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Everything posted by Gianthambeast

  1. I don't mean shoved in our faces as in "forced to watch," I mean that they are constantly being touted as an example by politicos, other fundies, People magazine, as well as the advertisers that latched onto their bullshit wholesome all-American-Christian family narrative. For those who do watch TLC regularly, yeah, they are kind of forced to watch when that channel is running its constant Duggar marathons.
  2. I hope this scandal permanently dismantles the Duggar franchise that has been pushed in our faces as a model of wholesome family values for so many years despite its blatant misogyny, disdain for education, and fanatical devotion to the warped ethos of a known pervert (Gothard). Even more, I hope now the girls who were victimized (and all the kids) can get out from under the thumb of these people and get to lead normal lives and proper education.
  3. Meh I wandered off when Anne Heche was climbing stuff. The only way this series can redeem itself in my eyes is if the crazies do succeed in bringing on Armageddon and the world explodes in a great big fiery ball.--after Red and Avram have been raptured to safety first, of course.
  4. Wonder what Binjerman thought when he saw the Pieta? Probably: "Golly gee they DO worship Mary."
  5. Re: leagues. I think they do exist in the dating realm and they play a role in almost every episode of this show. How many times have we seen a situation on this show where an obscure, low status guy, who's ordinary in looks falls in love with a photo of a beautiful bikini model, and ignores all the signs that she isn't real (won't meet, won't skype, no other photos, etc.) and lets her put him off for months and months until they finally meet and she's actually fat or hideously ugly. Why does he let himself get fooled like that? Because he desperately wants to believe that he can date a gorgeous woman. But it doesn't work like that. I think people end up with others of comparable attractiveness. A physically unattractive guy can usually compensate with success, money, achievement, etc. That's why you'll see the hideously ugly Donald Trump with a hot supermodel wife like Melania Trump. But how often do you see the reverse? I
  6. This is a rare episode where I felt bad for both parties. Jamey did seem like a genuinely nice guy, not just a loser thinking to get with a hot babe way out of his league. I was worried that he might freak out and throw a punch,but he behaved like a gentleman.
  7. Just show us the damn treasure already...
  8. It bothers me too. We don't live in a religiously monolithic society, so citing a text from a book that not everyone believes in doesn't hold up as a rational argument.
  9. Agree completely. The rebuilding of the temple and the apocalyptic prophecies would have provided more than enough compelling material without needing to pile on all the side plots.
  10. Frankly, I think the dead daughter trope is just there to create empathy for the Jason Isaacs character. It ain't working. As for Anne Heche her only function seems to be to be slipping in and out of the detective's bed. Totally useless.
  11. Wouldn't he bake to death in the trunk? New Mexico and whatnot...
  12. Had a little Schadenfreude about Michael losing. I like it when someone cocky has to eat humble pie. He''ll probably be back for TOC as wildcard.
  13. Yes--that was my first thought too when they said "Megiddo." This show is nowhere near as exciting as The Omen. Sadly, the little red calf, everybody's favorite character, is probably doomed. Too bad a sacrifice of Anne Heche and her giant nerd glasses can't be made in substitution.
  14. I hate Jim Blob on so many levels, but I admit that I thought I saw some real fatherly love for Jessa there--kinda surprising. Of course he reverted to the usual one-upmanship when he insisted on kissing Mechelle in front of everyone to show "how it's done." Gag. It was nice to see the close relationship between Jessa and Jinger, but I felt bad that now Jinger will be alone in that nuthouse. :( I agree that this episode didn't need to be dragged out for two hours. Most of the talking heads were excruciating-- these are some of the most inarticulate people to ever be on a reality show. I thought the reception was in bad taste-- as others have said in this thread: don't invite 1300 people if you can't afford to treat them with some decent level of hospitality. I still think the massive guest list was a ploy to milk as many people as possible for gifts, while making as little expenditure as possible on feeding them. More of the teachings of Blobbo in action...
  15. The vast gulf of difference between a Duggar edumacation and something like the International Baccalaureate boggles the mind. Keep reaching for those stars, Blobbo!
  16. Thanks Missy Vixen. I watched the clip on youtube (along with others). Yup, Boob does not like the non-compliant one, though he acts all fake for the camera. The moldy house (when compared with the Stonybook spread) was probably also his way of sticking it to her. Ass.
  17. Missy Vixen can you give some examples of Blob disliking/resenting Jessa? I believe you, but I haven't been watching this show for very long and I'd just like to learn more.
  18. "On the same day that Christ rode into Jerusalem, so our Blessed Wonder Dilly arrived in the world on Palm Sunday!"
  19. Jim Blob is the Deliverance version of Joe Kennedy.
  20. As long as JimBlob is living his dreams nobody else needs to have any. Fulfillment is only for him because he's SPECIAL.
  21. I think you're onto something here. I mean, he's already arranged it so that the older girls perform most of the functions of sister-wives (all the mothering, cooking, household chores, etc.). He's so disgusting.
  22. I think Jessa's a gorgeous girl, but that makeup looks like a mortician applied it. Unfortunate that it's commemorated for posterity in her wedding photos.
  23. I'm glad this thing is only ten episodes. I'd like to see more of: 1. The inner life of the cult. 2. Avram's back story 3. An exposition of the historical prophecies And I'd like to see much less of: 1. Anne Heche 2. Dead girl flashbacks 3. Chase sequences 4. Gratuitous sex scenes 5. "Thriller" tropes borrowed from Dan Brown. It's like they chose to emphasize all the wrong things.
  24. I also wonder how much of it has to do with Jim Blob's cheapness. He only seems willing to provide educational/recreational activities when TLC foots the bill. God forbid any of them should want to go to a real college and pay tuition.
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