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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. 2 good things For once Scorps didn't get themselves into another fine jam They didn't/don't have TeamScorpion/the good guys win by killing the red shirts/bad guys
  2. Ugh. 2.5 was little more than an after school special. A waste of talented actors.
  3. Reading this post makes me wish she would be featured on this show, but I seriously doubt the royals would be up for that.
  4. Especially if it's by accident. I can picture Leon looking at dead WR and just saying something like: Dude.
  5. Or maybe a graceful exit for the actor should he land a juicy part on Broadway? Ugh. Segue anvils that are really piñatas filled with oxycodone as we went from the heart-to-heart between Bess and Dalton that closes with the Dalton's intensely personal and sad remark about once an addict, always an addict, and then the scene immediately changes to show Dimitri, who is meeting Stevie in the bar again. I did laugh at the meeting between Henry and Senator Asshole, wondering whether at this point the scripts have his character's lines noted as "Senator Asshole."
  6. Since they aren't identical twins, all we know for sure is that (at least) 2 eggs were released. Suppose 5 days earlier, Dad1 made a deposit, and some viable swimmers are ready and waiting to fertilize. Meanwhile, 20 minutes before ovulation, Dad2 makes a deposit, so those swimmers are at the welcoming party too. And, if the science is still the same as about 30 years ago, the swimmers carrying the female chromosome are slightly larger and slower and survive longer, so Dad1 is likely Missy's father, and Dad2 is Sheldon's. Of course, the writers may just go with one father who doesn't quite fit TBBT backstory, which is why there's a thread for that scenario.
  7. Yeah, that part was kind of glossed over. Heh, that should be "wooly mammoths," as in "wool," although they would also be "wholly," as in "entirely," which would be pronounced, however, like "holy," so I momentarily was reading your autocorrected spelling as "holy mammoths," which would be more up Henry's religious alley. Never mind.
  8. Sheldon and Missy aren't identical twins, so they could have different fathers. It would just mean that their mom had sex with two different men in the same week.
  9. So much more organic and plot worthy than the unbelieveable First Son's girlfriend that that Designated Survivor writers threw into (and then immediately under the bus on) that show! Madam Sec. writers wouldn't dare create Jason's first girlfriend for the purpose of being a young teen spy! —would they? Nah. They've still got Dimitri to kick around.
  10. Except maybe on a Masters of the Universe fantasy web series—maybe it's Russell's dream/nightmare sequence.
  11. Many are of this opinion, but I saw it more as Georgie trying to avoid getting in trouble for sneaking out—like he could claim he was only there long enough to take them home. But it's nice to think that there are caring siblings in the universe. More than once in this episode MeMaw tried to get Sheldon's mom to admit that Sheldon's dad is not Sheldon's father, so maybe that's where they're going—that Sheldon's biological father is someone else. If so, who would they cast in the role? If it was just going to be a few cameos, it could be Jim Parsons.
  12. Now that you mention it, this seems likely to be the Occam's Razor lynchpin on which the whole plot turns, and which could prevent the series from spiraling down a Lostian rabbit hole. If so, hopefully it won't ultimately disappoint in its simplicity. But if this is the case, I want to see at the very least some culpability in Mobley and Trenton's families for the Washington Township toxicity—otherwise their cruel fates don't seem justified, even from a storytelling standpoint. ETA: —unless maybe Santiago took it upon himself to orchestrate Mobley and Trenton's sacrifices, without White Rose's knowledge/approval, which could lead to a fitting demise for Santiago once WR hears of it. I don't recall: Did we at any time in this episode see WR calling the shots on Fredrick and Tanya? Anyway, I'm now guessing Santiago's mother is another Washington Township victim, which made him a true believer.
  13. If only real life difficult people could just be "written out"—but then I guess there's only room for a select few on a mission to Mars. So I wonder where they're planning to stash the FLOTUS and the FMILOTUS? Won't the show get canceled before that actually happens?
  14. I think the audience and the characters were all supposed to be regretting that split second decision in hindsight. Hee! I don't think we're quite there yet.
  15. Reading your summary of the Henry stuff, @CheshireCat, made me wonder if the writers are considering a Henry run for the presidency in the future. Hopefully they don't go there.
