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Everything posted by Jacks-Son

  1. Hmm, interesting. My iPad shows the imbedded video and this new link but the Chrome browser on my Mac does not. On my Mac, it just shows your comment but nothing else. Gotta check out why. I've seen this video, but I don't recall it mentioning George, just Ike and Zach's relationship.
  2. What is the link?? I think your response attempts to show a link but it ends up finalizing as a blank.
  3. Nadine, could you point me to this interview please? I looked on Y7's web site but couldn't find it.
  4. Starting the episode. Well, that answers my question about Poppy Drayton (Amberle Elessedil) being in this season. I suppose that's going to be her only appearance this season. A shame. I enjoyed her camaraderie with Wil and Eretria. I suppose Malese Jow will have to do, since she's also a fan favorite. Loved her in "Vampire Diaries" as my favorite hottie Pearl Zhu's (Kelly Hu) daughter, Anna Zhu. Hmm, credits rolling and Poppy gets credits. Hopefully, she's in more of the episode than that brief scene.
  5. Just finished the latest episode. Holy crap!! Woody is a total mess. This episode was hilarious, but I have no sympathy for Woody. He created this mess and made ALL the wrong decisions. He keeps asking George to accompany him everywhere but he refuses to actually take George's advice. It's like he's talking over people and not hearing what they are saying. I know that's classic Woody, but these are life-altering decisions and need reflection, not impetuous behavior. The secret was not containable and that should have been obvious from the start especially with their whatever-you-call-it-vine. What in the Hell is Monty and Siouxsie doing staying there??? Monty is a real estate broker, doesn't he have a vacant house he can stay in for a couple of days? Is that illegal? Why stay at George's house and why is Lyndsay around all the time? Did I miss a hook-up or something? Snuggling under a blanket with her legs in his lap??? WTF? I'll have to read Rob's interview to find out what the heck is planned for this season. Was Mary/Rose flirting with George? George is REALLY heading down the path to slut. I don't see ANY woman dealing with him if he's going to treat Fiona like they weren't in a relationship. Shay needs to tell Ollie to SERIOUSLY fuck off!! He's the kind of guy that you need to get a restraining order on. If I'm Shay, I'm talking to Constable Tom about Stalker Ollie. "Jackie who plays Gloria was off promoting her film worldwide that is the reason she went MIA." Is it THAT hard to throw out a quick one-liner explaining her disappearance? Making it seem like she was on the lam w/o any further explanation is poor writing. Maybe she's not coming back to the show, but deal with it a little bit better that what they are doing. Thanks for the 411, though, Nadine.
  6. Yes, unfortunately, George with Ngahuia seems like a likely play since it affects all of those people simultaneously and it's a story disrupter. Hannah can act, who knew? There are still a few things I don't like how this season is written: 1) The missing person - Gloria. 2) George's apparently ignoring Fiona. 3) Arlo and Lindsay. 4) Siouxsie's new look. (I think it's makeup related) 5) This INCREDIBLY stupid plan to get a secret divorce. These are plots that have yet to be explained. I understand Woody doesn't want Tracey to know he's married but WHY? It's a ridiculous trope and I thought this show was above that.
  7. I don't know if someone has mentioned it already, but Chloe DID see Luci's Demon face in season 1, or at least a reflection of it. I've been introducing a family member to early "Lucifer" episodes and have begun a rewatch.
  8. She lives to mess with them. At her age, it's her guilty pleasure.
  9. Thanks for the 411 MadyGirl1987. I was hoping it would premiere sooner, but hey, it's another season and I love this show.
  10. I don't think they were born on the moon. I kind of remember hearing that they escaped Earth to ultimately live on the moon under a camouflaged dome.
  11. This article suggests that Luci has lost his ability to bring forth his "Devil Face" for everyone. I don't like that change. I wonder if he is able to bring out his wings to Chloe? This kind of changes Lucifer as we've known him. This is kind of disappointing news.
  12. I was just about to post this news myself. Well done, AoS. Natalia Cordova-Buckley is a welcome addition to the cast. Two Inhumans on the team is great for Daisy's Secret Warriors.
