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Everything posted by NewRadical

  1. So I am catching up on General Hospital. And I just saw Spencer's birthday party. I CANNOT EVEN. How is that a thing?? lol Who is this story aimed at? Children not yet in school? Are they hoping parents will see this benign love triangle of ten year olds and think there is hope that their kids will be like these ones and not the kids of Degrassi? "She gets my art"?!?! I really hope this is all a precursor to Emma and Josslyn becoming BFFs justfor the look of irritation on Carly and Robin's faces.
  2. According to the internet he is the CEO of Cassidine Industries. I have absolutely zero idea what the company does. But I choose to believe it's Greece's largest Freezer manufacturer. For reals, what does Nik do? I actually have no idea.
  3. I don't think Sonny's exes are terrible to him. He is terrible to them, so they hate him, then he decides to love them, and the women go back. That is basically the abuse cycle. Sonny emotionally (and occasionally physically) abuses these women, and they get trapped in the abuse cycle. More than anything I would like this show decide to do a Battered Woman's Syndrome story and have Carly kill Sonny. It's a Carly I could support.
  4. There was also the time Sonny shot Robin in front of her daughter... Emma may not be his daughter, but Sonny was aware that Emma lives there and didn't think twice before pulling a gun out to shoot someone in front of his friend, Robin with her daughter home.
  5. While AJ was not the golden boy, tales of his abusive, neglectful childhood have been vastly exaggerated. Yes there was favouritism towards Jason, and after the accident it was certainly worse as they blamed him. But after that the Q's did try to help AJ. And I think all of them, with maybe the exception of Tracey has apologized. Whereas Sonny's kids, and specifically Michael, experienced real severe emotional abuse. Not providing your child with safety and security? Emotional Abuse. Watching your father scream at your mother and throw barware at her? Emotional Abuse. Not to mention, Sonny has done the same ignoring and favouritism techniques that the Q's did with AJ. Ignoring both Kristina and Morgan in faovur of Michael. And Sonny may be handling this well now, but I imagine he absolutely will doing someone atrocious to Michael, should he win custody.
  6. Haha yes I edited it. All kids under 12 but over 5 look the same to me. But I am fairly certain Spencer has been SORAS'd then D-SORAS'd I am actually surprised Cam is not driving.
  7. New to this thread. I was a long time GH watcher but I have been extremely casual for awhile. But I did catch an episode... Re: Spencer, how long has this kid been 9ish? I swear when I watched like 5 years ago this kid was 9 maybe even older. The last time I appreciated a child on a soap was probably when Hayden Panettiere was Lizzie on Guiding Light. She was adorable and a good little actress. Kids should be neither seen or heard... unless its a special occasion. I am team Michael all the way. And I am SOOO happy Michael has turned against Sonny. I hope he sticks with this. It was everything I always hoped for. Here is hoping when the Jakeson reveal happens, he is also team Michael. I think Michael is Jason's OTP. Something happened when he bonded with that kid, and I like to think that is the main reason he stuck around Carly and Sonny. I am also hoping Billy Miller can produce a Jason I can get behind, I haven't watched enough to come a conclusion, but I will never like Jason and Liz. I love Liz as a friend but I think I loved Liz and Lucky the teen years so much, it basically ruined Liz in all other romantic pairings. No one will love her the way teen Lucky did. They had great idealistic sweet young love that rarely works on soaps due to casting directors habit of hiring attractive 20 something youths with limited experience who have to learn how to act during their first year or so on the show. And bribing a judge is so Quartermaine. I believe that's what happened during the Michael dispute when AJ first found out. But I could be remembering wrong.
  8. I mentioned that in my original pos, however the judges can't really just stop turning for country artists. A big part of the appeal of the blinds is the coaches fighting. Plus having four chairs turn, seems to be an achievement, it wouldn't be fair to deny that to country artists just because they are making the choice that will most likely result in success for them. I was surprised when Christina did not turn for the first girl too, it seemed right up her alley. Are the blinds in order? Or is it possible for teams to be filled, but just not filled on the show yet? That's fair. I thought he did well and he screamed young pop-country which seems to do well on this show.
