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Everything posted by Kathemy

  1. Yes, I do really believe that Daniel is referring to Tawney. This leads me to believe we will not see a lot of discourse between them this season. Thus far we haven't had one second. In fact, it's possible they may never share a single scene face to face during this season, except maybe in a dream scene, and that makes me very, very sad. Their interaction is one of my favorite parts of the show. However I do believe that season four of the show will feature them more and I think that the last episode of this season, Tawney will make the decision to leave Teddy. I think the small-ish spoilers are intentionally misleading.
  2. I promise you, it's no different for men. The difference for men is that society presses us to "do it" or to "have it done" in order to be a real man, while there's an opposite pressure on women (to guard their virginity, to not appear to be a "slut".) It's equally hurtful for both sexes.
  3. It would definitely happen on a lesser show and it's definitely true that this show doesn't need sex to sell, but... In all honesty, I am torn about it, because there is a difference between your ideals as a person and what you actually end up doing, and Rectify isn't about ideal people making ideal choices. I would accept both outcomes.
  4. As a side note both Daniel and Tawney have said "never going to happen" so many times by now, I think it's highly likely something eventually will.
  5. What I am taking from this episode, more or less, from Trey's unashamed goading of Daniel, is that no, Daniel did not kill Hannah, and Trey most likely did.
  6. Wow. The fallout from Paige trying to have Mike murdered is her physically assaulting him for trying to protect her, screaming at him and him saying he "forgives her", and we're supposed to feel sorry for her? This show disgusts me.
  7. It is true that the relationship between Amantha and Teddy comes across as her being unreasonably hostile and intolerant of him rather than the reverse. It's one of her many less endearing qualities.
  8. It's just a case of having to survive for a year after the sixth episode has aired before we get new ones. :-)
  9. About the Amantha part... Yes. I understand her reaction perfectly. Yet she is willing to roll the dice with her brother's life just in order to save his reputation and get rid of the banishment clause. It's like she prefers him to die like an angel rather than live as a perceived demon. I'm not really reading Daniel as very... selfish. It's more a case of him not being able to connect with and understand people on an emotional level which is a function of his prolonged isolation. Were he selfish, he would've explained the circumstances about his assault on Teddy. Were he selfish, he could've easily seduced Tawney back in episode 9 of season 2. Contrary, he seems all too willing to accept the lion's share of the blame on all occasions even when it's not truly warranted. About being self-loathing and lacking impulse control, that's dead on. If circumstances were different, oddly enough I could see them being friends.
  10. I don't think more time has passed than six weeks. As for the episode in question... The Teddy/Daniel scene was magnificient and I also... sort of think it might serve as foreshadowing of things to come. His threat against Daniel, I believe, means that it will probably play out that Daniel and Tawney do get together at some point, at which point Teddy will retaliate by making good on it, or at the very least be forced to, for one time in his life, really evaluate what comes first in his life - is it revenge for a sleight where he was the initial aggressor, or is it his Christian upbringing of forgiveness? Can he do such a thing and ruin Tawney and his chances to get back with her forever? I don't know.
  11. Never mind, I managed to view it after a few tricks... It was a great episode. One of the things that irk me like hell yet is completely in character is Amantha's absolute lack of understanding of Daniel's situation. She spent twenty years trying to get him free. Now that he's out and he takes steps to ensure he can actually stay out, she reverts to the worst kind of self absorption to the point where she's utterly pissed off by having to house him for one month. I've had friends crash on my couch for longer than that. It's like now she comes across as only having done what she did for the reputation of the family, and when Daniel confesses, in her mind it was all for nothing. She is also completely clueless as to how being on death row can change and damage an individual's psyche. She's had close to two decades to think about it and apparently she hasn't figured out a thing. All in all she reads as less sensitive, more unreasonable and frankly even dumber than Teddy. As for Teddy's past transgression I am not reading it like I guess most do. Nearly all people have made mistakes at some point in their lives, things they aren't proud of. It's just that when the perpetrator is a man and the mistake in question is of a sexual nature, everyone sees red, which is a symptom of living in a culture that glorifies violence but demonizes sexuality. It was a scene beautifully played out and Clayne really managed to sell his character's confusions, his remorse and also why he'd tell Jared such a thing in the first place, even if it obviously freaked him out.
  12. I'm so mad nobody can bother to make a torrent of this because I can't watch it on the website because of my location...
  13. Well, I can't say I hope for the show to get few episodes. Season two didn't have problems with pacing because it had ten episodes. It had problems with pacing because it had problems with pacing. There's no reason they couldn't manage eight, or ten, just because they had minor issues before. These are people who are capable of learning from their mistakes.
