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Everything posted by highway61

  1. Best episode in a while - looking forward to re-watching it this weekend. Lots of lines made me laugh. And sorry that Paige is still in crisis, but Sheldon/Missy/Paige are so awesome together. Good for Missy for being so mature - whatever age she's supposed to be. Although, when you can't find your kid, the first thing you do is call their brother (Sheldon) or big sister (Heather's) to see if they've seen them. Of course, you might not be able to reach them either...
  2. I kept thinking she was Dean Norris' wife in Breaking Bad, but of course she wasn't. She was Dean Norris' girlfriend in United States of Al. (Where she was very nice.)
  3. By and large agree with all the storyline complaints. However, I did think Dave Foley was very funny last night as the crazy rich guy!
  4. Jarring to hear George say Missy was in 7th grade. And she was working at the comic store last year? Sheldon's a completely believable traditionally-aged college freshman at this point.
  5. Wasn't there a medical examiner he used to flirt with? Or some victim's widows? But yeah, just to add someone out of nowhere (who may or may not be a disability cheat). Not loving it. But at least not Baez - poor woman has way too much Danny in her life as it is.
  6. Maybe they can re-set the show in the Nursing Home. It worked for B-Positive! Oh, nevermind....
  7. So funny and unexpected - really laughed at that one!
  8. When Sass told that story, I actually didn't believe him - the battlefield angel appearing - and how could it not have come up in 250 years? I thought Sass was just saying what Isaac needed to hear to move on. But, it does explain the clothes - I'll give everyone that. And on another note - the tucking your sweater into the front of your jeans? Sam and Bela both did it. My wife says it's a thing. I'm not sold on it, though!
  9. I came here to say exactly this. He's goofy but he always really believed that love-thy-neighbor stuff and tried to be open to whatever came his way. And let's not forget - HE SLEPT ON THE COOPER'S COUCH DURING HIS DIVORCE! That would count for alot for any previous version of Pastor Jeff. Now he's a bad stereotype. I did like adult Georgie, though.
  10. There were definitely scenes that felt just like “Booze Cruise” and “Casino Night”
  11. Agreed - this was very uncharacteristic of Calvin, and well, everyone else. (The less said about Dave and the jersey, the better.) The 'Con', as I thought someone would realize, is that owning the Pit Stop is who Calvin is. Wonder what they're setting up, but not happy about this turn of events.
  12. Just an aside - to me, the Commissioner comes across as a very heavyset man most of the time, but when he's dressed in a fun shirt at the bar, he really looks quite fit.
  13. Don't be coy, Daff. What show? If I'm looking for a blonde bombshell crime fighter from the 70s and 80s.... First thing comes to mind is Angie Dickinson as 'Police Woman'. If that's not what you meant, let me know so I can watch that show! And which is the 'Broken Toys' show? Probably not 'Barney Miller'.
  14. Thirteen years and we're only hearing about the 'Broken Toys' now? That's a show I'd watch! Oh, and as a counter opinion, I really like Baker in her crime fighting outfits. That's another show I'd watch!
  15. Oh, please no. Doesn't that poor women have to deal with Danny enough as it is? Let her go home at night!
  16. I'm going to call a little bit of BS on Marina not knowing how to put the Fear of God in a landlord. "Yeah, that's loft's going to be a problem. A problem for you!"
  17. You know what? I laughed, I was surprised, best episode in a while.
  18. They touched on that - Danny wanted to pass the case to Major Crimes, I think, who were already investigating jewel thieves. But the first guy that got robbed knew the mayor's wife, and apparently that was enough pull to keep Danny and Baez on the case, even though Danny made fun of him for wearing such an expensive watch!
  19. Can Erin run for DA while working for the DA? Does seem weird. Cross the Rubicon, Erin. Danny and Baez actually got to arrest some criminals - loved the getups, though they didn't seem necessary. Otherwise not much happening at One PP or Jamie's precinct.
  20. If only we lived in a world where being an outstanding high school athlete could help you get into (and pay for) a top college. Oh wait, we do! As @MaryMitch points out. I don't like these unnecessary choices shows have characters make. Actually I thought Malcom and Marty were about to come up with a whole new way of coaching baseball based on math. That would have been cool.
  21. Elias is still right there, huh? Shouldn't they bury him? And I though this in the first Elias episode - he's definitely a total jerk but he died one of the worst deaths ever... then was alone in a vault for 100 years... then went to hell. That's harsh! Meanwhile Thorfin seems to have hacked whole towns to bits but that's in the past. (I know, it's tv. But bury the guy!) UPDATE: Oh, and he was nice enough to pay for the B&B repairs!
  22. Michael Scott, brilliant as always: "A year to adopt a kid? I don't even know if I'm going to want a kid in a year." Think about it, Kat.
  23. Baez has been to dinner - I think it was the episode she and Danny were locked in the basement by the serial killer. And Anthony, as you say. I don't think any of the office three have been there...
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