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Yall know I’m not a MERI fan at all, but it looks like she actually did something sensible instead of proving she can get married ASAP and jumping into a big ol mess. Glad she realized this ain’t what she wants and was able to pursue what she does want.
Robyn Brown: She wanted the family, but got stuck with the man.
RazzleberryPie replied to Rhondinella's topic in Sister Wives
Oh you know she was prob trying to put her scent out in the ER so all the Capt Saveaho first responders could get a whiff. I’m very curious as to what she did at a hospital. She doesn’t have the education or license for most jobs, and she’s too lazy for housekeeping, nursing assistant, food services, etc. -
Robyn Brown: She wanted the family, but got stuck with the man.
RazzleberryPie replied to Rhondinella's topic in Sister Wives
Robyn was a single mom with three kids and an ex who, according to her, contributed nothing financially. Was she receiving benefits for housing and food? Also she was thousands of dollars in credit card debt. I always got tha impression that Robyn’s “job” was to have more babies and somehow she and Kody decided she was the only wife who didn’t have to work while pregnant. Or take care of any of her kids. Remember very early on when there was an episode where she and Christine danced around talking about childcare? I think Robyn absolutely thought she was going to prance in and take over Christine’s spot, and Christine could go back to work. Christine seemed really nervous and they both danced around having a real convo. It was another instance where Robyn seemed to be guiding another pre rehearsed convo trying to trap things into being filmed and Christine wasn’t happy. Robyn didn’t give a flying flip that Christine had an infant and they’d be disrupting the lives of all the other kids if Robyn took over and then you know Robyn would just dictate to the older kids what to do while she tried to get pregnant. -
Robyn Brown: She wanted the family, but got stuck with the man.
RazzleberryPie replied to Rhondinella's topic in Sister Wives
It could have been edited weirdly, too. But nutshell, I think she was trying to say the man can’t leave the polygamist relationship, and if the whole family has left the church then the church can’t or won’t dissolve it, so the woman who left has to dissolve it by committing adultery with another man. Adultery would break the bond, just leaving doesn’t work. Thus in robyns eyes I wonder if she thinks Janelle, who is intentionally celibate right now, is still married to Kody? -
Robyn Brown: She wanted the family, but got stuck with the man.
RazzleberryPie replied to Rhondinella's topic in Sister Wives
Robyn was legally married to her first husband so not sure if the spiritual rules for “official divorce” applied to her. I also think she was badly attempting to explain that in their religion, which none of them really follow now?, that a woman basically doesn’t matter and has no status in the afterlife outside the husband. If they’re sealed foever for eternity, the church can do an unsealing, or she can commit adultery by sleeping with another man and that voids the sealing. So Christine would be sealed to kody until that seal is broken by Christine, because Kody can’t leave. They have no church. So Christine needs to boink somebody else to break that eternal seal. According to Christine, Janelle, and Meri, this is all a load of baloney and not church doctrine. Doctrine of the church Christine left so rules don’t apply to her anymore anyway. Also I don’t think anybody believes Robyn and Kody weren’t intimate before their church marriage. She has a history of doing whatever to trap a man, and he was way too giddy and willing to dump his 12 kids and pregnant wife to drive five hours one way every single weekend to not be compensated some how. -
Yeah for me personally, I would be a huge red flag and turn off if my partner was obsessed with petty revenge on an ex. When an ex is really that bad, and you are ready to move on, minimal polite contact dealing with the kids is about it. None of this petty beer and skittles crap.
Oh that will never happen. Leon always has always come off as smug and entitled, actually has a personality like their mom, but I can’t deny Leon is a Very Brave Soul for not denying who they are and getting away from that family. I also firmly believe a big chunk of kody being so bad to Meri is he and Robyn behind closed doors brooding on how immoral and sinful Leon is, and blaming Meri for things far beyond Leon’s control. You can’t blame Meri for biology or for choices Leon makes as an adult. But you can guarantee Robyn used the whole “protecting the littles” from Leon as another excuse to alienate Meri. Meri might have been abused mentally and taken advantage of for decades, but she also has been a selfish, entitled, delusional person for even longer. It’s not cut and dry to me. She’s played a big part in her own trajectory and has been awful to other people while trying to win the game.
I’m sorry, no I’m not. That interview with Jenn is just cringe. I don’t think anything will make me LIKE Meri, but I do have more sympathy for her after learning how badly Kody treated her. But that interview with Jenn puts me right back to being perpetually annoyed with Meri. I absolutely hate how those two do the 12 year old giggle fit over inside jokes like they are so desperate to be the coolest 7th graders around. Also Meri - your insinuated sex jokes are gross. Nobody wants to know all that. This guy seems to be as much as a catch as Meri is, so I hope they are actually happy with each other. However, it does appear they she just wants to flaunt a relationship and show she has what Robyn and Christine have. Last - this goes for Meri and Christine - kody is a douche. Robyn is a lying, manipulative witch. But you got away from him and her. You say you’re in happy relationships and head over hills. So LET HIM GO. This pettiness of making fun of Robyn and Kody makes it look like you’re not over it. Focus on your new happiness and not throwing jabs at two people who are getting what they deserve - each other’s company.
I’m glad she had the decency to wait until after Christine’s wedding aired to announce this and not try to steal her thunder.
Robyn Brown: She wanted the family, but got stuck with the man.
