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Everything posted by Trampolina

  1. I was just in meeting with one of my clients at his school and I thought I recognized one of the teachers from the show. I then realized I recognized her from 90 Day Fiance but then it occurred to me that she lives in Ohio. I'm too obsessed with these shows and I can't seem to separate them from one another...
  2. I searched for quite a while trying to find this to DVR tonight and came up with nothing. They wouldn't cancel halfway through like that shitshow, Utopia, would they???
  3. I think it would be pretty easy to get caught up in an inmate relationship because it's a way to feel loved and important without being abused. It's just too bad a woman has to go to these lengths to feel that way and a good many of these relationships are going to end very bad for these ladies. But in working with felons, I know how charming they can be and how they could suck in a woman that's not used to being treated well. Both this and 90 day fiance (Dani) show how far a woman will go to be with a man because society makes it seem as though a woman is nothing without a man.
  4. Now I'm picturing Chelsea singing that freaking Edie Brickell song in her stupid hat...thanks for that.
  5. I was put off when Amy said 'Your sisters are making such a big effort' and Danny said 'Yeah, a BIG EFFORT'. I always seems like he feels she's a lesser being and should be grateful for what she gets. I do think it was really nice of the sisters but it was fun for them as well and Amy deserved it since Danny puts in no effort at all. If he wants to know what a BIG EFFORT is, that's leaving your family and your way of life to be with his skinny ass. I just don't see the attraction. He must have been really different when he was on his own in Australia. Holy crap did I miss Dani and Mo! I need a whole hour every week...for eternity.
  6. Yeah, she's so gross and even if he gets out, it's doubtful she'll ever be able to experience the girth.
  7. I do a lot of jail visits behind glass and I guess I could see some junk if I was so inclined. I think it's not a priority because you can't hand each other anything or actually touch. Essentially a little boob won't hurt anyone. But when I use a booth in the jail, I use the one set aside for lawyer visits to avoid any bodily secretions that a visitor could leave behind.
  8. I was repulsed by Ana's discussion of seeing her husband's junk and showing her own in a visiting booth. I'm sure her flabby boobies were super impressive to her husband. Also, as soon as I saw where Ana was working, I looked it up on Yelp so I could go stalk her but it was shut down. I saw that Jhemini's little party was on Capital Hill in Seattle. That's a long way for all those ladies to be driving home after a night of drinking.
  9. I'm a juvenile parole officer, so I don't have to deal with too many relationships like this, but Ana's man is going to be gone before she can say 'my husband'. Getting a job with a record and little education or skills is super hard. You're pretty much limited to fast food and unskilled labor. There are numerous programs around to help ex-cons learn a trade and whatnot, but usually the temptation of easy money is too much and they go back to what they used to do. My most successful young men are usually my sex offenders because they don't have the same criminal mindset as thugs and gang members. After 14 years of working with my kids, I don't know of even one that got out of that lifestyle and a good many of them are in adult prison for murder and assaults. All in all, it's not pretty. I think Kate's man has the best chance because if I remember correctly, he's skilled in working on cars. I just can't feel sorry for Ana because she's so delusional and proud of herself for landing a felon. I've been addicted to a site called prisontalk.com. It's a bunch of Ana's talking about how loyal they are and how awesome their men are, like they're better than women that choose to have a tangible man in their life. Such a weird world. I so hope to run into Jhemini , but I'm rarely in the klassy streets of Everett, WA.
  10. Thanks for getting me addicted to Prisontalk.com MrsSmartyPants! Hours of entertainment. My favorite topic is 'did your man get out and then leave you'. So depressing how much these ladies revolve their lives around these guys. They really should take up a cheaper and healthier hobby.
  11. I swear I'm a parole officer and not a prison wife! My husband has never even had a ticket....
  12. I wonder if Danielle has some of her kids on SSI. I work with a lot of families that try to get their kids on SSI for various disorders so they can have an extra paycheck and in most cases, that paycheck doesn't go to the kids' needs.
  13. Wow. I would be so pissed if I was LaQuisha's ex and she referred to my children as if they were her and Phillips. Totally delusional.
  14. Toaster Streudel - Wow! Thanks for sharing those articles. I've been lurking on some bezness sites and I've seen the boy toys, but there aren't any photos of the women. I don't mean to be rude, but all four of those women in the articles were gnarly. Getting a green card is like getting combat pay for these guys.
