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Everything posted by Trampolina

  1. I don't know how much of this was real but it was interesting to see actual Romanian Gypsies with actual traditions and not the bullshit they spew week after week. I would have liked to see them address the extreme prejudice against Gypsies in Romania and I would have liked to know what happened with her adoptive parents whom I am guessing were Mormon.
  2. How did this episode even exist? So freaking boring. Bring back that dude that was obsessed with Katy Perry and do a whole season on him that ends with Katy meeting him and telling him she has no idea who he is. He would think she was just hiding their relationship from Orlando Bloom...
  3. The scene in the car with Megan and Kris talking about not seeing the dad for months at a time really got me. Megan stated that the reason she hadn't seen her dad was because Kris always wanted to spend time with her. Kris quickly corrected her that this wasn't the case. It's so hard to want your kid to be in reality about another parent but not want to hurt them with the facts. My stepdaughter's mother barely can be troubled to remove her butt from the couch, so I try to make up for the lack of attention but there is always a ready excuse of why mom can't do the simplest bit of parenting. It's hard when you give 100% and mom does bare minimum but gets a pass. I have just keep my mouth shut and keep doing the best I can in the time we have her. I know that my stepdaughter will see what the real deal is with her mom soon enough (and that may not be a good thing) but Megan may never see this. I also got the idea that Megan's dad was part of a young, fun, attractive couple and Megan didn't fit into that picture, so he bailed.
  4. Was there something going on with Felish's (sp?) mom's face? It looked like she had a lazy eye or possibly a stroke. I'm not trying to be mean but it was really distracting. Between the spread eagle woman and the snot, I'm going to keep this episode to watch when I want to kill my appetite. Repulsive.
  5. I think the worst part is that he e-mailed 'Kati' afterwards to tell her about the meeting with Harriet because he was still doing research. WTF?
  6. Angel was so sweet about the crush Christina had on her dance teacher. Her confusion about why they were getting along cracked me up. It seemed like she might have wanted a little drama and passion. I worked at a restaurant years ago where a 34 year old woman with DS washed dishes. She had a hardcore crush on one if the cooks but also had a boyfriend. The difference was that the dishwasher was not nearly as articulate as Christina and the cook was an ass. Eventually her parents got involved and it wasn't pretty. I enjoyed seeing Sean at his Home Depot job. He seemed to really enjoy it and was also helpful to people in the parking lot. I also liked hearing Rachel's mom's story about the food stealing at work. That must have been hard on everybody involved. It would suck to confront somebody so sweet.
  7. Why do I waste my time with this show? The Cherokee story could not have been more scripted and none of them have enough acting ability to pull it off.
  8. I wonder how much verification the producers need to prove that this people are 'gypsies' before letting them be on the show. It seems like if you're trashy and have really cheesy taste, you're good to go. All the rules about being virgins, divorce not being allowed, not marrying Gorgers, etc. don't seem to apply to these people. The English version was much more believable. Also, the pageant was very small and sad. It made me look forward to Toddlers and Tiaras returning.
  9. I'm glad you brought up the 'hooker talk'. I know I'm sensitive to this issues because I work with young women living that lifestyle (some since the age of 10) but it was upsetting watching that couple make a joke out of these women like they're just straight up trash. Most have lived a pretty terrible life to get to the place they're in and all of them are someone's daughter. I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate people making fun of their son for the issues he has. Also, I don't think any of the girls I've worked with would attempt to take advantage of a person with Down Syndrome. There are plenty of willing Johns that are looking for that action.
  10. $120 a month for groceries for two people? That's less than $30 a week, so that rice is about all they'll be able to afford. I can't believe how little these couples know about money. Get a freaking job. I worked full time during college and it wasn't that tough.
  11. These people seemed really off to me like they were acting. I've never thought that about anybody on Intervention but 10 minutes in, I felt like Daniel and his wife were really fake and overdramatic.
  12. This group seems extraordinarily uneducated and ignorant. What do they plan to do when they're too old to twerk? Most of them aren't able to form a full sentence. "Will you accept my apologize?". Wtf?
  13. I don't blame Megan's mom for wanting the best for her daughter but I think it could be done more realistically. I don't encourage my stepdaughter to pursue things she's not going to be capable of, such as professional basketball, but I do encourage her to pursue things she shows skill in like karate and math. Encouraging Megan to become a movie producer when she can't count 20's or ask for meat from a butcher is setting her up for disappointment. I loved seeing Rachel at the concert and really want to see more of Christina and the guy with Mosaic DS.