RazzleberryPie replied to Rhondinella's topic in Sister Wives
This. I don’t think either that she said hmmm let’s see if I can wreck a family bwahahahaha. I do think she said hmmm let’s see if I can get somebody to pay my bills and make me Cinderella, and I really don’t care if other lives are destroyed in the meantime, children included. I do think she hatched the plan to be the legal wife, to dominate time, and expected the rest of them to go along with whatever it took to make Robyn happy. She seems to have no knowledge of and no care about anyone else’s needs or feelings. Also she did not grow up in polygamy the way the other two wives did. She was the child of a side chick who lived in another city, and she did not seem to want her kids to live that way, so she gunned for legal wife. She especially hit Janelle hard with weigh comments. Wanted her open a plus size work out clothing line, purposefully bought a too small shirt and was all oooh I hope it fits! She made the comment about the others having weight gain and stretch marks. Made comments about Christine being an old mom, comments about Meri being too old. Even the ‘oh kody LIKES curvy women’ was intended to emphasize that most people don’t and that Robyn was thin. She truly thought she was a lot younger and prettier than she was. -
Robyn Brown: She wanted the family, but got stuck with the man.
RazzleberryPie replied to Rhondinella's topic in Sister Wives
I think Robyn represents the worst marital fear of most of us - that our home will be disrupted and then destroyed by a sneaky, conniving person who lures our spouse to abandon our children and leave us with financially nothing. Even worse in this case is they had sharing their spouse eternally, instead of just dealing with a messy divorce. Yes, like in all marriages, there were some problems before, and theirs were complicated by religion and multiple spouses. Yes, Kody has to agree to everything presented to him. Yes, Meri encouraged and facilitated the entire mess. Yes, the other two also made room for a lot of the drama. But bottom line, Robyn broke all the rules while playing them and their husband as a fool, she took Meri’s legal marriage, the other women’s rotations, time with all of the other kids’ father, a huge financial chunk, and backhandedly belittled their weight, appearance, parenting, etc. Kody still thinks she’s an innocent naive little angel, and shouts to the world how perfect she is and how much he loves only her and her kids, when she manipulated her debt and her drama into their family. I would be be heartbroken if my my husband left me for another woman, but I would be worse than that if I had to have the woman break the hearts of my children and expect me to not say a word about it for eternity. I don’t think it takes Machiavellian planning or a lot of intelligence for Robyn to swoop in and steal what she wanted. It took a strong jaw and some lube. -
Kody getting all upset at Christine laughing at him describing his mild Covid symptoms, meanwhile how many years was ysabel in pain needing back surgery, truly almost dying, etc while he burned steaks and chased after Robyn! Zero sympathy for Kodys ‘pain’ from me. Also Kody - just because your other family members do no see Robyn as the same person that you do, does not mean they never tried to be nice or have a relationship with her. It just means they saw what they saw and they don’t want to see any more. Janelle - you’re prob going to lose that $1k. If it gives them one more TLC season, and if Robyn can’t find another escape route out, there will be another sister wife. Now I will bet $1 that Robyn will eventually leave. She’s trying her best to set the stage now. That’s what Machiavellian behavior is like Kodster. Also Machiavellian - trying to force the OG3 who are done with you and want to move on to come off camera and tell you it’s ok to have him by yourself. You’re legal wife, Kody chose you and your kids over everyone else, what do you want? A trophy? Wait you do have that million dollar house. 99% of Robyn’s problem is she is a control freak who has a hissy fit if anyone attempts to breathe without her approval. She takes no one else into consideration besides what they can do for her or how she sees them fitting in her life. Sometimes you don’t get the closure you want, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Have the life you deserve Robyn. Meri - yeah she was treated like crap and manipulated, but she also treated others like crap and manipulated them. I still can’t muster much sympathy for her.
Meri can barely string together a sentence, especially when she’s put on the spot or challenged. I can’t imagine Kody,who worked in sales and won’t shut up, allowing Meri to negotiate anything. She couldn’t even negotiate French doors and a wet bar, how is she going to negotiate a contract with TLC.
Ok no clue why the formatting is messing up except for all of these stinkin pop ups and ads BUT Robyn is sobbin this time because 1) everytime she actually realizes she did indeed cause whatever problem is happening, she breaks down in tears. No sure if it’s because of guilt or because she got caught. 2) if she doesn’t have any of the OG3 left to be the bad gals so that Kody can come hide in her haven of refuge, she knows he’s actually going to find fault with her, and/or go looking for a younger, more fertile new shiny toy. She can’t be Cinderella if there are no Ugly Stepsisters left.
Robyn Brown: She wanted the family, but got stuck with the man.
RazzleberryPie replied to Rhondinella's topic in Sister Wives
so first of all, Kody, of course she has her cap in hand, because she was demanding cash for all her Victoria’s Secret debt. She always seemed to think her role in the family and her job was having more babies, and everyone should drop what they were doing so she could gestate. Remember she couldn’t have another one if Meri went back to school, couldn’t do any actual work with the junk jewelry if she was pregnant, and initially acted like she wanted to take over Christine’s roll of child care provider without actually doing any work. I totally get why Christine had the most issues at first, well and Janelle. They had a working system and Christine’s job was child care. Robyn comes in like she’s going to take over Christine’s job and disrupt the lives of 13? children, while bringing in tons of debt and 3 kids being forced into the family. i don’t know how they expected the existing kids to be ok with the disruption and these three strangers calling their dad Daddy and dominating his attention. I’d hate AroraBreanaDaytun and their mother, too, if I was a Brown child.