  13. There's no one else who could have done it. Everyone that knows he has wings would not have done it. My opinion, he ripped them off by wedging the wings in some sort of vice and moving forward. The attached portions were pretty bloody and didn't appear neatly sliced off, so that's my version. Still, disgusting, but pretty determined to get those things off. Serves him right that they grew back like "BODY HAIR"!!!! LMAO at Linda's question.
  14. Had to look STI status up as I was unfamiliar with the acronym. Sorry. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), also known as Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) or Venereal Diseases (VD) are diseases that are passed on from one person to another through sexual contact, and sometimes by genital contact - the infection can be passed on via vaginal intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex. Carry on. Yeah, that whole entrance was ludicrous, especially after the Ella build up. I didn't quite get her "Red Tape beyond the Yellow Tape; riveting" comment either. Is that a reference to the red tape (bureaucracy/paperwork) involved with placing yellow tape at crime scenes? Silly subject.
  15. She did try to kill Chloe once, but when she learned that her husband had placed Chloe in Lucifer's path, she changed her tune and was very protective of Chloe because she was important to her son. For what it's worth I felt/saw no attraction/sexy eyes between Marcus Pierce and Lucifer Morningstar. They seemed like just two dudes taking the measure of each other and by measure, I'm not talking about "those". They're supposed to be in competition for Chloe, not Chloe and Marcus in competition for Lucifer.
  16. One thing that DOES bother me is Luci's seemingly unemotional reaction to Mom being gone. It could be due to the fact that Luci knows she's just gone on to another existence, but it definitely affected Amenedude but not Lucifer. I kind of don't like that emotional detachment.
  17. This episode was a little better than the previous ones. Hannah-centric and she acted her ass off. This was the first episode where I felt Hannah could act instead of being just a pretty face. The Woody secret is still ridiculous and has a lot of the people of Weld involved but it's kind of cool that Hannah has solved it and has kept it under wraps. Still no Gloria, and that bothers me because I like Gloria and I'm bummed that she's gone with no answers. Shay and Siouxsie are becoming fast friends and that's so different, and they've introduced Ike's mom, Ngahuia, and I hope she's NOT Georgia's next love interest but right now I don't see many other potential contestants. Arlo and Lindsay are still a puzzle. This episode may be heading in the right path, but I'll hold back any hope that they've had right this ship. Ike and Shay are still a work in progress, and now they've introduced this whole Laura speaking from the grave thing and I don't know how I feel about it. It's a different culture and I can keep an open mind, so I'll just see where it goes.
  18. This is what I'm starting to believe, that Luci just cannot show Chloe his devil face. He can do it in the same room, just not to her. As I recall, he showed his devil face to that guy on the roof and he jumped off just before Chloe came through the roof door. If that's so, I wonder if he could unfurl his wings in front of her? As far as Ella goes, they did turn up the OTT behavior a little, but I still get a kick out of her. Her acting out the dead guy buried in the desert was funny and I really liked it when Luci was closing all the blinds and about to show Chloe his game face, both Luci and Chloe heard a noise and it was Ella, who had snuck in and was sitting in the other seat.
  19. Prudie's husband is Jud. I think Ross kicked him off the homestead.
  20. I think Karnak turned her down because he thought she was stupid, not because she was a servant.
  21. In season 1, episode 1, when both Chloe and Lucifer were shot, he was able to show his Demon face to the killer and he was on the room with Chloe. At that time he wasn't able to affect her with his "Desire" gift.
  22. So, he was a basic angel and God cast him down and gave him a demonic face but left his wings white? There's something incongruous about that.
  23. His original wings were also white, though I don't know why Amenadude's were black. Luci has always been a "basic angel", his story is that God just decided he would best serve as the Devil and cast him down.
  24. Aren't there a few religions that believe in Polytheisms. I know Norse and Greek mythology believe that Odin and Zeus are the All-Powerful God, but Druids believe in the Celtic deities, which have multiple Gods with no Supreme All Powerful God. (Perhaps Buddhist are similar in that they don't follow a single deity)
  25. When I said "beach scene", I meant the one when the hired kidnapper was skewered on the rebar sticking up. I didn't know if the scene occurred before or after Luci met with Amenedude. I would like for that scene to have played out in full, not woven into the scene with Amenedude.
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