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Everything posted by Kathemy

  1. The way I see it the only shot Daniel and Tawney has to meet is if they do a timejump in the final episode.
  2. We only know that Chris did. His was the only DNA they managed to isolate.
  3. So, I'm just gonna be shallow and pissed off that I don't think Daniel and Tawney will even meet again. They actually wasted the whole last season on Manic Pixie Dream Girl. So did not see that one coming. Stellar episode, though.
  4. Done with the book-end. http://www.douxreviews.com/2016/12/gotham-beware-green-eyed-monster.html I don't think they will do a Jim flashback in that episode. (Then again I always think they can't waste anymore screentime on him.) Jim was never the intellectual type; it might be for Eddie. We'll see, though.
  5. If you don't mind I'll use a quote of yours for my midseason bookend review of the show.
  6. I think the Talon died to make way for Thomas (eh, sorry, "Five") in that role down the season.
  7. Seeing that I am not confident Maria will be around for too long. Can this please be the end of Jim and Lee? As in really, really the end of that crap?! Hook her up with Alfred!
  8. I never question why I watch this show. I absolutely love this show. However there have been several currents in this half season poisoning it and creating a very uneven experience - Fish in 1-2, Jimleerio ramping up the horsecrap through the season and Ivy hanging as a little curse over it whenever she's around, for example. So I understand some criticism against it, but I frankly get annoyed with the unqualified and nuanceless hate. Plus the scenes with Bruce and Selina always put a smile on my face. They do those very well; consistently the strongest point of the show and almost managing to save the whole experience for me off a mediocre installment.
  9. I don't think that is true. I think Tawney was smitten, immediately. And, of course, she's a "good girl", so she wouldn't act on that, even if she came close in 2:09. Though, also I think her meeting Daniel highlighted already existing flaws in her marriage. It wasn't an "omg I have to sex him" thing, but their first meeting, her taking his hand, their reaction to that, it was obvious something was there from the start.
  10. I just can't believe anyone would actually accuse this show of "skipping levels." It's the slowest and most painstakingly crafted TV drama I've ever seen.
  11. I still hope for Bruce Wayne as the first Robin. Hope never dies...
  12. Don't think it's necessarily he's directing David with Robin, though. Unless I'm not understanding correctly.
  13. http://www.douxreviews.com/2016/11/gotham-time-bomb.html
  14. Best episode of the season, I think. Utilized all characters well. Furthered the main storyline. But seriously Chloe is a miss.
  15. I think the bottom line is that Ed is a bit "slow" emotionally, which sort of goes with the high-functioning autism spectre. He really doesn't get that Ozzie's into him, and he won't unless Ozzie screams it in his face. In fact he's a bit similar to Bruce in that regard; intellectualizing all his relationships. Only reason Bruce figured out "okay, Selina is totally in love with me" is he'd been obsessing over their relationship for three years. But Bruce has an interest in stuff like that and Eddie doesn't. "Evil Eddie" isn't someone who wants to get close to people. "Good Eddie" was - and that's who Izzie appealed to - but he failed miserably at it all the time. So when it comes to Eddie he really can't figure out what motive Oswald could possibly have to murder Isabella, it makes no sense to him.
  16. Whereas all other shows handle their final season by speeding up, Rectify, the slowest of all slow shows, handle it by... slowing down. You can't argue the series isn't going out in style, but I'm not sure if this is the right move. We're three episodes into the final season and some stunning character work aside, practically nothing has happened. I agree that Chloe seems a detour the show can't afford at this stage, but I'm willing to give the creators the benefit of the doubt. That said, Daniel and Tawney must face each other. Last season we only got one single conversation and that wasn't even a real one. If we only get one final meeting at the end of the show as a bookend of that relationship, or if they do not even meet at all, I will be bitterly disappointed.
  17. I don't think we need to worry about Gotham not being aired more than one of the weeks of February sweeps. It airs during this November sweeps and it will certainly air during April sweeps. FOX is slotting 24: Legacy (without Sutherland) in place of Gotham after Jan 30. I'm not really sure how well that will do. Then again, all we can do is wait and see.
  18. It's only a matter of time before Barnes is broken out, though.
  19. Actually she didn't kill the guy. He reported the crime to the police.
  20. I'm not even sure Isabella is dead. We don't know who she was in the first place. Never underestimate the show's capacity for contrivance. The stiff might've been a fake.
  21. Ivy lost all brains in the exact episode she was aged up. Her threatening Fish was embarrassingly stupid by the show. The problem is that Selina and Bruce are brilliant, but Maggie Geha plain can't act. I don't like saying it and she seems like a nice girl. Her scripts are really awkward too. It's a weird thing watching a show you love when part of it has jumped the shark. Oh, and Isabella will be back. I'm counting on it.
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