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How old is she supposed to be? Early to mid 40s? I know multiple people who had a surprise baby at that age and everything turned out just fine. Not sure why you think it's unrealistic, stupid, and irresponsible. I can see why a lot of people wouldn't choose to, but Jean seems like someone who would just roll with it. And I think she's happy to have another child to fuss over now that Otis is on the verge of leaving the nest.
I wish Charlie had made that more clear. Nick was not even out to his mom yet. Why would he want to be out to a guy who has always been hostile to him? Isaac found out by accident (although he suspected anyway, because he notices more than people think). Tori knew because she's also attentive, and Charlie basically just confirmed it but he knew it would go no further and her knowing would not affect Nick. Everyone else, it was Nick's choice when he was comfortable having them know this about him. As Charlie agreed to. So suck it, Tao. Grow up and stop being peevish. You shouldn't be antagonistic to people and then expect them to tell you sensitive personal things.
Maybe she submitted samples and found out that Otis isn't her ex-husband's bio child, but the child of some other rando she hooked up with all those years ago. New daddy for Otis! I wonder if this show will ever get around to making the point that, while teens are going to have sex and they should be able to ask questions and get accurate information and have happy, healthy sexual lives, that doesn't mean that SEX SEX SEX all the time everywhere is appropriate. There are constantly kids fornicating right in front of everyone at school and stuff. Subjecting other people to your sexual activities without their consent is not okay. Find the happy medium between oppression and being sex creeps with no respect for boundaries, occasion, or location.
The Good Karma Hospital - General Discussion
Enginerd replied to Meredith Quill's topic in The Good Karma Hospital
I don't understand why they always feel the need to have some demanding, needy, rude Brit join the story. It just takes time away from more interesting characters whose stories I'd rather see. I guess it's probably reflective of what India has had to put up with for eons, but ugh. I hated that both Mari and Ruby punched Gabriel. Yes, he did Ruby wrong, but violence is not okay. Why are there always so many people at the hospital? It's basically a carnival. Is it a hot hang-out spot? Do they really manage to treat huge numbers of people? Does every sick person's whole family just camp out there until the patient is ready to go home? -
The Good Karma Hospital - General Discussion
Enginerd replied to Meredith Quill's topic in The Good Karma Hospital
Traditionally, surgeons are called Mister, not Doctor. -
I can see how she said no. Clearly there's passion there, but there's a long history of separating whenever things aren't blissful anymore, they don't want the same life at all, and Zion still basically expects his life to be on his terms and doesn't want to compromise. Georgia wants her idyllic small town life with a nice house with a garden. Zion wants them all to move to an apartment in Boston. It would make her kids move yet again, and they've made it clear they resent having their lives uprooted due to Georgia's relationship whims. I think Georgia also believes he'd start to feel trapped and resentful again after some time dealing with family issues day in and day out.
I don't get why Chloe's deathbed was supposed to be such a dark moment of trauma for Rory. Rory is an angel. Can't she travel between heaven and earth? Unlike most humans, she'd know that wasn't the end for her mom, AND she'd know that she could still visit her. Of course, there's no real reason she couldn't have had a relationship with her father all that time, either. I think she was self-actualizing barriers so she could keep being an angry brat.
Are police detectives more likely to have college degrees than patrol officers? He went to the police academy.
S08.E03: Blue Flu / S08.E04: Balancing
Enginerd replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in Brooklyn Nine-Nine
She's an art teacher, so presumably she was working also. -
Given what we saw of Nalini's parents here, the way she responded to Ben after he started crying in her office makes a lot more sense. It seemed a little uncharacteristically sensitive of her at the time. I think she saw a lot of herself and her own childhood in him.
I don't understand why everyone acts like Paxton is some haggard old age-spotty wrinkly cryptkeeper. No, he doesn't really look particularly teenaged, but actors on the sorts of teen shows with sex plotlines almost never do. Even the actors who actually are teens are rarely the young-looking teens, and if they are they are playing even younger roles. Also high schoolers can look really different. Some still look like they're ten, and some could easily pass for 30. Maybe it bothers me less because I watch on my tablet, not a massive screen, so I don't see every microscopic detail, but I also know some real high schoolers with crinkles around the eyes already and more sun damage than they should have.
I think Nalini knew her parents were kind of self-absorbed and not terribly doting, but probably that didn't matter much to her all these years that she didn't really need their help, and it wasn't something she had to personally experience much since she wasn't around them. She probably figured they'd be excited to see her since she's been away so long (I don't think we know how long it's been since she visited, but it seems like they haven't seen each other at least since Mohan's death, if they even bothered to visit after that). She probably also thought they'd step up when she had actually asked them for help and arranged a specific visit. How hard would it be to look more happy that she's there and spend a couple days with her and help look at real estate, after all, when she'd arranged this trip just for that purpose and they knew it? Why wouldn't they have more interest in having their daughter and granddaughter around? Expecting to be warmly welcomed home and then getting such an indifferent reception from the parents you rarely see would be disheartening, even if you know they mostly care about their social life. Like, why aren't YOU an important part of their social life, even for a day or two? Why are you, their child, the one who seems to matter the least to them? Nalini's parents remind me of a former friend of mine. I eventually kind of just stopped ever seeing her because when we discussed getting together, I thought we had made a definite plan and she apparently thought it was a back-up idea in case nothing better came up. Even when she showed up, she wasn't really present. She just seemed to really not care that I had made any effort or gone somewhere based on our agreeing that it was what we were going to do.
They need to start doing two seasons per year. Ten episodes released in the summer and ten released in the January doldrums seems perfect.
The red Solo cups at the Fancy Wine Station were hilarious.
Hey, we have the same birthday! And yes, it sucked as a kid having a birthday that time of year. I was sick on my birthday multiple years, and when I wasn't, there was usually a school holiday concert or church Christmas party on my birthday or just everyone was busy with other stuff. I got a lot of combination birthday/Christmas presents, while most other people got two separate presents. I had very few birthday parties when I was a kid. As an adult, I like to take a vacation for my birthday, because I have the money and freedom to do that now, but I'd never expect anyone else to make a big deal of my birthday anymore. Almost every adult I know works on their birthday unless it happens to fall on a day off, and they celebrate by going out to dinner or doing something on the weekend. It isn't really a thing that everyone is expected to take the day off for their birthday.