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Also, I realize that Dolores and Tom could essentially screw over the faithfuls from actually winning, since they keep voting for each other and throwing their votes away.
I feel like the editing has been really bad on Danielle. Because in a lot of exit interviews, virtually every eliminated player (except for Jeremy) was shocked that she was the traitor.
Also, its really stupid to have everyone vote. Because having people like Tony, Bo, and Shewta people that left super early be votes for Nick is so incredibly stupid. Like Tony literally just voted based on who he saw for the first two hours, before he got medically evacuated.
Yeah wished Punkin won. Again open voting is so stupid. I will never again complain about Survivor or Big Brother having drawn out votes. Geez having a commercial break before two votes are revealed, and freaking Manu counting every single one?
The open voting is so stupid. Like it was a good thing that Punkin stuck to her guns and voted off Becky. Because we easily could have a situation that Punkin and Jeannie switch their votes with Becky pleading halfway in the voting. Like that's super messy in terms of logistics, in this open vote where people can constantly switch back and forth. Lol when I said that the summit had a hard time deciding whether it was supposed to be survivor or not, I wasn't expecting them to actually have a jury. Like WTF?! Also, is it everyone? Including the guy that tripped in the first episode? I'm guessing Punkin is probably the frontrunner to win, if she makes it to the final. I feel like people would be pissed at Nick and Theron (Becky, Dustin, Amy etc.). And not sure if people respect Jeannie. So I feel like Punkin only has Becky that is pissed off at her.
I actually kind of get Therron's point and why some of the weaker people would vote out the strong. Because if Therron gets rid of Amy, at the next elimination its probably going to be between him and Jeannie (when it comes to strength). So in terms of strength wise he is already in the hot seat. And granted the summit they have 0 idea how many people are supposed to make it, and how many more "vote offs" there will be Therron would definitely get voted off soon. I kind of blame production, in that it seems like they have 0 idea what they want this show to be. Do they want this to be purely survival, or do they actually want Survivor? Like they claim that its "hypothetically" winners? earn a million dollars. But their format kind of contradicts that. So if they have a bunch of mandatory vote offs. Like if they did a "succeed a challenge, no one gets voted off", that would be different. But since they have a bunch of mandatory vote offs, it doesn't surprise me people like Becky will play the way they do. LIke if you are middle of the road person, and only the top 2/3 people make it to the end, why would you keep voting off the weak, noting that you are probably going to get the axe by all the strong people?
Also, I realize that Becky's idea of voting Geoff off is actually kind of dumb. Because she accurately ruled that there is a group of strong guys (including Dennis) that are just bro down, and probably have a big alliance. So if you were going to take a shot a strong guy, it should have been one of the guys in the dude alliance (and swung Geoff with you). Geoff was essentially on an island by himself, so there was kind of no point in taking him out.
If that's a reenactment that is such a dumb decision on the producers part. Because an open voting takes away the suspense from a dramatic/entertainment point of view. Like when you only have 3 people vote for Dennis, its like well obviously Geoff is getting voted off, the audience isn't dumb. Does the producers really expect us to suspend our disbelief that 10 people will just abstain altogether? lol
One of the things that annoy me the most about this show is the open voting. The host one does a terrible job, where he almost involuntarily nominates people. (Also you can't have more than two nominees?) But the other issue is that because its open voting, everyone can see who may or may not raise their hand. So someone like Robert who is on the fence, can easily have their vote manipulated at that moment, because he notices who hasn't have his hands raised. Not to mention people could wink/signal to others how to vote. It needs to be like Survivor or Traitors where everyone votes in a secret urn, or separately without the other contestants knowing.
Whoopi is such a shill. People like her are a detriment to progress, because they can't conceive of giving or abdicating any form of power.
Also don't play charades, 20 questions, hot/cold or any other type of game with Manny on your team. Michelle: Is there a protein? Dan: Is the protein a seafood? Manny: Is it a porridge? Everyone: "Manny WTF?!
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Yeah, I had a feeling that Michelle was going to go halfway in the episode. She seems to be a very literal chef, and all the challenges that were more artful/abstract (chaos cuisine) she struggled with. It also seemed like Michelle, wasn't designing as she was going along. Danny was really smart, with the tape and measuring dimensions to make his food fit the dimensions. But Michelle, didn't realize her dimensions were off because she did 90% of her time on the cooking. Yeah it really sucks she went against her BBQ roots, because a BBQ tableside design could be pretty amazing if done properly (like a roasted meat/brisket in the center, and the sprinkle the sides around.). Still thought Manny should have went. Risotto on a table just sounded like a terrible idea from the start. Laura's was amazing. That table looked stunning. The chewy ice cream was smart, I was worried that the ice cream would melt. And the baklava rings really tied everything together. I'm actually surprised no one went the filipino route, of doing an inspired Kamayan. Tableside food on banana leafs. Although I guess Savannah's was kind of like that.
I was really concerned with the kerosene explosion, because one of the contestant's booth had a ton of smoke coming their way, which is probably not pleasant. I really thought Manny should have left. He's been playing safe for the past two weeks.
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