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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. He's our basic "HITG!" --perhaps most notably from Franklin and Bash.
  2. Thank you for putting so succinctly, what I have been meandering about for the last few months. I guess then that the viewers are supposed to identity with Olivia—and maybe many do, but not here, that I've noticed. It might be because in trying to make the character all things to all people, she winds up being unidentifiable to most anyone. When she was on the scene in the gym, looking for and finding Zoe, I was trying to remember Cragen being similarly involved—and he may have been, but here it felt contrived.
  3. Yeah, also, I heard an NPR podcast recently on which it was stated that upwards from 90% of medical professionals sign DNRs for themselves because in reality, 3% of people who are given CPR survive with all of their brain function. ETA: like what @Clanstarling said below, this low rate of successful survival applies to flatliners.
  4. It seems that all those years of living in Jesse James territory left Emma without a conscience. We haven't been told what's so important about the Rittenhouse mission, so I'm going to guess Emma needs the mission (whatever the hell it is) to succeed so she won't regret spending the prime of her life in exile in the 19th century Wild West.
  5. I'm sure we didn't miss anything (you FFing while I caught a minute or two of REM sleep). It was just to give an excuse for why the POTUS has a brother who we've never seen or heard of before, but who is now going to be hanging out.
  6. But then the U.S. wouldn't have any FBI agent. </snark>
  7. @sugarplum's post^^ also explains why there was no PSA to go with this episode, which might reflect the "fake" information times in which we live, but is in no way a reflection of anything that could actually happen IRL.
  8. Too bad there's no "regular" actor playing the medical examiner any more (or any scientific voice like they had on CSI) to pipe up with a comment about how all of these donor consent issues would be moot if there was enough funding for further R&D of biofabrication, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine.
  9. Maybe it was just me, but as soon as they mentioned the "little boy" who needed the heart, I saw him as a Noah stand-in. I was definitely sleep watching by the end, but I thought I heard Stone deliver a retcon about his father's organs being harvested before he could get there. No?
  10. I was looking for hints of embarrassment in Kiefer's delivery of that horribly contrived exposition fairy speech. He might have choked a bit when he had to say that his dead wife's mother had decided to run off to Europe (abandoning her still grief stricken grandchildren).
  11. There was a L&O (not sure which version) episode with a self righteous, blackmarket organ and tissue harvester (he also make money off of them, which he used to support the free clinic where he worked). It came to light because some of the bones he used carried cancer, which was transfered to two tissue donation recipients (I'm not even sure if that's medically possible, but let's say it is). How could this episode's organs from Zoe have possibly been tested quickly enough? What if her heart had HIV or hepatitis infected blood in it when they put it in a little boy's chest an hour later? I had a routine (for me) CEA (colon cancer marker) blood test done on Tuesday this week and didn't get the (good) results until over 24 hours later. Anyway. I must've dozed off at the end. Did they decide to sentence her to double digit prison years? I heard Liv saying she lost her license to practice medicine . If she is in prison, would she be allowed to work in the infirmary?
  12. Lyor: You know what you've got to tell the president? Emily: I do. "You broke it / You fix it." Dammit.
  13. Road trip with Brenda's parents! But now I'm thinking Wesley and Grady were trial runs for Rusty's character. :>(
  14. Everything @willco said^^ plus it's now been too long since they left the original premise of the effects of an apocalyptic terrorist strike to get back there—and it's now clear they are just forgetting about it, which makes this just another White House drama, but it does have Keifer.
  15. I suppose since Leonard feels permanently indebted to Sheldon for saving his life, Leonard will forever make efforts to be "chummy" with Sheldon.
  16. It wasn't so much that he broke it, it was that he was unapologetic. But even his failure to show any empathy in that moment rang true for sibling dynamics—at least in my family—but maybe not for the much more well-adjusted McCords.
  17. Whats especially funny is that, if I remember right, he dropped that line to the undercover Rittenhouse guy, right? So he totally might have gotten that reference, and was trying not to roll his eyes the whole time. So would that have tipped the Rittenhouse guy to them being time travelers (assuming the Rittenhouse guy knew the movie), or would he have been thinking it was just a funny coincidence? Was "Private" even a classification for a soldier in The Great War? This was amusing, but if Rufus would have probably known to use the term "Negro" instead of "black" in 1918, which would have sounded very dissonant to our 2018 ears—especially the ears of the basic network audience—which is why the writers wouldn't have had Rufus say that. Anyway, Rufus's use of "black" combined with Wyatt's "saving Private Ryan" would have tipped any Rittenhouse plants, whereas either one of the slips/snarks on its own might not have. Now that they know that they are likely to encounter enemy time travelers, I hope we will hear some amusing efforts to cover up their blurts of current pop culture or knowledge of modern events. Like maybe Rufus covering up for using the word "carburetor" (when trying to troubleshoot a Model T engine) by turning the word into a sneezing sound that Wyatt explains is "peculiar to his folks." IDK. I just hope the writers are good enough to make comic use of the situation.
  18. Scorpion (also on CBS) was preempted too. They're both back next week at the same time. I can't figure out why.
  19. When Claire seemingly convinced Peter that her counterpart was living over on the other side on a farm with a nice family (like parents have been known to tell children when the family dog dies) and begged him to let her breastfeed the baby—even though we had seen that the baby was the first person Claire genuinely cared for since she was separated from the baby's namesake, and even though I breastfed my kids for years—I was still cringing with fear that Claire was going to break the baby's neck as soon as Peter handed her to Claire.
  20. Yes. More of that kind of writing is needed if this show is going to last beyond this reprieve season.
  21. Well, again— but I'm still not sure how exactly the imagery of the legend applies to this story. Anyone? Okay. I was talking about this today with someone familiar with the Slit Mouth Woman legend and concluded that Baldwin is simply a type of that archetype in that she is a scary assasin. So far she's not all that scary, but maybe there's a chilling horror assasination yet to happen.
  22. Oooh. What if the Emilys were switched a long time ago. To, me this would make so much sense. And it would mean Meek Howard's real wife is the Emily he is now hanging out with.
  23. Any time the Life Boat takes off, there is a risk to the future existance of its passengers' and their 21st century acquaintances (because of the Butterfly Effect) so the crew that time hops together more likely continues to exist together. Therefore, the interpersonal relationships drama is amped up each trip for those who are separated by Orb distance, whether Jya and Rufus, Lucy and Wyatt, or even maybe Lucy and Flynn. Hrrm. Now I'm recalling how much I've always loathed the game of musical chairs and its concept of leaving someone out.
  24. Heh. So true. So Lucy almost fragged her own Great Granpa Rittenhouse. That might've put an end to it!
  25. I liked the way they told the story of the tea leaf reading—for the most part. It could have benefited from a line about how there are some sincere Shaman/wise men who "read" the leaves to encourage people to make the morally best choices. Maybe with Henry back to being just Professor of Religion Arm Candy, he can mention it.
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