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7 Little Johnstons - General Discussion
Evagirl replied to Meredith Quill's topic in 7 Little Johnstons
It appears the family is going to have a great time in Finland. I love Joose's family - everybody seems really nice and down to earth. His mom is a sweetheart. I don't understand Liz and Brice's relationship at all. The minute he said, "I love my family but..." I knew his family were not in favor of them living together. Brice is not very mature and Liz just wants a man in her life - period. They never show any PDA. How can two 20-somethings who claim to be in love never show affection? Maybe the affection part is just not shown on TV. One question and I'm done - why does Liz wear long-sleeve sweatshirts with shorts all the time? -
7 Little Johnstons - General Discussion
Evagirl replied to Meredith Quill's topic in 7 Little Johnstons
I agree that Anna is Trent's favorite. He seems very proud of her. Now that you mention Alex as being his least favorite...I do not recall him interacting with Alex very much so you may be on to something there. -
7 Little Johnstons - General Discussion
Evagirl replied to Meredith Quill's topic in 7 Little Johnstons
I think Alex is Amber's favorite child. She sure does gush over him - always have, even when he was being a brat. Occasionally she'll say something nice about Emma, but the other three she always seem to be meddling, correcting, lecturing etc. I saw where only Alex and Emma are going to Finland. I suppose job, school, and other responsibilities prevent Anna, Elizabeth and Jonah from going. It appears they might have gone last summer while school was out. -
7 Little Johnstons - General Discussion
Evagirl replied to Meredith Quill's topic in 7 Little Johnstons
Even though Amber and Trent want to be deeply entrenched in their chrildren's lives, they show very little love and a LOT of opinion. When Anna teared up in the laundry room - perfect time for a parent (father or mother) to throw arms around her and say it's gonna be okay. Trent seems to feel her pain but acted like he was scared to show any affection. And Amber...she was just cold and logical - like a Vulcan or something. I've never seen them love on any of the their children. Just lecture, lecture, lecture. -
I know this is teevee and so things don't always work in a realistic manner. However, I question how the lawyer even knew Lucy's child survived let alone know that the said child was Will Trent. One more thing, if he blamed the baby for killing Lucy, why wrap the baby in a blanket and put him alive in a trash can. Why not kill the baby if his hatred ran that deep? But it all makes for good teevee as far as I'm concerned. I love this show and am in it for the long haul.
Youj're right of course and I should be ashamed for having so little compassion for Angie. But when she says things that she knows will hurt Will (i.e. the baby may not even be yours or next time I'll go to a bar), it really irks me because it's just cruel. Yes Will is damaged but he's not wallowing in it like Angie. He is at least trying to function as a human being. She is not.
I agree with you 100%. I am so sick of Angie and the way she treats Will. Go or stay, but stop this nonsense of Will being the last person you confide in - he should be the first. Good grief, he's loved her ever since they were teenagers. He stole a car to drive her to get an abortion and he told her then that he'd always be in her corner - and he has. He's gotten nothing in return but booty-calls which can only last so long. Angie is selfish and I wish she would go away forever and let Will Trent have some chance of a normal love life.
I do not like the way they are writing the Angie character. I dislike her very much. She uses Will as her crutch. He can't move on because she won't let him. He has shown her nothing but love and concern. She has shown him nothing in return. She lies, she deceives, she hides her feeling etc. He on the other hand opens up to her completely. I just wish they would write her character as being a little more charitable towards will. She's going to do something stupid to try to catch Lenny and she's going to be one in the hot seat. I hope they don't spend a lot of time on her character. I am so tired of her already.
This used to be one of my never-miss shows. Now I find myself fast-forwarding through boring (IMO) parts. I guess that means I'm getting tired of the show. I don't know if it's the writing or what exactly doesn't draw me like it used to. Maybe it's me just getting old and cranky and thinking "this makes no sense" and ff to a part that looks half-way interesting.
They did a show last leason with an older/younger brother. The younger brother was in a wheelchair I think and the older brother took a chance on having surgery on his paralyzed arm, and the surgery caused even more paralysis - something like that.
I know! I know! It's a hot, hot mess! That was NOT Jason in the bed when Victoria pulled the plug. Sam had already arranged for Jason to be moved because he knew Victoria was evil enough to do just what she did. I think maybe the body in the bed was already dead. Surely they wouldn't switch Jason with a live person knowing that person would be killed? But if the person was dead, why were the machines still running like he was alive? Maybe the writers think we'll overlook that little nugget. They are all over the place this season. Two many characters, too much going on. I hope this is the last season and the whole thing crumbles around the president and the vice president. I feel guility for wasting 40 minutes watching this trash, and I so want it to be over and done. I've invested 3 seasons into this show, I HAVE to see it through. That's my story and I'm sticking it with it - LOL!
I just finished episode 2. I did nap in and out. However, I am a little annoyed with the premise. Once it was discovered what was on the thumb drive, why didn't the vicar just destroy it and let her walk out the door. There was no proof (as far as I could tell) that anyone in that house was a pedophile or had that kind of porn on a computer. So the only thing to back up Janice's story was the thumb drive. Let her run to the police, where's the proof? Am I missing something or could it have really been that simple?
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Police officers/detectives do indeed play pranks on each, which I think is juvenile and silly. I retired as an admin from a police agency. I worked in CID and the detectives were constantly playing pranks on each other. There was one detective whom they figured out didn't mind being pranked, so they set him up often. One time they switched on the keys on his keyboard and when a citizen called to to inquire about their case, the detective thought his computer was totally jacked up. He called the Help Desk saying that his computer was typing gibberish (he was a hunt & peck typist). When he told me the story I asked him if he'd reported it to the sergeant. He said "It was all in fun." Another time they put a gadget under his desk that chirpped like a cricket and it drove him nuts. He said he moved all the boxes and other stuff out from under his desk looking for the "cricket". Again, he said "It was all in fun." Now that I think about it, maybe it was their was of releasing tension. That department worked sex crimes, violent crimes, crimes against children etc. So after typing this, I can see that the pranks were just a way to pull back from all they had to see as they investigated heineous crimes, even if it was for just a few minutes.
7 Little Johnstons - General Discussion
Evagirl replied to Meredith Quill's topic in 7 Little Johnstons
That jumped out at me too. It was mentioned that he was going to church with his parents. This was so telling...because (I guess) while at home he has to do what his parents say and even though he spent the weekend at Elizabeth's, he didn't invite her to church. My thought process is saying that Bryce's parents are not happy with the relationship - period. If shacking up was the problem they would definitely have a problem with him spending nights there. I think their compromise is to let him spend some overnight time there, but not commit to anything permanent. And I really don't know what Bryce wants. It's no secret what Elizabeth wants though. She wants to get married. I don't think Bryce is ready for that step. He seems somewhat immature and unclear about what direction he wants his life to take. I just hope Elizabeth doesn't get hurt. I remember the show where her high school boyfriend dumped her and she found out about it on social media. She was devastated. Even though she's older, I don't want to see her go through that kind of heartache again. -
7 Little Johnstons - General Discussion
Evagirl replied to Meredith Quill's topic in 7 Little Johnstons
I think you're right Adeejay. I recall seeing a conference and like you said, only the LPs who had a tv was shown with friends and acquaintances not inside the the conference area. I can kind of understand the reasoning behind it, especially if some LPs see it as a venue to find a spouse or girl/boyfriend. Not everyone is comfortable with a camera following them around being all up in their business. Lol.