  9. I don't think Blake will never got get a country artist he turns for, and he should get them. Blake has proven that he will help his singers, whether or not they win, and he has a lot of pull in country. The other coaches need to put in more effort with their contestants after the show. Glad Christina got another 4 chair turn. I'd love a lady to win. I am surprised Christina and Adam didn't turn for the last guy who sang Chicken-Friend. I thought he was great, and I am not a country fan.
  10. Christina is not my favourite, but I was happy for her to get India. She has a great voice and i think Christina will keep her. I think my fav was the dude who sang Destiny's Child. I am hoping that Pharrell keeps this guy. Other than that, no one really blew me away. The episode seemed more "look how much fun the coaches are!" anyway. I wonder if Adam's "king of the four chair turn" didn't test well with fans, so now the new move of buzzing in at the last minute, and getting a bunch of one chair turns. I have really only been consistent in watching these past couple of seasons... does the voice have any restrictions regarding age ect.?
  11. Yeah, I am Canadian. I always think of the drinking age as `18, so sorry for that confusion. Regardless, the average law student is like 25-26 (at least in Canada), which is really old enough to know better.. He took drugs. She said they were drugs. It's not as if she gave him something that she claimed to be not drugs like tea. As a human adult person he should have some knowledge that drugs are dangerous, especially in excess. She knew the drug she gave him could be dangerous if he took too much but there is no indication she forced him to take drugs. He should have asked what she was giving him. But I guess we will have to agree to disagree.
  12. This is getting off topic, so this will be my last reply on this matter... the feminist inside me is making me respond. Comparing an underage girl being roofed to grown ass man taking drugs of his on choice are very very different imo. Rebecca did not force him to take the drugs, nor did she make him smoke an amount so much that it would cause one to overdose. She never said this was a mild drug, she said it would help relax. He also implied that while he had not been high a lot, he had some experience. I would think after his first puff of purple x, he would notice a significant different between that and marijuana. Again, I am not saying Rebecca is without blame but that if you are an adult and you chose to take drugs, don't ask what kind of drugs or make any further inquires, then proceed to smoke enough that you have a complete mental collapse, you are not blameless. Where as roofing someone is never the victims fault. When someone drinks alcohol there is not a presumption that there is drugs in it, but when you take drugs, random drugs from a drug dealer without inquiring as to what the drugs is or even having an relationship with said dealer, then there is a presumption that, that is dangerous and can result in OD's.
  13. I think there is a such a world a difference between drugging someone without their knowledge and giving someone a drug and them willingly taking it. I rewatched it, she gave him the drug (purple x), he never inquired as to what it was. She never identified it. I am not saying she is without fault, she definitely has fault. But she did say the drug was fairly knew to her, though she did say she knew it could have terrible consequences if you took too much. That being said most drugs have serious consequences if you take too much. Something else Rudy should have been aware. Rudy is not without blame. Taking drugs from the coked out drug dealing neighbour without any questions is beyond stupid and he should have known better. I think of it akin to a drug dealer selling drugs laced with something. Yes, they are at fault, however the person taking the drug is ultimately responsible for their own actions and should have knowledge that lacing of drugs is a possibility, and taking illegal drugs is always dangerous, especially from someone you do not know at all.
  14. I am not sure sure she was okay with what she did to Rudy. She seemed to just being trying to block it out. I am guessing it did probably eat at her, which is why she refused to talk about it. As for what Rebecca did to Rudy, while Rebecca definitely played a part, Rudy chose to take the drugs. This wasn't a child; this was a law student. He should have known better than to just take some unknown drugs from a neighbour he didn't know. He is far more responsible for his situation imo.
  15. I am still not sold on Laurel the sociopath angle. I thought the outburst at Christmas could have just been kid knowing how to push her parents buttons. Especially one tired of being ignored. So it could have been her coming into sociopathy or just her coming out of her shell. I am not entirely convinced she was encouraging Frank to kill Rebecca; when I first watched it, it seemed more like she was trying to figure out what was the plan. I don't think jumping to "Frank might murder her" was that far of a leap since they all had Rebecca tired up in h basement. But I do think she isn't as naive as she intially came across and she is certainly the one of the four who has kept it together the best, so that in it's self might lend to sociopathic tendencies. I am interested to see what they do with Laurel next year.
