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Everything posted by Kathemy

  1. They are, and Chaley is Sam's girlfriend in real life, which I guess should make things even better - but Sam and Clare are just so damn good at selling their love story on stage, it can hardly be beat by anything.
  2. I just have a hard time seeing Scarlett manage anything apart from her own wardrobe, but then I remember that she's actually been pretty good to her relatives, so... The writers love the redemption storylines, you know. They've always written Rayna as an asshole and then they expect the viewers to like her anyway just because she's supposedly such a "strong woman". The issue here isn't the audience hating Rayna, the issue is the writers hating the audience, and men in general for that matter. I actually think she's extremely cute on stage and she has some mindblowing charisma. *cough*... You do know that's not really a wig, though? :-D It seems almost everyone, including those who don't like the character, agrees with this. Scarlett happy on stage beats Scarlett moping around on the verge of a psychotic breakdown every day. Co-signed, and co-signed. Though you know they will put other obstacles in the way of them, because according to Nashville's unwritten golden rule, no two characters who are truly in love may ever be happy together. Sheesh, I'd pay good money for that ;-D That's because neither of them are even American so they've had to learn the Southern accent since the start of the show thus they have had more time to practice on it than anyone else, plus they have both got a very good ear for voices.
  3. I am sorry but I just had to share this... I would like to draw your attention to a post I made in the S&S thread on Fanforum half a month ago: http://www.fanforum.com/78632318-post212.html Now, posted two days ago on TVLine: http://tvline.com/2014/11/11/nashville-season-3-spoilers-new-doctor-juliette-avery/ It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
  4. I think it's odd that people think it's odd. This is a cute boy/girl that you've met two or three times whom you have no biological connection to. Then your parents are going to get married and suddenly all thoughts about "wow, I'd really like to hit that" go straight out the window? I don't buy it, and these things happen all the time.
  5. Well, then I am perfectly within my right to point out that the only reason she's that annoyed over it is that she's in love with him and the guy can't seem to get a hint.It doesn't matter anyway. Simple plot contrivance to make them end up banging each others' brains out.
  6. Bah. Caroline is "so hurt," I hear around. Come on, what show are you watching here? This is Mystic Falls where people forgive each other all the time for murdering each others' friends and family. Caroline was just pissed off at Stefan for friend-zoning her.
  7. You have to remember we've been fed a steady stream of crap lately that doesn't make much sense and I feel most people will just be happy they get rid of "Ruke" and have J/A marry.
  8. I have a hard time imagining that they would not go through with the stuff since that's like, well, the basic idea of the story arc of the show, and there haven't been many people who have complained about it.
  9. Had the episodes already been shot when the info was leaked?
  10. Juliette marries Avery and they are very happy. Luke doesn't marry Rayna. Deacon gets seriously ill. I think that covers it.
  11. Yes, a lot of the hardcore fans of the show have been extremely disappointed with this season's general direction, and I feel that the criticism is warranted. It felt like "hey, please stop, we're getting away from it." However the real problem the way I see it isn't so much Rayna marrying Luke or the show putting contrivance after contrivance in the way of Scarlett and Gunnar to get any meaningful relationship - even if I hate how they are doing it - as much as the completely unfocused storyline and the staggering amount of recurrings that become nothing but distraction.
  12. Now I don't really know but the huge leak that came out to spoilertv was unprecedented... Many people have speculated that it was intentional on the show's part?
  13. Of course it will be. I mean, Nashville surely hasn't got enough recurrings :)
  14. No. It was never about reconciliation. Precisely after the Big Lie blew up in her face, they had the car crash because Rayna should not ever have to deal with her own duplicity in any way.
  15. Do you really think Nashville will ever make Rayna say she's sorry about anything? Treating the men around her like shit is just another way of her being a Strong, Enabled Woman.
  16. It's just what you said. The murder was one single storyline. The bad writing on Nashville encompasses all the show.
  17. Yeah, it was strange on so many different levels. First you have to assume that Scarlett, who has never shown herself to be a fame whore on any level, would be okay with ditching her songwriting partner, who she just managed to hook up with after a fair bit of trouble; a guy she is quite obviously madly in love with. Second you have to assume that Watty White (?) endorsing them as a duo would mean absolutely nothing, as well as all the other people who were practically dropped flat by their performance at the birthday party for Deacon. Third the thing that he did not show up to the meeting after his brother had just been murdered would suddenly be a deal breaker and would certainly not merit a reschedule. Like I said, I could buy all the storylines on the show up to that point. This is where they really jumped the shark.
  18. They blew it the instant they decided to have Edgehill offer Scarlett a solo contract behind Gunnar's back. That was the most ridiculous plot contrivance you could ever think about, and it destroyed their dynamic, followed by a complete character assassination of Gunnar over the next episodes in order to create synthetic drama. That was the point where they apparently decided that pointless soap clichés were more important than having the couple generating by-far-and-away the best material staying true to character, staying together and keep doing just that. I watched the show with my friend a few weeks ago up to and including episode 14 of season 1. Afterwards he said, "well, that was actually really good." I haven't been able to stomach showing him any more episodes after that one.
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