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Everything posted by jaybird2

  1. back in the 70's...must have been a relative's
  2. agree clues are easier and agree re katie. loved ken and executive producer
  3. this brought a nice smile to my face!!! thank you
  4. but how does she out live all the 'he ejaculated in my mouth 3 times'? not something i would want my future husband and inlaws seeing. also, what does this guy see in her? he's a lot older and she's immature....bet lindsey is eaten up with jealousy
  5. i like ciara also BUT she watched this show and knows what happened. i don't believe for a nano second that as soon as she heard that luke was on it and that she would be too that she didn't binge watching it. i don't like either hannah or luke....i feel he did lead her on by his actions....heavy petting etc
  6. i wonder what happened to her 'old' job. she, hannah and the weird guy (the one virgin who lied) all worked together.
  7. if i were her i would die to think i took care of him but he's so selfish he didn't take care of her, it's definitely not something to brag about
  8. a lot of ts's tonight.....i don't think there were any last night
  9. because they passed one and he was pointing it out as an attraction or so i thought
  10. i just saw a pic of scheana and her baby daddy......boy does he look pregnant!! she likes hot guys...he's not!!
  11. regarding chicken feet....i have a few 'old school' italian friends and they eat chicken feet. they consider it a real treat they grew up eating them.
  12. yes, i try every night and cvs. all my friends got appointments. every time i try everything is booked. eligibility has been opened yet they decrease the amount of vaccine given to each location.
  13. well i can't get one either and i'm high priority. i'm registered on 3 different sites and all the appointments are always booked. i live in ny state. last week the gov opened 'it' up so others can now receive the vaccine and we still have 30,000 in my bracket that haven't been vaccinated in my county!!!
  14. oh, i thought he was obnoxious....all in one's perception!
  15. so sad! enjoyed him.... i can't stand lance.
  16. d'andra's lips looks like she has a plate in the upper stretching side to side. it's a wonder she doesn't melt in the texas sun
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