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Everything posted by Trampolina

  1. I don't think she knows what she wants besides getting her picture taken. Jorge stated that she wanted to do high fashion but she said she wanted to go topless. It was funny when she was looking at the photography websites and said everyone was ugly. It's like she has the exact opposite of Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
  2. Devar's wife looks drastically different in the Jamaica footage versus the talking heads. Did she forget her sun block? One of Danielle's daughters looks like her clone. I can't imagine the nightmare it would be to have her as your mother. I hope they all move across the country but I'm afraid the clone will live with Danielle forever.
  3. I looked up butterface in the dictionary and all there was was a photo of Anfisa. I never give anyone crap for acne because I've certainly suffered from it but I also don't brag about my incredible beauty. There appeared to be a lot on both of her cheeks that she has been covering pretty well. I have to say that she has a great body, though I don't know how much of it was purchased. But if she's such a fashionista, why doesn't she know that fashion models don't have giant boobs and are almost always over 5'9? I was surprised at how many super large dresses they had for Narkiya to try on at the dress shop. She had some seriously huge arms. Her mom was quite a bit smaller and really pretty except for the ultra fake contacts. I understand that Nicole is hurt by Azan's remarks but did the desert trip give her a clue that her size makes life a lot tougher then it needs to be? At 22 I think she would shed the weight really quickly but it would take a major lifestyle change. Alla's sister was really pretty.
  4. I think she'd like Seattle a lot better than OK but there's not a lot of call for bikinis and micro minis here...
  5. Seattle is pretty much the opposite of Miami and I think Paola would hate it here. On a meaner note, Danielle's friend needs to look into some rosacea meds.
  6. @dangerousminds - if Danielle was super sweet or smart or had a good personality, I wouldn't question the relationship. But what's the allure of a woman that puts her needs above her kids, can't write a coherent sentence, and pines away for a man that never loved her?
  7. @verojama - There's no shame in being a chubby chaser but there are plenty of attractive bigger ladies out there. Is there a chance he's a troll chaser? @realitymaven - I understand going on a date with a Teen Mom or something in order to be on TV but nothing could be worth holding Danielle's chubby little claw or gazing upon her creepy smirk (my brain won't allow me to envision anything further...).
  8. I need to know what's up with Gabe. Could the need to be on television be that strong? And how on earth can Danielle believe a young, fit, attractive man is into her? I'm so confused.
  9. I watched the pasta scene again and it appears the steam was coming from the plate of pasta, not the sauce. So apparently Anfisa did spoon cold sauce onto the plates. I still don't know how she used the mozzarella chunks... I agree that Anfisa was poor in Russia and wants to pretend she's used to the finer things in life so Jorge will only by her the best
  10. I thought that little cat talent girl was adorable but that giant blonde haired child sitting next to cat girl's mom in the audience scared the hell out of me. The mother that got in the fight with Jayliana's mom looked rode hard and put away wet. Damn!
  11. Regardless of the set up situations, I ruined my eye makeup during Rachel's scenes. It's hard for some typical people to find mates when they have a weight problem or aren't considered classically attractive and watching guys always go after the 'pretty' girls is tough. It would be way harder in the DS world where the pool of dating prospects is infinitely smaller. I'm glad Rachel's brother and husband are such an awesome support. I also really liked her date. He seemed like a really positive person. Megan needs to lay off the deep red lipstick. It looked like she'd been sucking on a carcass.
  12. I agree that Nicole most likely isn't ruled by her genitals. I've had numerous promiscuous friends over the years and came to find out later in life that most of them couldn't even have an orgasm. The just had a deep need to be wanted and to have others know they are wanted. That's why Nicole blurted out that her and Azan had sex. "See everyone, somebody wants me! I'm lovable!". Super sad and I've seen so many marriages end because the woman only wanted to get married so they could be seen as wanted but the marriages were empty and most didn't last more than a year.
  13. A person can work and go to school in the US but not u Jamaica? I would tell Devar and his sister to kiss my ass. Was the sister pregnant as well? It looked like she had a good sized bump.
