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Everything posted by SpottedCoachDog

  1. Abso-fricking-lutely!!! Excellent points! I have never understood how people don't see that having that many kids is neglect. It's not "God's will". It's the will of selfish and ignorant people.
  2. I've always seen the irony that we see so much in the media about the dangers of fundamentalist Islam, yet this fundamentalist Christian family is "wholesome" and "quirky". Fundamentalism is always people twisting religious writings to suit their own agenda. And that Buzzfeed article is correct. I'm sure there may have been "responsible" sources that could have told the whole sordid, culty story and maybe some that wanted to. But media is unfortunately more corporate today and you can't risk jeopardizing those relationships. Which is sad.
  3. There is a picture on the @duggarfam Twitter feed of Boob and Mechelle with the birthday boy.
  4. I lose more respect for TLC (not that I had a lot to begin with) every day that passes without a firm statement about the Duggars and their future productions. I respected the Honey Boo Boo decision and how quickly it was reached. But this shit is just delaying the inevitable. If you read back over these forums for the 2-3 weeks prior to the molestation story breaking, people were already showing Duggar fatigue and wondering how soon it would be cancelled. This would be a perfect time to let it die and force the Duggars to adjust to live off camera. And feeling "defrauded" watching them now? I agree 100%!!
  5. Lil write up on Food Network Gossip about Damaris getting married this past weekend to Darrick Wood. Nikki Dinki was there.
  6. Very likely. I looked at the clock at three minutes to the hour and the elimination was just getting going.
  7. That exit interview? "You spin me right round, baby, right round. Like a record, baby, right round round round". He's not at all sorry he showed his ass. Only that he's being called on it. Bobby voted Matthew. Alex voted Sita. Giada was on the fence, but sided with Alex because Sita has yet to serve good food. She agreed Matthew's attitude sucked, but he had made good dishes. What I found odd was two things. First, it really looked to me like Matthew was storming out of the holding room to tell the judges "You can't eliminate me cuz I quit! My mommy raised a champion and you can't show me nothing!" But Sita and Emilia were close behind when he came in the room. Second, judges always do the "pep talk" to one contestant first, then address the bootee. Giada went straight to Sita. That is when Matthew turned off his hate glare and started smirking. Bobby said "He's very immature", and Giada asked about changing her vote. It was odd pacing.
  8. Giada, all is forgiven (for tonight, anyway). That was freaking awesome. Something tells me Matthew doesn't hear "no" enough. #dontletthedoorhityawheretheLordsplitya Somebody needs to put an emotion chip in the Emiliabot.
  9. I DVR'd this and just watched. I scared the cats with my "Oh, Hell, nooooooooo!!!!" when I recognized that douchekebab Matthew from CTK. I know it's standard reality show bullshit to cast somebody so immensely unlikable that everybody else seems charming in comparison. But this guy makes me want to spork out my own eyeballs. Hey, Food Network.... #makeitgoaway
  10. But he's People Magazine's Sexiest Chef!! lol I completely adore Aaròn. I think his perceived pretentiousness is just that Latin male machismo rearing its head. I notice he gives sincere compliments and constructive criticism more than some. And I want to truss up Scott Conant and put a raw red onion in his mouth like a luau pig and use him as a damn centerpiece. Ass.
  11. I'm clueless on how to do links, but Daily Mail has a story about the move on their U.S. Home page. It says Steve Nield and Josh are friends and it has pics of both the Maryland home and the new house in Arkansas. New house isn't bad at all.
  12. The is a link a page or two back to a Washington Post story that states that the second report from the Sheriff's Department was 50 pages and InTouch had only released four so far. The editor of InTouch stated "We aren't done with the Duggar's yet". In light of Megyn's question, I have to wonder what she knew and why ask the girls and not Boob.
  13. First of all, my heart breaks for the girls. They can claim no big deal, all is forgiven. But it is painfully obvious their trauma and suffering was marginalized to protect their scummy brother. For that reason....I'll admit to a certain sense of, I guess it's satisfaction, that Jim Bob, Michelle and Josh are watching their house of cards tumble down. And the best part? All the time and effort they put into denying LBTG rights and it's a gay magazine editor with an assist from a gay woman that are bringing them down. They've branded these people as pedophiles and oh the irony. You know, I personally think that religions that subjugate women and turn them into broodmares then proactively ensure their litters of children have no discernible life skills should be against the law. But I'm not campaigning for it. It's the hypocrisy that's making people enjoy this. And yes, the girls have in a horrible way become "collateral damage" (I hate that phrase). The girls are paying far more for the sins of their parents and brother now. My only hope it that the lil corner of Hell that awaits those three in the afterlife is hot enough to make them wish for Michelle's old bikini.
  14. Just castrate him. His brain is in his dick so it's a twofer!
  15. I was looking at the picture of Megyn Kelly at the Duggar dinner table and Jessa is standing behind Ben with her arms around him. Joy, Jana and Jinger are all at the table as well as three older boys (no John David). So one spouse was present for sure. And the other involved sisters were there, but for whatever reason only Jill and Jessa participated. I'm curious what else InTouch may have coming out based on the last story linked above.
  16. If they were floating this as a trial balloon to test the water, I'd say the Kelly interviews might have taken it down like the Hindenburg.