  16. But Mobley was repeatedly yelling at her to gun it, so she did. Even more absurdly tragic was (IIRC?) that Leon managed to overpower and lead to death Fredrick/Mobley/Moose and Tanya/Trenton/Squirrel with just a knife and some smooth patter, right? (I never thought their real names were Mobley and Trenton anymore than I think that their names are Fredrick and Tanya, and "Moose and Squirrel" are more familiar and easy to remember and seem to fit their roles.)
  17. Is that length definitive? Because it seems like they're spending quite a chunk of change on casting, filming, etc. If it goes well, maybe there would be more—assuming the short webisode format is the plan—I only saw it mentioned somewhere off-site in passing. Or, maybe they are just going to recycle costumes and special effects, and this is all a marketing ploy to sell subscriptions to Stargate reruns? But then why have a 45-minute comic con panel with actors and producer/writers?
  18. The "official" site is here: https://www.stargatecommand.co with a lot of pressure to sign in, register, etc. but the 40+ minute Los Angeles Comic Con Panel 2017 | STARGATE: Origins YouTube video is also at youtu.be/CaLO4nraJWc: They are not yet telling whether or not there will be aliens. There is humor.
  19. In 1963 we moved to the Midwest from the East, where I entered 5th grade. Back east we'd been taught to do math work "in our heads," and so, when I, like Sheldon, did not "show my work," I was given a "D," even though my long division answers were correct. I cried every day in 5th grade. This show is charming, but it makes me anxious, and that's not what I want from TV. I do hope Memaw charms the pants off Ray Liotta's character.
  20. My first guess is WR is planning a global nuclear holocaust—maybe with no survivors. Second guess is a global EMP that wipes out all electrical grids—maybe the only electrical power will be in the Congo run by a nuclear power plant. Yeah, the therapists on TV shows never seem to perceive that their patients are a danger to themselves or others, but this show tends to break tropes—like not having the fibbies break in in the nick of time to save Mobley and Trenton—so maybe Krista will ultimately be the hero and inform on Elliot before he does something like offing himself to protect WR's identity.
  21. But that was not going to be their fate. At least it provided a badly needed moment of comic relief.
  22. They don't call it the *dark* Army for nothing. Esmail created a truly compassionate view of suicide bombers/pilots/hackers as duped pawns. In this episode Angela depicts the True Believer who cannot bear to face reality—an episode coincidentally broadcast the day after the death of infamous, murderous cult leader Charles Manson, who, not unlike White Rose, brainwashed vulnerable young people who were separated from their parents (like Elliot and Angela, and also Mobly/Fredrick and Trenton/Tanya) to kill for an ultimately senseless cause so s/he (Manson or White Rose) could feel powerful. The file extension attached to this episode title is .chk. This page: https://superuser.com/questions/124690/what-can-i-do-with-chk-files-in-found-000-folders/226466 —contains a wealth of potential double entendres related to Mobly/Fredrick and Trenton/Tanya with regards to the definition and purpose and fate of .chk files.
  23. Having worked in a place with a small, mostly female staff for over 15 years, where coworkers have gone on maternity leave eight times, and I have gone on medical leave, I found Bernadette's paranoia to be realistic, even if unfounded. For the coworkers left behind to "pick up the slack," it's a big relief when the coworker returns. But for the person out on leave, there is an unavoidable sense that they are doing just fine without you.
  24. I wouldn't necessarily want to have Leoni's bubble burst by having someone point out to her the possibly flawed methodology of the DNA sampling. On a related note: When these wealthy, highly-paid actors with "southern roots" unsurprisingly discover slave owning ancestors, I would think the actors would like to at least make a gesture towards reparations by donating to, say, scholarships for descendants of slaves and victims of human trafficking. In fact, it seems the show would have established such a fund by now. Branching off in another direction: I do like to imagine that DNA pools will grow deep enough to definitively trace ancestries, both for historical understanding and biological—as well as natural curiosity. My two oldest daughters are not going to have children, and the youngest is coming to terms with that possibility as well. So now my initial horror at learning 15 years ago that my middle daughter had sold her eggs has turned to curiosity about a possible biological grandchild, and wondering about whether that child might want to know about her "roots."
  25. So obvious!—even if I didn't think of it—but now that you mention it, how about a sail? It would take more precious time than oars, but, hey, this show loves to waste precious time, especially when lethal quantities of jellyfish are attacking. First they would try oars—and then lose them through some Laurel & Hardy-ish mishap, and then they would move on to sail construction—having had Sly bring along Chekhov's awning to protect his skin from the sun while he was reading his book.
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