  15. Nope, no alcohol in Washington strip clubs. You have to get drunk at the bar next door to be able to handle the nastiness of that club.
  16. Yay! They went to the same nasty ass, sleazy strip club I went to for my bachelorette. It's the only club in Seattle that has a ladies' night. Every guy in there was a joke and as my friend said, it smelled like Axe and shame. I'm really surprised Jhemini was willing to set foot in Centerfolds or the bar next door, Goofy's because she's so klassy! She reminds me so much of Farrah from Teen Mom.
  17. Danielle's daughter (on the end of the wedding store couch in the dark blue shirt) is an exact replica of her mother. I couldn't get over how much she looked like her sad sack mom. I wonder if Danielle could only try on sleeveless dresses because she couldn't stuff them into sleeves without bursting the seems. I would have been hesitant to let her try on anything in that store because she looks like she would leave yellow stains on the material.... Also, I love Liver Lips. That's exactly what those bulbous puffy lips remind me of.
  18. I don't know which of these women I hate the most, but I'm pretty sure it's Jhemini. She's talking about how dangerous or gross Tacoma is and then says she lives in freaking Everett! Everett smells like someone took a shit in a rotten shoe and left it in the sun and she's acting that it's some metropolitan dream? At least Tacoma has some culture. Everett has nothing. What a snobby bitch for no reason whatsoever. And it keeps saying Seattle on the screen but none of these women appear to live there. Ana is so freaking sad and depressing. It seems like she can't get a man in real life, for obvious reasons, so she got one in prison and feels like it's a legitimate relationship because he controls her. She's like that woman on Seinfeld at the party constantly asking where 'her baby' is so everyone knows she's hooked up. What a dumbass.
  19. My mom is an 18th generation Cape Codder and I was a nanny in Swampscott (Near Marblehead) for a summer. We were able to go to Boston and Cape Cod this summer and I loved every minute of Boston! Since I'm in the Northwest, I don't get a lot of lobster, so that was my main focus and I had some great lobster at Legal Seafoods and in Salem. But I was most entranced by the North End with the insanely wonderful bakeries and the mob men sitting at card tables on the sidewalk. The made to order cannoli's were the best thing ever in the world and if I lived there, you would have to roll me around the sidewalks because I would be eating ten a day. I really hope they do a challenge in the North End.
  20. You're right. I live in Seattle and Coeur D'Alene, ID is only 5 hours away so I don't think the 20 hour roundtrip can possibly be right. Exactly what I thought when she said that! I would be much more nervous about how awkward and disappointing it's going to be.
  21. How excited was I to find out this is in Washington? I'm a juvenile parole officer and have been in the system for 14 years so I was really hoping to recognize somebody, but no such luck. Oh well, still interesting. I read a book years ago called 'Women Who Love Men Who Kill' and it talked a lot about how women who've been abused in the past feel safe with a lifer because they get all the positive attention in letters and phone calls and none of the abuse they suffered before. I guess it makes some sort of sense, but it's still a lonely, hard way to live. It's kind of funny because tons of men in prison have women on the outside but very few men are willing to date or marry incarcerated women...
  22. Thank you so much for this post! Brett's lips make me puke in my mouth a little and I cringe with embarrassment every time I see Danielle touch Mohammed. But I can't stop watching and I wish this show was on every night.
  23. Just for anyone interested, if Brett lives in Snohomish, WA, there is a 99% chance he works for Boeing. Depending on his job, he should be making decent money and he is probably only paying around $500 a month in rent since Snohomish real estate is not expensive. So Daya may have hit a small jackpot there. As far as the Tunisian May/December relationship, I'm fascinated. As others have posted, there are several websites about the Tunisian 'Bezness' and this story fits perfectly. I've wasted hours reading stories of women who have fallen for men like this and have lost everything. One site even posts a gallery of photos of men to watch out for. If you want to waste some time, check out Tunisianloverrats.com.
  24. I actually didn't want to watch this because I was afraid the kids would kick my ass at sewing...that turned out not to be the case. I'm also sick to death of rich kids of famous parents being fashion experts, designers, and models. I don't think it really counts when it's all handed to you.
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