  14. I've managed to convert every friend I showed it to. Random observations: From what I can understand we're going to get a few Daniel/Teddy scenes. I wonder if they're going to keep up or even intensify the hate or if they'll come to some sort of understanding. I really look forward to these interactions since both actors are so good. I can't wait to see how they'll resolve Tawney and Daniel's situation, if it's even resolved. The way I see it... I don't think Tawney can go back to Teddy and her normal life. What the narrative has shown us thus far is really... Once she met Daniel, her marriage was basically over. It was scary how good the pair managed to sell that "hit-by-a-freight-train" love at first sight thing. Not a teenager in your face infatuation, rather a very subtle but really, in a sense, frightening feeling, like "I talked to you for five minutes and now I'm changed forever." It happens right away. They have one single chat and suddenly she doesn't want to sleep with her husband, doesn't want to have his children, finds no solace or truth in their conversations, and it's not because Teddy has changed. It's her. Tawney has a real problem. What the show drives at is how both these characters affect each other and make each other question their own beliefs, and that's a two-way street. The idea of marital infidelity and divorce is alien to Tawney, but I think in her mind she already is unfaithful to her husband, and it's equally immoral for her to keep married to a man she no longer loves, someone who really has taken the second-seat in her heart... Which is what broke her up so badly in "Until You're Blue." Daniel isn't necessarily a good influence on her or even someone who brings her joy in the ultimate picture but their connection is impossible to get away from for them, even if she tries. It's a recurring theme. "-Why do you care so much about my soul? -I care about everyone's soul", "-We can't be together - I know". Denial, denial, denial.
  15. I'm very, very happy the show is back. It's astonishing to me how it seems like virtually nobody watches it. As a side note I know this show never does fanservice but if Daniel and Tawney ever actually kiss I might die.
  16. Remove Doctor Caleb. He is useless after Deacon's illness plot is over. He is a boring actress and a placeholder LI. Remove Kiley. Car accident, drug overdose or something equally silly. I don't care if Micah stays in some capacity since he isn't offensive and doesn't actually hurt the story to that extent. Beverly should die. Too much dead meat as it is. Jeff needs to stay on the show as a villain and Layla needs to commit suicide. Scarlett and Gunnar need to get together and get rid of all the drama. With or without Javery in the band. Avery needs to get Juliette psychiatric care STAT. Daphne and Maisy need more songs. Luke can stay if he's limited to his role as record label manager and get a bare minimum of song material. Teddy needs one season in prison since he is completely redundant.
  17. There was no reason to spare Malachai's life until he had merged with Luke. That's just contrived and sloppy writing.
  18. Would it be fine if I made this into a tumblr post? :)
  19. What is there to take away from this, speaking shortly? Bamon is dead. Damon won't move on to her since Elena is just put in the freezer. Bonkai is dead. As in dead, dead. Steroline is endgame but the writers want to milk it for even more drama before sealing the deal, as if one whole season weren't enough. Delena is endgame and the show wants to string along that fanbase with this finale even though Nina is gone. Positive aspects of the episode: Good acting by most people involved, nice speech from Stefan to Caroline at last. Show shifting focus next season to a more pro-active female lead should have positive consequences for the storytelling. Negative aspects of the episode: Too much sappy Delena scenes plus the showrunners are cowards who don't have the guts to put Elena out of her misery.
  20. I doubt that the show will improve but the fact that it keeps its original timeslot may suggest that the network sees a life for it beyond season 4.
  21. I am sorry but I was genuinely not trying to call any of the posters in the thread stupid. What I was trying to say was that no matter how you feel about the couple - hate it or love it - everybody loses with this scenario and everybody should be thankful if they actually get together. The reason being that the alternative to them being in a couple is quite obviously limited to milking their estrangement for drama and everybody hates that even more, fans and foes alike! Sure, I get it if people don't like them together and if they don't want them to end up together but that wasn't the point I was trying to make.
  22. Not a bad theory. Could see all of that going down. Oh and that's why you don't start an affair with the doctor responsible for the life and death of your uncle...
  23. The problem here is simply that there is no alternative to them getting back together except for keeping up this will-they-won't-they drama for all eternity. Like it or not, people need to get it through their head that they are each other's only true loves. That's the narrative the show has set and it will absolutely never go away. The way the writers are cynically and haphazardly massacring their characters in order to keep them artificially estranged borders on the insane.
  24. There is no plausible way whatsoever that Rayna's company would be endangered. It's all a load of crap.
  25. I'll just link my thoughts about this episode from an S/G perspective. http://kathemy.tumblr.com/post/118928109136/the-sad-life-of-being-an-s-g-shipper
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