  17. I'm the one who said Jill and Jessa were role models and might have influence on potential victims. There has always been the fear that if you tell "outsiders" will find out. The difference is 99% of the public aren't famous and don't need to expect the cover of a magazine will follow. Trivializing their experience might make Josh and their parents feel better, but it honestly is a disservice to any abuse survivor- them most of all. The abuse happened in 2002-2003. The first special was in 2004. The police report was in 2006. This was not something that was "behind" them, but Jim Boob put fame before family. They can claim that they thought the records were sealed, but when you've confessed at church and talked to law enforcement and counselors? You're tempting fate that everybody will keep your secrets. Fate bit them in the ass.
  18. Of course they are entitled to have an opinion and tell their story. But whether they or anybody else likes it, they have set themselves up as "role models" and examples of a fundamentalist lifestyle. Yes, their parents got the ball rolling in that area, but they wrote the book and accept money to speak on their views. What I have issue with (and I was molested by a family member when I was 12), it the way they are defending Josh and minimizing what happened. What about the pre-teen girls who idolize these girls? What if they are abused? Are they going to feel like "well, Jill and Jessa said it wasn't a big deal so I shouldn't say anything"? A throwaway line that it was a "bad choice" doesn't do enough. Apologies and prayer won't heal everyone.
  19. So many have commented on Jessa doing nothing to comfort Jill when she started crying. It is possible that Jessa would have had a "mean girl" personality if the abuse had never happened. But I think her cold, bitchy demeanor is her coping mechanism. Plus a day or so before this story broke, I read a tabloid story (inTouch or Life and Style) while in line at the store that stated that Jessa was essentially having a Jan Brady "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia" fit over Jill. Even though Jessa met Ben earlier, Jill's courtship and wedding came first. Jill got the new bigger home and Jessa got the refurbished mold house. Jessa was supposedly ordered by Boob to keep her pregnancy quiet until after Jill had the baby. Most siblings have rivalry and maybe Jessa just has no fucks to give Jill. I have also decided the "accredited counseling" they are citing must be people they spoke to at the time of the police report. I would assume that once they realized what had happened, the police made sure counsel was available and spoke to the girls as part of protocol. And Boob and Jessa can deny Josh is a child molester til the cows come home. He committed incest (even it it was only for a few seconds). Most people will not ever find this to be acceptable behavior (unless you're in the Duggar social circle apparently). They can cry persecution and liberal media and agenda all they want. To me, it comes down to this: "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone..." John 8:7. "Thou shalt not bear false witness". They condemn others for sinning because their stint as a reality television family gave them the platform to do so. These interviews show they either lied to the police when the report was made or are lying now. You can't have it both ways. If you want privacy, then don't bring the public into your home. You don't want to be judged, then don't judge others. Own your "mistakes" and reap what you have sown.
  20. I take the "Joshie paid for his own counseling" line as continuing the "tender heart" narrative. He felt so bad he wanted to take full responsibility for it. The fact that said counseling cannot be proved and his lack of income are to be ignored. Josh came back from "rehab" a changed person according to Jessa. Then he must've really been a dick before since he cracked the "double dating" joke about Jana and John David chaperoning him and Anna well after this happened. O.o As for Jill and Jessa being trotted out for this interview, never ever forget Jim Boob's damaged Christmas bicycle story. The molested girls are not "pure". The other two girls are "damaged goods", but these two are safely married off so we can expose them. So. Much. Hate. Finally, I don't recall as much sympathy for Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell when she was "outed" as the victim in the Honey Boo Boo nastiness. Was it less offensive to people because of the "white trash" factor? She hurts just as much.
  21. I feel for the girls...they never stood a chance growing up in that circus. But you cannot minimize what was done as no big deal and claim it was behind you then cry at being revictimized. It clearly WAS and IS a big deal. And the deal was never dealt with, I don't care what they say. Childhood sexual abuse leave a permanent mark. But by far and away the award for most WTF moment is Megyn Kelly blasting the evil media for exploiting this. YOU are the one getting the ratings interviewing the admitted victims you fucking hypocrite!!!!!
  22. If blood ties are so sacrosanct that we are calling out Ridge on being a Marone, then how about the blood tie to Stephanie? I mean, after all, if memory serves me right FC was built on Eric's design talent and Stephanie's money and business sense. So put that in your pipe and cry over it, Ricky. And if Ridge isn't "Forrester" enough, why do he and his children (who have zero Forrester blood) own half the company stock? Oh yeah, that any way the wind blows writing thing.
  23. It wasn't so much giving the Spencer family control of Forrester as much as it was the only means to the end they could come up with: ousting Rick and his abuse. And hiya, CupidStunt :)
  24. Even though the anvils have been dropping hard and heavy for weeks (Hell, months) over how Rick values honesty and that he's potentially unstable, I'll be surprised if he is physically violent towards Maya. Even though if the show wants to be "honest" , consistent and actually do something good and educate people that's exactly what they should do. I'm not saying I want to watch that scene, but it is a realistic fear and reaction transgender individuals encounter. Prejudice is ugly.
  25. But it wasn't a sandwich. It was a cheese course. I have a headache from rolling my eyes at that bullshit.
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