Maybe he’s afraid what he will tell the jury. Maybe he’s worried how he is perceived by the viewers. All I know is Jackson is about saving Jackson’s game and has nothing to do with Cliff. My guess, regarding the rule book, Jackson is worried that Nichole may say something to hurt his game and wants to silence her.
  5. Jackson will stay with Holly as long as the offers of them together keep coming. Amazing race. Social media influencers. Whatever. When their offers dry up, he will move on.
  6. Our only hope is that Holly and Jackson get into a really big fight. There is that possibility. That might switch things up. So.... what did genius Cliff think? If Jackson was not going to take Holly to the end, then why did it matter if she is evicted now? Wouldn’t be easier to blame the eviction on Cliff and Nichole, keeping your hand clean. That never crossed dumbass Cliff’s mind. My family is casual viewers. They all hate Jackson. Think Holly is an embarrassment. Love Nichole. Cliff is dead to them. Nichole will win AFP.
  7. Cliff is just an older version of Jackson. They are cut out of the same cloth. Both globbed on to women, assuring said woman that they would protect them and take them to the end. Yet, Jackson and Cliff were playing for themselves. Cliff was never really loyal to Nichole. He used her until he thought he didn’t need her. I have no doubt Jackson would cut Holly if he needed to. Jackson is only loyal to Jackson. Cliff was just out played by the young pup. Don’t care. Don’t think he deserves AFP anymore than Jackson does. If he has any integrity, he’d go back to the jury house and tell them how Nichole carried him through the game.
  8. Well, she is a double loser then. Jackson will only stick around as long as she’s useful to him. I don't care who wins but I’d give anything to see Holly win the final HOH and take Nichole.
  9. I just don’t see Nichole cutthroat enough to win. Looking back on her last HOH, she should have taken Tommy down and sacrificed Cliff. Tell Cliff, let Jackson decide. Tommy needed a partner. He would have chosen Nichole. Nichole needed someone to work with her. Cliff is limited because of physical injuries. He’s been riding on Nichole’s coattails over the last few weeks. He was no value added, at this point. She needs someone who could help her along, not weigh her down. Someone who is cutthroat would have seen this and taken action. No doubt, Jackson would have taken that bold move.
  10. I think she did. You could see on her face during the eviction. Cliff wouldn’t budge. There was nothing she could do. I pin point her loss at not getting rid of Jackson at double eviction. I knew he needed to go then or he would have won his way to the end.
  11. Well, if they did, he would have been fighting for the veto. Not sure I could say the same about Cliff. Cliff has not only sunk his game but Nichole’s as well. Let that sink into his thick, delusional skull.
  12. I’m hoping Nichole wins. I can see Cliff or Holly throw the comp. We shall see.
  13. Good. He’s made a deal with the devil and screwed over his partner. He should be struggling. This isn’t that hard. The choice isn’t rocket science.
  14. So. I rather go up against Christie and Tommy with Holly on the side. If I were Nichole, I’d cut a quick deal with them and toss Jackson quick and easy. You wouldn’t have to deal with Jackson’s wrath because he’d be gone. Last week, Holly should have been booted. Problem there was that Cliff and Nichole should not have said anything about the switch. Kept it all to themselves until the actual vote. Of course, Cliff is dick and had to spill the beans to Jackson. I’d love to see him go this week, and he most likely will. Dumb moron to think Jackson would drag him to the end.
  15. Agree. The biggest mistake Cliff and Nichole made was not cutting Jackson at double eviction, IMO.
  16. Cliff’s desire to be Jackson’s bro has clouded his judgement. Jackson is very good at tapping to what his fellow houseguests need/want to hear. He is a master manipulator. I don’t think he would ever choose Cliff over Holly. Never. He will choose Holly to the end. Why? First it up his chances for future opportunities. Second, if Holly does win, he will stick to her like glue, hoping for her to pass on some of the wealth. So, even if he does lose to Holly, he wins. But, he might have manipulated himself out of $500k with his gameplay to boot Tommy. Let Tommy fester a bit in the jury house. Let him get bitter. Let Christie work on the rest to be just as bitter. I can manifest this.
  17. I’m glad to hear that the next HOH might be physical. That means the next VETO may be mental. Not in Jackson’s favor. A Nichole or Cliff win would be very good for the show. And production knows it.
  18. Jackson can’t play in the HOH. He needs to win the Veto to be safe next week. Just a hunch, I think he’s setting Holly up to go next week.
  19. Who knows? But my guess the next Veto comp will be a watermelon eating contest.
  20. The best scenario would be to toss Holly. Cliff whispers in Holly’s ear on her way out that Jackson orchestrated her eviction.
  21. The fact is that Jackson is in the way of everyone winning the 500k. Cliff and Nichole should have made a deal with Christie to keep them safe next week if the pull her off the block and put Jackson up. Unless the remaining comps are all mental, Jackson will bulldoze his way to the finish and win.
  22. I think Christie would take Tommy. I don’t think Tommy would take Christie. I can see him orchestrating her eviction, keeping his hand clean, so it doesn’t come down to a Christie or Tommy final two. Jackson won’t take a female. His ego couldn’t take losing to a girl. He’d rather lose to Cliff or Tommy before taking Holly or Nichole.
  23. I agree. It was cringe worthy. Can’t understand why a 30 year old woman would put up with that treatment from a 20 year old frat boy. If Holly wins any money, she really should invest in a good therapist. Agree 💯. But the same could be said regarding Christie. Both have played well.
  24. I don’t think Jackson will take Nichole. He will take Cliff or Tommy over her. Good luck with that. Jackson feels Jess is the biggest threat to him. 🤣 Sure. Yeah. Interesting. Someone in product has been talking. Seems to me that Tommy wants to take Cliffs place in the house and in Jackson’s alliance.
  25. FIFY He was never going to bring her to the end. I’d be surprised if he’d bring a woman to the end. I’d think Cliff is his first choice. I think Christie would put him up. Not sure about Tommy. He’d go after Nichole or Cliff. If you think about it, he’s in a very good position in the house. The only two really after him is Christie and Jess. And Jess is on her way out. I can’t disagree with you there. Although it would be interesting to see Jackson and Christie at the end just to see who the jury would pick to win. I think Christie is the only one, at this point, that would target Jackson. I don’t see Tommy wanting to keep Christie around. He knows it’s time to cut her loose. He wants Jackson in the house so Jackson would take Christie out for him. Jackson will keep Tommy so Tommy takes Holly out for Jackson. If Christie survives Thursday, I will be surprised and peg her for the win. If it’s a physical HOH comp, Tommy will win, put Nichole and Cliff up, Holly as an alternate. Nichole will go. Nichole and Cliff have gotten good edits but no one has gotten a better edit that Jackson. No one.
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