  14. The Tennessee couple's half assed plan to move to LA was so sad. That budget was ridiculous with $200-400 a month for food and $800-$1000 for rent. Multiply that by 2 and you can live in a city. It didn't surprise me at all that the other girl felt her loser/cousin boyfriend should get out on bond. I've been a parole officer for 10 years and I've never heard remorse for the victim. Facebook is full of 'free so and so' no matter how heinous the crime is. Good luck to her because that guy will be in and out of prison for the next 30 years.
  15. It made me feel bad thinking of Rachel watching this at home and seeing Sean attempt to mac on two young women with down syndrome after he turned her down and said he wanted a typical girlfriend. Also, somebody needs to tell him that the eyebrow thing isn't cute. I like that Megan's mom is trying to help Megan become independent but I don't want her to get too excited about the clothing line. Success in the online clothing industry is an extreme long shot.
  16. I was so glad that Rachel's mom talked to her about being so aggressive with prospective boyfriends. I was cringing at her interaction with those two young men. I hope she eases up and also eventually wants more for herself than just a guy that needs a girlfriend. She's so sweet and it's hard to see her get shot down.
  17. I'm not sure whether Jo would still pay if they were to get 50/50 custody. In Washington I've never even heard of a man getting 50/50 custody through the courts as the courts here see the mother as the ultimate in parenting no matter what. My husband and I spent $30,000 just to get 40% custody of my step daughter and we still pay $500 a month, half of activities, and medical and dental insurance. Also, I know it sounds weak for Jo to say there's too much tension for him to attend the pre school graduation but sometimes it's hard on the kid to have both parents at an activity because the kid is torn of who to hug first and if the other parent is going to feel bad, etc. We always ask our step daughter what she wants and what makes her feel comfortable. For instance, she prefers not to have both parents at karate tournaments because she needs to be calm in order to do her best. It really sucks when two parents can't get along but in my husband's case, his ex went as far as having him falsely arrested during the nasty year long custody battle and once things like that happen, it's very hard to ever be able to trust again or even be cordial. I know Cole isn't Aubree's step dad but even though it's soon, he appears to be more of a father figure than Adam. I always appreciate recognition from my step daughter because I may only be a step mother, but I'm the one that works with her on reading and math, takes her to festivals and horseback riding, teaches her hygiene and sets up sleep overs with her school friends while her mom swills wine and feeds her McNuggets in her room. As far as Chelsea talking negatively about Adam and feeding her info, I agree it's detrimental to Aubree but I know how hard it is to hold back. We are forced to ask questions to make sure my step daughter isn't being neglected at home and it's hugely frustrating to find out that there isn't any fruit or vegetables in the home and that she didn't get even one new item of school clothing (even though child support was paid one week before school started) but bio mom still manages to smoke, drink, and provide a home for her loser boyfriend. But as everyone says, Aubree will figure these things out on her own just as our 10 year old is starting to see her mom for what she is.
  18. I think Dawn said the goodie bags were going to be given to the homeless. Hopefully they were just on display to show what the organization does. I freaking hate Jason now more than I hate Dawn. What a bitchy little a-hole! I don't agree with Jordana calling him a coward, but how much is he going to try and torture her? I also am really starting to like Lila which is weird because I thought she was horrible on the LA show.
  19. Oh, and I meant Jazmin taking a Xanax, I know it's probably not a good thing for Lila...
  20. I forget the oldest lady's name but I was pretty impressed with the boyfriend she snagged. He seemed really nice and attractive...and young. Also, what's wrong with taking a Xanax once in a while? Dawn has not right to talk with her constant wine swilling.
  21. I forget the guy's name, but I liked what he said to Jordanna about having back up plan in case she isn't able to get entertainment jobs. As much as I respect people that follow their dreams, you need to have an alternative plan. I can't imagine how scary it would be to live in NYC and all the sudden have no money coming in. I wonder how much help some of these people get from their parents in order to live that lifestyle. Also, as much as I tend to dislike Dawn, her outfits always look really nice and well put together...
  22. I think both Dawn and her brother said they were adopted. I also wonder how they can afford these nice apartments when it appears that only Dawn has a set income but I haven't a clue how much they're paid for whatever entertainment jobs they do. I'm in one of the most expensive cities in the country and I would have a really hard time living here if I didn't have a dual income. Also, I really look forward to your comments LI Girl. Have you ever experienced a man with a little person fetish when internet dating?
  23. Bubby got a criminal justice degree from University of Phoenix? I work in the juvenile justice field and I'm pretty sure he would be laughed out the door. What a waste of time and money.
  24. Unfortunately, I don't think age has a lot to do with it. My step daughter's mother talks disparagingly about me and calls me names in front of her daughter and this woman is 44. It kills my step daughter because she is well aware that I am more of a mother to her than her bio mom but is afraid to upset her mom by telling her to stop. Bitterness often seems to overshadow a child's well being.
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