  16. I could see Bonnie, if they paint it as her realizing Sam might not have been guilty, then killing Rebecca to avenge Sam. They have really not explained the Sam and Bonnie relationship. I have a hard time seeing Annalise keeping around Sam's ex-lover. So I figured it was more Bonnie had maybe obsessive loves feelings for Sam, and that coupled with hero worshipping Annalise could lead her to snap. I really hope the explain Bonnie's connection to Sam and Annalise next season.
  17. I took it as Annalise probably assuming that person who killed Sam was probably someone she cared about like Nate or Frank. Most murders are committed by people you know, and with the everything going, it would be awfully coincidental that some random person broke in and killed Sam.
  18. I would like to know how both Frank and Sam entered the sorority unnoticed... Sam is a professor and Frank's a fox. When I saw the Laurel Frank scene, I didn't see it as her soliciting as to what Frank actually does. When they showed the Christmas episode, I kind of got a drug lord vibe from Laurel's father, so it's possible contract killing has just been part of her life. But after reading the comments here, I can also see the sociopath vibe. So Frank has always been a hit man? If that's just part of his job description, he might not have even owed Sam that big of favour. I will be interested to see where the show goes next season. I know on scandal they have made many of their main characters murders and they continue to be the "good guys" so I am hoping this doesn't mean the end for beautiful Frank. I actually started to not mind Rebecca, but I am not devastated to see her go. I thought the way she liked Wes was redeeming.
  19. Adam didn't seem to crazy about his first two singers. He didn't seem to fight with the same gusto. I am not the biggest Adam fan, but I liked Deanna, and it's likely a good choice on her part as she could use some help which I haven't seen Pharrell really do, Christina would likely make her sing songs not in her wheel house and Blake has at least one young girl talent. I liked Mia but I also couldn't understand a word she was singing. I figured the minute her family compared her to Christina, Christina would not turn around. No one really stood out as amazing this episode
  20. Parks cast was great on Seth Meyers! Highlight was of course Aubrey and Jim O'Heir making out during the Lil'Sebastian song
  21. I could be wrong ( I am Canadian) but aren't the secret service a life time gig? Wouldn't they tag along for life? Or as I am choosing to believe, Leslie did 8 years, now Ben is doing 8 Years. I am feeling all the feelings.
  22. I died. Yes it was very sentimental, but that's how I like my finales. I loved Ann name her daughter Leslie. It was perfect. And I loved Jerry living to 100. I also loved when Ben told Tom he took the quiz and was a "Tom" and Tom's freak out reaction. I will miss this show so much. It managed it be completely hilarious and touching. One of my all time favourites.
  23. I promised myself I was done... and yet here I am. Though I really really appreciated Adam not getting any artists, even though I know this is leading to Adam getting someone great. But I really thought he was going to get the last guy, and was thrilled when he went to Pharrell, even though Pharrell was a super bad coach last season.
  24. I am going to miss this show. However like many others I stopped watching full episodes when the robot came in. Craig always seemed the most real and genuine of the late night shows. I thought having Jay Leno as a last guest definitely seemed a little odd... maybe even an eff you to cbs/dave but when he said they had been great friends and they discussed being done talk shows, it made sense to me. Kind of like when Amy Poehler and Bill Hader showed up for Seth's last weekend update and said they were there to guide him to the other side. I am excited to see what Craig does next. Hopefully the robot is property of cbs. I want that snow globe tho!
  25. I agree... but I feel like it's cheesy in a current kind of way. I do not necessarily associate it with a reality show. I thought all the originals did an okay to great job of not sounding like a reality tv show winning anthem. Though I may fav original reality show anthem is probably Dirty Vegas. But I think I just miss Rockstar so much. I would love the Voice so much more if it involved the contestants fighting over song choices.
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