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Everything posted by Gianthambeast

  1. ^You're nice Dirty Bubble. :) I'm mean--I would kinda like to see Graham or Katharine go.
  2. I think someone uploads episodes on youtube if you want to watch. I saw part of the interview but had to switch it off after a while. It disgusted me-- the man wouldn't take responsibility for the rape. He kept saying he was drunk, or couldn't remember, or that he didn't "want to be seen in that light." The only time that he wept was when he was blaming the absence of a father in his life for his despicable act.
  3. Surprise! That hot chick was actually...A GIANT HAMBEAST!!!!
  4. Geez Abby what's wrong with fruit? How can she think that she can succeed in LA looking such an unpolished mess?
  5. I think they are my favorites! It's nice to see that Mr. Professional Bad Ass has a very tender heart for his son.
  6. ^Great post. ...and when Graham loses it will only be because "God is testing his VERY special servant." :/
  7. Man I hate these routines where Abby references a movie or a TV show. Or even worse, her afterschool special-style "consciousness-raising" crapola. Same tired formula.
  8. LOL. Ryan's mother played the standard Tiger Mom card: compare your kid to ANOTHER super-Asian kid and make them feel inferior! I think Ryan has to be mouthy--he's too smart not to know that his parents are full of bullshit. He has to push back or get crushed into Stepford-like submission. Those comments his parents keep making are totally inane. It's like they're on auto-pilot, sticking to their internal script of "always say the child isn't good enough," regardless of the actual situation. They ought to work on honing their own intellectual abilities instead of trying to live through their kid.
  9. But this would require actual ballet training. :/ I'm not sure what it's called, but the move I hate most is when she has them lie on their stomachs, resting their heads on their hands, kicking their legs back and forth in an oh-so-coy fashion. Ick. Amen to whoever said there was way too much floorwork.
  10. In other words he's a professional bad ass...
  11. The style of dance in the Sia video isn't normally my cup of tea, but I liked it because it showed that Maddi is more than capable of doing choreography that isn't that sappy lyrical bullcrap that Abby is always giving her. She showed a really impressive range of movement and expression. Abby just has her doing the same repetoire of monkey tricks geared toward fake competitions.
  12. LOL. Abby can choreograph a "Writing a Letter to Daddy" routine for her with lots of floor work and side aeriels! Actually JoJo doesn't bother me too much-- I like her spunk.
  13. Arrrgh! Stop trying to make Mackenzie happen! She's a cute kid but she isn't that talented. Let the kid have a normal non-famewhore life.
  14. I know right? Talk about petty-- it wasn't even an important distinction. This is where grade-grubbers come from. Also notice how Ryan's mother pulled him aside to give him an extra ass-chewing in Mandarin. These parents are making themselves look stupid.
  15. Sometimes I hate Asian parents. I'm Asian so I am well-familiar with this phenomenon. I remeber getting a perfect score on the verbal section of the SAT. What did my dad say to me? "Now you should work on your math." I like this kid Ryan-- keep up the backtalk! Don't let them grind you down!
  16. Would love to see Kalani and Maddi go head to head. They are both very gifted and they could push each other to improve. Maddi might have an advantage in quickness and turning ability, while Kalani has her beautiful lines and control. Could we just see some legitimate dancing please and not this constant bullshit from the moms and Abby? It's like five minutes of dance and 40 minutes of bullshit on this show.
  17. Guess Abby needs to lose weight to compete with all those skinny LA studio owners. For the most part I think the girls will be fine, they seem pretty grounded despite the spectacle Abby and the moms keep making of themseves. Mack-- just seems like a cute, regular girl who ought to be in regular school, enjoying a normal childhood. Why all the insistence on making her a star? Nia-- I think she will be fine. She's got broad interests, dance is just one. She'll probably end up going to Harvard and being a doctor or a lawyer. Chloe-- She will be successful, not necessarily as a dancer. On past shows it was mentioned that she was an excellent student academically. She does have an ideal dance physique, but from what I saw she isn't very fluid and doesn't really project. Not that Abby's training or choreography helped her out there. I heard she was really good at ballet, but if she wants to work as a professional ballerina she would need way more intensive training than Abby's crappy school. Maddi-- I didn't see the swelled head, but I do catch a few disingenous child-star mannerisms at times. Abby's promotion of her is a liability-- people who dislike Abby sometimes end up hating Maddi by extension. I don't think that's fair. The Sia video proved that she can excel in choreography other than Abby's crap, and succeed outside of the fake tournament circuit. I could see her on broadway, or in other music videos. But once again, I don't know of a lot of star dancers outside of ballet. I think Maddi has also said she doesn't like ballet so that limits her career options. She needs to start distancing herself from the trainwreck that is Abby. I read something today that Julie Kent (ABT principal) said about young dancers these days not wanting to do something, but just "to be somebody. " I think that's a spot-on characterization of the line that Abby's been pimping. She seems all about becoming a star and not about dancing because you love to dance and want to create something beautiful.
  18. I'm with you on your assessment. I also don't find Mitchum attractive physically (great actor though!). Brit is cute but "beautiful" seems like a stretch. I think the round face throws me off a bit. She reminds me of a Valerie Bertenelli or Tiffani Amber Thiessen. Chris is decent looking, but his eyes are kind of beady.
  19. omg. Ewwwwww....I didn't even know that she had done that...WTF is Melissa thinking...
  20. 1. If you can't sing without auto-tune, I wouldn't bank on becoming a "star" that way. 2. Outside ballet, are there really pure dancers that are stars along the lines of Fred Astaire any more? Out of all of them I can see Maddi becoming a professional, but how competitive is she going to be if she keeps doing Abby's stale choreography, and receiving half-assed ALDC training?
  21. My favorites-- cadaver tissue lady and ballerina girl were eliminated early. :( Every single one of them is gorgeous, obviously, but yeah, why are they all so over-processed with the hair extensions, fake tans, and heavy makeup? i think they would look better in a more natural state.
  22. Boy, that look on Mo's face says it all. It can't help that those sausage fingers are poised so dangerously close to the family jewels. :/ No wonder Yamir calls Chels his "sunflower." She's a freakin' giant!
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