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Everything posted by pbutler111

  1. I lost my son almost 8 years ago. Guess I have no life? Go away Siggy..And because it can't be said enough...Shut up Jac. When my husband an I got married, he was 68 and I was 52; it was the first (and only, god damn it!) marriage for both of us. You can't believe how many people asked me why we were bothering to get married when we obviously weren't going to have children. Just typing that pisses me off all over again. Like there's no reason to get married if you're not going to procreate? Jesus wept!
  2. I loved all the fake surprise about Ashley's pregnancy. The only people who didn't know she was pregnant were people who were legally blind.
  3. I was surprised how recently they applied for their trademark..... https://trademarks.justia.com/871/50/american-tea-spice-87150184.html Did Taylor ever mention his mother? I hope he at least has a good relationship with her. His dad is someone who wants a fast and easy fix for everything, requiring very little effort from him. If he can't buy a son, then fuck him -- leave him for dead. Pathetic.
  4. I don't know whether Steve sent those flowers to Vicki or not, but I will say that having flowers delivered in another country is really no more effort than having them delivered around the corner. I had flowers delivered to someone in Australia just recently, and it was exact;y the same process as when I had flowers sent to my mother in Michigan for her birthday. God bless the internet.
  5. That dress looks itchy as hell.
  6. I was kind of excited for this series, but the violence is just too much for me. Pity.
  7. Nope. She still looked amazing. I honestly think Nina might be pregnant. Not joking.
  8. I don't recall ever seeing Heidi look bad in anything.
  9. I was actually wondering if Nina is pregnant again. Besides what she was wearing, her face/hair just looked different.
  10. I wondered who he was, too. The way he talked made him seem like he was either heavily medicated or simply slow.
  11. What was up with Roberi's model? She looked like some unsuspecting Croatian tourist they'd just yanked in off the street -- a little confused, a little embarrassed, and walking in heels for the first time ever. Did she even have her hair and makeup done? And she was either the victim of a very unfortunate bikini wax, or she forgot to wax altogether. We actually pressed pause when the camera was traveling past the suit bottoms and said, "Are those pubes hanging out?" I hated the suit anyway, but that model certainly did it no favors.
  12. I enjoyed the juxtaposition of Shannon carrying on about the absolute necessity of organic mattresses, and then watching her in the kitchen with her 500-count box of Ziploc bags, which I'm pretty sure are about as far from organic as you can get.
  13. I know that saying that a reality show is contrived is like saying that water is wet, but the New Jersey franchise seems to have achieved new heights (or depths) of contrived drama. Dolores's sudden screaming outburst was about the most awkwardly contrived moment of them all. It was so clear to me that she had been rehearsing this as her big moment to stand out, and all she needed was a good opening to spin it out. When a good opening didn't come, she instead let loose in a pause in the conversation, which was less effective, but at least she got all that air time with the endless promos of her big moment. (You know things are bad when Theresa has become the voice of reason. Her confrontation with Jax about her claim of feeling "threatened" by Robyn was somewhat satisfying in the soundness of her logic. If Jax had felt threatened, she wouldn't have gone and plunked her overstuffed ass on the woman's lap and started screaming at her.) But the show has become less a "reality" show and more a series of skits loosely based on the lives of real people.
  14. I have no doubt that Jenni is grossly exaggerating her laugh to distinguish herself from the crowd. All she's doing with that is distinguishing herself as incredibly annoying.
  15. I was just thinking that he seems to have some kind of cross-eyed/lazy-eye thing happening. Or maybe his eyeballs are just still floating in all that booze?
  16. I wonder if SJP ever just looked at Patricia Fields and said, "No!"
  17. I don't actually remember that one, either. I wonder if this is something that never actually made it into the show?
  18. How in the world was this outfit not in the bottom? A black pencil skirt and boring sleeveless top. I don't get it. LOVED Mah-Jing's denim dress. The rule on PR has always been that there's nothing worse than boring. Based on that, I really thought Sarah would be the one to go. You can't get much more boring than what she put down the runway.
  19. Am I the only one that thinks it's weird that no one seems to be congratulating Meghan on her pregnancy? I mean it's not like she just woke up pregnant one day -- surprise! She worked really hard and went through a lot of pain to get pregnant, yet I've heard nothing but crickets and a cold wind -- and a lot of nonsense bitching about Vicki and the hospital -- from the other women on the show. They all had a fit over Meghan's supposed lack of compassion for the hospitalized-yet-selfie-taking-liarpants Vicki, yet none of them can muster a "atta girl!" for something as momentous as Meghan's pregnancy? I honestly don't understand this.
  20. That was David's mom causing the drama, not Shannon's. And while what David's mother did was disgusting and truly unexcusable (not to mention unexplainable), Shannon's reaction in front of her children was even worse.
  21. It sounds like David doesn't actually speak to his family, so I wouldn't think they'd be a likely sounding board for his marital troubles. His mother probably got her information the same places we all did -- tabloids and internet.
  22. I actually found Theresa's sit-down with Rosie and Kathy to be refreshing compared to such things in past seasons. Theresa actually was a lot more honest about not wanting to deal with these people than she would have been pre-prison. She didn't play nice, all the while knowing she's going to do everything possible to never see them again. Instead she pretty much told them she didn't need the aggravation and have a nice life. To me, it's an improvement.
  23. I love Kristen Bell, but you just about lost me at having to have a job in Heaven. And wouldn't the soulmate she was assigned actually be meant for the person who I imagine is now roasting in Hell while she enjoys their place in Heaven?
  24. Not for nothing, but why are you a better source of information on this topic than Bethenny and her boyfriend's daughter?
  25. I seem to remember that Jules' menopause comment was made in her first or second episode, before she'd even really gotten to know anyone.
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