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  1. Kendra’s mom chewed gum with an open mouth and wore the ubiquitous “If you died tonight” t-shirt whilst attending the delivery. Klassy!
  2. Excellent and concise report, Zella. Thank you.
  3. I bow to the greatness of your eye, RHZ!! Excellent catch!
  4. I had to come out of lurkdom on both this thread and Jill’s IG to register my disgust over the Izzy crying video. I’m not even a mom, but would NEVER have handled that situation like they did. Izzy was in distress—COMFORT HIM, you idiots!!
  5. I like how she had to specify multiple times that it was “Christian Camp.” It it was even typo-ed as “Christina Camp” at one point...which would be a lot more interesting.
  6. @Ijustwantsomechips, I love you.
  7. Regarding Jere-me's bro, my mind went right to (tho in this pic you can't really see Al's sunglasses...):
  8. You HAVE to watch this TV movie! Parker Posey as Jinger Heath!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell_on_Heels:_The_Battle_of_Mary_Kay OT: When's that dang baby gonna arrive??
  9. Isn't this how Heritage USA got started? /semi-sarcastic observation/
  10. Koka, I adore you.
  11. Hey, happy Page 666, everyone! (Or at least my old-school desktop computer shows it being page 666, anyway...)
  12. Just saw on IG that they're shilling "The Tuttle Twins" children's propaganda books. Oy. Cathy turned them on to this series.
  13. Quote: Video posted on the Duggar website. http://www.tlc.com/embed?page=297190 So Joy has adopted that "not pronouncing T" ridiculous thing that the youngsters are doing ("The advice I've go-en is to prepare for the birth..."). Oh, that's right ... she's just a kid. (Yes, everyone needs to get off my lawn.)
  14. I've got to hand it to Meri -- she did a 3+hour live sale on her LLR FB tonight. She does appear to be the hardest working Brown right now.
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