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Everything posted by heythere

  1. Mary Beth has (understandably) really not been a fan of Tank since his fraternity's "dog fight" party. I absolutely believe Mary Beth would believe Tank was capable of doing something like this to someone. I wonder if her thoughts would be the same if it was someone other than Tank? I don't know. I'm guessing Melody let that one slide because as she said "if that happens again I'll be out of a job and you'll be out of a place to go to college". Apparently the rules only apply when her career isn't at risk.
  2. Here are a couple interviews with Lizzy Weiss regarding the current storyline: One Two
  3. Right or wrong, I feel equally bad about Tank as I do about Bay. I think what bothered me about Mary Beth's response was that she told Travis it wasn't his responsibility to watch out for Bay when he saw her drunk, but it is Bay's fault to look to for herself. I don't know....friends look out for friends. I am so glad Travis punched that guy.
  4. And she raised her kids as a single mom, and she's pretty. Who cares Daphne. I'm sure plenty of professors could be teaching at Ivy Leagues but prefer to be at a lesser known/less prestegious college because of location, being close to family, enjoying their co-workers, whatever. I wouldn't be so annoyed with it if her reasoning was something more along the lines of "I've been learning so much!" or "She makes a really hard class really interesting, easy to understand and fun!". I just want Daphne gone at this point. But I don't want something terrible to happen to her because then we'd have to deal with everyone being all sad that their patron saint has died or left them.
  5. Tank did seem very adamant that they used protection so I think/hope we're in the clear on that one.
  6. Agreed. I can see where Tank was coming from, I can see where Bay is coming from. I don't know what the right thing to do in that situation is. While they both definintey appeared drunk from the flashbacks, I do fault Tank a little more because he knew she was dating Emmet and he knew she wasn't interested in him. Tank just saw an opportunity for something that he had wanted but hadn't previously been able to get and jumped on it. That said, I completely understand how easy it is to think "YES!! It's finally happening!" when you're in a drunk situation like that Does anyone have any idea of how old Toby's girlfriend is? I couldn't believe she said something like "when I was your age I was already student teaching". If a significant other said something about "when I was your age" to me I'd be so angry and annoyed. Toby was right to refuse her offer to pay his rent. That was ridiculous and I wished he had stuck to his guns. Yeah, maybe now isn't the time for Toby to be buying new DJ equipment but they aren't married, their finances aren't intertwined, it's really none of her business what he spends his money on. I was so excited when Daphne's classmate said "You aren't the only one who has it hard and but she is the only one who is getting special breaks and second chances". I wonder if they know about Daphne's extra credit. Then when they made up at the end? Ug. And can someone explain to me why Daphne thinks this Chemistry teacher is so great?? I don't get it. We've heard Daphne mention it in at least the past two episodes.
  7. That pretty much sums up everything I have to say about this show at the moment. When she started talking about it I thought she was going to be concerned that the team wouldn't be welcoming to Travis. But, yeah, I can see Travis letting it get to his head and I also can see Mary Beth being insecure about it. Remember when Travis first showed interest in her and she got all worked up when she saw him dancing with the stripper (?) at Toby's bachelor party because the stripper was a size 0 and Mary Beth thought he couldn't like her because she's not a size 0? I cannot keep track of time in this show, but Travis and Mary Beth have been dating for at least 6 months or so by now and they seem to have a strong relationship so I was surprised at Mary Beth's response that it'd change him. At the same time, thinking about her past reactions, I also see it being really believable.
  8. Agreed. I would have kicked Daphne in the face if she threw mud at me like that. That would have made me even more mad about it all (well, it did actually, just watching it).
  9. Looks like Russell Harvard is going to be in at least one episode of Switched at Birth. Anyone know any details about the character he'll be playing?
  10. Does Daphne really so incredibly clueless that she doesn't know why Bay might still be mad at her? And why on earth does Bay feel guilty about being mad at her? Someone needs to make counseling part of Bay's probation conditions or something. Looks like Daphne has 2nd potential suitor in faux Ashton Kutcher... I'm looking forward to seeing where Travis's baseball storyline goes. Hopefully we'll get to see Mary Beth again soon!
  11. One more thing that is ridiculous. Daphne doesn't realize the door slammed when she runs into the chemistry class late, yet when the girl next to her whispers "excuse me" while Daphne is facing a way she whips her head around to respond to the girl.
  12. It was the same one. Someone mentioned it had been painted over so he re-painted it and added more to it to cheer her up.
  13. In my opinion it has nothing to do with him being a grown man.....just the fact that he's always ready to cry. I really am questioning the judging in almost every episode of this season of All Stars. I mean, I'm no fashion expert but I don't get it. Dimitri's is avant garde? No. I need to detach myself I guess from who wins and who loses.
