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Everything posted by rereader2

  1. There are three theaters I can reach that show NTL broadcasts, so I'm hoping to see it! *** There's a quite interesting video of the Vanity Fair photo shoot from the photographer's point of view: (There's even a review of the video on PopPhoto, which finds it quite useful to photographers.) *** From the Daily Mail: BAZ BAMIGBOYE: It'll be Sherlock homebody soon. (The article talks about Benedict's planning to take some time to nest and prepare for parenthood.)
  2. Wedding in the UK on Saturday, LA on Monday--he appeared on Jimmy Kimmel (People has video from the start of it, anyway), and then he did that TimesTalk together with Keira Knightley. I didn't see the live stream, but it seems to be online now here (you have to wait 18 or 19 minutes, I think, before it starts, so you could try just skipping ahead); if it's not working there, they may have it later here, as they seem to be collecting all their Oscar-related interviews there, and it does say "more coming soon"! ETA: The full Kimmel appearance is on Daily Motion.
  3. A fair number of AI non-winners have managed to make viable music careers for themselves, using the exposure they got on the show to get themselves a fanbase and, not infrequently, recording contracts. They aren't superstars, but they're making a living making music, and for most of them that seems to be perfectly fine.
  4. Getting married on Valentine's Day is one way to make sure you never forget your anniversary. :) Mazel tov!
  5. They don't, and so some singers only have a few seconds of their auditions shown. I recall that Jason Castro (season 7) sang "Crazy" at his audition, which AI could not get permissions for, so we saw almost nothing of him singing before...I think it was the Top 24 that year.
  6. There's a nice (albeit short) interview with Benedict for Nightline, here.
  7. It's not just getting the rights to songs, it's paying for the right to perform songs.
  8. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Harry, for stopping that young lady (Alexis?) who started "You Light Up My Life" twice--that wasn't in the wrong key, she sang one line in tune and then was singing notes not in the song. At all. Ouch.
  9. This is true for every week on the show proper as well--so a lot of the element of song choice is taken right out of their hands.
  10. The live stream will be here, at TIFF.net! I just found it. :) (ETA: TIFF stands for Toronto International Film Festival.)
  11. Aaaaaah! Why not in New York, Times people? Don't you read your own title? (Hopefully they'll air it on CUNY TV in the not too distant future.)
  12. Me, too! I thought of Jersey Boys, but rejected it on the grounds that how would that win a Tony? I guessed Beautiful, instead. (Which is profoundly illogical, but there you go.)
  13. Hey, if 90 seconds is enough for iTunes...
  14. Well, that does me no good. It's too far away for me to afford to get to--and even if it were here, it's mostly Friday night and Saturday and I couldn't go anyway. *sad*
  15. There's a whole bunch of stuff from the BAFTAs, of course (even though Benedict didn't win). I particularly like this red carpet interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jgMldMkzPo Clearly, he's not backing away from the racial inequality issue--also seen in most of the other photos/interviews (print and video)/whatevers from the event. Here's a short selection: People magazine Daily Mail Variety Mirror Telegraph (Sophie has wonderful taste in clothes!)
  16. In regards to this exchange: I offer this from BAFTA's Twitter feed:
  17. Oh, I don't know. It's entirely possible that her family pronounced her name "shy-na" and she's been called "Shi" her whole life. If so, it'd be easier for her to spell her name "Shi" than to correct people every time. It's not like she picked a totally different name.
  18. IMO he really did save her, because his reaction seems more like he's hugging a secret to himself--he's put one over on his brother.
  19. Perhaps he'll photobomb himself!(It's another "welcome to the crowd" gesture, which is very nice to see. :))
  20. From Mark Gatiss's Twitter feed: And there is a photo of a store window reading "Jabez Wilson, Pawnbroker, Est. 1854"--the name of the redhead in The Redheaded League." How that all fits with the quotes from The Blue Carbuncle and the photos from M. Darcy's post just above, I have no idea whatsoever!
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