  14. Nicole loved announcing on national television that she 'cheated'. It was like waving a banner that said 'a guy wanted to put their penis in me!'. Citizenship cannot possibly be worth dealing with that woman/child. Chantal is nowhere near ready to be married. She needs to get over her need for random dudes grinding on her before committing. What a sloppy drunk. Can Matt buy Alla some new clothes? That fur vest and those all white outfits may be fashionable in Kiev but look really cheap and outdated.
  15. The spelling and punctuation of his Facebook followers is cringe worthy! "He is the sweatest guy in the world" and "mystery loves company". And why do people continuously quote the bible to him?
  16. I'm happy to see some new blood. I like listening to drunken cocktail lady on the couch and am somewhat mesmerized by sunglasses coach. Is there something hideous under those sunglasses or is she a huge Corey Hart fan? I hope not to see Piper in another tight costume for a while.
  17. It's weird when a perfectly attractive man feels the need to use someone else's photo. I think he'd get plenty of attention on his own.
  18. The John scenes really bothered me because of the extreme auto tuning. I imagine they can make anyone sound decent. I also disagree with the producer that you can't set an age limit to succeed. My stepdaughter's mother has a manchild that's been living off her and our child support for seven years. My stepdaughter told me his job is 'band practice'. He's a 45 year old bloated alcoholic that should have looked into other options years ago. I think the rapping has been a great experience for John but it would be nice for him to find a job in the real world that would provide him with some money and give him something he could be proud of at the end of each day. I agree with the post above that Megan will switch her thirst for marriage and a baby to Steven and he'll end up miserable. Christina's ballroom dancing made me tear up. She looked beautiful and had such tremendous support from her and Angel's family. I wish I was half the mother that Christina's mom is.
  19. The conversation regarding the cable the 'the electric' cracked me up. The first daughter said 'Mom, the cable ain't workin'" and then Dani called the cable company and said something like "I'm callin' to see why ma cable ain't workin'". Then the two other daughters had a perfectly articulate conversation regarding Mo. The first daughter really got the short end of the stick as she seems to be Dani's doppelganger. I feel horrible for the three of them that they're all fully aware their mom would pick Mo over their happiness. Also, when they show Dani and her flushed fleshy friend driving around looking for Mo I have to turn away. Dani looks like a partially blind fat creepy beaver desperately looking for a log to chew. I felt really bad for Loren even though I haven't been a fan in the past. Tourette's must be so hard on a kid and even though she put herself out there on television, it can't be easy to have people make fun of something you have no control over. I thought that was so freaking sweet that Noon's husband picked up and left his city to make his wife feel safe. She obviously loved being able to talk to others from her country. I just got back from Portland and I think they'll do great there.
  20. Camp town races sing this song, do-wa, do-wa...wtf was that? I love Allysa so much!
  21. I got a little teary at Angel's night of romance. I almost pulled my husband in the room to show him as an example but I didn't think it would go over very well...It's so sweet that he saw that Christina craves romance and planned such a special night for her. I also liked her dad and Kris talking to Elena in a very adult way about being happy for her friends instead of jealous. Being around happy couples can be hard on anyone that's feeling alone. I hope things don't end badly for Steven with his crush on Megan. I think he's in a really hard position having Mosaic DS because he's kind of in the middle of being DS and typical which would definitely make dating really hard. He seems so sweet and thoughtful and I thought it was cute when he was helping the girls out of the van on their camping trip. His parents raised a really nice son.
  22. Is Megan's boyfriend gone and forgotten? It seemed like they just up and moved and there was no more mention of him. Also, it seemed like Rachel was taking her mom seriously because it must have taken a lot of will power to deny herself a fresh baked cookie. I wish her luck because the love of food and slow metabolism is a hard combination...
  23. Cadence (the girl with cancer in the womb) was four. I agree that she was really well spoken. I also agree she was a total brat but how could she be any other way with the way she's being raised? I am always amazed by these parents give in to fits. I worked in a 'children's prison' for four years and the # 1 thing we never did was give in to the kids being buttholes. I'd like to see how Cadence would act if she was cuffed and put in the quiet room next time she throws a fit....
  24. Wow...not too many natural beauties on this episode. Also, a venti Frappacino for a child? WTF?
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