  14. Incredibly. I really hope they don't do that to us. Maybe everyone in the house will get annoyed at Kathryn for playing the piano and singing all the time. They'll crush her dreams once again but we'll be off the hook for the musical episode.
  15. Uuuuggg Fabio is so boring. And Dimitri's winning? What the heck. They were all hideous.
  16. She's probably taking all that stuff through the Deaf program. I can't remember what they said about the program in the episode last week but it was something like they'd take all their core classes in the Deaf program and then anything extra (so for Daphne, probably just this chemistry class) would be taken outside of their program.
  17. Oh wahh Daphne. 5 minutes in class and the teacher doesn't like you because you wore gym clothes to class and your "interpreter" (who didn't want to be there and stated it many time) said something he regrets to the teacher last year. What a hard life you have. Booo hoo.
  18. I'm currently watching season 11 for the first time and I don't get the hate. I'm only on episode 7 so maybe she gets more terrible as the season goes on? If not, she's one of my favorites so far. I haven't heard her say anything too mean about anyone, no more than anyone else. I'd say she's one of my favorites in that season. What am I missing?
  19. He didn't! As soon as they announced he had won I said "Please don't cry". I love his stuff for the unconventional challenges but a lot of his real cloth stuff is rather blah. Still, I really liked his bathing suit this episode. Dimitry's dress was so blah...I wasn't seeing what was so great about it. I did really like Michelle's bathing suit as well.
  20. Haha, that's probably exactly why the lady at the desk was so annoyed by the whole situation. I was smiling at the fact that finally someone wasn't willing to go out of their way to help Daphne get what she wanted. Not to mention the professor wanted to be convinced why she should let Daphne into the class. Why is that the first thing she thought of?
  21. What shmeep said. My boyfriend is deaf and relies on lipreading (was never taught to sign). He has some hearing (not 100% deaf) and I think that is key to how well he can lip-read. Daphne implied that she is almost 100% deaf (I'm guessing not totally since she wears hearing aids although sometimes she seems to imply that she is totally deaf) so she'd have a harder time than my boyfriend and she gets everything. You're exactly right on the similar words Lady Exile. Here's a perfect example of what we never see with Daphne: Just the other day my boyfriend and I were talking about the new cameras we are thinking about buying. He wants a Canon 7D and I want a Canon 70D. Say that outloud. It's almost exactly the same and when lipreading there is even less of a difference. My boyfriend and I ended up having a conversation where I thought we were talking about my 70D and he though we were talking about his 7D. Ha, we both were getting a little defensive until finally I realize what was happening and said "I think we're talking about two totally separate things." We've never seen Daphne have an issue like that. She usually seems to just have trouble if someone isn't facing her or they are talking to fast. You can be talking at a normal rate, facing someone in a well lit room and have issues. She also seems to have no issues in group conversations or when there are long conversations. It's draining and exhausting to lipread and near impossible once you get in a group larger than 3 or 4 people. When my boyfriend and I first started dating he explained how each additional person exponentially increases the number of places he needs to be looking. If there are three of us I could be talking to you, I could be talking to him. You could be talking to me or you could be talking to him. That's four directions. If there are 4 of us there are nine potential directions the conversation could be going, 5 of us would be 20 directions. I think I'm doing the math correctly. Regardless, you can see how quickly it can become exhausting and overwhelming.
  22. From the review: Except not. That was not accurate at all and it really shouldn't be that hard seeing as though their town has such a huge Deaf population. I wish the guy she forced into being her interpreter had stuck to his guns and, if nothing else kept insisting he wasn't certified because he's right. In the preview for next week's episode Daphne says something to him about not speaking for her....what did she expect?? He's not a trained interpreter. Ug. I honestly have never hated a fictional character as much as I hate Daphne. I actually exclaimed "YES!!" when Toby and Emmett told her off. Good for them. Never in my life has an hour of TV made me so annoyed and angry. I cannot believe their parents allowed this to happen and John's reaction was unbelievable. Once again, Daphne gets everything she wants and I can not wait for when it finally comes crashing down. Also minor criticism: They keep mentioning how she would have gone to prison. Neither Daphne nor Bay would have ended up in prison. In most states you go to prison if your sentence is more than 364 days. They would have ended up in the local county jail. But whatever. That's true. If that interpreter kid becomes a love interest...ug. I might be done. (I probably won't be but I'll want to be).
  23. I am really curious to see how this all plays out tomorrow night.
  24. I do wedding photography and where the boutonniere goes (and how to put it on) is probably the most common pre-wedding issue! I've had to help so many guys put it on and tell them where it goes. This is definitely not common knowledge (and why should it be? how many times do people put boutonnieres on in their life). It seems if the mother of the bride (or another woman) isn't in the room where the guys are getting ready it is highly unlikely the boutonniere will be in the right place, haha.
  25. Agreed. They were both boring as heck but they both looked really well made. Helen and Sam should have been in the bottom, for certain.
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